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16067473 No.16067473 [Reply] [Original]

In the coming years there will be a phrase like this:

"if you bought crypto pre-2020 you are lucky"

you are the new "bought before 2017" people

>> No.16067523
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Doubtful. More people will lose more than they can handle and kill themselves than actually make it. Look at how many retards are still getting fleeced by ripple. Pretty hilarious desu

>> No.16067541
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It wasnt so much luck, its more like having the wherewithal to dyor and actually care about whats going on in the world. Almost everybody under 40 has heard of bitcoin/crypto, its obviously an emerging space, most people are just too overwhelmed by the information and dont trust their own judgement. They trust (((the experts))), ive told so many people to buy and they all think its a scam and tell me im crazy. So its not luck, its just fortitude.

>> No.16067555

Kek Lamden

>> No.16067593

we are going to have a new generation of kids complaining why us boomers was born during the easiest time of life become millionaires from crypto. They will start making statistical charts and dreams the day of the pillow.

>> No.16067598
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Checked. Nice digits fren

>> No.16067607

I've spent the past two years focusing just on crypto. Should have been doing this 2014-2017 but better late than never. It wasn't easy. I think we still have another year or so to accumulate.

>> No.16067614

lmao this. "Back then you could literally do nothing and just put your money crypto"

>> No.16067737

Many who were exposed to crypto for the first time in 2017 still think it's dead or over. When it goes parabolic again, the FOMO will likely weigh down on them and push them to get in.

>> No.16067803

Kek this. What do you mean crypto was believed to be a scam for many years grandpa?

>> No.16067805

Same, unironically took out a loan at a shit interest rate in nov 2017. Ive been on /biz/ every day since. Been a long 2 years but looks like were gonna make it.

>> No.16067827

I believe in Monero!

>> No.16067834

idk man, its so different now. the cat is out of the bag

>> No.16067875

when you say crypto, what projects are you reffering to? and are there some that arent being actively shilled that will lend comprable rois?

>> No.16067938

Weird because I've been in for 2 years and im only down.

>> No.16067961

>Ive been on /biz/ every day since. Been a long 2 years
>I've spent the past two years focusing just on crypto.

Now this is where you might be going a bit wrong, lads. "Investing" isn't an activity that benefits from a more active approach.

Quite the opposite. Go and fucking live your lives or you'll regret it horribly. You do NOT need to read fucking forums every day, it won't make the price go up any faster.

> ignored my bitcoin from 2013 to 2017 and got rich
> "focused on crypto" again during the bubble/crash and lost a lot of it
> ignored it again since last year and richer than ever

Place your bets, keep half an eye on overall sentiment (if you're checking shit more than once a week you're wasting your life), and otherwise go and have sex

>> No.16067972
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"gee i wish i bought decred before it was added to coinbase!"

>> No.16067984
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800B overall market cap is nothing. we're going into the trillions this time, although meme/scam alts will die off, leaving bigger gains for those few that are left.

it's literally all just market cycles and we are right on time.

>> No.16068078

>Quite the opposite. Go and fucking live your lives or you'll regret it horribly. You do NOT need to read fucking forums every day, it won't make the price go up any faster.
Its not just that, its also sacrificing superficial spending for long term success. I could spend $100 going out every friday night, or i could buy .5 eth. Crypto is a once in a lifetime opportunity, im not missing it. My goal is to have a wife and family, im 30 now. So i made the decision at 28. 32 year old me will be thankful for the scarifices ive made these past 2 years. And if i didnt go all out like i am, 32 year old wage slave me wouldve regretted it the rest of my life.

>> No.16068108

Canyacoin fucking massacred some anons.

>> No.16068124

This is a good thing though. Scam/meme alts need to (and will) bleed to 0. It should be obvious by now which alts will bull alongside BTC in the coming 2 years.

>> No.16068165


> wants a wife
> never socialises because all his money goes to crypto

You know what else is a "once in a lifetime opportunity", dude? Fucking LIFE itself.

We are as bad as gymcels who want to get jacked to impress girls, then they never go out and have no life and end up with nothing.

You don't have to have crypto to meet girls, mate. Just be fucking normal. I am literally a millionaire and fucking good looking but I still have to get out there and make a huge effort to meet girls ever.

also you don't need $100 to go out at the weekend. $10 of shop-bought alcohol is enough to get hammered.

Any excuse to avoid socialising, I swear. Makes me so sad to see because I made the same mistake before.

>> No.16068179

Lmao I wondered what that logo was. Word of advice for the newfriends: E V E R Y project that comes from Australia is a gigantic fucking scam.

>> No.16068396
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>You don't have to have crypto to meet girls, mate.
Im not a neet or khv, ive dated girls and dont think ill have a problem finding one.
>also you don't need $100 to go out at the weekend. $10 of shop-bought alcohol is enough to get hammered.
I do this, with friends.

Im at the point where i want to find a wife, so i can find an average girl my age, who will probably have all kinds of baggage being single and 28+. So i could spend my money trying to take girls out now, hoping to find someone to settle down with for a nice wageslave life. Or. I can put all my money into crypto now, and hope to find a nice young cute girl to be a stay at home wife and raise my kids once i make it.

>> No.16068417

We just keep moving the year forward dont we

>> No.16068447

>my age
bro you're doing it wrong. just wife an 18-year old girl

>> No.16068465 [DELETED] 
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kek, reread it, thats the plan

>> No.16068484

there is no way this bubble doesnt hit the trillions. so far BTC has literally done everything as textbook as could be - around an 85% correction from the high, bottomed on all the relevant indicators, and is now in the 2015/16 accumulation phase

just make sure you sell most of your bags in 2021/2. maybe just hold a little btc to see where it goes

>> No.16068488

kek, reread it, thats the plan

>> No.16068566

That's pretty obvious. We're still in the early adopter age. At this point it's mostly big money investors, americans (most of the popular simple to use apps only support u.s. customers) and millennial/zoomer geeks trading crypto. Normalfags have either not heard anything of it, heard something but don't care for various reasons or they've heard a lot but don't know how to get in on it. If at some point crypto will be integrated into big tech platforms like facebook, google store, apple store, alibaba, amazon etc, we will see hundreds of millions of people get into crypto. Trillions of dollars will flow into this market. People holding top coins right now will become millionaires and billionaires because their value will increase 100-1000x when even the dumbest boomers, housewives and low iq shitskins will be able to buy crypto with one simple click on their phone.

>> No.16068627

Is now a good time to buy? It’s gonna go up? $9,200 is a lot for a bitcoin but I have money to invest

>> No.16068640
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Ctrl F "LINK"

>> No.16068680

If you don't care about short-term losses then sure, it's better than ever. However If you want to buy cheaper than now then wait until the last week of November

>> No.16068797

This advice is only true after you've identified your long-term picks, and to be able to distinguish shitcoin from promising future technology, you need to immerse yourself in this market, absorbing yourself in whitepapers, wikipedia articles, and shit-flinging fights on /biz/ until you grasp the basic lineaments of the technology and different paths of development.
Then you need to experience delusional, blind faith, become a braindead linkie or fanboy for whatever the token of the year is, then somehow perceive the reality that things are much more contingent and risky if not outright false than you suckered yourself into believing. Only then can you begin to discern what coins will rise from the ashes.
Once you've gotten to that point and humbled yourself enough to select a handful of coins, at least one of which should do crazy numbers in a bull market, can you divorce yourself from constant immersion.

>> No.16068813

Idiot. Where were you at $7k a week ago? If you didn't know to buy then, you're not going to know when to buy now. So just pull the trigger and accept the value will fluctuate and you don't know in which direction. Just buy it and hold on for a long time.

>> No.16068855

Meh doubt it
We will never have another 17
We will have coins that’ll do 100x but won’t be like 17 where u literally through a dart on CMC, bought that coin and 100x
I fucking bought Tron @ 0.004 and less than a month later it was 0.17
Not sure how many Xxs that was, but what I know now is there will never be something like this again

>> No.16068860

In the coming years there will be a phrase like this:

"wow, you got scammed in that global digital coin scheme right?, you were so dumb".

>> No.16068867

Thanks anon, Based thread.
They're young and they dont know... yet.

>> No.16068890

B-been h-holding since I bought at 16,000 I have 0.81 btc

>> No.16068907
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>We will have coins that’ll do 100x but won’t be like 17 where u literally through a dart on CMC, bought that coin and 100x
This is not a bad thing though. At least not for /biz/ autists who can discern vaporware from promising projects with consistent returns. Keep in mind that we will destroy the previous ATH mcap BUT with a lot less shitcoins around. Meaning that gains will flood into the few chosen alts.
I do agree though that this next bull market will have a totally different character than the previous one. The wild west days of 2017 and previous years are long gone.

>> No.16068920

If you spent a grand Bitcoin bottomed early this year you’d be in profit already
Buy the dumps you fucking clown so at minumum you bring your avgs down

>> No.16068970

People will be taking a stroll in the graveyard and see headstones that read: "Anon 1992 - 2020, he purchased the wrong crypto."

>> No.16069026

What will bitcoin's ATH be? Can I make it just from buying bitcoin?

>> No.16069049

Kek, so true

>> No.16069055

No one can predict the future, but it is quite difficult to make it from just buying and holding bitcoin nowadays. For the average person with only 10k or so to invest, (good) alts are your better option.

>> No.16069062

I'm almost ready to forget about crypto but not quite ready. I still need a few months

>> No.16069079

Alts are shit though the only ones I could see doing anything are ETH and LTC

>> No.16069088

which cryptocurrencys do you think will hit 100-100x?

>> No.16069101

I don't want to sound like a shill but cmon lad, you know which alt I'm talking about (the best performer of 2018 and 2019). I think ETH will do well in the upcoming bullrun, LTC is honestly a tossup at this point. LTC's usecase is somewhat questionable. A large reason why it still remains near the top is the fact that it was early to the game.

>> No.16069120

Which one is a "GOOD" alts?

>> No.16069124


>> No.16069136


BTC, ETH, What else?

I'm going to make it wiht only 1k usd?

>> No.16069143

I refuse to buy chainlink. Litecoin I think will alway follow bitcoin's movements just because normies see it as digital silver. I'll look into buying ETH though

>> No.16069151
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>I refuse to buy chainlink
kek stay poor then

>> No.16069175

Enlighten me then

>> No.16069177

link, xmr, eth

>> No.16069186

>actually buying decred

>> No.16069193

Tezos, Tezos Tezos and maybe Bitcoin
Everything else is trash

>> No.16069197


you had 2 years

>> No.16069211

Here's a tip anons, because I'm feeling generous with my time and haven't posted on here in months: Go lurk on the Amoveo telegram, and please do not sperg out and embarrass yourself. You will see genius at work laying down groundwork for the next revolution in blockchain science.

>> No.16069223

Linkies are the actual scourge of this board, fucking idol-worshipping faggots with schizoidal messianic faith.

>> No.16069228

Not really the same desu, most people probably hadn't even heard about crypto before 2017 so the "luck" argument was still valid. Now probably everyone has at least heard about bitcoin they are just too lazy to look into it.

>> No.16069231

No. Stay away. Buy xrp and trx

>> No.16069237

>Writes stay poor and posts Link meme
>Immediately out himself as a low IQ subhuman.

>> No.16069269
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Fuckin based.
Wholly shit...
>This Anon KNOWS.

>> No.16069270

>I do agree though that this next bull market will have a totally different character than the previous one. The wild west days of 2017 and previous years are long gone.
Dont underestimate the euphoric feeling of a bull market. Its hard to imagine this far away about the feeling you had during the last peak but people will be buying any shitcoin soon enough.

>> No.16069302

>will be buying any shitcoin soon enough.
Maybe... although it's hard to see normies falling for shit like logo changes and """partnerships""" again. I think 2018 left a really bad taste in these normies' mouths, with almost every alt going -95% and not recovering.
The greed is still there but I think people will be slightly wiser this time around.

>> No.16069317


>> No.16069446

Canyacoin threads were the funniest in the history of /biz/ to me, like a hundred anons staring at a bag of shit splattered on the ground and hoping it will suddenly bounce

>> No.16069506

Agreed, only alts can give 100x gains now. Im betting on good tech alts with low current value like ont and algo. I believe they can do 30x in an year

>> No.16069956


Ripple should go to zero. Centralized shitcoins can get fucked imo

>> No.16070004


>$9,200 is a lot for a bitcoin

Based on what

>> No.16070089

>I refuse to buy chainlink.
I mean I'm gonna retire on link but hey maybe a litecoin will get you there.

>> No.16070139

kys tard

>> No.16070221

Why you hate link? The project itself, not the shills.

Why do you think an underground project like Amoveo is better than a top 15 project which seems like it’s on it’s way of becoming the project most capable of solving the oracle problem?

I’m not a link fag btw, I just want to know your thoughts.

>> No.16070225

4.00+ down to .009333
I forgot about canya, absolutely brutal i remember when Kucoin (I think) had banners about it.

>> No.16070269

Everyone not in BSV next year will kys and leave crypto or domp buy bsv at $4000+ screencap this

>> No.16070298
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In the coming years there will be a phrase like this:

"If you sold pre-2020 you are lucky"

you are the new "sold at 18k" people

>> No.16070334

Learn what Zack accomplished with Bitcoin Hivemind, then Augur, then Aeternity, and then from a few years of pure research into the game theory behind a secure oracle system, then read his notes on developing state channels, sortition chains, harmonic series, and other shit that is far beyond your or my IQ to understand. Oh yeah and his background as a physics and math genius. Then compare that with what you know about Sergey, an entrepreneurial philosophy graduate who has a VC background.
You should be able to tell that one of these persons is a scientist while the other is a financial opportunist.

>> No.16070393

You really think so? Well, I am thinking the same. Cheers!

>> No.16070404

The only new "link marines" still on /biz/ are fucking newfags who were not around to get swept up in the hype around SIBOS and the Assblaster lore, to have genuinely nursed delusions of a price singularity, only to have their unlimited optimism, borne of an unwillingness to address personal failings, continually disappointed by piddling announcements and progress by the team.
Chainlink was the best scam of 2019 to be in on but it won't survive.

>> No.16070429
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If you are on this board long enough and have a shred of intelligence you come to see things for what they really are.

>> No.16070437

Ok I’ll look into him. Why does the coin have $19 volume on CMC though? Can I buy in?

>> No.16070441

>t. dumped link stack "at the absolute top" at .80

>> No.16070450

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA Ari Juels, gg faggot

>> No.16070471


>> No.16070486

What price will BTC reach by 2022?

>> No.16070608

Because no one knows about it yet except hardcore crypto programmers, a few autists, and a few VCs

>> No.16070635

>seems like it’s on it’s way of becoming the project most capable of solving the oracle problem
Link is as much on its way to 'solving the oracle problem' as ethereum is to 'solving the smart contract problem.' Your premises are false.

>> No.16070642

Making 10x my money by doing nothing but holding is such a bad scam! I hope I get scammed more often with such horrific scams like these!

>> No.16070656

>he holds STINK

>> No.16070675


>> No.16070817
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>> No.16070834

Based on its price historically, am I wrong

>> No.16070874

The low volume scares me

>> No.16071063

>I am literally a millionaire
Unironically how? Crypto? Long time lurker and I wanna start, but fuck if there isn't a ton of info to sift through.

>> No.16071171

Fuck off zack.
Nobody cares about your obscure shitcoin and inane rambling. Link is the defacto oracle network now. Just bend the knee already or continue mindlessly flailing about.

>> No.16071202
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tfw holding 6/9 of those coins for the past 2 years

>> No.16071331
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>> No.16071341

God I hope you are right. I can't take being poor anymore, guys. If I don't make it in a few years I'll honestly just quit this bullshit life.