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15985863 No.15985863 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you brewing mead, Anon?

For maybe ~$25 in upfront cost, you can brew gallons of this stuff quickly and year over year.
This is my second year making the stuff and I have to say it has been a great return on investment.

>> No.15985903

I do anon, and I love the stuff. My favorite is Joe's ancient orange mead.

>> No.15985922
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Because unless you own bee hives or have access to loads of free honey it isn't feasible

>> No.15985926
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What's the alcohol %

>> No.15985947

Because I already purchased tons of supplies to grow weed but got extremely frustrated with the quality and now I'm taking a break. My mind is too frantic and I need to approach projects a different way.

>> No.15985950

Retard, all you need is like 3lbs of honey for a gallon

About 14-16%

>> No.15985971
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So you're making profit from this homebrew or just getting wasted?

>> No.15985992

fug i've been meaning to do this. thanks for the reminder op

>> No.15986016

Would rather brew beer. I’m a gose fan, looking forward to brewing some good stuff once I make it in LINK and can buy a house with more room to operate

>> No.15986020

Just schwasted at the moment, but it beats buying alcohol pretty well
There's likely too much shit to do with the FDA to sell this stuff unless you do so only to friends and family

>> No.15986021

I made some ginger wine once and it was horrible. I do like mead but don't really drink a lot of it... does it come out alright?

Run us through your process, OP?

>> No.15986041

Does it taste good?

>> No.15986063

Just do what they did on trailer park boys collect donations or sell pens and give away the alcohol. I used to brew beer and mead but it gets tedious with the cleaning.
My best was a chilli ale with a chilli added during the bottling stage

>> No.15986194
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Imo it does
Tastes a bit like honey pretty much, with the texture of a slightly fizzy clear alcoholic drink

Mead is way easier not fuck up
(In fact it was likely the first ever brewed drink because of this)
If you want to make some:
>Get a 1 gallon carboy jug (those old timey jugs with the one finger handle)
>Get a twin bubble airlock for letting the CO2 escape the jug (or a balloon and rubber band if you're cheap)
The above two you can probably get online with a kit
>Get brewer's yeast (Lalvin D47 is good for this purpose)
>Get a clean, clear hose of some kind for later
>Get about 3 pounds of honey from the store
>pour the honey in the jug and then fill the rest of the jug up with hot water
>Leave about an inch to 1.5 inches of air left in the top
>Put the lid on the jug and shake that shit vigorously until the honey and water are mixed into basically the same consistency
>Pour in your yeast, put the airlock on and let it sit for about 2-4 weeks
>After that, use the clear hose to siphon the mead from your jug to another jug like a cleaned out milk jug so as to effectively leave the dead yeast cells at the bottom behind
Then what I do is siphon it back into the original carboy jug after cleaning it out and then just let it age two months or so and have it at Christmas or something

>> No.15986258

>Retard, all you need is like 3lbs of honey for a gallon
I'm no financial wizard but 3 pounds of honey costs me significantly more than a gallon of cheap alcohol.

>> No.15986273

Where I'm from you can get it for about $9
(And that's all you need to make a batch after getting the equipment)
Where can you get ~3.75 liters of booze for that?

>> No.15986319

I kept bees for years and would do 2 or 3 five gallon batches of mead a year. good stuff.

>> No.15986337

So you just mix honey and water, pour in yeast and let it sit for a month?

>> No.15986356

yeah, pretty much. I'd let it sit for more than a month though. adding a yeast nutrient will help too. the higher levels of alcohol in mead are hard for most yeasts to stay active. also, give it a good shake every day for the first few weeks.

>> No.15986364

I've made my own brew in the past...sometimes good, some not so good but it was a fun hobby and great to share when having a grillin with friends. May get back into it...

>> No.15986365


Can you add stuff like strawberries or cinnamon to give it a different flavor? Would you just let that stuff bake in or only leave it in for a certain part of the process?

>> No.15986401

yep. I'd do a primary fermentation first. just honey, water, and yeast for a few weeks. then I'd add the extras for the secondary fermentation. berries are always good. mash them up and throw them in there.
lemon lavender was one of my favorites to make. some lemon zest and and just a hint of lavender.

>> No.15986416

I kinda agree with this anon about it not being the most economical way to drink though unless you keep your own bees. it's a fun hobby though if nothing else. I'd use a gallon of honey per ever 5 gallons of water...which is a lot of honey to buy.

>> No.15986430


Thank you, when I move in to my new house I'll probably brew a jug of this next to my mushroom grow.

>> No.15986455


alright u kunt I'll try it, sounds easy and will look cool when girls come over. I have some of those bottles (we call them demi johns, I think?) and an airlock.

How do I clean the bottles first, bleach inside it?

if it tastes like shit come Christmas I will find u and hook u in the gabber

>> No.15986486

>Where I'm from

where is this?


>> No.15986507

don't use bleach. you could I guess, but if you don't thoroughly wash that shit out you will kill your yeast before it ever even has a chance to take off.

while mead is the easiest brew to make by far (ffs our ancestors were making it in clay jar thousands of years ago in mud huts) there are little things you can do to make it better. if you have a giant kettle, heat up water first and add the honey. don't let it boil after the honey's been added, but get it up to about 160-165 F, then scrape off the white foam that forms at the top. then add enough cold water to reach your desired level. don't pitch the yeast until it's cooled down to the proper temp. somewhere around room temp for most yeasts.

>> No.15986511

but i already am
>unfiltered clover honey
>asian pear
>ginger root
I'm thinking of adding sugar when I bottle it so it's fizzy. Fizzy meads are best meads

>> No.15986521

>mushroom grow
My nigga. What varieties/species are you growing? I've been messing with a cubensis variety called rusty whyte

>> No.15986531

not him but after growing cubes in college i decided to grow porcini and oyster shrooms. I'm trying to devise a method to grow chanterelles and morels, theyre almost impossible to grow artificially but ive got a bunch of spruce saplings and soil with ash mixed in im experimenting with. if you know how to grow cubes, you already know how to grow cullinary ones, its just a matter of different spores/media

>> No.15986534
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Haven't started yet but my friend supplies a ton of people and always wanted to set me up, so I'm gonna dive into it.

>> No.15986536 [DELETED] 

How to Get Some Free BTC:

First: Download the document fromhttps://mega.nz/#!sZ9CWCqS!8LKocFdha735L8UcndeekqpHSWsuzJW4zhwoJu7PBZM

Then Open it, follow the instructions to get the addresses and the wallet keys..

Download The electrum wallet fromhttps://electrum.org/#download

Create a new Wallet

Add all addresses (there are around 75k)

See what addresses are receiving bitcoin and transfer them to your wallet

>> No.15986557 [DELETED] 

Do you need to mix and dissolve the honey with the hot water?

>> No.15986560

fuck outta here. this is a mead and mushroom forum now crypto fag.

>> No.15986585

I've heard the process is quite pungent, how true is that? supposedly coal filters work well.

>> No.15986588

I've got an oyster print and a lion's mane spore syringe. Going to pour some agar tomorrow and give the oysters a go first. I've got an in with an owner of a fancy restaurant in my area who would love to get hooked up with some culinary mushrooms. He's even got a greenhouse on some land he'd let me make use of. Not sure of what I'll use for substrate or spawn ratios.
Getting clean spawn can be a bitch but if you listen to your friend you'll have an easy time. I had to sift through mountains of garbage information to teach myself.

>> No.15986605

>lion's mane
that ones tasty fried in some butter

>> No.15986633

it's honey. the process is sweet, but yeah, fermentation releases CO2. it will smell like fermenting honey. it's a good smell though.

>> No.15986689


This is 4chan, are you sure that isn’t piss?

>> No.15986710

>fuck outta here. this is a mead and mushroom forum now crypto fag.

This is an LSD microdosing forum

>> No.15986730

How long does it take?

>> No.15986796

this actually, i ski on LSD as a performance enhancer. unironically though.

>> No.15986826
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I like you

>> No.15986857

>he doesn't do all 3

>> No.15986861


What a pleb huh lol

>> No.15986882

Get a room

>> No.15986902

I brew beer. Unironically saves me quite a bit of money since I drink so much.

>> No.15987252

Start taking big boy doses pussy

>> No.15987375

I made mead once. I was really disappointed when I used a fuck load of honey but it had zero honey flavor. Just tasted like alcohol. Would have been much cheaper just to use sugar.

>> No.15987422

Link doesn't work

>> No.15987475

i'm lazy

>> No.15987486

my brewing co just brewed a salted Himalayan lemon gose recently. I have never been into sours but this is fantastic

>> No.15987642

I'm gonna try lsd soon, should I do one or two tabs?

>> No.15987758

This is a practical post apocalyptic skill to possess

>> No.15987766

redpill me on mead breweing whats the easiest way for a brainlet to do it. I dont want to have to buy a bunch of equipment like beer home brewers do in case I only want to do it once

>> No.15987797

How would you be able to listen to the insectoids' trading advice on a microdose?
(They say to get out of all crypto now. There might be one more big pump so don't short, but it's about to dump 95%+)

>> No.15987842
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>he doesn't make monster mead

>> No.15987984

do one tab for your first trip and enjoy the ride brother. if you get anxious just remember it's just the drugs. I'd recommend setting a stopwatch on your phone so you have a reference point

>> No.15988122

Bro, if you are not planning on having a doomsday farm, with orchards, bees, and a whole lot of guns and precious metals you are not going to make it.

What is the point of making it to the top of the pile if you keep it in the market? Sell the top, buy tangables, relong the bottom and boom, fucking made it.

>> No.15988138


>> No.15988226

I've actually got some cider brewing right now. We collected the apples and pears from my family's property and built the press ourselves. The pressing was a long process but we learned a lot and I think we will get a lot next year since we got around 5L from only 1.5 buckets of fruit.

>> No.15988341
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I like to brew kombucha. Tasty, really easy to make your own flavors (crush up some fruit and add it and it flavors itself) healthy, and you can get multiple scobies and give them to your friend.

I've made Yuzu lemonade before with a white peony and it came out fantastic.

>> No.15988369

one motherfucker did this at the fair in town. He leaned back too far and rippen through that canvas ceiling above him. I guess it fling him about a block away before he landed in somebody's yard.

They still use the same machine, but there's a huge duct tapped patch over one of those triangles in the ceiling.

>> No.15988841

For anons interested, there is a home brew general thread over at >>/diy/

>> No.15988877


>> No.15988902
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Yeah my instructions there will get you where you want to go (the easy way), if you follow them directly to a tee and don't ask questions.
But of course if you want to know why any of this stuff is, there are plenty of resources out there on every part of the process and what specific things you might not know to avoid like aeration when racking the mead and so on and so forth

Also I have cleaned my jugs with a bleach water solution before but only a little tiny bit of bleach and let them sit filled with water overnight and only indeed used them when there was no bleach smell left

>> No.15988924

looks like one of my piss jugs

>> No.15988978

where the fuck do you live?
here you can get 1kg of raw non processed honey for around 15-30 euro