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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16036754 No.16036754 [Reply] [Original]

No zoomer it’s not you can buy this cuck tube under a bridge for $108,000. It’s a beautiful avant- garde tiny home that fits your budget

>> No.16036768
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Kek how will boomers cope with this

>> No.16036788

How close is the tube to my cage?

>> No.16036792

what a fucking ripoff. The materials are worth not even close to that.

>> No.16036803
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>How close is the tube to my cage?

>> No.16036812

>The materials are worth not even close to that.
Your paying for the brand and social prestige

>> No.16036817

Checked & kekd

>> No.16036842

I am genuinely trying to find my way into this scam materials for these things are absurdly cheap to make.
>"Reclaimed wood floors" aka shipping palett floors.
>"$5000 shipping container" aka cool modern tiny home.
>"$1700 mini-split" aka cool new air-conditioning unit beloved in Japan

Sell for 50k pocket the rest. I am genuinely curious if I could built communities like this and charge an even larger premium

>> No.16036861
File: 34 KB, 387x437, 1571336481679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>front of the tube is made of glass

>> No.16036862

Imagine buying a cuck tube for a hundred grand when you can get a really nice sailboat for that price and live a life on the water among whites.

>> No.16036876

looks cool but youre retarded unless this was satire. 100k for that is hilarious. Maybe 10-15k. Maybe

>> No.16036891

I guess most of the cost is in the land rather than the building itself

>> No.16036929

How about the land the materials are assembled on?

>> No.16036931

Privacy is overrated.

>> No.16036965

you can be homeless for free

>> No.16036980

Boats have an insanely high upkeep cost. 90 percent of time on a vessel is maintenance.

>> No.16036982

Living under bridge has never been so expensive before.

>> No.16036997

maybe they can try gentrifying crack houses and park benches next

>> No.16037151
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>> No.16037156

Unironically going to be worth a million in a decade

>> No.16037162

>Unironically going to be worth a million in a decade
So 1 BTC will buy this place?

>> No.16037180

it's so you can charge $10 to people who like to watch you fap

>> No.16037187

>it's so you can charge $10 to people who like to watch you fap
kind of like an IRL cam site?

>> No.16037269

Such an inefficient use of space. There's zero benefit in using the tube design here. Heavy weight of the concrete tube would make it difficult to move the structure. Installing hangers would compromise the integrity of the tube.

>> No.16037288


>> No.16037488


>> No.16037767

grecian philosophy major living in the sewer.jpg

>> No.16038205

I know a guy in ft. Walton that made a mint selling salvage from Katrina as reclaimed materials.

>> No.16038281

I've always wondered can /biz/ get together and buy a large city block of a crack neighbourhood, do it up an pay for private security to patrol it and install good security fences

>> No.16038294

Drain pipe livin for only 100k!

>> No.16038357

No one is living in this thing, it's literally just an art installation

>> No.16038367

Dont throw stones at other people, duh.

>> No.16038556

Would be alright as a place to crash in the week if you're a long distance commuter. Depends on proximity to public footpaths, drunk people and tourists would be drawn to it.

>> No.16038881

>What are curtains

>> No.16038951

kek is that a picture of londonfrog?

>> No.16038955

something you won't be able to afford after buying this extravagant home

>> No.16039084

No matter what the upkeep might be you'll still spend less than you would on renting / buying a home. But most importantly: the marina is almost exclusively white.

>> No.16039167

just give rooms to /k/tards, free security

>> No.16040094

100k is too expensive for this crap. Imagine getting robbed by niggers at night.

>> No.16040173

Cucked and ragiepilled

>> No.16040189

This. It’s obvious most people here haven’t looking into moving out of their parents house by the look of the replies.

>> No.16040356

Unfarmable. Unsafe. Highly public. Highly exposed. Unexplainably small.
I'll give you tree fiddy btc.