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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15991034 No.15991034 [Reply] [Original]

I'm currently on an early lunch break. The past week or something has involved me being tortured inside about my lack of savings and how I'm approaching 30. I've decided the best move would be trying to get some accounting job in a second tier city (i.e, not London; probably Manchester because all the other ones have reputations for being shitholes).

Then I spend 3 years of my life to be judged as competent (working 9-6 instead of 9-5 in my current job) and then I try to work my way back to London in a higher paid finance job. Then the hours will increase much more (9-8) but I'll save lots of money. By the age of 45 my real life can begin.

I only spent £2.50 for lunch today, for brown hot water (coffee). Yesterday after work I had a classical binge: pot noodle, ice cream, dairy milk chocolate disks, large bag of crisps, reduced sandwiches. I then wasted my evening (you may have seen my shit post about not being able to do anything due to lack of motivation). Then I went to the gym and had a large cardio session which was good but I didn't have good sleep afterwards, probably because of the binge.

This is going to sound very ironic but my job right now, if I wanted to make a career out if it, would be kind of good. But there is no guaranteed progression, and it would require me to develop charisma, and has some risks but no large reward.

>> No.15991053

You never feel bitter that people told you to buy Ethereum and Chainlink back in the day and you refused to take their advice? Instead you spent it all on junk food, coffee etc stupid shit you could be a millionaire by now you stupid froggie boy

I can even dumpster dive threads from 2018 when people told you to buy Chainlink: you never did, yet you read those posts but just ignored them

>> No.15991106

>By the age of 45 my real life can begin.
Kek, imagine following your plan and still feeling empty at 45.

>> No.15991128


Keep using this image, OP, so we can follow your stories. I remember you lunch one yesterday, I sent it to this slag I know and she replied "lol" so there's some validation for you.

What city do you live in currently, if you don't mind doxxing yourself a bit?

What field do you work in?

If you don't have savings, could you take a huge loan and whack it into a promising smallcap coin? That's what I did, kek...

Exercising late at night fucks my sleep up no end. How's your physical health and appearance, are you overweight or in ok shape? I think solo gym sessions are depressing as fuck for internet types (and it's they who are most drawn to them), you should really try to do something that involves other people, even if you're not good at it.

>> No.15991147

The guy's been posting for years. His name's londonfrog. He generally uses a frog picture and his posts are always about binging, reading pseud books, not being productive, drinking coffee, watching chads and staceys, etc.

>> No.15991195


Oh shit, ok. Welcome, Londonfrog. I was thinking of moving to London soon but I'm an oldfag (33) with no career but good passive income. I just want to meet some nice (slutty) girls, mostly. We could hang out on your lunch break, perhaps!

>> No.15991228
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> I'm approaching 30.
> By the age of 45 my real life can begin.
i'm glad I don't have that slave mentality, kms in 6 month, never gonna be 30 fuck that shit, there's no point living past 30 if you've not made it

>> No.15991487

>dairy milk chocolate disks, large bag of crisps, reduced sandwiches
literally laughed out loud at how fruity british english and culture is. go to the pub!

>> No.15992151

This is satans plan for you. Trade time for money, costs then increase —>negating your gains

You are listening to satan when you despair about money in a place which is more wealthy that 90% of other places on earth. The money is flowing all around you but you sabotage your self and torment yourself with thoughts of inadequacy. This is satans work

>> No.15992316

>By the age of 45 my real life can begin.
oh anon.... please snap out of this and start living it now

I've got some money set aside. It's not much, but I'm doing better than I was before I started. That's what it took though, was starting. At first I obsessed over it, but I obsess over anything when I first get a passion for it. I'm beyond that stage now. I'm at the point where recreation and mental health is the most important thing, and I've got weekly deposits being made to different savings ventures. I still spend slightly recklessly sometimes, especially when I find a new hobby to get obsessed about, but those weekly deposits are still made and withdrawals are not taken out, so instead of getting worried I know I'm on the path to making it. Cause I hold chainlink. Live your fucking life, hold 1000 chainlink, and do a 401k or whatever. Don't forget to socialize at some point

>> No.15992375

>OP has a lack of savings
>tells him to buy chainlink
>classic biz

>> No.15992402

>OP has a lack of savings
>tells him to start saving
yes, exactly

>> No.15992437

Best thread on /biz/