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15995890 No.15995890 [Reply] [Original]

it genuinely bums me out seeing domestic staff. like either they lost the genetic lottery and literally have 80 IQs in which case it's sad because of how unfair genetics is but if they somehow have a triple digit IQ and you see a spark in their eye it's sad because you both know they should be doing something else with their lives. i don't understand how rich people have servants around them and not feel guilt

>> No.15995896

if you feel guilt you will never be rich

>> No.15995909

because rich people don't think like us
they've killed off the part of themselves that made them human and thus lack empathy as they only see people as pawns to pay for services or less

>> No.15995917

>he doesn't laugh at peasants and serfs
never gonna make it.

>> No.15995931

One of my old friends came from extreme poverty in Brazil. She ended up finishing grad school but was working a shit job in retail with me for a while. She had trouble finding work during the recession and was mopping floors with me way longer than she wanted to. She finally got a decent opportunity to move on...and then she was diagnosed with a terminal illness. I'll never forget her. Makes me feel gratitude every day.

>> No.15995937


>> No.15995956

You've never taken a shitty job for a few years while you work yourself out? just because they're doing that now doesn't mean it's forever.

>> No.15996607
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>he still feels guilt
never gonna make it

>> No.15996649

yeah you better scrub that floor bitch haha
thats what you get stupid whore get on your knees and cleaning slut lol
come on the shit i took yesterday is still on the carpet, stop being a lazy cunt and pick it up.
nah uh use your hands haha
fucking cunt this is what you get
you missed a spot over there
yeah i pissed in the corner next to the marble pillar what are you gonna do about it? haha lol

>> No.15996782

Because that's how the world works, it always needs workers bees and there's a sucker born every minute. You just have to be grateful that you weren't born with a worker bee mentality.

>> No.15996836
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Only an ugly loser neet would look down on people trying to earn a living. Protip a job is a means to an end for most people and is no indicative of someones intelligence or even their best abilities. People take jobs for different reasons. KYS

>> No.15996859

My family had a live in maid my whole life, we also have a house in Mexico with something like 5-6 staff (labor is a lot cheaper in Mexico). Let me tell you something... if rich people didn’t hire them, they’d be jobless and in a much worse state. With us, the housekeeper here in the US gets to live in her own private back house in a big ass house, is paid well, has ZERO expenses, and only has to take care of my parents who make like zero mess (oh also she gets the added bonus of getting to steal whatever she moves and we don’t notice for a few months (my parents have literally caught her stealing and still keep her around — Aka she’s got it pretty good)). As for the ones in Mexico they have a veritable mansion to themselves that they do whatever they want in 70% of the year as no one is there. When we are there they work hard, but you know what? We treat them with respect and you can tell that they can tell. There’s nothing wrong with having staff/servants, there’s only something wrong with mistreating them.

>> No.15996889

I know professional doormen in luxury buildings here in NYC, it is a nepotistic union job that requires basically zero skills. They pull in roughly $80k a year after overtime and Christmas tips. It is a relatively modest living but considering you're getting paid to do jack shit it's not half bad.

>> No.15996897

I hired my friend to be my house keeper. Why would I feel guilt for employing my loyal friends and cronies.

>> No.15996901

>its temporary/ they are still studying
>they are supporting their family
>its just extra income, their spouse is also working

>> No.15996982
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I wonder if any masochists work as domestic servants because they get off on being bossed adound as slaves. I wonder if it would be possible to find out if a housekeeper was a masochist, and get them to work for free or even pay you for the service, which would be even more degrading so they'd like it more. They'd probably let you fuck them or tie them up and weird shit. Maybe if you find the right fetish forums you could get paid to have a maid you bang and keep in your closet or something. There are some promising business oportunities here.

>> No.15997017

A lot of the armed building security guards on DOD and DHS contracts make 60k in the DC area starting but with overtime they pull in $100k+. They keep their salaries to themselves because that would trigger the degree cucks in the finance/law/tech offices. On some "How dare they make a 6 figure salary without a degree" bullshit.

>> No.15997040

Based and redpilled

>> No.15997083

I used to live in Indonesia and I had 2 full-time maids that lived in my house for $100 a month each. I think in 3 years they only left to see family twice. I also had a driver that would work 12 hours a day 7 days a week for $70 a month

>> No.15997085

imagine giving up the best years of your life being someone's bitch and dying before making it

>> No.15997092

They exist. They are called bootlickers.

>> No.15997096

Is it unethical to bang the maids?

>> No.15997105

If I had a maid like that you can bet I'd pay the few extra bucks for her to clean the floors naked,

>> No.15997117

No everybody does it lol but the ones that let you bang them do shitty work and will steal

>> No.15997351

Same situation here, live in maid for 30 years, full benefits. Now she is so old that she isn't legally allowed to work and has her pension, for a while she enjoyed her retirement, Then she got bored and started working again , she still comes everyday. We can't legally pay her but we pay her expenses instead. She said that now she will only work until she gets tired and then she will stop.
Bullshit, she kept working as usual, no Fucks given.
She is so proud of her work.. A part of me hates that drone mentality, then again she raised her 3 children and my brothers as well while being a single mother. I'm also very proud of that. Such is the duality of man I suppose.

>> No.15997354

>my parents have literally caught her stealing and still keep her around
There is absolutely zero justification for continuing to employ someone who steals from you.

>> No.15997386

Evil you know vs evil you don't.
Maid that steal petty stuff >>>>>>>>>>risking a new maid that will rat you out to her niece/son and they will take everything that isn't nailed to the floor.

Been there, done that

>> No.15997405

>oohhh, but it'll be so hard to find someone better!
Are the people you hire really just straight garbage trogs? Why can't you find someone who isn't this way?

>> No.15997444

You can't determine the objective value for happiness of another being..

>> No.15997445

I agree, but I don’t pay the bills. My parents have a bunch of dogs and she loves and takes very good care of them when they go out of town, so my parents don’t want to fire her. My dad basically calls it “the housekeeper tax”

>> No.15997451

You can buy service, not loyalty. That you have to earn, no matter how rich you are.

>> No.15997452

uhh fucking them.... if theyre stealing dollars but youre an ugly rich fuck who gives a fuck..

>> No.15997474

what is your job, op?

>> No.15997495

One of my best friends worked at a restaurant he hated for 4 years and both of us knew he could do better. In fact, I was just hanging out at the bar with him an hour ago where he talked about how his new work place doesn't respect his skills.

I absolutely agree with you that you shouldn't look down on people taking on low value jobs to earn a living. But I would never make an excuse for why they are still in there. People can always come up with an excuse for why they're stuck when half the time it's the unwillingness to take a risk to push themselves out.

>> No.15997498

She considers you family and wants to hang out with you she’s not doing it because of some worker bee mentality

>> No.15997561

this is the same argument that all of the companies that outsource their bullshit say. if we move our operations back home, then all of these people will be out of a job. lmao the absolute state

>> No.15997614

Yup, it's fucking disgusting virtue signalling retardation. They'll say anything to justify it too, even shitting on Americans just for that slightly cheaper cleaning.

>> No.15997632

Underrated advice here, gentlemen

>> No.15997637

It's just a job, man. Work is work, whether you're mopping a floor or banging away at a keyboard. It's purely transactional. If you don't see it that way you probably have an inherently servile mentality.

>> No.15997664

I employ my friend as a servant and it works out great. If you have the cash why wouldn't you hire your already loyal cronies and pals? Do you not have friends OP?

>> No.15997693

95% of them are illegal immigrants working under the table and compared to living in their own shithole country (Mexico, Pakistan, Romania) they have a great life. They are almost certainly low IQ as well.
Oh look it's another bitter poorfag loser that blames his own failure on others success. Keep it up I'm sure that will work out for you.

>> No.15997697

What if I just want a tug job?

>> No.15997748

You're forgetting they're not white..

>> No.15997749

Agree with you OP. The rest of the people here are psychopaths. Fuck em, they're probably living in squalor themselves. They'll never be patricians.

>> No.15997772

op has a scent of conceitedness when at the end of the day, you're a loser if employed so he's no better off than the rest of us. True success comes from financial freedom. Anything less than that is failure.

>> No.15997818

If the goal is all that matters why sneer at people trying to reach it? The only losers are the ones who give up.

>> No.15997851

Is working at mcdonalds or lowes that much better? People have to make money somehow

>> No.15997859

Im not disagreeing with that, Im just saying op comes across as an elitist by thinking he is smarter than normies. Reminds me of philosophy majors that think they are smarter than engineers when they are just normies themselves.

>> No.15998046

Die scum

>> No.15998073

Right, I think I misread your post. To clarify, I'm mainly taking a stance against this medieval idea that your social status is defined by your work. I mean, on a board like this, ostensibly about finance, you'd think nobody would have this archaic way of thinking about the world, yet here we are.

>> No.15999145

All the poor cope here lol. You retards actually think them as servants instead of people working for you and help you maintain the house.

They can leave if they want, maybe find a bettet job. We rich people dont see them as poor servants but as hired help.


>> No.15999169

FPBP. Without the rich these people would be leeching off us producers, thank God they are at least of some use to "society".

>> No.15999185

Exactly. I was in love with her, too. RIP

>> No.15999188

i mean as a financially broke person, atm, i have to say making money is making money. everyone is always working for someone else, even freelancers
you cant teach people to go to school or get a better job, they have to learn it themselves

it's the way of life, move on

>> No.15999219

That's what I've been saying. These people are obsessed with social status, to them an occupation is their identity rather than a means of making money. So when they end up in a service job like this, they internalize it as them being subservient, and they stop thinking of work as transactional, but rather in an extremely pathetic "please master might I have some more bread?" sort of way.

>> No.15999375

Slaves shall serve

>> No.15999550
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the guilt fuels their drive for more money/stuff.
im a wagey and am too much of a coward to quit and try something else.
so i pray to our technocrat overlords to automate as fast as possible, release me.

>> No.15999566


>> No.15999578

do you honestly have these emotions? why do you feel bad for people you have no connection to?

is this what it's like to be white? just caring about random people, holy shit no wonder you guys are going extinct

>> No.15999581

thats sad, fuk

>> No.15999592

The idea is people progress through unemployment and start often at the bottom. Some people don't want to progress or the job suits their abilities. No shame in that. The world is not an equality party. Only redditors think like this.

>> No.15999608

But aren't people who bought Bitcoin while working at gas stations like using cheat codes when it comes to life? I mean they did not achieve the 1% status by being unscrupulous entrepreneurs. Instead they fucking used some internet meme fucking money and become mega rich? They dont deserve their wealth

>> No.15999626
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>Oh Jannies...

>> No.15999739

Most old money people are like that actually. They had a great grandfather who got in early on railroads or coca-cola or slavery or whatever just like some pizza boy who bought ETH at $1.

It's the meritocracy of the recent few decades that is a new thing. Most money is not """deserved""". Not that it fucking matters.

>> No.15999819

People don't receive money based on what the "deserve", that has no bearing either on the market or on random windfalls. What somebody "deserves" is highly subjective anyway, it's unlikely enough people would agree about who deserves what to make that a meaningful standard for any kind of economic system.

>> No.15999821

Nobody "deserves" anything, and the notion that you'd be happier coming home to a big house after sitting in an office makes you happier is just retarded. The obsession with material wealth has gutted our society. Our ancestors toiled away building railroads and picking beans so we could have a pajeet deliver macdonalds to our house? What a fucking joke.

>> No.15999833

anon these "people" are meant to serve us the rich. Im not from america but i belong to a country that has "maids".
When i was 16 one of the younger maids who work at my house would help jerk me off. She was serving her purpose...pleasing my whims.
The fun bit is this has normal for centuries and continues to this day. Im pretty sure the royal guys harry and william all banged their staff. Rich "use" and indulge in their "help".

>> No.15999883

anon you simply dont whats its like to be in a country where you can pluck some good looking girl with a nice body off the streets from a life of abject squalor so she can be a maid. She ll let you fuck on the side..happily because its either being fucked by someone like me and getting to live in a mansion with free food or being in some run down shack breeding 8 kids for a drunk who beats her.

>> No.15999913

>i belong to a country that has "maids"
My family wasn't even that rich. It's just normal to have them. They get room and board and voluntarily enter the arrangement. Not sure why everyone is so butthurt about it.

>> No.15999947

they are cuck westerners. That or they cant fathom belonging to a country where a chick who could be an IG model type will fuck you for the equivalent of $20 dollars USD.

>> No.16000120

>cleaners are poor and make very little mon-


>> No.16000236

Many of them make $20 to $25 an hour so don't feel too bad.

>> No.16000277

So what she's supposing to be doing if she had a "Higher IQ"?

>> No.16000321

this is me. i just know people look at me and think wtf is he doing here? i cant figure myself out. i know im high iq but i think my mental illnesses get in the way of me reaching my full potential.

>> No.16000397

Same here. So I became a trader.

>> No.16000548

And who the fuck will care about this big ass mansion that you will buy once you make it, huh?

>> No.16000701

Some deal are dealt a shit hand in life. Absolutely brutal.

>> No.16000742

Some people*

kek me are brainlet

>> No.16000772

Based pajeet

>> No.16000940
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All employees are essentially servants anyway

>> No.16001351
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You won't feel bad for long because most of them will be soon automated away.
Most of them have absolutely 0 ambition anyway, as long as they can buy themselves alcohol and lottery tickets they are probably happier than you.

>> No.16001377

It's easy to make it when you grow up in a normal family who has enough money to support you. However if you are
>An orphan
>Traumatized from bad childhood
>Suffer from mental illness i.e. Depression
>Have bad luck
>Are a member of a hated minority
The chances of making it are in the single digits. And society doesn't give a shit and will blame you for your situation and not the system.

>> No.16001389

Whether you are standing as security, making bullshit phone calls, in meetings or are a bodyguard to a famous person

It's all bullshit and sacrificing time for money

>> No.16001410

what's the difference between delivering their Amazon parcels or cleaning their floors?

>> No.16001411

What's the point of having ambition in this pyramid scheme of a system? If you have capital it's almost impossible to lose. Jeff Bezos makes more in a day than most will make in an entire lifetime. It's a bullshit rigged system. You can make 5 digits a year, but it will cost you your sanity and health while the trust-fund kiddies literally won't have to do shit during their entire lives and still will be millionaires/billionaires. Fuck this shit. I'm going to die anyway, I'm not killing myself to make someone else money.

>> No.16001439

This, you make fun of them but the starting help desk/programming job everyone likes to shill in here it's literally no different, you're just cleaning virtual shit.

>> No.16001452

Have no ambition and keep going on the path of learned helplessness, it will no doubt end well for you anon.

>> No.16001486

I'm going to kill myself anyway in a few years, once I have mustered the will to do it. I'm tired of it all. I used to make a lot of money and it didn't change my happiness a single bit, all it did was for me to crave more money. Once you realize this, it's over.

>> No.16001683

>>When i was 16 one of the younger maids who work at my house would help jerk me off

that's kinda hot

>> No.16001716

people are like animals, you use them, hire them, they are nothing more why treat them different? Just live your life and surround yourself with slaves if you want, u pay them so what, if they want to do it why not? Why the fuk not? if you would treat them bad as slaves, pay nothing and threaten them now thats mediveal and sux but if you pay them and they come every day.. why be sad? theres no fkin reason

people do jobs for money, specific lifestyle be it easy life, sidejob, neetjob, blowjob, assjob

some people want challenge some not

it is as it is

thats why 80 iq servant will clean floor and 120 8/10 girl will do it too because she just go home watch netflix and dont GIVE SHIT, she just wont aim higher, she will proly find chade who makes 10k day CEO n shit so she will just suck his cawk and make kids

thats it

>> No.16001881

maybe they don't want big responsibility and are comfy with what they do

>> No.16002513

this has more merit than burgers realise. Just accepting your station and working within your abilities and supporting a family is a perfectly valid way to live life. Are Soiftware devs who make $150k a year but spend three quarters of their take home pay on living expenses any better off? Is it really worth the stress? The entire country of France basically operates on the principle that no, it isn't.

>> No.16002619

No way, no one would be a janny for free, such a thing is just beyond even the greatest fringes of human degeneracy and patheticness.

>> No.16002639


>> No.16002653

Did you fuck?

>> No.16002672

Please end yourself cunt

>> No.16002903

they have that money for 14 hours+ shifts 6 days a week.

>> No.16003418

>i don't understand how rich people have servants around them and not feel guilt
no genetic empathy

>> No.16003437

lol. kill yourself.

>> No.16003469


It's going to be so satisfying seeing this sneering arrogance turn into frantic sobbing and pleading when you people are being led to the guillotine and you realize no amount of money in the world is going to save you.

>> No.16003523

You’re delusional.

>> No.16003553

no need to feel guilt, they are ignorant to do such things, when they awake they will eventually leave

>> No.16003625

“Deserve” is such a loser word. Don’t use it. Don’t be a loser.

>> No.16003656
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Depression is the person's fault, though.

>> No.16003864

>If you have capital it's almost impossible to lose
Lottery winners end up losing most of their wealth within a couple years

>> No.16003911

“Housekeeping, I mean one time God let it be a bad bitch sweeping”
Kanye West, 2010

>> No.16003957

The only way to get rich is to exploit the work of others. They who work the hardest make the least money. In fact I like the idea of socialism but i'm playing both sides I just want to win don't care who's team I end up on.

>> No.16003969

Based jew, unironically.

>> No.16004684
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Wrong. She's just too dumb to realise that option is there.
Every woman wants to breed a litter and earn a couple of black eyes every month or so. She'd beg for it were she any less obtuse.

>> No.16005124

ITT Pajeets who haven’t moved on from caste system yet.

Reminder, you’ll probably be at the bottom of the caste anyway so stop fantasizing.

>> No.16005185

It is a job. Better than stealing or hurting other people.

>> No.16005208

No Brazilian, it isn't.

>> No.16005273

That maid is pretty.

>> No.16005496

you wont be put top death no, but thats because you are a sad bootlicker and not a wealthy person lamo

>> No.16006311

whites steal at the same rate as non-whites. Just whites aren't punished as harshly if at all