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16028924 No.16028924 [Reply] [Original]

I got one since a few months, then 3 years single before that, and I notice a slight shift in how people interact with me. A bit same when you have a job or not, you can feel a sense of pity from them then

and yes this is business, since this also occurs in office interactions with colleagues. they then talk more about couple stuff and recommend us to go to places etc

I wasn't an incel or anything before, just dated around a bit and focused on things I liked like coding or biking. But when you are in a stable relationship people see it and adapt somehow.

>> No.16028950

girls are friendlier if you have a gf already too. but are you sure it's not because you're happier and acting now confident? people are more likable when they're happy

>> No.16028959

they now know you are not a faggot and it s sociaĺly not damaging to hang out with you
better not tell them about 4chan

>> No.16028977

People might be more inclined shaking your hand knowing you don't spank it 24/7 like any other incel out there.

>> No.16028979

If a woman is willing to be with you, it signals to others that you must be worth something.
You get even more respect after you get married and have kids.

>> No.16028980

Sorry lad, but it's time to realize that people care more about what you have than who you are
Doesn't matter that much though, you'll only want a few people in your life anyways

>> No.16029003

I wouldn't think so either, I'm usually quite social at work, go to events and lunches and so on. Working with customers to so not just a basement developer

but it's hard to judge yourself I guess

>> No.16029011

OP - you are 110% correct and this is common knowledge among normies but was a shock to me as well. I've fucked hundreds (literally) of women and am a confident guy, good looking, etc - but holy shit the doors that opened to me when I finally had a "girlfriend".

Suddenly I/we were getting invited to all sorts of things, everyone wanted to talk to us, guys were happier around me (less threat?) girls liked me a lot more (social proof, prequalification), I could get laid easier on the side, etc etc.

Being single is, as you say, like being unemployed. No one wants much to do with you and you certainly won't find another job very easily. It's so important (past a certain age) to appear to have a gee-eff, even if you don't even fucking like her that much ffs just keep her around for the title/status of it.

After a certain again, a single guy is possibly the creepiest fucking thing out there, and you really feel the benefit of having an official bitch.

>> No.16029014

I surf 4chan on my second screen when I wait for servers to deploy so...

>> No.16029028

because a gf is "social proof"
someone with a gf shows people that your character is pleasant/stable enough that another human being would willingly spend a majority of their time/life with you

as for why women are nicer to you, its the "desirability effect", they see that you have the means/resources to provide stability/security, which is what women are hardwired to seek out
they see that you can provide, so they kiss up to you to attempt to secure a spot in line(or try to get you to cheat on your gf with them)

>> No.16029031

yeah you are very right I think sir. I just isn't the type who "needs" a GF or a lot of friends though, I do a bit what I want (and not some not give a fuck alpha stereotype either) and when it fits. I of course enjoy some usual meetings and parties, but some weekends I can just sit home watching anime or go out on long runs too

>> No.16029038

THis is the goddamn truth. Its crazy how everyone gave me more respect.

>> No.16029048

>even if you don't even fucking like her that much ffs just keep her around for the title/status of it

petty social games
humans are scum creatures

>> No.16029058
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yeah its' not that anyone was rude or anything like that before though, but you can feel they put in 10-15% more effort when they talk to you somehow. I think you know what I mean but it's hard to quantify the feeling

>> No.16029061

Your a newfag

>> No.16029078

Normies seem to equate how good you are as a person with your social skills for some reason

>> No.16029084
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Id rather strive to get on this guys level

>> No.16029120

I like this quote: "Crocodiles are easy; they try to kill and eat you. People are harder; sometimes they pretend to be your friend first."
My motivation to become rich (other than not having to wagecuck) is to not have to play social games. Once you have money, you can truly be yourself and not give a fuck anymore what others think about you.

>> No.16029123

If you want to undo the effect, marry her and have kids. Then everyone treats you like a retard, including your wife and her family, and society in general

>> No.16029149

facts. makes me want to withdraw from social norms and just scam and deceive people just like the jews do. Ultimately, the jews are ironically right. People are judgmental, shallow, and disgusting unworthy cattle.

>> No.16029152

dont cheat and risk spreading stds evil degenerate

>> No.16029174

lol no they don't, go outside sometime
people trust a married man more than a single one
everywhere i go the first question people ask is if i'm married, i'm not because women are crazy and i like a comfy hermit life without drama
but the married guy will always get invited to functions and events because people feel he is "safer" to be around their families

>> No.16029176

this sounds more anecdotal. true chads that hold value never fail when it comes to social games. its all about self status

>> No.16029217

yeah and if you are 35+ or more, being a single guy in a small city give people a creepy feeling

>> No.16029653

Women are social creatures. They are turbo normies. You get swept along

>> No.16029950

You're talking about marriage. I'm not talking about marriage, I'm talking about marriage AND having kids. Fathers are basically patronised. There's some kind of meme that says it's ok to imply a father knows nothing about anything. It's infuriating when shop assistants I have never met turn to my waifu and make jokes about my assumed incompetence as a father because I'm a man- and then even more so when the waifu laughs along. Have kids anon, then come back and tell me I'm wrong

>> No.16030033

you are right, just look at ads for soap or cleaning or whatever. Always the "stupid father" who pays for everything who don't know how to cook or clean

>> No.16030096

Same goes for money. People treat me differently when they find out that I have more money than the usual pleb. Of course, they don't know what I do, nor do I get the impression that they much care, they just have more respect for me when they find out I have money.

>> No.16030129

I'm a single father with full custody. Everyone basically treats me like Jesus.

>> No.16030153

Then there's no-one for the shop assistant to turn to and joke with about you. But she's thinking it

>> No.16030228

>is to not have to play social games. Once you have money, you can truly be yourself and not give a fuck anymore what others think about you.
What's stopping you from doing that right now?

>> No.16030292

fucking christ
please dont tell me I have to stop being a shut in neet
im approaching 30 and comfy with my lifestyle.
I guess I have to attain status in another way so I can look "mysterious" and "enigmatic" or some shit

>> No.16030335

I'm sorry to say, but after 30 the difference starts to show. I'm 32 now but at say 27 it was nothing special, but around 30+ more and more people have stable partners even in "fun" job sectors like IT or marketing

>> No.16030338

>shut in neet
Chances are you don't associate with much people anyways, why does it matter?

>> No.16030396

congrats on understanding basic social dynamics

>> No.16030662
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In high school normies will bully you if their genetic alarms go off that your inferior to psychologically instill in you a fear of socializing to increase the odds you won't reproduce. It doesnt matter if it makes your life hell.

Next normies wont be your friend unless youve got other friends.

Normies wont be your friend unless youve got a gf at a certain age.

Normies will kick you out of the friend group unless you ascede to the power structure. If you be your own man and dont want to drink theyll get offended because according to normies logic you must all be the same to identify with one another.

Normies are agressive and loudness is their friend, normies love to scream and be agressive to counter to other normies their norm group is more strong.

Normies respect tall normies because they still think theres about to be a war and the tall normies are going to kill the manlets.

First things a normies will ask is what you do for work, do you have a gf, who are you with, if you answer these vague questions incorrectly the normies will make vast judgements and decide what your worth and then either give you compliments and expect compliments back. Or dump you and leave you. Expect to enter a jackoff session of complimenting each other.

normies friendship is empty, normies crawl over each other to reach the top of their ape hierarchy so that they can abuse and control more humans. It doesnt matter if it means more suffering, its conditional love and it doesn't ever last.

Thats why normies and thots always cry about being alone, even when theyre surrounded by their normie clan.

At the end of a normies adult years their friendship is limited to who has kids who is married, who has a house, its a shallow existance, the normies throws away friends if they slip up or step out of line of the mental cage of suffering and fear they live in.

The epitome of a normie is being strong and muscular and being able totl tell others what to do because theyre afraid of yo

>> No.16030758

And finally yes I am an incel but you might be too, if your not one day your progeny will be not good enough and theyll be incels, and thrown aside like raggedy anne dolls.

My question to the controllers is why support a biological system that encourages suffering, if not you then your children will suffer. Your mating patterns aren't 100% successful, its already shown that humans cant select for intelligence in mating, I.e regression to the mean.

This may be on purpose, afterall you torture humans through inducing old age, and you leak us of our vital nutrients through masturbation. You have no interest in one human beings welfare.

>> No.16030759
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fucking saved
good post anon
>Normies wont be your friend unless youve got a gf at a certain age.

>> No.16030771

thanks, like I said I was never much into being into normie things, but also I didn't hang out with the worst incel nerds either. I just like to do my own thing and interact with fun people

>> No.16030794


keep the circle small, keep fake ppl away

>> No.16030818

single people are higher risk. single people can pack up and move at a moments notice. you can switch jobs, move cross country, literally do anything. married ppl are tied down. no freedom

>> No.16030826

The problem is that the non-normies see themselves as at the top of the social hierarchy for no reason.

Meaning, what backs their sense of superiority?

>> No.16030902

>non-normies see themselves as at the top of the social hierarchy for no reason
Is this really the case? Non-normies such as myself opt out since I find the whole idea of a hierarchy inane and pointless.

>> No.16030976

im gonna invent the cure to aging in my secret laboratory when I have enough funds after link moons. It will give me great pleasure smugly looking down on all these normies trying to befriend me.

>> No.16031038

Because the non normies see the intrinsic failures in the normies system. The non normies can only sit on the side lines of this arbitary game the normies play and wait for the next normie world war, nuclear normie war, and general normie shitshow which is due to their normie brains. Non normies never get to contribute to the normie world or tell normies what theyre doing wrong because their silence is labelled weakness, so only the most agressive loud normies ever contribute antthing which is bound to be a dud. Theyre genetically hardwired to be asshole and they love it that way. Failures are so much in the normie system that it merits a hard fork to a new system just like autism is doing. Autists are literally unphased by normie aggression posturing and normies agressive social cues.

Another thing is normies just go on and on about others, to the point where if another person is mentioned enough they become famous, this is known as a normie communicative death spiral, where one normie will feel obliged to talk about some random normie if another is too, continuing the cycle until this certain random normie is a local celebrity for picking his ass.

This normie phenomenon is also the cause of normie logistical failures, normies will he afraid to bring up problems at work or act on their own because theyre trained like a dog to admire and fear the boss and only talk when theyre socially trained to.

This will lead to a snowball where it all comes crashing down, the company goes under, the team underperformed, etc, in short the normie system is shit and cancerous.

>> No.16031048

Based and socially ostracised

>> No.16031154

The reason why normies value courage so much is because fear is a central tenet of the normie control system, so by being "courageous" you are acting against your fear programming and being a "Chad", then you get to control those in fear, then you are a winner.

Normies auto respect a handsome chad and will listen to him no matter what is said, this is why the controllers put in presidents like tredeau and macron, they are an epitome of the normie ruler.
The only way to ever win in an argument with a normie is to become impassioned with your own beliefs, even though this is contrary to a well reasoned and logical mind. According to the normie, if you speak with a neutral or non loud tone in an argument your weak and so are your ideas, and female normies already arent listwning because you havent activated their emotions.

>> No.16031203

Finally normies dress in agressive ways, the female normies dress sexually agressive.
Female normies are extremely vapid, if they feel their superiority isnt established enough while in proximity to you they will just walk away, even if theyre having a good time just to show you how low you are.

Say you are at a beach, some female normies may be near you, if for a long wnough time you don't make eye contact and show yourself to be having a good time and not suffering from their lack of attention they will purposely go to their boyfriends and start making out, or they will vacate the area to make you feel alone.

>> No.16031245

Based and book of Incel pilled

>> No.16031306

I mean, anyone respect tall people cause it make them more attractive and its very intimidating isnt it? come one guys..

>> No.16031385


>> No.16031442
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Finally my message is that we as neet outsiders we're like Tom cruise in movie oblivion, we are not an effective normie team, and because of that they trying to kill us.

The truth is out there, by walking away from the normie playing field you are not losing, your making a New field to play on and not even play, but to cooperate. And thats something the normie which is really a meme for the avergae human at the turn of the 21st century will never understand.

May some of us here become a new and different human, free from the social chains that try to keep us down.

>> No.16031476


>> No.16031531
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Lol should have changed your IP before this post retard. The posts were interesting but you lost cred pulling this shit

>> No.16031543

The delusion of Darwin and capitalism, the holocaust, colonialism, the destruction of planet earth. All of this shows the awful nature of that normie beast which is all about strut and pride and never backing down and never negotiating and never capitulating in their sick minds.

They willingly create a hostile attitude becausw they feed on it, in order for the normie to even exist it needs hostility, it needs a game of overcoming to play. It needs to be a victim.

At the heart of every whitoid is a self centered view of life, they are a hero, they are a star, you can see it in their expression. This is fully expressed in Hollywood.

And the tragicness of this is they will never accept that theyre the problem, with their mercantilism and obsessive need for more. This is why whitoids are so isolated socially in Scandinavian countries, they cant take to be around others like them because they all look like Chad's or stacies.

So all you have are hyper competitive rich chads or staciea with few real friends.

>> No.16031564
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>At the heart of every whitoid is a self centered view of life

Kek now you've outed yourself as gross colored fag that hates Whites. You trying to make your posts seem more important with shit like >>16031245. Not our fault your ancestors insisted on living in mud huts forever faggot, all of your shit posts are now discarded

>> No.16031591

non-white detected

>> No.16031592
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>44 results
so many redditors here Christ. only normalfags use the word "normies"

>> No.16031644
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>> No.16031685

I have been lying to my bosses/colleagues since day 1 that I have a girlfriend. Even mentioned it several times in my interview and im certain i wouldn't have got the job if i didn't. The first thing my MD asks me on the odd occasion i see him is 'hows the mrs?' to which i last replied 'she's still alive, so...' They're going to expect me to bring her to the christmas party, so i'll have to 'break up' with her before then.

the things we do for normies. what a chore this world is for us sub chads.

>> No.16031727

You need to lay off the amphetamines anon Jesus. Yes we realize normies are retarded, its literally one of the lynchpins behind this site newfag, that any single anon is infinitely more intelligent and worthy then a single normie.

You almost got it but not quite by the way, the normies are threatened by how superior we are in everu way resorting to ultimately longterm losing strategys as you noted like small scale social domination and short term stimulus conditioning. As i said though this is not a viable long term strategy, all it takes is one anon to find a socially viable attack vector and the idea they push into that vector collapses the normie narrative sorrounding it, in other words normies can literally only dominate the memetic social knowledge around topics they themselves cant grasp, and only once you are able to forceably get them to accept an idea via an aforementioned attack vector will they no longer be able to dominate the social consciousness sorrounding those ideas. It's losing strategy see, normies literally have to retard themselves bit by bit to keep control, and eventually the last vestiges of a failed normie ideological hostage situation dissolves, and that is what we call progress in modern society.

Anyway, you cant have peace really. Because of this dynamic peace is not an option. Thats not a bad thing either, the air you breath oxidizes your cells everyday, you literally live a life where everything in on and around you is trying to dominate you in some way. So wether you can see it or not you're trying to dominate the normies just as much as they are trying to dominate you. Your only option is to be better at it, what that looks like is up to you however. If trying to convince normies to just chill and let live is how you see success coming for you then its as valid as them trying to socially dominate you.

>> No.16031796

There's technically nothing stopping me from isolating myself from society and being myself but when you are rich, you can afford to do that without bad consequences. However if you are anything but rich and decide to isolate yourself and be yourself, you will be handicapping your chances of survival and success. The bigger your social circle is, the more opportunities you get especially when it comes to careers (no wonder so many anons complain about struggling to get jobs because they probably don't know many people who can help them get one) and you can only have a large social circle by well, playing the social game. You need to do things which impress people such as saying what they want to hear, dressing well, having a gf, etc. but once you are rich you don't have to depend on anything other than the stock market to remain rich thus the social game becomes optional. In fact, once you are rich it's the other people who will have to impress you given that you are a walking gold mine to them.

>> No.16031861

>No she couldn't come because her company placed their christmas event at the same day

>> No.16031956

>In fact, once you are rich it's the other people who will have to impress you given that you are a walking gold mine to them.
what is that like?

>> No.16031976

The "cure" to aging is being researched right now. Vitalik donated $2 millions to SENS Foundation. I suggest to do the same once you make it.

>> No.16031997
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I'm on another plane my man, I'm neither above nor below you. That's what you don't get about omegas, we aren't in the hierarchy at all -- which is why we're so smug. Why do you think Diogenes was so unrelentingly based? He wasn't superior to Alexander, he was beyond him.

>> No.16032000

im a scientist in training right now. I can do the work myself without having to jump thru regulatory hurdles

>> No.16032022

There’s no “beyond”, further away or in between when you walk your own path. Why the contrast if you play by your own rules?

>> No.16032032

girls are like steroids to your social status

>> No.16032052


Huh? Different things are different. You aren't making sense.

>> No.16032073

Let him break up with his imaginary gf. Theyre a terrible couple anyway. She has him wrapped

>> No.16032101

yeah. personally i call them normgroids

>> No.16032936

sexual selection is a very valuable social proof
especially now that the creation of a family isn't remotely needed for survival - nobody NEEDS a significant other so we intrinsically understand that the value in having one is proportionally higher

>> No.16032960

Because you subconsciously feel more confident.