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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16030879 No.16030879 [Reply] [Original]

Well boys I"m now rocking that icy white, and was able to get my mco before the recent price increase, feels very comfy

>> No.16030891

How are you so rich? I'm struggling making $900 a month from my job.

>> No.16030915

Nice, I just started staking my coins with them about a month ago.

>> No.16031153

if I was "rich", I'd have the black card

>> No.16031176

fucking nice
I really think mco is going to 10 eoy

>> No.16031199

how is the card working for you?

>> No.16031236

If you make over $35,000 a year you're rich in my book.

>> No.16031285

This is retarded, you have to cash out crypto tp spend, it doesn't convert as you spend like they claimed they would at the beginning.

>> No.16031295


>> No.16031319

Whats the point of this stupid card. Also instead of a new card you should upgrade your carry gun from that bodyguard

>> No.16031320

>Texas license to carry handgun
So drivers license, basically.

>> No.16031342

getting rid of it tomorrow hopefully, main carry is a p365

you can top the card up with usd, btc, eth, xrp, and ltc and maybe more

>> No.16031517

What gun you carrying anon?

>> No.16031530


>> No.16031542
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normally this, but 380s are sooo comfy

>> No.16031611

>license to carry

This country has been fucked for decades. Even in fucking Texas you need a goddamn license for basic rights.

>> No.16031615

ew look at the color of your skin

>> No.16031626

There's more states with constitutional carry today than in the last 100 years anon....

>> No.16031628
File: 105 KB, 1200x960, sigsauerp2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my sig

>> No.16031843

my hands see the sun


>> No.16031858

your government actually allows civilians to carry guns? I thought this was just a meme

>> No.16031912
File: 2.62 MB, 2000x1350, 1554418174482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have more guns than the military and police combined anon

>> No.16031938

they dont "allow" me, I just have permission now, which is bullocks

>> No.16032483

I make that in California and am literally homeless living in my business.

>> No.16032991
File: 221 KB, 962x650, 1568382237267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i found this pic of your wife and daughters

>> No.16033181
File: 168 KB, 840x473, 529D3FBF-97C3-42BD-8EB2-E0E043012309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto.com is doing 8% interest on Chainlink. Enjoy the good life friends.

>> No.16033198

fuck off pajeet

>> No.16033896

hah, stay poor

>> No.16034088

My government doesn't "allow" shit. They're inalienable rights, they come from the constitution that is above any man... including the voter.

>> No.16034115
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Based and rights pilled

>> No.16034684
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fucking mco is taking off!!!!!

>> No.16034724
File: 82 KB, 750x1334, EHvkryQWkAASpxT1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using a debit card

Retard detected.

>> No.16034751

So How tall are you? do you feel height matter if you have a gun?
I wish I could have one, but I live in a shithole

>> No.16034822
File: 249 KB, 500x375, 1563816396483.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half a billion guns in the united states civilian population possession.
Our government hates our balls but is scared dickless of us, not because we pose a physical threat to them, but because our population would kill off over 25% of its own in less than 24 hours in any modern civil war, and the elites/bankers would lose a lot of their revenue.

>> No.16034892

Plus the "elite" aren't immune to guns either. And they can't have private security and be in bulletproof vehicles 24/7. If shit hit the fan they'd be targets and they know it. An armed society is so much harder to fully take control of.

>> No.16034922

25% is a very conservative estimate

>> No.16034952

>does height matter when there's 2 thugs aiming a gun at you when you're with your wife and child

What kind of question is this

>> No.16034976

dumbass I didnt ask that.

>> No.16034978

I only put so much on it for liability reasons

>> No.16034996

>So How tall are you? do you feel height matter if you have a gun?
>nooo i didnt asked if height mattered

Kek try again

>> No.16035000

Yeah, maybe if you live in Nicaragua or something. 30k is barely a living wage in a 1st world county

>> No.16035014

I’m 22 with no college education and I make 65k a year

>> No.16035040

well we can't all be canadian plumbers or underwater welders now can we?

>> No.16035098 [DELETED] 

your card is icy white

but your skin is still shit brown

>> No.16035117

I'm probably whiter than you fren

>> No.16035228

I bet his cum is whiter than yours

>> No.16035594

Your anxiety shows John.

>> No.16035655

His has 5% cash back and free netflix/spotify. Better than most credit cards desu

>> No.16035682

>5%netflix and spotify

Who the fuck uses those hahaha try harder

>> No.16035689

basically everyone

>> No.16035693

My parent's credit card is my debit card. Get on my level b*tch

>> No.16035919

Drink more water

>> No.16036106

I didn't know underwater plumbers got paid so much

>> No.16036511

Your stupid liberal scheme created the most intrusive, centralized, and powerful state ever. Elites have pulled the "rights" and "democracy" switcheroos countless times in history

>> No.16036533

I know it almost feels too good to be true. I'm making 125 link a week in interest...

>> No.16036957


>> No.16036963

Insanity. I make 80k a year and live with my parents

>> No.16036972

Fuck off shitskin

>> No.16037340


>> No.16037865

You're either underage or a third worlder. I'm making 35k before OT and I'd literally be impoverished if I didn't live with my parents. $15/hr is not rich.