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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.03 MB, 1588x2393, Bill_Gates_July_2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16006267 No.16006267 [Reply] [Original]

He pretends to be nice and pretends to care about the poor but do you think he actually hates the poor and wants to cull the weak?

>> No.16006288

>does he want to cull
his father was the head of planned parenthood in the 70s...what do you think?

>> No.16006292

>do you think he actually hates the poor and wants to cull the weak?
How am I supposed to know that?

>> No.16006299

Why would he erradicate diseases of poverty if he hated poor people

>> No.16006313


>> No.16006314

>doesn't know bill funded the genetically modified mosquito release in brazil
>doesn't know that now the news is repotings....whoppsie...actually this accidentally created a super mosquito that is increasing viral transmission rates....oh no....

>> No.16006679

we can only hope

>> No.16006802

He's just an overprivileged nerd who got lucky. I wonder if he knows that Melinda only married him for his wallet. Very sad.

>> No.16007468

Come on Billy, release the incurable super virus. We need it badly.

>> No.16007506

by doing your own research

>> No.16007521

Of course, his dad is a eugenics fan. His family is friends with Buffet. He didn't get lucky, his family has always been wealthy. He writes excellent contacts, thats it.

>> No.16007540

But she was from an affluent “privileged” family too

>> No.16007683

Good on Bill
I hope he cuts that fuckin African birth rate down next

>> No.16007758

He wants to make nigger strong so that nigger can fuck white female.

>> No.16007780

no one remember the vaccination he used on the poo to get them sterilized?

>> No.16007787

>do you think he actually hates the poor and wants to cull the weak?
I think he just views them as a slave class, human cattle. No reason to cull the weak when you gain money and power from their existence and dependence on your outstretched hand full of grain.

>> No.16007797

woah. based.

>> No.16007834

>Microsoft takes a guy to prison for giving out free windows restore cds.


Microsoft can be scum.

>> No.16007988

First we need African birth rates to moon so they flood through the earth like a plague and hel cull off too many people, then we release to gates bioengineered nigger killer 3000 virus

>> No.16008002

>He doesn't know the African birthrates have been mooning since the dawn of man.

>> No.16008006
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>> No.16008078

Not really.

He won at life and he knows it. Now he just wants to secure his legacy through philanthropy.

Maybe people get old and grow tired of the rat race, wonder what it’s all for and couldn’t they have done more for humanity. He just actually won the fucking rat race and CAN do more for humanity

>> No.16008108
File: 1.30 MB, 1920x904, net zero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually, yes


>Billionaires Try to Shrink World’s Population, Report Says

>The New York meeting of billionaires Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, David Rockefeller, Eli Broad, George Soros, Ted Turner, Oprah, Michael Bloomberg and others was described by the Chronicle of Philanthropy as an informal gathering aimed at encouraging philanthropy. Just a few billionaires getting together for drinks and dinner and a friendly chat about how to promote charitable giving.
>An article in the Times of London, headlined "Billionaire Club in Bid to Curb World Population," said the issues discussed in the top-secret meeting included health care, education and--by far the most controversial--slowing the global population growth.
>"Taking their cue from Gates they agreed that overpopulation was a priority," the article said, adding that “this could result in a challenge to some Third World politicians who believe contraception and female education weaken traditional values."

"co2 = people, services per person, energy per service, co2 per unit energy.... To get to net zero one of these things is going to have to get pretty close to 0. And if we do a good job on new vaccines, reproductive we can perhaps lower population growth 10-15%."
also, his dad was one of the big wigs at Planned Parenthood, which if you look into planned parenthoods history, started out as a eugenics operation and killing babies is basically a form of population control.

>> No.16008187

>started out as a eugenics operation and killing babies is basically a form of population control.

You need to cite your sources on that claim.

>> No.16008227

founder of planned parenthood was a hardcore eugenicist.


>Planned Parenthood traces its roots back to nurse, educator and founder Margaret Sanger — whose activism changed the world.


and if you study the history of eugenics, it was very very popular in america before it was popular with the nazis.

>> No.16008280

>it was very very popular in america before it was popular with the nazis.

Do you know what year it started getting popular?

>> No.16008294

>cull the weak
Probably the opposite, wants to cull alphas for bullying him in school

>> No.16008299

Only since we started leaving our surplus there for some ungodly selfish white guilt bullshit reasons. Now our punishment from god is the billion nigger plague.

>> No.16008316

bill went to private school and his dad was worth $300 million. no one bullied him

>> No.16008378
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Reducing birthrates doesn't mean killing third world people you absolute fucking mongs. Overpopulation is a serious problem, but nobody is advocating eugenics/genocide as a solution. Reducing birth rates will lower population over time and there are ways to so that without coercion.

>> No.16008395

yeah it started getting popular among the british elite in the mid to late 1800s around when charles darwin started laying out his ideas on evolution, and the british elite were already into the idea of population control from earlier in the century with the work of thomas malthus saying that too many niggers would leave less food for more fit members of society.

a lot of industrialists, scientists, and members of the royal family fell in love with the idea of eugenics because it confirmed their bias of having a pure bloodline and these people had been inbreeding anyway, so they thought that if there were these genes and that the fittest genes survived better, that if you took the best members of society and interbred them they'd cement themselves as rulers over... less desirable people.

then eventually it trickled down from the "elite" into every day peoples ideas on population growth later on in the industrial revolution, around the time that margaret sanger started her activism is probably the height of american eugenics. some countries had eugenic programs even after world war 2, i think sweden ended their eugenics program in the 70s or 80s lol which is a bit late to the party.

also the UN is pro-eugenics even to this day but thats a story for another day, look into julian huxley. these ideas are still popular to this day among the "elite" but people just dont call it eugenics any more.

>> No.16008576

im well aware of the difference between population growth control and "killing people" but this thread is about bill gates hating people, he obviously hates people


here he is talking about "the case for killing granny."

>> No.16008607
File: 41 KB, 641x530, 1548282967153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why the fuck do they give billions of dollars to Africs for medicine so their populations increase several times over? Is this some form of obfuscating world wealth inequality or something?

>> No.16008680

They were expecting the drop in African death rates to be offset by a corresponding drop in birthrates as aid they poured into the continent spurred economic growth, tech advancement, and industrialization. Now it's becoming clear that this probably won't happen so some billionaires are quietly changing direction.

>> No.16008741

I think he legitimately wants to help some people, and gives no fucks about flaunting philanthopy.

>> No.16008771

>The worse things get, the more they reproduce
>The better things get, the more they reproduce.

Both result in them being under resourced, hungry, thirsty, and poor. one is cheaper than the other

>> No.16008814

His whole charity thing is about reducing fertility rates in Africa through education, economic growth, access to contraception, women's rights, etc

>> No.16008815

just further proof that hitler was right

>> No.16008830

God damn, imagine if he just wiped out all of Africa

>> No.16008844

would suggest everyone watch "Inside Bills Brains"

Very interesting perspective on Gates life as filmmakers follow him for months to see what he does on a daily basis.

- The man reads like dozens of books a week.
- Is never a minute late for any appointment.
- Reads really complicated, satistical books that most people avoid.
- He drinks lots and lots of diet coke.


>> No.16009021

I hope so that would be based lol

>> No.16009062

money does strange things to people

>> No.16009067


>> No.16009154

>The man reads like dozens of books a week.
Must be nice to have that kind of time

>> No.16009192

Not really the way school bullying works.

>> No.16009721

What’s a good supervillain name for /ourguy/ Bill? Bill “the cleanser” Gates is the best I can come up with and that fucking sucks. Help me out guys

>> No.16009743

This guy lives in a completely different reality
There is no way he actual understands what poor means
Watch his video about him guessing prices of regular stuff in a super market