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16022905 No.16022905 [Reply] [Original]


it is not in your interest to be dependent on bank liquidity and withdrawal limits to get rid of your cash.
it is not in your interest to attack the utility of the currency your wages are denominated in.
there is no evidence this law will reduce "the black economy"

email your member for parliament and senators.
make a submission to the inquiry https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Economics/CurrencyCashBill2019

civil liberties are eroded act by act, give them nothing.

>> No.16022926

ah, come now mate, you didn't think Oz is gonna dodge the global tightening of the vise on anything and everything.

Grow up and see the reality that's right in front of you - there are no more sovereign countries, at least not in what once was the "Western" or "free" world. Whatever the globalist come up with next, your government is going to lap up with a goofy smile on their face, no matter who is in power.

>> No.16022931
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Only the beginning.
Make sure to buy a comfy stack of XMR if you're an Aussie.

>> No.16022944

>do nothing

>> No.16022966

Time for drastic measures?

>> No.16022970

why do you say XMR specifically? Why not just btc

>> No.16022976

Not necessarily drastic measures... but slowly starting to transition your wealth into that which cannot be confiscated (bitcoin) would be a good start.

>> No.16022978

What do you poofs assume the western govs self destruction of their own currencies will do for crypto though ah ha!

>> No.16022980

you can do whatever the fuck you will, but don't for a moment think that voting for this or that person or pressuring politicians by protesting or whatever of that ilk will make a wet fart of a difference.

There are no more sovereign countries, you can't just not follow the global herd. This has already been implemented in many places, and even much more severe cash restrictions and nobody could do anything about it. This is just catching up to the rest of the herd.

Let me put it this way - if the elections could change anything, they would've banned them a long time ago

>> No.16022982

Funny how (((coincidently))) every
nation around earth wants to ban cash all of the sudden. Each one trying their hardest to do it in tiny steps to not piss the people of to much. Here in krautland they do it very sneaky. I own a business and have to get change for the register all the time. Starting January this year every roll of change now costs 0,50 fucking cents. I pay thousands of euros now just to get change.

I can barely put in words how pissed of I am at ((( them))). (((They))) should at least have the balls to say "sorry not sorry goy we will take away cash now so that we can charge you with negative interest and have even more control over you". But no, sneaky bastards (((they))) are they push it on the businesses through trickery... I will have to change to card only soon enough because it is to expensive to buy change. But I will fight as long as I can.

Fuck Kikes

>> No.16022987

BTC transactions by default can be traced back to you by feds, especially if you purchase the Bitcoins with an ID like most do.
XMR transactions are untraceable.

>> No.16022990

my point precisely

>> No.16022993

The bill is only going to exempt crypto that is not anonymous.

I've seen people argue that bitcoin with it's public ledger could be brought under this ban as they can't ascertain the owner of a wallet.

If we start walking down this road we're going to have full blown communism in 10 years. They can get absolutely fucked

>> No.16023009

Australia - A mediocrity run by the mediocrity for the mediocrity. If you faggots don't have your money offshore already, you'll never /make it/ now.

>> No.16023017

start accepting gold.

>> No.16023022

>money off shore

like where, China? You reckon they let you keep stashes of cash there?

Also, there are no more anonymous bank accounts, every transaction is being automatically reported back to your home IRS.

>> No.16023024

>just do nothing
>there's nothing you can do
>go to sleep
>let it happen
fuck off

>> No.16023038

I didn't say do nothing. I said do whatever the fuck you want, it just won't make any difference.

Feel free to fight as much as you like, but keep in mind if a thing like this is made public in what is supposedly a "discussion" , it means it is already a done deal, the only thing remaining is to make the public swallow it somehow. And they will make them swallow it, one way or another, sooner or later.

>> No.16023039

I am unironically thinking about accepting bitcoin even tho it is an (((accounting))) nightmare but I am so pissed off I could not care less at this point

>> No.16023048

This is what lawyers are for, brainlet. Find a good one and you'll soon find an exit.

It's already too late. This apathetic nation does not care for privacy or any civil liberties.

>> No.16023050

This is really sad but I have to agree. But I for one will not go down without a fight fuck (((them)))

>> No.16023063
File: 214 KB, 762x524, digital currency exempt from 10k cash ban.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're like an edgy teenager. You're probably a code is law communist.
It's complacency like yours that causes decline. What effort is it to write an email to your member of parliament

>> No.16023073

If I had that kind of defeated mind I would have died a long time ago.

>> No.16023086
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why the hecc would any normal person buy a car, home, anything worth $10k+ in paper cash in 2019? literally a nothing burger aml law

>muh civil liberties, muh freedom
get bent emu fuckers

>> No.16023095

Stick your long nose up your ass.

>> No.16023097

No need to get so defensive, I am just calling a spade a spade. The world is fucked, because it grew complacent - we now happily and enthusiastically exchange whatever little freedom we had for whatever perceived so-called security they offer us. We are willingly putting our collective head in the yoke and one day we are going to feel the whip on our back, but then there will be no pulling the head back out again.

Anyway, I do not wish for this kind of world, nor am I a fatalist, but I just don't see many people waking up to reality before it is too late, if it isn't already.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, fight the good fight and maybe it will make a difference, who knows.

>> No.16023098

I can assure there was no complacency on my part. I merely move to where governments are willing to serve my needs - not vice versa. Enjoy the egregious taxes, zero privacy and economically stale environment. I'm sure it will be a blast bro!

>> No.16023105

>waaa the powers that be changed the rules
t. jelous dickwit

>> No.16023112

>Sorry only less than 10k goy
>Sorry only less than 5k goy
>Sorry only less than 1k goy
>Sorry only less than 50 goy
>Sorry no more cash at all goy

>> No.16023118

kill some people over it then faggot you wont

>> No.16023130

where'd you move?

>> No.16023161

Imagine beeing this dense fml
Imagine the only way of resistance you can think about is violence
You have to be 18 to post on 4chin piss off edgelord

>> No.16023170

Been living in Singapore for almost four years.

>> No.16023181

No cash means no privacy. No cash also means you're forced to have your money in a bankaccount. So they can charge you for it whatever they like.
I don't think writing your congressman is going to make a difference.

>> No.16023201

its either worth your life or its for the better
go to bed

>> No.16023330

>Sorry babe can't provide any food for the kids anymore I have to go to prison because some edgelord told me the only fight worth fighting is one where you are willing to die for
Grow up

Me neither but better than nothing I guess. And put money in shiny rocks or crypto something (((they))) can't touch. For now... can already see the new law sorry goy gold and crypto is illegal now to fight terrorism

>> No.16023366
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>trivialising liberty, antisemitic, advocates violence
absolutely glowing

>> No.16024057

>I can meaningfully resist without putting anything on the line
I guess those new anti-protest laws they've been ramming through the legislature are nothing to worry about then :^)

>> No.16024391

You buy thousands of rolls per year? What kind of business?

>> No.16024406

>thousands rolls per year
How much do you shit?

>> No.16024692

Just like the french did.

>> No.16025098

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