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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16004043 No.16004043 [Reply] [Original]

I haven’t felt happiness since 2007. It literally feels like we’re living in hell.

>> No.16004065
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>> No.16004069

What is making you sad, fren?

>> No.16004073

>What is making you sad, fren?

>> No.16004075

The view from hell is blue sky

>> No.16004087

thats just how it goes when you get older


>> No.16004114

I haven't been happy since 2004. That was 7th grade.

>> No.16004134
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look om the bright side, this wont last forever. the merciful angel of death will fold her raven wings around us and carry us far from the tears and suffering of this world. just hang tough until then. and dont forget to chainsmoke and eat a shit diet

>> No.16004150

You probably deserve it.

>> No.16004191

good. well done. you have passed through the filter.you are probably smart enough to realise that intelligence is negatively correlated with happiness.

next you have to come to the understanding that what the normies call happiness is facile, and not to be coveted at all.

Life is far more nuanced than that. Look at this board: newlads get happy for a minute when their chosen shitcoin pumps, then sad and unhappy when the coin inevitably crashes- just like their brain hormones.

The oldlad understands that up, down, or sideways- it's all one. If lifes getting you down, just post your pink wojacks and enjoy the ride- even going down is fun and exciting, because we're all still living.

>> No.16004213

Faggot edge lords. Happiness is just a side effect of doing what you should. It isn’t some mental plateau that you reach and then get to stay on. It’s just a concept to make you feel like you are always one fuck or one purchase or one pill away from “happiness”. Be a fucking animal. Drop this pussy Dr Phil shit now, boys. Eat a steak, breathe some air, change your bed sheets to clean ones. Little squirts of happiness. That’s all you get. Embrace it

>> No.16004311

Focus on building a good habit and sticking to it. Make your bed each day..eventually you'll make a habit of this and you'll feel just a bit less worthless. Small things add up eventually.

>> No.16004318
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>> No.16004401

This is the inevitable evolution of most human beings. In order to enjoy the chaos you have to reframe it in your mind. There will always be a balance of happy and sad but it’s up to you to navigate through it and find your equanimity. Also, people just seem happy so stop comparing your state to your interpretation of how others might feel.

>> No.16004413

Based and bedpilled

>> No.16004432


there is a reason why happiess is synomyous with 'gay.'

If you run after happiness like a little girl chasing a butterfly, you are gay.

real men do not seek happiness: we seek first and foremost to punish the Ottoman,and my own needs are secondary. Do you imagine that your individual happiness is somehow more important than Constantinople? Get a grip.

Deus vult.

>> No.16004462
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This but replace deus vult with inshallah

>> No.16004470
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we never recovered from 2008 did we

>> No.16004518

maybe get a life?

>> No.16004519


Tell me this lad:

Have you ever read Aristotle's Ethics?

>> No.16004530

Bretty based, lad

>> No.16004540
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30 yo
i don't feel anything anymore

>> No.16004588

I bet you would miss what you have if it was taken from you. You are just too spoiled and desensitized to appreciate it now

>> No.16004600

I literally haven't cried in 7 years. Not even memeing. Then when they put me on a high dose of SSRIs I think it permanently made me a sociopath. I have pretty much no empathy anymore for anything.

>> No.16004636

That's what living in a generalized decline feels like. If it's any consolation it's practically certain at this point that it's all going to collapse. When you started hearing phrases like "too big to fail" and yet these were the institutions that were failing, the writing was on the wall. Global capitalism is losing its resiliency because, in part, it's being smothered and undermined by people at the top who are implementing some goofy system of corporate socialism among other highly destructive monetary and economic policies. Markets are correlated in bizarre ways which is a symptom of this loss of resiliency and unhealthy concentration of power.

Everything is moving in lockstep with the "hubs" in the network and those hubs are growing in influence. The more influence they acquire, the more vulnerable they make the entire system. Statistically, it's unlikely that you are a major part of these networks, most people aren't, so your life feels objectively meaningless and hopeless. To a certain extent it is, but you also have more influence than you think. As the system loses diversity/resilience, you become like the butterfly flapping its wings to create a hurricane. Historically the networks that made up society were more diffuse and so your existence felt more vital and meaningful.

When systems lose resiliency and begin to have power law type networks, they become EXTREMELY vulnerable to cataclysmic feedback loops. 100,000 meaningless peons can die and the system is safe as long as the "hubs" are safe, but those hubs inevitably will not be safe for one reason or another and when one fails, the load is passed to the others which increases their vulnerability. This then causes the probability of their failure to increase, and on and on it goes. Things generally move in cycles with diversity, selection, replication, consolidation, destruction, diversity, selection, replication, consolidation. You are in the tail end of a consolidation phase.

>> No.16004730

I despair for the gentlemen of this board. Our ancestors charged /into/ the Ottoman bombardment on a thunder of horseflesh, whiskers bristling and sabres drawn, cannonballs whistling past their ear as they roar-


Depression hadn't even been invented in those days of glory. They would have shot you all as a Nancy boys, and fed you to the crows.

>> No.16004801

Is localism the cure?

>> No.16004925
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You don't feel anything because you spend ever waking moment of your life utilizing some form of stimulation. Tell me this, when was the last time you felt boredom? Not ennui, not malaise, not stagnation - but boredom? It's probably been years, and that's the problem.

Your neurons are so fried from constant bombardment from porn, streaming, youtube, spotify, etc - plus extremely flavored foods and drinks, drugs, as well as the 24/7 news cycle... Well you get the picture.

You have to find the discipline to unplug. Meditation, outdoors activities. Spend time in contemplation, or just allow yourself to be bored, or even uncomfortable. Then the happy juice will adjust itself naturally to what it should be.

>> No.16004953

No. Explain the reference?

>> No.16004964

i was like this too, and then i became a communist

>> No.16004997

it's possible to find meaningful advice on this board. listen to this guy and unplug yourself

>> No.16005032


Aristotle's ethics, or study of character, is built around the premise that people should achieve an excellent character as a pre-condition for attaining happiness or well-being.

And do we achieve this excellent character? By cultivating the only true wealth in this vale of tears: the 4 virtues.


Simple as.

>> No.16005049


>> No.16005061

Ethics is not about character, it's just about morality.

>> No.16005078


>> No.16005109

I know it sound cliche, but happiness really does come from within. Stop looking for outside sources for fulfillment and learn to love yourself.

>> No.16005527

good posts. bump

>> No.16005551
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>made 24% of LINK last night
>crush asked for my number
>shorted 8300
everything is coming up milhouse

>> No.16005561

man was born into sin dawg

>> No.16006180

Who the fuck is this cum drum?

>> No.16006464

I think the first thing to determine is whether or not there is a "cure." When you choose to intervene probably gives you a lot more leeway first in whether or not a system malfunction is correctable in the first place (think cancer in the early stages) and second how many solutions you can feasibly utilize. Let's be optimistic and say we haven't crossed into the event horizon of the black hole so to speak and course correction is possible. The solution you're posing is certainly a feasible component of the set of total potential solutions in that optimistic scenario.

In the scenario where things are beyond course correction, then your solution becomes more about survival in the aftermath and the rebuilding phase. The future consolidated institutions will emerge from local elements organizing into larger macro-systems. I'm slowly drifting to the more cynical side as I see more and more antiquated systems that need enormous overhaul and institutions that seemingly can't be regulated or competed against because they have rigged the game through, among other things, consuming and controlling the institutions meant to balance them.

>> No.16006534

I've always been a sociopath, haven't cried since I was 10. No interest in relationships, no emotions. What's the opposite of SSRIs? I wouldn't mind feeling some emotion to see what I've been missing.

>> No.16006549

When you realized they burned the normies. At euphoria, we could have easily hit 100k

>> No.16006556

>Global capitalism is losing its resiliency because, in part, it's being smothered and undermined by people at the top who are implementing some goofy system of corporate socialism among
Hate to break it to your but that is literally what capitalism does. It is a wealth and power concentrating mechanism. What you're describing is a feature, not a bug.

>> No.16006560

You can see the dystopia. Congrats you see now you can change it. Or suffer in it...

>> No.16006571


>> No.16006576


>> No.16006596

I'm like 90% sure I actually succeeded in killing myself and I was just reincarnated to this timeline which is some sort of purgatory and I'm stuck with you losers. LET ME OUT REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.16006599

Also these traits do not bring you happiness but a sense of duty.

>> No.16006611

I had a bad skull fracture. Idk how I survived but I did. Or did I?

>> No.16006634

>1 post by this ID
jidf jews at it again

>> No.16006669

>*teleports behind happiness*
>"nothin personnel... kid..."
You're just a faggot who plateaued before finishing puberty. The fact that you were at the top of your class during middle school in bumfuck nowhere doesn't mean that you're some sort of misunderstood genius that stands above the concept of happiness by the virtue of his wonderful megamind.

>> No.16006707

You have to be seriously mentally disabled to ask this question, because why would anything outside of a persons life make them sad? Everyone knows that if things are working out good for you, then there's nothing to worry about.

>And they said the human race wasn't evil.

>> No.16006730

hello depression. get some help anon, no need to keep suffering.

>> No.16006751
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>I'm sad so that mean I'm smart

>> No.16006902

have a big stack up link but since my gf broke up with me i only feel like shit and want her back

>> No.16007383
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No tears only dreams now.

>> No.16007442

>1 post by this id

>> No.16008224

Those guys had purpose and immediacy... when faced with that, where is the time for the contemplating ennui of tedium!? In the face of life or death, animal instincts and adrenaline take over, that is why soldiers only feel depressed AFTER a war... when that immediate vital purpose they experienced so viscerally is gone.

>> No.16008513

Between the year 2008 and 2012 the hands of time came to a stop and haven't since returned into motion.
>inb4 /x/

>> No.16008537

that's just cause you have gay aids cuz youre GAY

>> No.16008552

But where would you say does "stimulation" stop?
You propose outdoor activities, but aren't those merely another form of stimulation, just outdoors?
Pretty much everything is an activity, even meditation.
Boredom is negativity felt about however energy is spent actively towards something.
Boredom is NOT lack of activity of stimulation.

>> No.16008560


Fuckin asiatic clams man

>> No.16008562

activity *or* stimulation

>> No.16008634

Some lucky guy smashed her real good.

>> No.16009565
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>stuck in the middle with you

>> No.16009861
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>> No.16009920

That's what happens when you're not Italian

>> No.16010487
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For me it was 2010.

>> No.16010693

what does it matter though