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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 77 KB, 1200x1007, Need+more+smug+post+smug+please+ty_716494_6738164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16053291 No.16053291 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16053305

>t. Incel

>> No.16053316
File: 69 KB, 564x1088, 192C015C-4FBC-40D1-A6E6-48F6FFE841D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I hear is cope

>> No.16053321
File: 91 KB, 1080x720, 1570481405039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So true, BASED.

>> No.16053348
File: 421 KB, 677x309, 500187f027e15a29fc801edff4c27f7f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aight lemme get this straight Tone
you sayin I should dress like a bum in order to look rich?

>> No.16053351

You've got it backwards buddy, appearance is everything. Textbook cope, try lurking /fa/

>> No.16053366 [DELETED] 

Imagine unironically believing this. We are talking about men, not women.

>> No.16053379

you cant make it without a good appearance

>> No.16053390

Imagine unironically believing this. We are talking about men, not women.

>> No.16053418

Ok then. Next time you go to your job interview make sure you look like absolute shit. Let’s see how that turns out.

>> No.16053428
File: 55 KB, 960x682, 03BD6A60-E88C-416A-B3F0-1F3B78342B2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you’re Mark fucking Zuckerberg good looks will always give a halo effect to the well-dressed/groomed. God /biz/ is so fucking stupid.

>> No.16053461

>4/10 looks and 2/10 taste anon detected
The term dress for success isn't just a meme, it's a real thing. Nobody is taking some slob in sweat pants and a hoodie seriously if they want to make it.

>> No.16053476

This. Appearance =/= sexual attraction. Do you really think men don't care about professionalism, or at the very least appearance on a subconscious level? Everybody has inherent bias. Their first thought will be "how the fuck is he gonna succeed in this job when he can't even dress himself or practice basic hygiene?" Fucking mong, enjoy being poor.

>> No.16053484


>> No.16053487
File: 87 KB, 1200x630, 57540-pqkyrltmao-1494012568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking good is based, just don't go full blown metrosexual.

>> No.16053496

It’s ugly fag cope, sage him and move on

>> No.16053506

>sage him and move on
>3 posts by this ID
seething cope

>> No.16053553


I'm an established and respected individual in my chosen profession and I can tell you from experience (something you don't have) that the worse you dress and the weirder you look, the more you will be respected and treated well. I've gone out of my way to be unpresentable in hopes of being left alone and not consulted by other people, but the more horrible I make myself appear the more business I seem to have. If you want to be taken seriously, make yourself unproductive and strange and people will make up fantasies of skill that turn you into a legend. If you want to be a lackey then care about looking good, buy expensive clothes, get your haircut bi-weekly, wear purfume like a bitch, and show up early to every meeting.

>> No.16053595


Depends on the situation and your profession. Your looks won't save you if you can't deliver results.

>> No.16053614

Wrong. Life is a popularity contest, whether you like it or not.

>> No.16053628

Yes, a bunch of autists and flyover retards know what women want. This is why niggers are fucking white women at an unprecedented rate.

>> No.16053734

How do I dress good?

>> No.16054430
File: 18 KB, 375x500, 41K8nuITgcL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good looks come naturally from being in-shape and maintaining healthy practices. You're right about the caring aspect though

>> No.16054481


your face >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>your clothes
cope, you ugly metro's.

>> No.16054490

all /fit are whores

>> No.16054496

Wear clothes that fit and are in good condition and have a basic understanding of what colours look good together. Generally avoid graphic tees and clothes that look "lazy" like sweatpants.

>> No.16054578

Based. I wear exactly the same every day to work ala Sergey et al. Can't be arsed doing it any other way. Have holes in my elbows now. People seem to lap it up and see me as steady and laid back. Helps being a 6'3" chadalike with literally picture perfect family. If your not
fishing sometimes the fish will just jump in your boat.

>> No.16054744

Have sex

>> No.16054824


You need to keep up your appearance UNTIL you make it. Once you make it then you can go full 4channer tendies mode

>> No.16054853

If you care about not caring about looks, the you actually care