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16046600 No.16046600 [Reply] [Original]

can someone red pill me?

>> No.16046612

rlc is on a bullrun, convinced linkies to sell then buy their bags. It happens before and it wont change.

>> No.16046639

It’s positioned to serve as the computation/data/dApp/oracle platform across major block chains. Lead development of the trusted compute framework with intel and Microsoft, which is being adopted by hyperledger and eth. Digital oil, v4 release December etc.

>> No.16046664

It's literally digital oil and thank you to the anon that pointed that out to me. I feel like I just bought the next ETH

>> No.16046717
File: 143 KB, 312x338, EB2C256B-3C10-41FB-A53F-541360D0D68D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here anon, trying to help out a fellow poorfag
>Completely backed by China
>Partnered with Microsoft
>Partnered with Intel
>Is one of the few coins on the Korean exchange
>Is based in China
>Will soon be open to the Chinese exchange.
>IExec V4 to be released in December
>Possible partnership with google
>Only 0.46 per coin
We are all taking RLC for granted and most people who say it is a “Indonesian Tranny Pedophile shitcoin” or a “China PND Scam” obviously don’t see the ramifications, next month it could reach one big levels with the V4 release.
And if you don’t believe me, keep in mind, President Jinping saying he would go all in on blockchain pumped all our coins yesterday and RLC is working close with China.
Think about it, do the math.

>> No.16046747

proof of microsoft, intel, 'backed by china?'

>> No.16046759


There was a streamable video floating around with iExec being presented on China's national television channel

>> No.16046766

Was broadcast on chinese state run media last week. Devcon was presentation w/ microsoft. Here is an old link to the early work w intel.


>> No.16046783

Also, the Diffusion2019 hackathon winners used iExec. Supposedly everyone there was raving about iExec because it is revolutionary tech


>> No.16046795
File: 482 KB, 1242x950, 37143AC1-132C-4C8B-8361-287ADA28329B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have not revealed they are backed by China yet but they explained in a YouTube stream that they have partners they can’t discuss yet and their logo and title were plastered all over Chinese state tv, also Jinping said it would go all in on Blockchain so yeah, do the math

>> No.16046833
File: 388 KB, 700x525, 1_53aGWCAhJ2DhcJiHvbKmOQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, they have not revealed that they are "technically" backed by China but it's so obvious.
>"The demo was built in partnership with the SHIFT lab of Shanghai Tech University. "
in regards to the SLAM iExec robot proof of concept.
They are also a Chinese AND French company, with a headquarters in the most technologically advanced Chinese city.
They are also award winners in China.
To ignore the heavy incoming Chinese presence on RLC is suicide

>> No.16047254

>Lead development of the trusted compute framework
>literally digital oil
do you really think this is how real people talk?

>> No.16047283
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>> No.16047287

Jeets gonna jeet

>> No.16047321
File: 6 KB, 300x300, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that oddjob?

>> No.16047345


The breadcrumbs are around. The team cares about its tokenomics and has mid to long term plans for it. Unlike ETH, it's supply is capped at 80m forever

>> No.16047550

>The breadcrumbs are around. The team cares about its tokenomics and has mid to long term plans for it. Unlike ETH, it's supply is capped at 80m forever
how will they solve tochenomic?
I don't clic on lins on this site
Explain in 2 words please

>> No.16047580


You shills really need to learn that the convos here flow entirely different than the backwash you spew out on discords, telegrams, and other message board spamming. Get it together. Utterly pathetic

>> No.16047592

It's literally just one/a small team of chinks. Same as Brapper Token, same as Turtle Coin, same as countless other shitcoins.

>> No.16047616

It's a French team you turd. At least come up with some reasonable FUD you pathetic loser