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16037973 No.16037973 [Reply] [Original]

Is having a job worth the trouble?

t. NEET living with parents

>> No.16038007

Not in today's economy.

>> No.16038754


>> No.16038790
File: 13 KB, 360x270, Ed_Wuncler_Sr..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably the biggest reason to have a job is sort of like having credit
>i see you have no work history
making it hard to get a job if you actually really fucking need one
>did you fail to list all of your accounts?
meaning its impossible to take advantage of a loaning system that's based off past performance
precisely, so that on some loans you can ((actually pay it back at a lower rate than inflation))

>> No.16038806

Not really. I just escaped neetdom and it sucks. Coworkers are annoying. All your money goes to bills so youre not getting any more ahead than you were when you were unemployed

>> No.16038813

Employers are greedy and pay slave wages. You will never get ahead with 80% of jobs out there

>> No.16038829

are you from the USA? I'm from Europe, I think credit is not as important here but I'm not sure, never had to get a loan

>> No.16038874
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Ultra-wagecuck (Big four accounting senior) with some thoughts:

I was a loner in high school, and some fucking how I managed to be a loner in university as well. Make no mistake, this job is inhumane, but it took me having to survive this hellhole for me to finally become a man. I no longer masturbate and play games all damn day, I appreciate every quiet weekend I get, hell I appreciate life more. All the little things.

If you're an ultraburger such as myself, when you are pulled away from your comfort into intense wagecuckery, it truly feels like death. You want to blow your brains out, like "is this truly how hard life is? What the fuck I quit, WoW classic and CP here I come!"

Even if I end up being an entrepreneur, even if I end up doing something else in life later, this hellhole gave me the potential and character to succeed. It sucks ass that I needed it, but I feel like most people do.

>> No.16038942

>pay slave wages
Employees agree to those wages, mostly because they have no leverage against employer. Germany have strong (and reasonable) worker unions. A simple factory worker can afford house, car, and all the clout.

>> No.16039000

Yeah thats the problem. Workers have zero leverage and have to take what employers pay. 11 dollars an hour where rents are 2k a month

>> No.16039005

Nope, This is the most comfiest and stress free I've been in years. Go to bed at around 10am and wake up at 8pm. Play video games all night. Get to eat and be comfy all day.

>> No.16039017

Nah, you can save up some money.

>> No.16039030

Wrong. Unless youre living with parents and have no debt. Youre not saving anything

>> No.16039049

He lives with his parents. Don't think that he has any debt.

>> No.16039082

well they'll probably die of exposure to the elements or stress if that's true and then you can go ask for a higher wage once they're gone.

>> No.16039092
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>WoW classic and CP here I come

>> No.16039131

>living with parents and have no debt.
That's me, roughly 80% of my check goes into my savings.

Also, the people saying we have no leverage as employees are brainlets. I've been working for small companies for a while now & the owners hate the idea of searching/training a replacement. I love the NEET life & have tried to quit my current job multiple times but they just keep offering me more money to stay. At my last job, the owner offered up to a 50% raise to get me not to move back to my home state. Anyone who thinks they don't have leverage is a shitty employee

>> No.16039196

I'm in the same position live with my dad, ive felt a bit like a loser sometimes not living on my own but fuck it, unless i somehow get a girl i don't mind helping out my old man, and we get along like best friends.

I laugh at normies at my work spending 90% of their paycheck on living expenses, we eat at top class cafes every day for breakfast/lunch and I just bought a top of the line race motorbike without even getting close to touching the savings, fuck em

>> No.16039198

Can relate,
Still play wow classic

>> No.16039274
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learn how to play the game you reggins

>> No.16039421
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I'm somewhat the opposite. Had no opportunities and parents didn't really care about me. Joined the army with a ton of motivation, not so much motivation to serve, but to do well for four years and then get out and make something of my life. Saved money while I was in and stayed out of trouble, but living in that system really fucked me up. For many people being treated like an absolute subhuman for four years steels them, but I experienced some fucked up shit without deploying as far as how I was treated by my superiors. I have no motivation to really give a fuck anymore because I realize all human hierarchies are surrounded by narcissistic bullshit. Merit doesn't mean shit.

Now I live off of my savings and military disability and try to do things I find fulfilling. Our society has everything wrong anyway, and it's not like there's even the incentive of coming home to a sweet, dedicated wife and a good meal anymore. I'm not going to waste my life trying to get luxury items to attract some whore to leech off of me. The only things I need are a warm place to feel at home, food, internet, and that's about it. Fuck the bullshit grind.

>> No.16039453

Age and profession?

>> No.16039475


Sad to hear that. Military is probably a lot rougher in that way too than even a cut-throat corporate job.

But you can find a middle-ground there, you can find some meaning. A calmer job in industry? A government job? just something. If you mentally compare everything to the military assuming its all the same, youll probably feel like crap

>> No.16039487

I used to be a NEET living with parents

Smoking weed. Fapping. Playing vidya

No "future"

Now I work a prestigious job, don't do drugs, girlfriend, own place, nofap

I fantasize about being a NEET degenerate evry day. It was so fun.

Once you experience both lifestyles you realise all that matters is your outlook.

Unfortunately I want to have kids so I need to slave to some extent.

And IMO I won't enjoy gayming, fapping etc when I'm 30+ . id rather play the IRL games and when weed gets legalised smoke a joint and enjoy my home theatre

>> No.16039543
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I'm trying to work up to all of that stuff. I've been teaching myself programming for a little while now just for fun. I'll maybe try to enter normieworld again someday but I know it's going to be the same shit. People are fucking hell to be around in general, not just military folks.

>> No.16039581

hmm im in a position where i love the neet lifestyle and have even ignored some girls to stay in the lonely fantasy lifestyle but im nearly 30 and never had a girlfriend, im worried its too late. I know a guy whos 31 and managed to get a girl and have a kid and i think thats what i want, im just trying to start a business at the moment and then i can find a girl hopefully, i dont care even if she's fat i just want a qt fat girl to chill out with and watch our kids grow up and not have to worry about money like i did growing up.

>> No.16039604

Youre the exception. Most employers wont hesitate to replace their workers when costs get too high

>> No.16039607

You want your kids to have fat people DNA?

>> No.16039619

Is a very good way of putting it. The biggest problem with neetdom is you will have to escape it eventually and the longer you are in the harder it is. It sucks, and I hope you can find family to help you with the nepotism game but man alive the hiring hates you if you don't have connections. Not expecting a high or middle end job from off the bat but straight up refuse to even consider you for an entry level position.

Yeah was a bitter pill for me to realize looking on the industry I wanted to join just how nepotistic and good ol boys and girls network it was.

You begin to understand rapidly why old people are bitter - we've put up with people's shit for what, 20, 30 or so years? Multiply that. Add in half the people you deal with now being contemptuous of you for being older.

>> No.16039644

Yeah good point, but i've always been active and you can be damn sure my kids even if they're beta like me will be playing some sort of sport

>> No.16039670
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I think you should just kys anyways anon.

>> No.16040116
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Depends what your goals are and if you need money to reach those goals. If so, do you have another method of making money besides a job?

If you don't consciously set goals, then you will default to immediate comfort seeking. I've done that for years and it feels pretty empty after a while. Imagine how boring video games would be if there was no objective to accomplish. We need something to aim for or we drift.

>> No.16040123

Im not the exception, there are plenty of people like me who won't work where they're not appreciated

>> No.16040134

Most people have to work out of necesity. They need to pay bills and such. They dont have the luxury to quit because theyre not appreciated

>> No.16040164

>calm job
When is the last time you've seen anything but fast paced work environment on a job posting?

Life is hell. The wage masters all expect you to make even the least important shit jobs hard. The last job i had i was stocking shelves and the boss constantly harrassed me for going too slow even though i was practically running half the time

>> No.16040194

You have to escape neetdom? Why? No you don't. Not at all. You fell for the normalfag trap

>> No.16040204

I like fat girls unfortunately my gf isnt fat enough

Imo I wouldn't bother with ltr or relationships unless the girls a virgin. I found a virgin so I'm going to try and be a good goy, work and breed her

If I got dumped now I'd just move back in with parents. Be a stoner gamer again and fap.

Socialising etc is difficult , especially if you have undiagnosed paranoia, anxiety, depression etc

>> No.16040216
File: 186 KB, 500x376, B1988AE7-F71F-46DF-AAD5-DF015DBDE21C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not.
I‘m NEET all my life, saved up all my welfare over the years and then went all in chainlink at the right time.
Now I‘m worth more than half a million and I didn‘t even really work for it.

>> No.16040541

Every person who mentioned they're an accountant always state how miserable they are. Why is being an accountant such a shit occupation? I'm going to be in your shoes in 2-3 years, it's such a shit career, i don't even know why i bothered with it to begin with.

>> No.16040567

>half a million
more like 250k after taxes, just a reminder goy.

>> No.16040573

But you can choose where you work. We're not fucking slaves, even though it's funny to say we are

>> No.16040600

I'm so grateful I resisted going to college and instead, found a job straight out of high school and have been gainfully employed and thrived ever since. Even during the two worst recessions in recent memory, The 9/11 recession and 2008 financial crash. Thus, having avoided pissing away years of life and getting into crippling student loan debt. I believe soon. Having actual real world work experience will benefit me more than some piece of paper aka worthless degree. The way I see things are headed Relatively soon... A large percentage of low skill menial in addition to high skill white collar positions will be eliminated via a combination of- Automated systems. Artificial intelligence. Digital outsourcing to cheaper overseas data centers. Next-generation heavy duty industrial drones. Kiosks/self serve & pay. Various standalone smart devices. DE-Skilling and DE-professionalization of once skilled/laborious jobs via new technology. Companies will streamline, automate, eliminate waste and inefficiencies. In addition to imposing stricter hiring standards. Companies will become even more picky than before. As the workforce is scaled down to tiny skeleton crews with the aid of automated systems that will operate efficiently, even during the busiest peak hours. Expect businesses to overwhelmingly favor older, more experienced workers. Especially as minimum wage is hiked as high as $15/hr in many places with it's ripple effect on the wage chain on up. As machine labor becomes cheaper and preferable to human labor.

>> No.16040614
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We can also argue for higher wages, annnnd it works. I've been in the workforce for 5 years, am an electrician's apprentice. If you're a hard valuable wage slave™ they can't afford to lose you.

I'm surrounded by fucking idiots. Was when I stocked shelves. Was when I bagged groceries. Was surrounded by em when I waited tables. And still. Am.

With so many fucking idiots if you're a good goy you'll be 2x as valuable without any effort, and 3x as valuable with some elbow grease. From that point forward just get another job, then tell your employers if you don' get more money you're leaving immediately. If you get a good wage then just quit the job you just got and stay.

>> No.16040615

Absolutely not. It's good that you live with your family. Plus, not working, you are head of the majority. Especially if you were smart enough not to get into any sort of debts.

Now if you'd expand and learn some basic skills like foraging or growing food, or you can just leech of welfare but keep your consumption at check, that's a must. No shit food and drinks, fapping, etc.

All of this would make you essentially in top 1%, freedom-wise.

>> No.16040617
File: 59 KB, 466x619, i know accounting too!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accountant for 3 car dealerships + two real estate companies here.

It's a shit occupation because every day we're reminded that people should be given verbal reasoning, numeric reasoning and logical reasoning tests before they're hired. I have to fix retards' mistakes all day, every day.

>> No.16040628

When you start working, you will realize how little respect you get. Not even garbage men or illegal Guatemalan construction workers will respect you.
If you want advice, don't buy VW Polo, or similar car.

>> No.16040657

You are not going to get any respect in this age, no matter your occupation. You may only get ave/veneration but that would mean that you would need to assert dominance over to get it. It is another reason why wage-cucking rather shitty.

>> No.16040661


>> No.16040669

This guy gets it. Brainlets don't

>> No.16040778

NEETs should know that if you enter BSc studies in a commuity college, if you are in later in life and are intellectually superior, your peers with hate you and females will try to exploit you to do seminary work, for free. So you gonna need to swallow through that. And if you want to do some research papers, your professors will reveal to you their arrogant and infantile personalities, and they will try to utilize you also. You work will also be re-worked and censored in order to get to be publish, ie you dont always control what you can publish.

>> No.16040841

I’m not a mutt and its taxfree in my country.

>> No.16040843

You're delusional if you think you can make 30 dollars an hour stocking shelves

>> No.16040888


>that spreadsheet
Holy shit that is bad

>t. accounting systems engineer

>> No.16040922

Reflecting on my studies, I recall a bunch of random kids reaching via IM to me and asking me questions they should be asking the TA. So if you are good, other slakers will try to reach over to you so to avoid TA, in their mind to save face. Most likely, other kids got asks the same so they referred them to you.

There was this kid, he was pretty smart and good student, but was weak for females and they were getting him to do all their seminary work. It was sad. I woudn't be surprised if he had done or edited over 100 of those. I tried to hint him a few times, but I knew it didn't serve point. And he was talking about having vertigo or something, clearly he had some psychological/mental issues. But nope, no mercy toward, just mercilessly exploited to do the grunt work.

>> No.16040954

Why is it bad when it gives me all that I need to know and lets me manipulate the data to whatever the project is?

And why would an engineer make that criticism without even knowing the purpose of it?

Are you one of those brainlets who thinks we need to be writing codes for something simple?

>> No.16040997

capital >>>>>>>>>>>> labor

I make more than multiple median family incomes just for having my name in a database with some entries that say I own some things. No effort. No hard work. FUCKING NOTHING. Many people subscribe to the idea that hard work means something, these people have slave morality. They don't understand how the world really works, and they don't understand how money works. Do anything it takes to get capital and then let it work for you. Marx theorized that capitalism would continue until the owners have zero marginal cost labor expenses. With automation we are well on our way to 100% of labor being captured by capital owners.

>> No.16041014

The future of accounting is done in dimensional database systems that empower the users to add data, analysis, and review multiple account/entity structures at once while doing corporate eliminations, taxes, scenario impacts and dividend impacts on-the-fly, in real-time.

Using Excel for anything other than data manipulation at this point is costly and time wasting. All the memes about accountants not being needed in the future are somewhat true--they will need to be either systems specialists or policy specialists in the future. I think your job will be chopped by people who can do it quicker, provide better analysis, and do it cheaper.

If you get a SAP HANA certification or Oracle Hyperion certification, you will make probably 3x more. That is my recommendation for all of you accountants out there. Be at the cutting edge and be indispensable.

>> No.16041072

Job or no job thats extremely bad for you

>> No.16041238

You can't make this shit up

>> No.16041347

Right, so without knowing what the project was and how simple it was, you wrote off a simplistic Excel sheet for a simplistic project to garner a chance at lauding databases, which would be pointless for that simplistic project.

Just lead with the caveat and make your recommendation instead of trying to hammer a nail into a blanket - it's silly. I agree with your larger point btw.

>> No.16041364

They give out credit here in Burgerland like it's nothing

>> No.16041527

did everything in IT for a big-buck accountant studio of few people
paid 50€/month (no minimum wage in my country), rent still 600€/month, but was living with my parents at that time
said I'd leave if didn't get 800€/month
they refused (some of the studio are even uni professors in small universities in the region)
> many years later, they didn't update a single system, still using the same shit, didn't find a replacement as they were using a particular linux desktop conf I made for them (on Debian), don't how how they actually survived, probably they seeth everyday

>> No.16041536

I meant, they screech everyday

>> No.16041604

Used to work as staff accountant. No business can run without an accountant but there's so many of them out there, causing the wages to be crap.
Long hours alone in a eoom working on mundane bullshit.
Other coworkers are happy and chatting and sociable but you're stuck in a box crunching numbers.
Work doesn't feel like its contributing anything. >>16040567

>> No.16041780

this was always and still is the plan and reason for mass Turd World immigration.

today, Whites in all nations are forced to look to Govt to survive, the same Govt that put them in that situation.

>> No.16041895

B-B-BUT P-PEOPLE T-TOLD ME ACCOUNTANTS ARE AND WILL ALWAYS IN DEMAND. I'm doing my qualifications and will become a chartered accountant in 2-3 years, i hope the automation doesn't take over the accounting industry and reck my career. Also SAP HANA or oracle are american things, don't exist in uk/europe.

>> No.16041977

isn't that accounting in general? does not feel like you're doing anything worthwhile, that's how it is, everyone knows this but they still pursue a career in accounting because accountants are in demand and the pay is decent and gets better gradually. Regardless of what area you work in, i think accounting is just a soul-draining career.

>> No.16042084

Last paragraph describes me. 32, baby, smoking legal weed after baby goes to bed, wageslaving for a fortune 100. The commute required to make enough to save for a house is fucking insane though. I feel like it's slowly killing me. Houses near work are 1.5m~. My budget as a top 5% earner for a house is 800k. Who the fuck is buying these houses?

>> No.16042139
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/biz/ really is a board of Costanzas isnt it?

>> No.16042238
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Based and automationpilled.

>> No.16042314
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where? chinese are behind bubble in vancouver and toronto, russiand and oil arabs of london bubble. sf bubble is by tech companies salaries. most housing bubbles are foreign money just parkin money in safety, not caused by locals as they dont possess enough purchasing power

>> No.16042355

i think wagekeking would be ok if you could take a year off now and then. i'm schizophrenic and i was told working would be good for me, but in reality i'm trapped now: because i've worked, i can't convince the welfare system that work is detrimental to my wellbeing, so my only choice is to either

a) die

b):(i) go insane enough that i get locked up and it becomes undeniable that i'm too ill to work for now and that the experience was bad for me


b):(ii) kill somone who deserves it: in jail i would be left alone for 21 hours a day in my cell, which would be infinitely preferable to being exposed on a weekly basis to the screeching, moronic attitudes of my supposedly left-wing colleagues and the retarded, useless, demented, needy and controlling client group that i work with.

which all seems like a stupid situation for the UK psychiatric system to have suggested as a route to a better life.

>> No.16042389

I was so close to pursuing accounting when I went to college. Thank God I chose to go a different route.

>> No.16042393

Work in Santa Monica so... silicon beach.

I could go south to Irvine and suck up to those corporate overlords in their privately owned cities... but at least the property tax is lower!

>> No.16042503

I spend my time at work doing nothing but posting on /pol/ or watching porn or playing video games. Find a job like mine, it's basically like your life but paid.

>> No.16043516

depends on the job I guess...doing your own stuff is always better for me at least, there are some projects that actually help you with crowfunding, such as Wefounder and Pledgecamp, you should check those out in case you wanna start your own thing

>> No.16043544

ya but only to throw into btc before the halving

>> No.16044295

could you elaborate? I'm not picking up what you're putting down.

>> No.16044316
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>> No.16044705

the only good job is owner

>> No.16045822


>> No.16045874

This is why I only take commission jobs, side jobs, or working for myself. I like being able to know exactly what I'm bringing to the table and know I'm getting a cut of everything I do.

I get a base salary that at median household income in the US, commission on all profit, and bonuses. I've done a little over $400k in profit so far this year and am just over 100% of my annual plan. Plus I work from home.

>> No.16046020

Only work till you can afford a paid off RV and a few solar panels.

Fastest way to get off the cattle feed lot grid right there.