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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 55 KB, 620x442, pyramid of wealth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16028838 No.16028838 [Reply] [Original]

Let's assume that someday BTC reaches 5% global wealth (for reference, gold is somewhere around 2.5%). Then, look at the global distribution of wealth (pic related).

Suicide Tier: < $10k
This represents 3% of wealth, and 71% of people.
21m * 3% = 630,000 BTC
7.53b * 71% = 5,346,300,000 people
On average 0.00011784 BTC per person if BTC was 100% of global wealth
Factoring in target of just 5% of global wealth:
>0.00235677 BTC or less, might as well end it

Wagecuck Lifer Tier: $10k - $100k
This represents 12.5% of wealth, and 21% of people.
Go through the same calculations as above.
>0.03320053 BTC and you'll only have to work until you're 65

Comfortable Wagie Tier: $100k - $1m
This represents 39.4% of wealth, and 7.4% of people.
>0.29697427 BTC for a content, middle-class working life

Hookers & Blow Tier: $1m - $5m
This represents 26.6% of wealth, and 0.63% of people
>2.4 BTC and you're in a good place. Still need to work, but you can probably retire in 10 years, or blow it all in Phuket

Truly Made It Tier: $5m - $1b
This represents 15.8% of wealth, and 0.069965% of people
>12.6 BTC or more and you will officially make it. Enough to be a NEET for the rest of your life

Ascended Tier: > $1b
This represents 2.8% of wealth, and 0.000035% of people
>4462 BTC to challenge the gods

There are of course circumstances which could sway these numbers higher or lower. For example 5% of global wealth is very optimistic. But on the other hand it's estimated that 4 million BTC are lost forever, increasing scarcity.

>> No.16028839

Also for each of these tiers the "BTC per person" is really just an average. For example in the inequality pyramid the bottom 71% people are worth 3% of the global wealth, but that doesn't mean that the wealth is distributed evenly in that tier. You could break each tier up into its own sections that are just as unequal as the overall pyramid itself. In the 12.6 BTC case that's taking the average wealth for anyone in the $5m-$1b range. In reality there are many more people down at the $5m mark than there are up at the $1b mark. In any case, these tiers are less about the price and more about "if BTC takes over, how much do I need to be a 1%er? What about a 0.1%er?"

That's why I find this more instructive than "what if the price/mc was x?". No matter how it shakes out over the next 5, 10, 20 years, one thing I'm certain that will remain is the fact that 1% of people are worth more than all the rest of the 99% combined. And 0.01% of people are worth more than all the rest of the top 1% combined. And so on.

>> No.16028877

im old, i only need 300k to make it

>> No.16028947

Have sex

>> No.16028995


What does this original pyramid graphic factor in? Is this a person's total wealth, or just liquid wealth?

>> No.16029049

Total wealth. I believe it does not include paper "wealth" from derivatives/hypothecation of assets

>> No.16029050

Build me a telescope out of bitcoin

>> No.16029142


Amazing. Only 34 minion people on this planet own more than 1 million? I find that very hard to believe.

>> No.16029203

I mean, in Europe alone, you probably have 34 million people owning more than that. Let alone in the US. Something ain't right.

>> No.16029211
File: 91 KB, 611x606, millionaires.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16029238


Ah, ok, I see... thank you... they just left out certain countries where there are millionaires and billionaires, just not hundreds of thousands of them.
I get it now.

>> No.16029353

BTC will have to grow much faster than it is now to see 5% global wealth in less than 10 years. It'll still grow, but 5% total wealth is a huge order.

>> No.16029369

Its possible. A few more 2017 events could do it I think.

>> No.16029389

True, maybe slash that in half to 2.5%, on the same level of gold. We know that the stock-to-flow ratio will be on par with gold next year. So take the BTC amounts in each tier and multiply them by two in that case

>> No.16029433

What percentage of /biz/ fags do you reckon belong to that low estimate of 34m?

>> No.16029440
File: 51 KB, 500x527, tumblr_nq36n5cXcl1tkbud8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thread op
You forget about the halvening event, maybe not 5% but close to it is possible

>> No.16030065
File: 239 KB, 2100x1612, 1_jOLs8eLLbY2yTfk93-a1-Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the halving is exactly what could propel BTC up to the global wealth percentage that gold occupies.

>> No.16030872

How many anons here have at least 2.4 BTC?

>> No.16031198

Been accumulating the last few years, working on 8, goal is at least 10 before the real bullrun starts

>> No.16031240

In my humble opinion this whole thread is misinterpreted.... at least for me.
Because BTC, fine, I do my thing.... but! That graphic!
It cannot be true.
If it was true, I would be mega rich. Which I am not. I am just another little millionaire amongst many many many many

>> No.16031263


>Insert any other crypto here,
bitcoin isnt the only crypto dipshit.. Its legacy tier trash

>> No.16031273

That plan B guy is legit retarded or genius. He inverted inflation rate, called it "stock to flow" like some amazing new metric and retarded knuckle draggers just lapped that shit up.

>> No.16031361


Faggot look at that graphic... can that be true? If it was I only know the top of the world wealth irl, ... and they all feel poor, because they can't buy yachts and so on... these stat are misleading

>> No.16031655

60 IQ response

>> No.16031964
File: 31 KB, 720x720, 1566660747176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw hookers and blow tier

>> No.16032002


You know, hooker and blow tier isn't all that bad for a man. Meaning it is not a punishment?

>> No.16032126

I guess it depends on whether you're looking for money that you can live on for the rest of your life, or money that you can live large on for a few years

>> No.16032150


Welllet me tell you, that hookers and blow are fun...... more fun than a stable family

>> No.16032182

Who said anything about a family, why would I ruin my life with bitches and children

>> No.16032204

based and mgtowpilled

>> No.16032270


I was lucky in life. Lets leave it at that. There is no hooker in the world that can ask enough money for me to have none left XD

>> No.16032334


I am not principally opposed to the institution of marriage! It is just not for me. Because I know, once I marry her, I am done. I do not want to be done

>> No.16032355

You have to go back

>> No.16032384

To measure a man’s worth by his money alone is foolish. A poor man today can generate millions tomorrow if he has what it takes

>> No.16032436


Right, you rather tell a mans worth by how much he does what his woman wants? And then he is a poor man after the divorce.... that you then want to watch make money?


>> No.16032438
File: 51 KB, 1024x691, 1570384332475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah okay dad, sure.

>> No.16032497

Let me tell you this anons, no matter how much in love you are... and no matter how much the girl wants to marry... NEVER do it. Never. Never ever. If she loves you, she will be with you nonetheless

>> No.16032534
File: 160 KB, 544x479, 1560874398982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Making it with BTC
no longer possible

>> No.16032549

*unless leveraged

>> No.16032601

Making it with BTC is possible. Just not now, and not with this idiotic and ridiculous Asuka prophecy, mathematically not even. as u well know probably. SO what do you fukkers want from me??

>> No.16032879

btc is pyramid confirmed ty OP

>> No.16032952


Du lachst weil ich es nicht mit btw gemacht hab? Lack weiter! Ichhab mehr Geld als Gott. Ob ich damals mit BTC nochwas dazu verdient hätte wäre auch schon Wurscht verstehst du? In Wirklichkeit lachen Leute wie wir ewig über euch volk. Bussi

>> No.16033059

And that's right he even told us to not apologise or say anything afer

>> No.16033183
File: 2.64 MB, 264x240, 1560481396443.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16033192

thats a load of rubbish, in sydney alone there are 2 million millionaires just on houseing

>> No.16033246


Fact u fag

>> No.16033292

>I'm in the green right now on that pyramid

Holy shit. Why does my life suck so much?

>> No.16033380

ok... now then lets go ... faggot complaints about tonight? Before we give you that, we DO want to have you know though, that we do NOT believe in all this free shit as faros sex goes. Yo are either a an or woman period,

>> No.16033406

u disagree? fuck U! No shits were given then ;)