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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15993574 No.15993574 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn't it pumping? Where did it all go so wrong?

>> No.15993627

because btc wont even break 9 k til end of q1 2020

>> No.15993637

because it has a futures gap to fill first before the moon

>> No.15993668
File: 402 KB, 1080x1074, 1571686764823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this mean? Please explain i am certified retard

>> No.15993678

He made it up to sound clever
t. Mensa genius

>> No.15993689

It's just something dumb boomers say about stocks..."all gaps must be filled!!teehee ~uwu~"

Yea guess what the only gap getting filled here is the one between your mom's legs

>> No.15993711

the CME futures charts has gaps in its price chart
those gaps have to get filled eventually

futures as an option is a retarded trading strategy imo because there's nothing guaranteeing the price will ever meet the agreed upon number
>hey i'll sell you bitcoin in the future at 3k
>it never goes back to 3k

i'm a certified retard too but even i know that futures is merely designed to manipulate the market

>> No.15993714

can't you read? it's going to $87.00 next month.

>> No.15993734

5 days.

>> No.15993735

I forgot about this. What day do the futures expire this month?

>> No.15993742

its always the end of the month, last sunday or last friday i forget the specifics

>> No.15993743

There is no logical reason why futures gaps need to be filled. Retard crypto twatter/tubers just keep pushing that idiocy to try and sound smart and other retards in crypto turn it into a self-fulfilling prophecy for now.

Gaps are a natural consequence of crypto being 24/7 and boomer futures closing on the weekend. When we finally face rip pump there are going to be a ton of gaps that wont be filled.

>> No.15993766


>> No.15993784

That has nothing to do with my comment.

>> No.15993827

It will skyrocket to 16000 in a single day. We're gonna get a black swan event

>> No.15993872

Relax, 16k eoy

>> No.15994009

With the prophecy invalidated, that looks doubtful.

>> No.15994559

27th will be the date. Screencap this.

>> No.15994610

wont happen then, crypto world realises the halving was priced in and they have wasted the last 18 months, mass exit, back to 2k.

>> No.15994649

So you think its going to pump 8k in 4 days? Jesus, this is why its hard to take you lunatics seriously.

>> No.15994663

Prophecy is still in play. Could be a little late though.

>> No.15994725

We'll see who the lunatic is.

>> No.15994738

You have 9 days left. Better get moving.

>> No.15994761

Let put this way: start keeping an eye on whale alert (for what is worth). We'll knowck to you from there.

>> No.15994771

you cant price in a halving lmfao

>> No.15994819
File: 12 KB, 299x169, asuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pumps as high as 18k in the next 2 weeks.
>Settles around 16k for 3 months
>We break through previous ATH of 20k sometime around late January-early February.
The charts never lie, but all women do.

>> No.15994839
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The meme is that most gaps get filled 'eventually' And its typically been true for btc.

>> No.15994859


>> No.15994876

Brexit causes the collapse of the eurozone

>> No.15994894

might want to look a the last 6 months of the litecoin chart lad.

yes you can

>> No.15994901

In 5 years, the top 3 miners on the planet will own all of the Bitcoins. The small fish that own a few Bitcoin here and there are all going to get liquidated. I'm talking kicking doors down and walking out of their dungeon in handcuffs. It's fucking over soon, and the man that will take credit for it will be CSW. Many people will want him dead as a result.

>> No.15994919
File: 13 KB, 236x330, 3f58c7b6b42cd1c200e3162aa4b24e22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$8k on Oct 31
>Biz sells
>$16k Nov. 10

>> No.15995126

I would laugh if this happened.

>> No.15995140

>Biz sells
only those who don't know about my Julian calendars

>> No.15995157

We still got about nine days left in the month anon. Give it time. Crypto is bullish AF. You go to sleep one day, next thing you know BTC rose a few K.

>> No.15995229

>give it time
Your time is 9 fucking days. Get your ass moving or the prophecy is invalidated. Its time to put up or shut up.

>> No.15995441

>halving was priced in
retarded notion
you can't price in future scarcity unless you buy up a shitton of the asset but no new money did flow into the market. so nothing was priced in. it was a speculative rise to the usual level bitcoin rises before a halving. sure.

>> No.15995505

Can you taste the shit as it exists your mouth, or are you just too fucking dumb?

>Next 10 halvings priced in!!!! Because future!

>> No.15995514

woah woah hey shhh

>> No.15995541

By the way, I forgot to ask: how can uniquely identify myself in future threads?

>> No.15995542

or if you like: the only way to price in future scarcity is to bring it to the present.

>> No.15995564

Nobody likes a tripfag.

>> No.15995620

That's why I am asking. I am >>15994559, >>15994725, >>15994761 anon. I want to dance on the grave of this bobo >>15994738, and give /biz/ new intel.

>> No.15995634

So is dumping part of the prophecy too? Did I miss the part where they covered BTC dumping?

>> No.15995648

Just take screen shots. Tripfags deserve the rope.

>> No.15995652

The EU will be left largely unharmed by Brexit, you delusional populist nigger.

>> No.15995660

Tripcode. Don't use it unless it's relevant to a thread

>> No.15995674

Let me try

>> No.15995675

I think he means more that the union will fall apart which is why the EU and globalist traitors in Britbong are desperately trying to sabotage Brexit. The EUSSR needs to die for the sake of everyone in Europe.

>> No.15995701

>putting your financial future in the hands of an anonymous animeposter om 4chan
The absolute state of /biz/

>> No.15995713
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9 more days animefags

>> No.15995748

Like this?

>> No.15995759

honk honk

>> No.15995866

>sabotaging a retarded plan that was based on lies
no need breh

>> No.15995919

No deal brexit was always the best action. The idea that they even need a deal with the EU is whats retarded.

>> No.15996038

>Doesn't know about the futures mafia.

>> No.15996108

>Retard crypto twatter/tubers just keep pushing that idiocy to try and sound smart and other retards in crypto turn it into a self-fulfilling prophecy for now.

All of TA in a nutshell.

>> No.15996603

Watch out for Chile. They are going to spark the whole thing.

>> No.15996680
File: 12 KB, 300x198, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok boys stop burning down trains and start buying bitcoin already.

>> No.15996691

That's the point. ATMs in Chile had been blocked. Guess what?

>> No.15996804

Are you stupid? That means your obligated to sell them bitcoin at $3k in the future regardless of it’s price.

>> No.15996918

Before 16k we are going to jump to 32k.

>> No.15996932

Pray tell me how we jump to 32k before 16k.

>> No.15997002

Unintelligible math beyond your comprehension. I've reached the most enlighten level of autism.

>> No.15997014

massive scam wick, like the one that made eth go from $300 to 10 cents