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16060126 No.16060126 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16060133

stfu cincinnatarusrex, dumb cunt sold early

>> No.16060140

>why would anyone hold?
People whale btc and they don't even get anything from it.

Nice try but your low street shitter iq isn't good enough to make it. Try cutting your dick off and pretending to be a girl instead

>> No.16060144

What kind of retard doesnt understand once there is institutional adoption its no longer highly speculative

>> No.16060155

T. Sold at 2.30

>> No.16060158

try 1.2, the discord tranny got played and is salty like shit

>> No.16060161

Why don't you reply to the question?

>> No.16060164

Cincinnatus is a trader, not an investor. They don't fundamentally understand Chainlink or what it is for. They think it's like any other crypto they've been flipping based on charts.

>> No.16060181

Staking was described in the whitepaper, which was released in September of 2017.

Now pick one of these options:
1) this point has already been discussed to the absolute depths of hell and back
2) this is the first time this point has been brought up

>> No.16060192
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>> No.16060193

Basically this question amounts to the following: "the free market is incapable of establishing the price of an asset".
It's bunk, pure and simple.

>> No.16060195

I don't get the hate for the guy. His takes are a lot more refreshing than the mindless 1000EOY hopium meme cringe bullshit.

t. Not Cincinnatus

>> No.16060198

There is no on-chain way of transacting USD.

>inb4 "hurrr you should just send USD to a notarized escrow account in order to stake/pay a decentralized network of oracles designed to cut out middlemen"

>> No.16060204

Estimates at about $10/year per 10,000 LINK.... the math in determining is pretty complex and requires a background in stochastic calculus to really figure it out.... we had a couple of quants arguing over the finer points, but this was the geometric mean that was decided upon. Better to just buy a bag, wait for a pump, and then sell to ETH or OMG which well offer much better staking returns to do better tokenomics

>> No.16060207

see >>16060181
you absolute imbecile.

>> No.16060211
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>> No.16060214

>when you're hungry for steaking but all you get served is word salad

>> No.16060219 [DELETED] 

You make $10 a year with a 10,000 stack. Nice risk reward ratio


>> No.16060220
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>> No.16060231

Hi schizinnatus

>> No.16060237

That's me fudding.

>> No.16060239

First I would like to backtrack a little and give some context to LinkPool and our history. We started LinkPool in 2017, shortly after the Chainlink ICO. We first realised the necessity for a staking pool for Chainlink due to the higher than normal technical requirements for this type of staking, but we also wanted to help grow the ecosystem by building tools and services for Chainlink. We received great support from the community and decided to hold a small crowdsale of 1000 Ethereum for 1000 LP tokens allowing us to develop LinkPool to the highest standards. We sold 700 Eth worth and distributed the remaining tokens so the ratio was about 1:1.4 ETH/LP, you can read more about that in this article.

>> No.16060244
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As part of the crowdsale, we offered up 25% of earnings from our services, so we created 4000 tokens and distributed 1000 to the crowdsale participants to represent that 25%. The earnings distribution process is managed by our Owners Contract and any LINK tokens generated from our services (not just staking) are deposited into the contract, and then distributed to LP holders. This is the main function of the LP token, a way for our contract to determine distribution. The good news for LP holders is that all rewards that our nodes generate before Penalty and Deposit contracts are in place will still be sent to our Owners Contract for distribution.

YOU MAKE 25% OF $10/10,000 LINK TOKENS

>> No.16060249

Not to mention it would be piss easy to set up a smart contract for dynamic staking.
>Link go up; remove X amount of Link from stake
>Link go down; add X amount of Link to stake

This would in turn require oracles providing services to other oracles, further adding to Chainlink's massively deep networking effect.

>> No.16060251
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>> No.16060258


>staking rewards are 10 USD per 10k Link because trust us bro

>> No.16060269

That's the FUD pasta I wrote for reddit. In reality you will be getting 6.56% PA from staking.

>> No.16060271

How did it get to this?
A 4chan meme is now worth $1,000,000,000 USD.

Chainlink competitors (oracles):
https://bandprotocol.com/ ~ marketcap $4.4 million: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/band-protocol/
https://mobius.network/; ~ marketcap $3.2M: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/mobius/

Chainlink has limited to no revenue to date.

Investors are currently paying a 300x (30,000%) premium over competitors.
Generally, for a company that has monopolized it's industry, the risk ratio is justified, yet in this peculiar instance
investors are paying a massive premium for a company that no established marketshare with less than <100 active customers.

It's biggest claim to fame: "Swift Partnership on the horizon"... Never became a reality.
The shills constantly talked about Swift and how much token appreciation it would bring to the project.... well Swift is now developing their own oracle and the shills have gone quite on this.

The shills have moved on to EOY $1000 claims with no substance.
A $1000 LINK price would equate to a market cap of $349,783,945,220 ($349 billion USD) a feat not even Bitcoin has achieved and would put it's value close to JP Mogan Chase, one of the world's largest banks
with over 250,000 employees. Chainlink has two core employees, the rest are office shufflers.
The biggest thing to happen to LINK has been, wait for it.. A Google Cloud blog post.

colorsdontlie: "News outlet and journalists keep reporting on "partnerships" with Google and Swift. But if you actually read the source for the
"partnership", it's just a blog post by Google Cloud that promotes their own service (BigQuery) and shows an example about how Chainlink users
can use Google Cloud if they want. In no way is Google partnered or planning on using Chainlink themselves.."

>> No.16060275


>> No.16060287

Research stablecoins in relations with chainlink
If you aren’t a total brainlet you have your answer

>> No.16060291

Chainlink has zero true Fortune 500 partnerships.
If one can call it partnership, the biggest to date has simply been Oracle and Google allowing clients to use Chainlink as a tool provider.
This is akin to making a Chrome extension and calling it "Google partnership" or perhaps getting listed in the AppStore and claiming "Apple Partnership"

Sergey Nazarov Experience:
Sergey created Secure Asset Exchange. Less than 1 year later it shutdown with virtually no clients:
See: https://trade.secureae.com/
Archive History: https://web.archive.org/web/20160801000000*/https://trade.secureae.com/

His other startup "CryptoMail" never made it to public beta before it closed down.

This is their list of confirmed partnerships to date. Notice something? No true Fortune 500. They're all small time partnerships with crypto companies.

Everyone loves memes but sooner or later, fundamentals rule.
Remember Pepe Cash? It was worth $96,000,000 USD at one point. Now it's worth less than $4M.

The team constantly dumps LINK tokens on new 4chan bagholders:
"According to etherscan data there have been 14 chunks of 700,000 Link sellings for a total of 9.8 million links so far, or an estimated $30 million."
"For some 40 days Chainlink seems to have been selling, by going through a small chain of addresses to end on Binance, this huge amount of funds."

>> No.16060293

>chainstink scam based on the idea high iq autists spot patterns before normals
>same autists are so far behind in their crypto knowledge they don't know about stablecoins that predate their shitcoin ico

>> No.16060297

Then there's this:
"Researchers have published evidence of what they claim is a coordinated pump and dump manipulation involving the Chainlink (LINK) token."
"Pump and dump is the name given to a type of microcap fraud, in which the price of an asset frequently one with low market capitalization and share volume is manipulated by a coordinated rush of high-volume purchases by a group of actors working in complicity. "

The shills try to brush this off as non news worthy.
The report comes from AnChain.Ai, a Silicon Valley deep data analytics A.I firm which is used by some of the world's largest exchanges like Huobi, Coinbene, etc.
The exchanges would now be well aware of this report and it would be very ballsy of CoinBase & Binance to continue listing a PnD scheme in lieu of SEC enforcement actions.

Searching for Chainlink scam on Google returns thousands of results.
Just 2 examples.
KevinPasta: They have been exposed already for volume fraud. And the founders are known scammers. They already put out 5 scams. This is just a money grab from ignorant investors."
"Whatevor1: It is 2019, the time to buy into any ICO is over. Chainlink is no exception. There are two people (!) that hold 65% of the total supply. They could sell at any moment, I'm not making this up, DYOR."

You can, of course, search Google for thousands more.

It is well known these shills coordinate their spamming activities via discord. To give illusion of popularity, the shills constantly "talk" to each other about Chainlink to make
the project appear more popular than it truly is. This activity would get shutdown or exposed on a platform like Reddit or Twitter but impossible on an "anonymous" 4chan forum where one
individual can use dozens of anonymous VPNs to appear like another unique "individual".

Did you buy Chainlink because it's truly revolutionary or did you fall for a 4chan spammer?

>> No.16060303

>That's the FUD pasta I wrote for reddit. In reality you will be getting 6.56% PA from staking.

and what price would that put link at

>> No.16060305

A stablecoin is not the same as the actual fiat.
In fact, any stablecoin worth its salt requires oracles to even function, causing a clear conflict of interests.

>> No.16060308

Imagine the kind of person who would have the unironic twitter handle @CincinnatusBTC lmao.

>> No.16060314

Fud trannies and bots have been spamming their copy pastes ever since LINK took first dive during the weekend lol

>> No.16060323

Also that TinnitusClitorus twitter lad... did he just find out that tokens can be locked in smart contracts in 2019?

>> No.16060341

>would put its value close to Morgan Chase
Shouldn't compare the next financial revolution to a literal ponzi scheme that scams its lowest holding clients with over-draft fees.

>> No.16060359

>Ponzi Scheme
>An ICO designed to hoover up all dumb money

>> No.16060365

>x28 returns
>"dumb money"

>> No.16060366
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>> No.16060370

I once asked Jonny this question and he couldn't answer.

>> No.16060386
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>Implying anyone in crypto isnt dumb money

>> No.16060392


>> No.16060396

The guy sold at $2.30 making a 40% "profit" while thinking he is a big shot while warning everybody that LINK is gonna go down. Then when LINK started going up he was all "hurr durr my sell was a macro decision not a micro, my bot showed LINK was bullish." Even though he specifically kept spamming how LINK is gonna dump any second now.

The guy has some decent calls, but at the end of the day he's a trader that might make some % gainz while missing out on a comfy LINK moon, because of his stubbornness.

>> No.16060407

o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0oo0o0 fuck the problems being solved FUCK me dead WE ARE GOING TO MAKE IT

>> No.16060408

>or did you fall for a 4chan spammer?
How ironic.

>> No.16060448

Smartest guy in my childhood friend circle (statistician) never got into crypto because he was intimidated by the initial "difficulty" threshold.
He ended up investing in boomer stocks for a 16% yield that he's very happy about.

>> No.16060509

Kys cinnabun

>> No.16060519

So many assumptions. OP has sand in his vagina.

>> No.16060525

Depends on the usage of course. When it's $1000, your 10k stack will make you $656,000 per year.

>> No.16060619

>Why would people do something risky?

>> No.16060649

Not trying to fud but I have a serious concern with Chainlink. Chainlink has been on Ropsten for a month and everyone was expecting all these potential partners to test on the test net. The team even told people to keep an eye on Ropsten to see the customers using the network. Well for 3 weeks the only transactions on Ropsten have been regular peeps taking the 100 Ropsten link from the faucet. There has been absolutely no requests for data. In fact, someone asked Thomas why and then Thomas made a run to show it works. Well I see Thomas's request for data but it is the only one.

Why is there no testing on Ropsten? Where are all these customers/partners/devs that are supposed to be drooling at the potential of Chainlink? I know the lack of communication, lack of updates from Sergey, lack of social media presence, increasing competition from large players are all red flags but this may be the largest.

Does anyone actually want to use Chainlink Network?

>> No.16060662

kek based, this makes linkers go berserk

>> No.16060676

You're not supposed to figure that out. Leave this board.

>> No.16060688

based and trurthpilled on the $LINK scam.

>> No.16060689

>Why is there no testing on Ropsten? Where are all these customers/partners/devs that are supposed to be drooling at the potential of Chainlink?
Because developers don't need centralized KYC oracles. Literally no one using it, you can see here https://www.reddit.com/r/ethdev/comments/caonyv/anyone_using_chainlink_whats_all_the_hype_about_it/

t. developer myself who would never use Chainlink because it's neither secure nor decentralized.

>> No.16060704
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>> No.16060955
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>> No.16060972

Hey, I'm a Wendys chef making 40K/year, also raped your mom behind and Arbys in 1996, you can call me daddy anon.

>> No.16060986
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How dare you?! That is not xir's preferred pronoun.

>> No.16061005

this cincinattus person is fucking annoying. stop retweeting his shit on this board. this isn't twitter

>> No.16061354

Your replied to old pasta newfag
ayo nigga i aint tryna to fud but I got beef n shiet wit Chainlink. bruh Chainlink been on dat Ropsten for months n erryone finna expectin deez potential partners 2 test on dat test net. Sergey and his niggas even told yall to keep an eye on dat Ropsten to see dem customerz usin the network. Nigga it finna been 3 welfare payments n the only transactions on Ropsten been deadass average peeps takin the hunnit Ropsten link from tha faucet shiet. They aint no requests fo data. shiet, as a matter of fact homie some nigga aksed Thomas why and then Thomas got scurred n made a fake ass run to show it works. Homeslice, I see Tommy's request nigga but it be da only muthafuckin one. Why aint no niggas testing on Ropsten? Where all these niggas at dat post to be creaming they underwear at the potenshul of Chainlink huh? Deadass tha lack of sergey n his niggas talkin, no updates and no fukkin worldstar presence, increasing competition from mobius niggas all red flags up in this bitch.

>> No.16061387

because it will save billions of dollars compared to how it;s done now you fucking retard

>> No.16061489

uh oh buttblasted queer raging cuz his precious "godking" or more accurate dogshit ruler refuses to answer the most basic of questions. it looks like linkies were shoved against the lockers again

>> No.16061500

Yeah sorry, I'm out. First they couldn't even get 50. But that's beside the point. Just look at the list, it's a bunch of nobodies. Half of which look like basement dwellers creating their crypto webpage a few weeks ago. Find me ONE legit company on that list. There is none. It's a bunch of crypto nobodies serving as references for each-other with no tangible product or service. I'm out, this is pure hype that's got nothing to do with the real world.

>> No.16061541

Look at that faggot copy-pasting same post under every LINK thread in catalog kek

>> No.16061634

look at this queer getting worked by it and having to call it out. LOL stayed buttgaped queer it's bout your speed at life