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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16048164 No.16048164 [Reply] [Original]

Does that imply capitulation?

>> No.16048169

It looks like /biz/ posts pumped around 50% from recent lows. Did you even look at the chart you posted? From under 10k to ~14k

>> No.16048172

That's because it was short lived and too quick, and 30% is not that impressive.

>> No.16048178

Nobody cares about buttcoin anymore.
Use cases are gone and their dev nogs never managed to make it more than a proof of concept against double spending. Useless shitcoin

>> No.16048181

Does biz really have 10k posts a day?

>> No.16048191

Yes, but unfortunately 99% are posts like yours.

>> No.16048220

I've been coming here for years except now I visit only every other day, get disgusted at all the link and other shitcoin shilling threads and leave.

This place has a terrible signal-to-noise ratio - huge waste of time. It wasn't like this in 2016. There are better places out there now.

>> No.16048252

it's not just biz , every forum , board , even reddit is slowing down fast.

I suspect that people are working overtime because the economy is worse than everyone thinks.

I have never seen forums that i usually use move so slowly shit's weird as fuck and synchronized.

>> No.16048256

>Imagine spacing like this
you need to go back, and stay gone

>> No.16048270

it is not that impressive, i make around a 100 posts a day.
..and since that is the only data i have on what the average /biz/ posters post per day, i have to assume that 100 is the average.
Which means there is a total of 100 Unique posters on /biz/ a day.

desu it is a little bit strange that we are not all on first name basis.

>> No.16048284
File: 11 KB, 224x225, fuckjannies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the faggot that unironically uses buttcoin as a word.

>> No.16048286

Where did the r eddit boogeyman touch you?

>> No.16048288
File: 154 KB, 1080x1080, 1564164496289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mite be retarded, better get your self checked out.

>> No.16048313
File: 71 KB, 680x486, 8D50F95E-CA94-4FB4-AB24-11255B8883AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Use cases are gone
How do I know you will wagecuck for 50 years?

>> No.16048324

>insider here
Rounding bottom formation
Only up from here

>> No.16048326

Tell me one use case for buttcoin without relying on memes

>> No.16048394

True. /b/ turned into 24/7 porn spam. /pol/ got subverted by zionists and /biz/ is just clogged with link spam. I barely post anymore and pretty soon I probably won’t even lurk anymore.

>> No.16048418

Yea but forums are dyng too and even reddit seems slow as fuck now on non news subreddits.

It's very weird.

>> No.16048524

I'm still waiting Iphone normie
One use case for buttcoin that isn't better done by something else than buttcoin

>> No.16048717

You make 100 posts on /biz/ a day? How can you be such a loser/ I only make like 20, tops.

>> No.16048786


Saturday night. the gentlemen of the board were slipping the missus the roger.

>> No.16048809
File: 7 KB, 250x250, yeahman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Tyler

>> No.16048817

biz is dead because all linkiewinkies committed suicide months ago

>> No.16048842

Like what

>> No.16048960
File: 78 KB, 518x627, biz101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16048975

Pro shill groups, they make a living off that. See:

>> No.16048976

>How can you be such a loser
Not sure, i suppose it is something that accumulate over time, like when you let the unwashed dishes pile up in the sink and you then wash one of them when you need to use it, and then decide that it would be easier if i get rid of all these dishes and only had one, so you end up with one dish, one knife, and one fork.
if you apply this mechanism to all other aspects of your life, then overtime it becomes the "100 posts a day".

>> No.16048981

Still waiting normie
come on you will at least find one use case for legacy shitcoin, of which at least you think it is good at

>> No.16048985
File: 264 KB, 484x489, 1563552423861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ is still dead as fuck

>> No.16048993

kek wtf

>> No.16048994

>Nobody cares about buttcoin anymore.
Pennyless arrogant Zoomer spotted

>> No.16049014

you too, one use case at which buttcoin is better than any other product. I'm waiting

>> No.16049022

I have been busy as fuck. I just don't have time to lurk or post regularly. 4chan just goes through cycles. We are at the "ocean of piss" stage right now. It will improve again when the time is right.

>> No.16049029

improving? You mean more pajeets to shill us shitcoins

>> No.16049037

global capital flight... when people want to expatriate their finances due to turmoil or government policies

>> No.16049040

/biz/ is full of late adopter cringe & bagholders. Cryptos don't have any use cases beyond speculation because everything is either a P&D or a glorified penny stock

>> No.16049053

Not really, blockchain analysis has reached maturity and is being taken serious by law enforcement, and capital flight on a public ledger is pretty retarded

>> No.16049054

I didn't say it was improving right now, just that it will improve. This place goes through entire cycles from quality to absolute shit.

>> No.16049059

>I'm a Zoomer that doesn't understand the market
The oldest chain commodity

>> No.16049081

>name recognition
so ease of marketing. Also not really an argument as their is not really something it can be marketed for it if it is only name recognition

>> No.16049097 [DELETED] 

>Not reading correctly
Confirmed arrogant Zoomer, the generation to prove the flynn effect wrong.
inb4 niggers

>> No.16049122

oldest chain means nothing. It is slow, transactions are expensive, pretty illiquid, it is a public ledger, all it can do is prevent double spending and that not even that good regarding that pow leads to centralization and oligarchic hegemonies among miner cartels. Bitcoin has no selling argument

>> No.16049160

>I'm smarter than the market
k, Zoomer

>> No.16049188

you haven't brought any argument to the table. Your only talking point is name recognition and marketing, which is equal to admitting that bitcoins value relies alone on the greater fool theory. Regarding that advertising and marketing are in a crisis, as they have a declining reach on the overall population means that bitcoins sole selling argument is also declining.

>> No.16049212

I have, the only one that matters

>> No.16049225

the arrogancy of a greater fool
enjoy your bags, and very interesting you didn't even tried the muah deflationary grypto gurrency shore oph balue talking point.

I rest my case buttcoin has no future

>> No.16049244
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I feel bad I didn't accumulate more before we went up again

>> No.16049256


>> No.16049303
File: 76 KB, 361x440, 1518715811122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, The '17+ fags won't understand what will bring the next run. Understand that Vitalic has lied, his coin is not scalable. PoS has always failed. The ICO coins are not viable as they are securities according to the rulers of this world.

Stop arguing with the market, only one coin controls the WHOLE market. You don't own any

>> No.16049439
File: 64 KB, 925x750, 1572021056911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks literally like the beartrap after the first sell-off

it's over bobo

>> No.16049545

It isn't 2012 anymore where buttcoin was basically the only "grypto currency" and it isn't 2016 anymore where I need to go through buttcoin or meth to buy assets with a higher growth potential and more use cases. Bye bye normie, enjoy your beans.com

>> No.16050214

Why do you hate cryptocurrency so much?

>> No.16050349

it is a retarded meme that is on par with using FIAT as a mean of transaction of value. It is even worse than FIAT as it ironically centralizes control over individual transactions. Anybody who fell for the grypto gurrency aspect of dlt while screeching lolbert arguments should get his head checked

>> No.16050505
File: 45 KB, 800x450, brainlettttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it almost 2020 and there are STILL people who don't understand why BTC is valuable. It was excusable before 2014. 2015-2018 it meant you were slow on the uptake. But to STILL not get it now? That takes a special kind of dumb.

>> No.16050529

why is it valuable?
Get an argument going.
>ib4 deflationary
shit I better go an buy shit, it is deflationary

>> No.16050546

Have you check Chink social media sites?
It's bumping

>> No.16050568
File: 10 KB, 236x213, dingding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why did the exchanges choose the current number as the price durr it's the wrong number they should set it lower

>> No.16050589

are you retarded
let me tell you why buttcoin had value till now
Till about 2013 basically the only dlt, till about 2018 need to basically go through buttcoin to get better performing assets. Post 2018, unnecessary, the only thing that give it some value are margin trading gamblers, and that is not "moon" value

>> No.16050757
File: 16 KB, 423x347, 1523613762045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTC has no reason to be valuable
BTC bootstrapped itself from zero to five figures despite arguments like this being raised at every single step. It has endured catastrophic crashes and 100+ obituaries which were written with solid negative arguments. It has recovered from every one of those crashes. There have been countless op-eds pushing the idea that "BTC will fail because X or BTC will fail unless Y or BTC is obsolete because we have Z now", and so far none of them have come to pass. Go ahead and throw your argument on the pile. Or...you could do yourself a favor and consider that your hot-take on BTC might not be that insightful after all, and you aren't actually smarter than the market. Your call.

>> No.16050767

wow, I hope this was pasta, because if you typed out that drivel out, you are now the best selling argument for buttcoin

>> No.16050833

>"give me an argument"
>gets an argument
>"whoa slow your roll there buster, thats a lotta words I gotta read now"

>> No.16050860

that was not an argument, that was marketing drivel building upon the myth that buttcoin is da underdog. Maybe try this shit on a platform that is being frequented by morons that watch Hollywood productions

>> No.16051198

BTC isn't the underdog, it's the #1 coin, that's the point. You can moan and deflect and try to discredit this point all you want, you can complain that it lacks sufficient narrative and shouldn't be true, you can complain that BTC investors are idiots or cargo cultists or brainless trend-followers until you're blue in the face. None of that makes it any less true that BTC is #1 and the market has decided that it has bull energy. Deal with it. Buy in if you like making money, or don't buy if you don't.

This anon gave you the only answer that matters a while back, and you ignored it:

>> No.16051242
File: 382 KB, 1357x1199, 592383831913 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This means we are still in the accumulation phase.
This is only price manipulation by whales/exchanges.
When the normies come back you will see a massive amount of posts even here by them, this will signal the start of the next bull run.
Prepare yourself for that time to dump your bags on them before the next crash.

>> No.16051362
File: 75 KB, 960x960, 1571246790387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normies come back
>we need retail traders muah institutions don't care
>no company cares
>hey hey goy, how about a margin trade 125x leverage

>> No.16051930

Nope. It only shows everyone panic sold below 7.5k and they're just waiting the next 60% dip.

>> No.16051962

>he doesn't lurk every possible investment community to get as much information as possible
Keep buying into pajeet scams posted on /biz/ minutes before they dump.

>> No.16052002

you are really not trying anymore do you. 65 posts, over 7 hours and the only argument for buttcoin is, marketing. wew lad