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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16045717 No.16045717 [Reply] [Original]

>trade war jitters
>sluggish PMI numbers
>global ZIRP/NIRP
>Keynesian liquidity traps
>QE by any other name
>an unwinding of the shadow banking system
>moral hazard
>race to the bottom

>> No.16045734

oh and one more thing:

>yield curve inversion

>> No.16046643
File: 55 KB, 859x870, 1570462909875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>India economic collapse and bankruns
>Turkey economic collapse
>Argentina economic collapse
>EU massive slowdown and negative interest rates
>China economic slowdown
>Trade keeps collapsing worldwide
>Solar minimum peaks late 2020
>This will increase food prices
>Mexico government collapsing against narco
>Canada economic slowdown
>Venezuela collapse intensify to the point that they are now in the 5th year with -20% growth
>Oil price continues to collapse despite tensions because the economy is slowing fast worldwide
>Public uprisings in ecuador , spain , egypt , iraq ,france and hong kong
>Pakistan economy is collapsing fast too
>Central bankers can't pump the economy anymore due to low interest rates
>Swine fever destroying china pork
>Liquidity crisis starving the world of usd while trade is collapsing
>Leaders desperate for taxation increasing indirect taxes like fuel raising cost of living everywhere.

>> No.16047153

Keep going. Need more doom porn.

>> No.16048189
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buy the fucking dip you fucking idiot

>> No.16048194

>buzzword thread
you should write for advertising blogs

>> No.16048196

This but unironically the synchronizity of this with the btc halvening is great.