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16046474 No.16046474[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i never been in relationship before.
What does it mean if she loves you a lot, but after the 1st date? I dont want to go into details of what happened.

Im worried that shes moving too fast, and is going to get sick of me soon, because shes fallen for me too fast.

>> No.16046477

She’s playing with you

>> No.16046480

revealed to her your final form she will love you even more

>> No.16046505

speaking from experience?
im saving it

>> No.16046511

it likely means she has bipolar disorder or is emotionally stunted or both. do not continue to date her. do not sleep with her. speaking from experience she will fuck everything up for you. it's not worth it. please please trust me on this

>> No.16046515

Can you greentext me some specific warning signs?

>> No.16046518

It means she is not emotionally mature. If it wasn't you it'd be someone else.

>> No.16046544

>Im worried that shes moving too fast, and is going to get sick of me soon, because shes fallen for me too fast.

I'd be more worried she's a clingy yandere-level crazy who will fuck your life up if you have friends. Or anything beside a job and her in your life.

>> No.16046546

>falls madly in love basically overnight
>seems overly enthusiastic about dumb shit and shares it as if it's a replacement for personality
>views everything as a sign for something (delusions of grandeur sort of thing, sign of manic episode)
>is extremely open about trauma despite barely knowing her
>has dated a lot or slept with a lot of people, the latter being a sign of reckless behavior
>substance abuse
>general recklessness, driving fast, does dangerous things like sitting on high ledges for fun
>"loves adventuring"
>talks openly about sexual exploits

>> No.16046569

anon maybe you are just really cool and handsome?

>> No.16046571

please please PLEASE listen to this anon. I don't know what to say to convince you but have a +1 speaking from experience.

>> No.16046575

it means you're a beta simp and she knows she can easily manipulate you.

>> No.16046586

the can come in a cleaner bundle without the hyper sexual degenerate behavior. it's equally bad if everything else checks out but she is clean and prudish

>> No.16046598
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im scared.....

>> No.16046611

This has nothing to do with business.

>> No.16046614

Basically this, acts impulsively constantly is an issue.

Myself I met a girl about 45 days ago and we now bf/gf. Haven't kissed, but slowly moving towards that (went from hugs to arm over shoulder while watching Netflix). She pays for her parts of dates, no debt and is science/logic oriented. Also, super respectful. We decided on the friend first route. Different from OP's experience me thinks.

I think one way to determine how a relationship is likely to go is to compare it the stock market/crypto. Generally a huge soike upwards value with little volume (reason behind it for a relationship) is likely to cause a downward correction.

OP, she could be the one for you as I've seen it work in a handful of cases, but generally, no, it doesn't.

>t. Used to be hyper impulse and fall for people reeeeaaal quickly/make rash decisions. A lot more "fun nights", but ultimately nothing lasted.

>> No.16046623

It could be argued this relates to finances as a bad relationship can mess up your finances while a good one helps it to grow.

>> No.16046627

just ditch her ass and stop thinking with scarcity mentality. think with abundance. There's always another female to replace her with so move on already. stop thinking scarce so you stay with a bullshit cunt cuz you're convinced another wont show up. I rather be single then with some batshit whore that tries to manipulate me or make me live a life I dont want. IM the prize not her passed around pussy. You have alot of mental changes to make and alot of them involving how you see yourself and how you see girls and I promise you even if you're 350lbs and a virgin you're still the prize just carry yourself as such in life.

>> No.16046640

>45 days
>Still haven't kissed
Let me guess, you buy her shit and take her out to eat all the time. She says she doesn't want to move to fast but that she really likes you. Bahahaha you are getting played and friendzoned.
You sir are a faggot. If you have a brain you will get the fuck out.

>> No.16046651

who cares just go for it if you don't experience it personally you won't learn.
these anons can be talking from experience or they can be sheltered weebs who read a bunch of shit online. dive in head first - how else can you get commitment if you don't try.
none of us know a single thing about her so go ahead and learn more.
better to learn from crazy than living a boring life.

>> No.16046666

I was thinking the exact thing man. Bet this betachump thinks she did this with all the other guys. no she sucked their dick on the first date and he was plowing her pussy 30mins later but this guy.... lol.... this guy is taking her out on nice dinner dates and buying her nice things and being a gentleman and hasnt even got his dick wet. Wanna bet he fires back t..this is what I..I... want guys n...not her . another sucker ass bitch being played by a pass herself around ho. So do you wanna tell him he's the beta shes settling for while fucking chads or do I?

>> No.16046669
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listen anon. you need to be strong. you are probably a lonely faggot who is gleeful at the prospect of getting pussy, so I know you're not going to walk away regardless of what advice you get here. but you listen and listen good motherfucker. you will get psycho vibes from her on a regular basis. regular. do not ignore then, do not shove them aside. always keep that in mind. when you inevitably start arguing about stupid shit that you never thought would be a thing people would actually have arguments over, ask yourself if this is the kind of person you would like to have beside you for the rest of your life. because cunts like this do try to reel you in from VERY early on. when she does, have the strength to listen to your gut feeling after profiling her with attitudes like the ones listed above. don't fall for the emotionally damaged psycho trap anon, it is not worth it one bit and you WILL find yourself too committed to walk away if you allow her to take control of you with a chain of small but mostly irreversible steps.
t. married a crazy psycho bitch

>> No.16046675

Nope. I'd you read my original post.
>"She pays for her parts of dates"

True from the first date (a couple of drinks at a bar) to the most recent (shooting guns).

I've done the other thing before of paying for everything and all it did was make me bitter. As a result, one of my requirements in dating was finding someone who is equitable with shared expenses.

>> No.16046682


This guy is spot on. But who cares. Fuck and suck baby!

>> No.16046683


>> No.16046687


>> No.16046697


>> No.16046709


>> No.16046713

100% shes fucking some dude behind his back. Unfortunately I'm speaking from experience here. I learned the hard way back when I was like 18. Women like to spin this narrative that they want a nice guy who treats them right and respects them, but its bullshit. I heard that shit my whole life so I always put girls on a pedestal and treated them like they were goddesses. The first girl I started really hanging out with was just like the girl >>16046614 is talking about. I bought her nice things and believed her when she said that she just got out of a relationship and wanted to take it slow. Come to find out a month or two later shes been fucking a new dude every week. I learned a valuable lesson from that. All women want an actual man. Take charge and show dominance in all situations. That doesn't mean treat them like shit (unless they are an obvious whore, in which case you shouldn't be looking for a relationship), just don't be a pussy. Bitches are nothing special. As soon as people realize that, the world of pussy opens up.

>> No.16046725

Trust me anon that won't last, and nothing will ever progress to where you want it to. If she went in wanting a friendship, that means shes not interested in a romantic/sexual relationship with you. Theres a reason why the friendzone is a well known concept. Many a man has tried to defy this thinking he'd be the one to make a relationship out of it, only to be disappointed once it's clear it never will.

>> No.16046728

Best fuck of your life for a week or so. Definitely worth the weird fallout tbdesu

>> No.16046734

you might aswell poke her,
even if it is poking the hornets next.

>> No.16046744

exactly. I was wrong about paying her way completely >>16046675 but he's still being a nice guy gentleman to her when he should be fucking her already. He also didnt counter anything else I said so I think I know what's goin on. He like so many other males will learn thru experience. I've learned many many harsh lessons with females but now I see how they operate for the most and it helps keep me out of trouble. Such as you did with that take it slow slut passing herself around.
but someone will be along shortly to tell us have sex or call us incels why they themselves havent had sex and are the actual incels. such a sad cope for incels to pull

>> No.16046756

shes either niave and immature about the nature of infatuation, or shes bat shit and you should run bro

>> No.16046758

I thought so too but the situation I got into as a result of her bullshit made me think otherwise. It's playing roulette with your future

>> No.16046771

How long did you go for? What did you end up doing?

>> No.16046775

Women are much less complicated then they are made out to be. Chad is a state of mind.

>> No.16046823

I actually said let's start as friends. May or may not progress. Between my own experiences and discussions with friends, I've been wanting to try this approach with dating as an end goal in particular.

Had a friend for a couple of years who we decided to try the FWB route after talking about it. Went pretty well. Considered going the dating route, but I moved over a thousand miles away and we both agreed on no long distance relationship as we enjoyed the physical closeness (beyond fucking). I still keep up with her on occasion these days.

Getting to know her, she has a pretty unique situation given her background compared to the other girls I've known throughout my life. While there might be risk of her screwing around (as it could be said of me, bring human after all), I'm not too concerned as part of my getting to know her was establishing healthier long term friendships/relationships with women. If she meets some other guy that clicks for her, I'll do my thing and she'll do her's. I've kept up with some exes I've broken up with on positive notes where we acted like mature adults and it wasn't due to infidelity, fighting or anything beyond disagreement with where we're headed in life.

I've reached a point in my life in believing in the greater good for society. Granted, I'm.not always happy with my end of the bargain, but generally good comes back my way.

I agree there's a lot of girls who lead on guys while fucking other guys. I've been lead on and I've been the guy who was fucking the girl. I tried to justify what I did when I was that guy I found out, but I really can't.

Also seen guys do something similar, but more of "I can have sex with any girl I want, but you can't have sex with anybody you want - you must be loyal to me."

>> No.16046883

Hopefully I gave some additional info about my background in >>16046823

I was responding to the money part, hence the singular focus. Been alive for 32 years on this earth and while I miss sex, I'm wanting a stable LTR where sex isn't the primary focus (an important part, but not the part).

I've recently had some good in-depth convos with my Chad older brother who has slayed puss, so to speak, locally, nationally and internationally. Easily 50+, likely closer to 100+. Recently has calmed down about it and said that girls vary a bit in their looks and they have the same holes. The biggest differences lay in personality.

Anyways, girl and I discussed mutual growth together, so worst care scenario there, no sex, but I'm in a better place mentally, physically and financially. I can live with that.

>> No.16046901

Yup, if you’re super nice to a girl and keep hanging out with her despite not getting pussy she’ll think you’re super desperate, You have to show them that your life will continue perfectly fine without them , don’t put put pussy on a pedestal ever

>> No.16046914

She didn’t go into it wanting a friendship , he did that by being a bitch and not getting laid after 45 days

>> No.16047181

Indeed, it's not good to put pussy on a pedestal. Big difference is with girls who have had sex and girls who haven't (and have had very limited previous relationship experience).

Putting it in a pedestal in my wxperience means putting their activities over your's and never saying no to the. I've also found girls who I've done this too never take an interest in my interests. Big red flag for me there.

I guess you could call me that, but it isn't my main factor. Yes, my penis wants me to put it into a warm hole, but I don't mind the wait as long as we become more physically involved over time. I should have mentioned sex is uncharted territory for her with only one previous relationship.

Met her IRL. Doesn't do dating apps, doesn't do social media. Has been open with her likes and dislikes and has listened to mine. Wanting to build a good relationship and not be adversarial.

I do appreciate the feedback from all since it's important for me to get differing perspectives.

>> No.16047233


This seems a lot like me bro.
>falls madly in love basically overnight
I used to.

>seems overly enthusiastic about dumb shit and shares it as if it's a replacement for personality
Exception is this. I had passionate and real long-time hobbies; history, philosophy, business, etc.

>views everything as a sign for something (delusions of grandeur sort of thing, sign of manic episode)
I did at one point... Too much LSD man.

>is extremely open about trauma despite barely knowing her
Not till recently. Held it back for many years.

>has dated a lot or slept with a lot of people, the latter being a sign of reckless behavior

>substance abuse
Not after 18.

>general recklessness, driving fast, does dangerous things like sitting on high ledges for fun
Sometimes I still do it for fun but not anymore.

>"loves adventuring"
Still do.

>talks openly about sexual exploits
Gotta brag sometimes.

DESU a lot of this is just what an 18 year old is like or being young is like. Of course, OP you are probably stuck with a crazy bitch. If you have other options, consider them seriously but you can always turn to Machiavellian ways and string her along. But you're probably, let's be honest, not nearly skilled enough for that.

>> No.16047244

>45 days Haven't kissed
Fucking retard. You deserve everything that happens next

>> No.16047301

We'll see. Hopefully good stuff. If so, then dubs of truth.

Still, this has gotten me thinking I should talk to her about this. So far, she hasn't had any issues with any relationship topics I've brought up. I ought to use my words about this and communicate with her.

>> No.16047352

You're too smart and introspective for your own good. You're seeking depth in relationship but vaginas are shallow by design. Ironically all they care about is sex and the most important person in their lives is the lover. No matter how good your relationship the dick is always the top priority. And by not giving it to her you're sabotaging the very thing you're trying to build.

>> No.16047366


>> No.16047505

>kissing is important
you sound like a simpleton girlie

>> No.16047557
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>Myself I met a girl about 45 days ago and we now bf/gf. Haven't kissed

>> No.16047564

Yeah BPD. Run away, don't walk.

>> No.16047596

All could be well if you dicked her right.
If you have an 7"+ schlong and thicc and you dicked her well and she got a great orgasm she'll love you.

I have limited experience but this might only work if you dick without condom.

>> No.16047607

Silent generation billionaire pill (must see advice)


>> No.16047617
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>does dangerous things like sitting on high ledges for fun
Ahh this brings me back, imagine letting your legs dangle off the corner & slowly leaning farther and farther forward to look down over the edge. Good times