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File: 300 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191023-211339_Coinbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16011644 No.16011644 [Reply] [Original]

Each and every coin fell off a cliff at almost exactly the same time. Look at the charts from the moment it happened . How does every single coin fall off a cliff at the same time? If you look when it happened, the chart of every single crypto looks like pic related. Was this a coordinated effort? If so, by whom?

>> No.16011652

Except for LINK

>> No.16011661

Massive BTC rolling sell orders trigger bots on bots. We are but speculators in a bot show run by a handful of cetaceans around the globe.

>> No.16011663

Bots panic liquidate when BTC drops to move into Tether

>> No.16011685

no, even link momentary fell off a cliff to 2 35 if I remember correctly

>> No.16011700


>> No.16011717

wait wat

you really asking why the crypto market as a whole takes a USD value hit when btc dumps? pls tell me u first bought in 2019

>> No.16011725


>> No.16011747

That article is talking about the >10K "bubble". BTC could not be characterized as being in a bubble at any point during 2019. Why pop something that isn't a bubble. In the multi trillion dollar global trade war the BTC market cap is chump change. Why focus on it?

>> No.16011761

It looks manipulated as fuck lol, literally every coin on coinbase, except Tezos, crashed hard between 5-10 am, probably whales accumulating

>> No.16011770

why though? new to crypto here

>> No.16011783

bought in 2019 or hasn't at all yet

>> No.16011812

Waste of digits on a total fucking scam coin.

>> No.16011825

I just picked XRP at random. I have screenshots of every single coin at the time and they all look almost identical.

>> No.16011826

No, the article clearly talks about crashing the 2017 bubble with no survivors.
>Why focus on it?
It clears up doubt about market manipulation. Christopher Giancarlo covered up precious metals rigging too. You even said yourself just now that crypto is a tiny market which would mean it's easier to play with.

>> No.16011835

The market will roughly follow BTC nowadays. Same as what other people are saying- when the price drops substantially, it triggers instant sells called a “stop loss”. This causes the market to drop across the board, it’s like falling down a icy hill. Interest in buying other coins falls if BTC falls, also. It will recover, it’s just slid down the hill

>> No.16011853

*an icy hill.
Example of a stop loss:
You can set your exchange to sell your coin at a given value. “If BTC hits 8k, sell” when the exchanges are hit with a lot of sell orders, this drives the price down. Adversely, buying makes the price rise.

>> No.16011938


This guy is the first person I've seen in months on this board actually post something conducive to understanding how stock or crypto trading works.

This board is literal ass and you sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

Everyone else here is a fucking retard. Hope you be makin the big bucks frendo

>> No.16011953
File: 997 KB, 928x1194, joinPocketnet.app3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people believe oil shock comes with saudi oil supply down prices goes up
>turns out was nothing price goes down
>FED QE and new banking crash on the horizon prices goes up

Btw if you don't know it yet join the Pocketnet.app while it is in beta you faggots thank me later.

>> No.16011981

Go back

>> No.16012093

Best time to buy before the takeoff.


>> No.16012112

>Does know what caused the dip
>XRP hodler
Checks out, XRP holders are the dumbest of the dumb

>> No.16012117

anyone got that balls deep in xrp guy for a laugh

>> No.16012128

XRP is the Best crypto there is retard.

Have you ever done a single shred of research into it rather than bitch about it being used by banks?

>> No.16012132

Well delete this /thread, start a new one I'll explain newfag. Also can't believe the answer hasn't been said already!

>> No.16012135

Kleros is running up finally. Stop buying other whale's bags and focus on ETH use cases that haven't taken off (yet). PNK is especially juicy at a 1M marketcap, with no competitors.

>> No.16012144

Why are you arrogant cunts always projecting?

>> No.16012160

Also most crypto is traded with a btc pairing which will inherently link them together in terms of price.

>> No.16012162

fuck out of here

>> No.16012243
File: 11 KB, 445x431, 1354281482558 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls xrp holders dumb and laughs
>get called out
>why are you doing this.... gneeeeeh....

>> No.16012248
File: 2.28 MB, 1900x3777, xrp-digital-asset-use-cases-1900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16012253

Welp BTC is now plummeting below 7,400 and the pace has picked up. We are looking at 6,500 before the hemorrhaging slows, aren't we?

>> No.16012268

9.393/10 Bait

>> No.16012300

K, newfag I do feel sorry for you. Mostly cause you think XRP is crypto. But anywho, The crash yesterday was news driven. Check out the time of the quantum computer announcement. This is reason for the dump.

best of luck Anon

>> No.16012313

Should add, then >>16011835 happened

>> No.16012349
File: 8 KB, 1186x68, XRP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I have and it turns out the company would have been bankrupt by now had it not been for Bitcoin. They leveraged the Bitcoin brand to create hype around their company and used their token to raise billions of gullible fanboys like yourself who get shilled into it by a circlejerk of shills like Digital Asset Investor. The founders have long ''de-risked'' their holdings and you're stuck holding the bag. Welcome to the world of finance anon. Keep deluding yourself you made the investment of a lifetime while Schwartz laughs his way to the bank.

It is such a tremendous shit that 99% of the time the coin is bleeding untill the market makers pump it up during a coordinated hype cycle so that they can dump on you again at higher prices.

>> No.16012358

quantum computing would affect literally everything....the entire financial sector should have tanked if the quantum computing announcement was te reason. All IT security, including banking would be moot. Why would such an announcement only effect crypto?

>> No.16012406

Sell triggers/ against USD. When BTC falls, all these last coins fall harder.

>> No.16012438

Pfffff, HAHAHA! keep talking faggot.
You go into stand up comedy.

XRP is purposely kept low, it is manipulated in order to keep it from going high. there is a reason for this and that reason will be fulfilled and no longer needed soon.

XRP will be #1 coin by 2020.

>> No.16012443

>XRP is purposely kept low,
rank 3, what does he mean by this?

>> No.16012482
File: 134 KB, 961x943, 65d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rothschilds have also invested in xrp.

The world will soon have a Global Monetary reset, with XRP as the new world reserve Currency. Soon India and Japan will go live with XRP the entire country will use XRP.

Ripple the company is in talks with 50 countries atm with hundreds of banks.

>> No.16012492



>> No.16012493

Whales are cashing out to send donations to the Amazonia

>> No.16012499

Faggots like OP are the same ones doing TA on the USDT pairs of shitcoins.

>> No.16012502

Enjoy losing your savings. You deserve it, donating your money to scammers.

>> No.16012509

screenshot this and cry in your sleep when i'm rich.

>> No.16012517

Look dude. People want to pump the fuck out of coins but they dont want to be dumped on by people like us. So they try to shake us out and get us to sell hoping that we buy back in later. That's how this works. Nothing is going to pump until most people sell.

>> No.16012518

Bakkt is suppressing bitcoin.

>> No.16012558

Libra, CME futures closing

>> No.16012878

I hear it will effect everything. But whales take advantage of newfags. Newfags belive crypto will get hacked, news like this is confirmation bias. Check out the times. I don't see any other reason.

>> No.16012886

stop spoonfeeding nucoiners.

>> No.16012969

Traditional finance/tech would be able to adapt quickly to quantum-resistant encryption since they're centralized and everyone agrees it is a good idea. But any kind of development on btc will result in lots of retarded infighting, forks, and just general instability and uncertainty.

>> No.16013016

ITT: Reddit

>> No.16013045

He had 2 years also here’s your (you)