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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 201 KB, 350x233, TubeWelder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16048998 No.16048998 [Reply] [Original]

Women only seem to look at welders as sex objects. I have been doing this for more than a decade and I have never made less than 150k a year. That is on the low end.
I take home 20-30k a month doing boiler tubes working for myself own 15 bitcoins I bought during the December dip after I did a big job down south. The truck I drive is a man's truck not some pussy Honda or corolla. But yet with all this money I can not find love I only get women who want me to bury my man meat inside them and then they run away when I'm back working 7/12s.
Do college fags have to deal with this too ?

>> No.16049091

nice fantasy you have there mate. women dont care about welders.

>> No.16049456

my question is how did you go from being a MIG monkey earning $10/hour to where you are now. welding is boring as fuck btw but for 150k ill draw e's all day

>> No.16049465

If someone has the answer to that please tell.
t. ex 10€/hour MIG monkey

>> No.16049517

>Mig Monkey
Sorry I don't do any pussy welding
I only weld 6G high pressure where the money is .

>> No.16049799

I'm an engineer that supervises your work during outages and I must say I am pretty jealous. I've been on 7-12's since the beginning of august and I only am making $5000 a week. The foreman under me makes $20 more an hour than I do.

That being said, I can't weld for shit. At least I can sit on /biz for half the day and watch charts while you all do real work.

Just a few more weeks and I'll be off for the winter. it's about fucking time.

Oh, and I've got to say... outage workers get all the pussy. I've never been on a job for the last two years where I haven't met a girl, paint her this picture of what our life will be like. Smash her a few times a week when I'm not completely exhausted, and then disappear the day the outage ends, claiming I was sent to another job and will visit her again soon, and then just stop texting.

Sometimes outage life is tough, but with the money and the bitches, it's kind of nice.

>> No.16049857
File: 1000 KB, 3264x2448, AFDBE963-9C9B-4C11-910B-5B53207CBA63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of these guys have drug problems and really shaky relationships. Even if they are a good guy with a family they never see them.

>> No.16049869

And then you woke up

>> No.16049889

My question is how the fuck you're replying to this post. You know its just a big joke right? Tell me that please. Tell me you're just pretending to get a laugh from people like me

>> No.16050013

so all a women gets from them is money and sex? guess that explains op.

>> No.16050155
File: 14 KB, 225x224, BoilerMakers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the post is a 50/50 larp
working outages and shutdowns does bring fuck loads of money. 7/12s at 35.00 an hour or more with double time on sundays and per diem. It is not unusual for a Journeyman boilermaker to bring home 5k or more a week.

>> No.16050176

>welders are sex objects
Said no one ever

>> No.16050207

Same here. I'm a full time welder for Wendy's and I only make $1 million per month. Swimsuit models keep offering ne blowjobs after work, but none of them want to settle down and get married.

It's tough man.

>> No.16050212
File: 8 KB, 220x230, 1564091923667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they run away when I'm back working 7/12s
There is your problem, retard. You're just a wagecuck. cope harder.

(you're not even worth an additional reply from me. holy shit)

>> No.16050225

I know right? I am an underwater welder so i earn 3,5 million a month. All i want is to settle down with an average woman and have kids, but these fucking swim suit models just keep sucking my dick as soon as i come out of the water

>> No.16050421

it sucks bro. i'm a j-b welder so making 5 million a month, I got a wife before this job but she divorced me and took the kids because of all the wetsuit models breaking into the house.

>> No.16050541
File: 45 KB, 720x900, 34r23r2r3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the feeling. Last year I began welding onboard Carnival Cruises at $1600 per hour. You are out away from home for a month at a time but the OT makes it worth it. Picture it Anon, rolling in the dough and eating all the lobster and steak you want! Sometimes I flirt with the old black ladies and you would not believe how they like to "see if it is true about white guys" and suck you dry every night! KEK, it is the life boys!