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16002240 No.16002240 [Reply] [Original]

Hey frens, 28 y/o doomer here. Proverbial "smart guy" growing up and listen to that script too much and figured life would just work out. Now I work a job I hate and am back in school to finish bachelors in business admin

What are your secrets/suggestions to success? I want to do well and find my path but I get demoralized by lack of direction and shut down.

How do I foster motivation and drive to push forward? What is your job/career and how did you find your path?

I know I don't want to do physical labor work. I'm often told I'm personable and good with people and I'm okay at logic solving but beyond that I don't know my skills or abilities. Poor self image and low self esteem that I try to hide in the normiesphere by trying to help others, making them laugh, and coping with booze.

Too late to crypto party, not enough money to make an impact in index funds. Feel I am doomed to a life of waging for 40k/year USD

How can I rewire my brain to have more confidence and drive? How do I find a path for a job or career? Sorry for blogging but many anons here seem to be succeeding in business and life and people that come to this place have similar characters

>> No.16002290

Find Cheesus.
>then sell low

The biz way.

>> No.16002295

>How do I find a path for a job or career?
Have you thought about embracing the learn to code meme?

Do you want me to give you my copy pasta for it?

>> No.16002317
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>Find Cheesus.

>> No.16002361

I'm too far in my business administration degree to switch to a computer science major without wasting the time and money I've already spent. I'm also not that good with math. I'd never be able to compete with the mathlete anons here or with the zoomers growing up now entirely engrossed in tech.

>> No.16002439

>a computer science major
You don't need one for the blue collar coding work

>I'd never be able to compete with the mathlete anons here or with the zoomers growing up now entirely engrossed in tech.
If you do blue collar coding such as website and apps you will not make the upper end income of $200k+ with equity bonuses.

But you could make $80k, there by doubling your income.

Evidence you don't need a cs degree
Stack Overflow survey: Nearly half of developers are self-taught

You can get trained without paying until you get a job.

“With online classes taught by live instructors and one-on-one mentoring, Lambda School is your gateway to a new career in just 9 months. And the best part? You won't pay a cent until you land a high-paying job.”

The job is mostly just looking things up then cutting and pasting examples then changing them to work for your particular solution.

You want the full copy pasta?

>> No.16002500

>You want the full copy pasta?

>> No.16002528
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Stack Overflow survey: Nearly half of developers are self-taught


“With online classes taught by live instructors and one-on-one mentoring, Lambda School is your gateway to a new career in just 9 months. And the best part? You won't pay a cent until you land a high-paying job.”

Jobs currently available

This Week In Startups. Keep up to date with the cutting edge of tech from and investing lens

I recommend learning js and node.js so you can do both front end and back end.
Front end I recommend React.js cause Facebook actually uses it on their site.


The big trend coming up is called "serverless"
If your willing to take some risk learn this
TLDR on serverless
Build apps that only cost money when people actually use them.

Using Amplify I built a CRUD app in like 3 hours with nested object models and authorization.

Practice coding for finance
They provide free stock data you can analyze

>> No.16002605

This is interesting, thanks fren!

>> No.16002679
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>This is interesting, thanks fren!
Glad to help fren

my tip is to start watching and coding the freecodecamp stuff on basic html as that will give you confidence.


Then listen to podcasts about coding because you will see the people who do magical coding things are just as confused as you are but just about more complicated problems.

>> No.16002844

I've never really listened to podcasts. Any recs?

>> No.16003028

>I've never really listened to podcasts. Any recs?
This is a good javascript podcast
To understand how unpredictable the software industry is listen to how the most popular language in the world JavaScript was written in 10 days and basically had no shot at becoming as big as it is today.

Once you get more comfortable coding listen to podcasts about the technology you are going to code with, for example React.js podcasts.

Also there are youtube channels that show conference recordings
This channel aggregates them

Coding is a big topic but if you treat it as a hobby you'll start to see patterns and that eventually you'll see all coding is a set of instructions given to a computer, kind of like a recipe for making a cake.

>> No.16003137

literally me in six years

>> No.16003310

>Sorry for blogging but many anons here seem to be succeeding in business and life and people that come to this place have similar characters
Theres a reason this is a crypto board Anon, its the most difficult market to understand, which also makes it have to most potential to make money. Understand crypto and you can see 100x gains. Most of us who "seem to be succeeding in business" just bought LINK which is up like 1200% since i bought it. Just dont get scammed by pajeet. Godspeed.

>> No.16003644
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You're a good man anon. I'm saving and will start studying the material you posted. You're one of the reasons this board needs to exist

>> No.16003697

Just remember it could be worse. I'm basically in your situation except I cant go back to school and manual labor jobs are all I can get.

>> No.16003707

Become a banker and live on 60k/yr. It’s really not as bad as some say.

>> No.16003740
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>You're a good man anon.
>You're one of the reasons this board needs to exist

glad to help fren

>> No.16003954

Is it too late for me to make anything in crypto?

>> No.16003971

Why can't you go back to school?

Aren't bankers becoming obsolete?

>> No.16004169



>> No.16004349

Does this work?

>> No.16004507

Thanks anon

>> No.16004581
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>Thanks anon
Happy coding anon

>> No.16005094

self taught programmer here. dont start this shit unless you never want to see another girl at work again. nights and weekends youre fucking wiped from the mental hamsterwheeling required by this profession. shekelberg will wring you dry. at night, you will barely have energy to go to the gym, make dinner, and watch 1 show, let alone try to make a business or whatever.

pick something else, where you develop social skills and work with (some) women. or something mentally easy where you can do whatever you want nights and weekends.

personally after 1 year i quit and am programming shit for my self. its true that programming is basically the only profession where a poor fag can become +10 millionaire within 5-10 years, so theres that

>> No.16005130

Lower your living expenses, find ways to obtain more money, invest the money you save in gradual increments as it comes in. Stop consuming and spending unnecessarily.