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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 239 KB, 477x768, sieg heil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16003399 No.16003399 [Reply] [Original]

Here to do a quick QnA guys. I'm a node operator on the chainlink mainnet, here's a link to my site:
and here's my market.link page:

Ask away!

>> No.16003439

>0 Runs
Thinking he's important. Anyone can get added to the market.link page noob.

>> No.16003466

can your node operate a gas valve for killing kikes?

>> No.16003471
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> Total Runs
> 0

>> No.16003475

Edit the page or larp
Fuck off larper

>> No.16003527

With the help of reliable off-chain communicating smart contracts everything is possible!
Patience is a virtue
I edited my dick up your pretty ass

>> No.16003709

how to get invited into delphi

>> No.16003771
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, IsPleasantlyInterested.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you contacted any API providers? How long was the process to get your node reviewed? Any general advice for node operators? I have mine running on testnet and need to practice job requests (I've been hemorrhaging links, thank god for testnet) before I figure out what to do next.

>> No.16004001
File: 222 KB, 1009x724, delfi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

into delphi, as in the group? not associated with them, I didn't get in and that's why I'm here. I'm still a delphine in my heart.
Have not been reviewed by the team, paid something like 15 stanky links to get into market.link. Nah nigga fuck that shit, contacting api providers and shiiiet. The Oracle of Delphi is for those sweet staking profits and does not deal with any scammy api providers. General advice? buy 64 eth instead of the required 32 so you can run two chainlink node copies at the same time and use windows instead of linux. Linux sucks. Good luck with your node!

>> No.16004032

>General advice? buy 64 eth instead of the required 32 so you can run two chainlink node copies at the same time

When was this a requirement?

>> No.16004216

how many are you staking?

>> No.16004245

fuck off delphi

>> No.16004255

Delphi is still a thing?

>> No.16004263
File: 1.20 MB, 1300x866, The_FuckNiggers_Oracle_of_Delphi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



op is larping

I am the real oracle of Delphi


>> No.16004292
File: 43 KB, 758x598, delphi gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.16004327

Six million links, although some will make some anti-semitic claims that it's less than that.
Your last digits match with your message. Checked and congrats on this, seriously

>> No.16004339

Don’t know what? A bunch of faggots got together for a circle jerk?

>> No.16004353

it is unironically a kabbalistic reading club

>> No.16004363

nothing kikey about that at all, sheesh

>> No.16004408
File: 243 KB, 560x763, cooooom node.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see your a member, enjoy your next jerk anon

>> No.16004426

Cant wait to ddos your shitty shit

>> No.16004442


just reported you to the chainlink team for being a nazi.

>> No.16004458
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do it faggit, you wont

>> No.16004508

Jewish mystic numerology is the best in the field.

>> No.16004545

I'm envious of your little systems, trust me

Only the highest IQs know all of that shit is very real, the "why" it works being far less important than exploiting it for gain

>> No.16004546

and oh im saving this thread and letting everyone know the owner of delphi gay club is a nazi! Good job on your business!

>> No.16004552
File: 497 KB, 1080x1080, 1569455010314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy fucks....

>> No.16004566

>total jobs
i wanna pretend too guys!!!

>> No.16004593

pls do kike, I don't want any kikes or nigger cattle using my nodes. my nodes are only meant for white male billionaires, the true master race. 1350 gas the bikes, race car now!!!!

>> No.16004629


I’m not actually. I wanted at one point but since moved on

>> No.16004652

>total runs

>> No.16004654

Bunch of 4channers tried to force it as /ourcoin/. Basically, the ceo of Chainlink (Sergey), a known Russian scammer paid Nigerians and Indians to shill it as the next big thing © . The erc-scam pumped from 0,11$ to 4$ this summer (actually the best performing crypto of the year) until Sergey and his associates were ready to dump. They've dumped millions of coins to the top and it shows no sign of stopping anytime soon. Meanwhile Sergey posts pictures of himself on his instagram in Bali, Dubai, Panama, etc and 4channers meme themselves into ''hodling'' whilest Sergey dumps to enjoy a luxurious lifestyle.

This is the most sophisticated scam of all times in crypto. Sergey raised 32 millions during the ICO and used this money to pay legit businessmen and academics to shill it. John Wolpert, Ari Juels, Klaus Schwab, Tom Gonser, Evan Cheng. He corrupted all of them.

Oh and if you visit Chainlink's website you will see logos of Swift, Google and others saying they work with Chainlink. This is because Chainlink slightly photoshoped the logos to be able to tell victims that they are working with them without getting sued.

>> No.16004727

>he’s not having sex

>> No.16004840

Do you have inside knowledge or know people that do?

>> No.16005091
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>> No.16005125
File: 1.00 MB, 360x270, 1554439368151.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more interested in the website desu, looks rad af. Did you make it yourself? If so what language did you write it in?

>> No.16005163

Yes, looots of insider knowledge.
I paid some Indian guy for it, I just showed him what I want and he did it

>> No.16006046

will you do a pool or something or is it just your neet node?

>> No.16006453

I have a market.link handle called @chainlinknode will it ever be worth anything

>> No.16006463

Who knows