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16020770 No.16020770[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>at lunch with coworkers
>fem black coworker talks about how much she squats at the gym
>instinctively respond nigga please
>everyone goes silent and shit gets awkward
>boss now wants to see me tomorrow morning

How do I survive this?

>> No.16020787
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Tell him you just said "niggardly" which is an actual word. Can't fire you for using the english language.

>> No.16020790

You're already screwed. When you go into the office tomorrow just scream FUCK NIGGERS as loud as you possibly can and leave. Make sure the nigress is around to hear you too.

>> No.16020792

suck your bosses dick

>> No.16020795

You went full retard. a fat lady is singing over your prospects of future gainful employment. May as well innawoods and wait on the Day of Something Habbening now
and this, obv.

>> No.16020799
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Nigger is an actual word you mong

>> No.16020804

Tell them they should've confronted you at the moment instead of crying to HR. If you have dignity DONT APOLOGIZE to the nigger

>> No.16020807


>> No.16020818

Tell them you have aspergers kek

>> No.16020819

It's over

No more wage. You escaped. Congrats.

>> No.16020823
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Yea you're already screwed. How fucking dumb are you?
Do you hold any linkies? Do you even TA?

>> No.16020824

Tell him you love collecting unemployment

>> No.16020845

Tell him your father is white and your mom is black. You grew up in a black neighborhood.
>But I look white
Doesn't matter.

>> No.16020858

kill her then write ‘I did it’ on your chest in her blood

>> No.16020866

when you go into your bosses office tomorrow morning, immediately say 'hey nigger, whats happening?'(or something with the word nigger in it, to this effect) in the most casual manner with the utmost confidence.

From here, i imagine he will retort in shock and scold you for your 'racist' language. its at this moment you inform him that you are indeed african american(assuming you are american?) and this is how you talk on a day to day basis. Inform him that if you are to be terminated as an employee, you will make it most uncomfortable for them, as you a tired of the injustices your fellow african have endured in the workplace.

Fight fire with fire.

>> No.16020877

If not larp you're literally fired, lol.

>> No.16020882

Don't forget to mention jannies too pls

>> No.16020886

threaten him with a wrongful termination suit

>> No.16020893

They won't fire you.
I work for an American company in EU and HR just gave me a warning after a Holocaust denial joke.

>> No.16020897

OPs is worse

>> No.16020900

This might actually work, otherwise op is pretty well fucked

>> No.16020919


>> No.16020940

This is kind if why I'm afraid to get dental work done. If I get drugged up I might say some crazy shit.

>> No.16020958

Are you white OP?
Did you say nigga or nigger?
And did your co worker say nigga first?

>> No.16020967

why the fuck would you even go there instinctively. poor guy. you shouldn't let that word in your lexicon, not because its offensive but because it can get you in big trouble.

>> No.16020982

Last time at the doctors they gave me a knock out for 10 minutes stuff to chekc my stomach inside. Coming too I asked this young nurse for a date and told her she was beautiful.

Punchline. My wife and kid was waiting outside the room.

>> No.16021002

A sincere apology could save your ass
Not that what you did was a huge deal

>> No.16021018

Pro tip:
>White guy

Never say the N word around black people.

Problem solved.

Or, are you not bright enough to get it? In that case, you deserve to get fired.

BTW, u are toast.

>> No.16021034

>you shouldn't let that word in your lexicon
That word and I mean full on nigger is all up in my lexicon. I already explode and scream it loudly at home sometimes. I'm legit worried it's going to spill out into real life. Fuck I need to fix this.

>> No.16021053

Found the actual nigger

>> No.16021059

Yup, fix it. Or the PC police will make sure you never gain professional employment, ever.

Social media is prepared to fire hose you, forever.

Let that sink in.

>> No.16021062

So did you get the date?

>> No.16021066

fuck the nigress

>> No.16021073


Found the actual guy with $$$$$ that has to deal with dimwits all the time.

Fuck up today? You

>> No.16021078

>I don't have nigger friends
>I'm a libtard

>> No.16021081

Fuck up today? You fuck up forever.

Don't drop an N-bomb in @ work.

Or, goodbye forever lol

>> No.16021097

By walking into work tomorrow with a rope and lynching that fucking nigger

>> No.16021100

this and im black

>> No.16021127


>> No.16021147

thank you for posting this

>> No.16021150

tell them your grandfather is black

>> No.16021160

just tell your boss you weren't really thinking and were always taught it was no big deal so long as you didn't use the hard r

>> No.16021166

The only reasonable option.

>> No.16021171

Really just never use any English words that start with N

>> No.16021195
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anon why. Dont you have a fucking filter. Why did you say that.

>> No.16021201

Tell him you are trans-nigger, you racially identify as an African-American.

This puts him in the spot as being the intolerant one.

>> No.16021202

this is the best strategy. turn it around on them. tell him as a part black man you have the RIGHT to use that word and start accusing him of racism

>> No.16021211
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>> No.16021224

Reddit much?

>> No.16021225

based. checked

>> No.16021259

Only option is to claim mixed race from some sort of the family, since parents might not be believable maybe a grandparent is better, then say you grew up in a black neighborhood and everyone said it regularly so you’re very desensitized and thought it was fine growing up, only when you moved you noticed it wasn’t. Then that you’re sorry, and it won’t happen again

>> No.16021263
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The Boondocks S2 Episode 11: The S-Word


It's on Hulu. Tell them you finished watching a couple episodes of Boondocks found it to be one of the greatest pieces of media of all time (it actually is, no joke).

>> No.16021277

Do this, OP.

Alternately, your best option is to apologize, and explain that you were off the clock.

OP referred to somebody specific as a racial slur. That's substantially worse, because it's more likely to become part of a "hostile work environment" lawsuit. Which is what HR primarily fears.

His only potential for saving, is that he said it while at lunch, and thus presumably off the clock.

>I already explode and scream it loudly at home sometimes.

>> No.16021286

lol. Don't use reddit @ all.

Software engineer.

Use this much whitespace.

>> No.16021320

I know. For some reason 4chan thinks good spacing = reddit spacing.

>> No.16021339

When you identify as a nigger, paint your face black with big red lips and say that it's part of your race transition.

>> No.16021343
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>Never say the N word around black people.
You know whats funny? People only get offended by shit theyre ashamed of. Calling someone a nigger is just like saying "youre black, lol". By getting offended at being called a nigger, a black person is admitting theyre ashamed of being black.

Want proof?
>insult someone for being fat
>insult someone for being fit

>insult a woman for being a slut
>insult a woman for being in a good relationship with a man

>insult a black person for being black
>insult a white person for being white

That being said, there are based black men, and they dont get offended at the word nigger, nor should they.

>> No.16021350

I don't have anything like that going on so that would be preferable for me, I'd just be afraid of calling the technicians kikes or niggers or something.

>> No.16021351

No one actually believes this LARP, right?

>> No.16021392

its double spacing and anytime I see someone call it reddit spacing I know they are not only underage but also didnt pay attention in school or they'd know what double spacing is so I openly mock them for being not 18+ and stupid

>> No.16021412

>insult a white person for being white
honkey ass cracker whyteboi muh diks bigger than urs

>> No.16021482

Get fired then sue them saying you're autistic and can't function normally in social situations.

>> No.16021496

Lol. I'm rich.

Just mentioning how to succeed.

But, you? Drop those n-bombs.

Good luck!

>> No.16021720

You need to cuck out and apologize profusely. You better shed some tears and put on a serious performance. You're not fired yet and apologizing with serious conviction might keep your job.

>> No.16021751

Tell the nigger your sorry. Tell her u won't say niggers any more.

>> No.16021795


>> No.16021804

>>instinctively respond
A job probably wasn't in the cards for you anyway.

>> No.16021812

Say you have autism and feign ignorance. Hide your power level next time

>> No.16021852

I say nigger at work.

>> No.16021868

Do you work at the white house?

>> No.16021881


>> No.16021936
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just don't show up tomorrow. spares you the shame and shows that you don't take anyone's shit. your fucked anyway, might as well show them who's boss

>> No.16021945

Walk in wearing women's clothes, make up and wig.
Tell your boss you're a she-male faggot and also a nigger.
If he says you're not black, sue him.

>> No.16022027
File: 42 KB, 342x311, aK3QLWg_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just say you identify as Black, that should give u a temp N-Word Pass.

>> No.16022063

He’s right.

They can’t force you to prove your ethnicity that would actually BE racist.

Furthermore you can claim that by being reprimanded they are erasing your Ethnovernacular.

>> No.16022069

This OP, you need to beg them to suck their dicks!

>> No.16022079

Claim to be transracial

>> No.16022081

Or just go on the offensive to completely throw them off.

Tell them you don’t want to make a big deal about “a bunch of white folk staring at two black people, and that you don’t feel they need to be disciplined, they just weren’t expected it. Tell them you don’t plan on pursuing anything up the chain or with the ACLU.”

If they are smart they’ll realize it’s a trap, if they are fucking stupid they’ll ask you if you’re black which they legally cannot do.

>> No.16022112

'sorry i spend so much time with my fathers side of the family that i forget how light my skin is, and how i am usually perceived as purely caucasian.'

>> No.16022132

This happened when I got my wisdom teeth out as a teenager. I don't know exactly what I said but the technicians were VERY curt when I came out of my daze.

>> No.16022178
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Never go full Trudeau

>> No.16022197

Yup, I might just have to find the whitest dental office in the nation to be safe.

>> No.16022210

Just do this: Apologize profusely to her and your boss, explain that you had no hate behind it and it just slipped out as something you say with "the guys" or something and you realize it was as unprofessional as you can get and you will never do it again. Then say you regret it was a part of your vernacular/casual speech at all, and you recognize that no matter how harmless your intent behind it is, the word has a history and connotation that can not be removed from context or cadence and you deeply regret ever having used it in any way.

Maybe run it by HR or something, but I feel like coming straight from the heart and telling it exactly how it is, is your best bet. Unironically just be honest.

>> No.16022333

Nigger cope. My mom says my dick is huug

>> No.16022343

>all the cucks saying you should lie and fake it
just say how it is, you hate working with niggers
fuck em
go find a job where no niggers work
better to die on your feet than living on your knees like a cuck

>> No.16022353

My friend punched the dentist in the face while under anesthesia

>> No.16022431

Based. Fuck dentists

>> No.16022478


HRBP here:

Denying the holocaust is moronic but your own choice.
Being racist is something else entirely.

Edgy cunt

>> No.16022506

Hahahaha, imagine prostrating yourself so you can keep wage slaving. Would much rather get fired than have to beg to be a slave. That and OP could just say he's part black and they can't question him on that.