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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15986059 No.15986059 [Reply] [Original]

ladies, tell me how the F link could go to 1000$ it has 880M marketcap, for 10x (about 30$ per link) it would need 8800M$ marketcap? or 100x price it would need 88000M$ marketcap thats not possible.

>inb4 steaking
theres zero users at the moment so where all the moneys coming ???

i bet you are all newbies and the real OG's left years ago when BTC hit 1000$ and ETH mooned.

theres only zoomers who entered at 2017, left.

I'm starting to believe that link is just a deluded cult to distract youngsters to buy this useless shitcoin.

This starts to remind me of OmiseGo and all the other Pump&dump coins.

>> No.15986082
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More salt pls gives me errection

Waited 2 fucking years for salt like this

>> No.15986095

when chainlink underpins every transaction globally it will have a market cap equal to global gdp

>> No.15986098

i hold link aswell but ive seen whats happened to qtum, icx, bitbean, omisego... etc they all were shilled here back in the day.

you didn't answer my question: HOW link can pump even 10x, it needs 8800Million dollars marketcap. thats fucking 8.8billion dollars

>> No.15986106

Imagine thinking this board is rational.
If LINK $1k EOY I will eat my dick.

>> No.15986108

"when and when" how you can say that two-men startup team can acheive such a goal? thats too impossible to even imagine that whole world gdp would do that.

what even holds some big companies to make better chainlink?

>> No.15986116

Someone screencap this

>> No.15986131

That's not a lot of money you stupid boomer. If even 80 million people put only 100 dollars into it you'd reach that level. 80 million is not a lot of people world wide and 100 dollars is not a lot of money either.

>> No.15986145

again: "if"

if that happens, link only gains 10x. you need 800million people to put 100dollar to gain 100x. thats already 88 BILLION DOLLARS.

also why the fuck they would invest in link, it still has NO USERS. no utility. only thing what drives the price at the moment is hype and speculation.

>> No.15986162

>ou need 800million people to put 100dollar to gain 100x
you have ZERO fucking idea how marketcap works lmao
jesus fuck

>> No.15986164

Or to put it another way if 2% of the u.s. population put 1k into it, it would reach the same market cap.

How can you say its crazy when btc even in its current state has a market cap of 140 billion usd

>> No.15986168

i like posts like this because they’re a sign i’m right

>> No.15986172

nobody did answer my question. only that price hype "if and if"

that just tells me tale of stupid millenial zoomers here wanting to be rich very easily.

not going to happen.

link needs 88 billion dollars marketcap to gain 100x in the price. you can go see it by yourself at coinmarketcap

>> No.15986176

Or if one person pays $50 for a link. Learn what market cap is retard.

>> No.15986185

let him be, he actually thinks marketcap is relevant, or means anything

>> No.15986192
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>> No.15986203

also 88billion is nothing. u answeted your own question

>> No.15986204

stay poor and get dumped by asian whale groups and russian/indian discord scammers. this shit has hit double top in sats and going down hard like omisego and the rest of the biz hype shitcoins.

theres no real OG's left who helped the community back in the day when ETH was 1$

fuck you all fucking zoomer kids.

>> No.15986207
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he's right you simpleton

>> No.15986208

the team doesn’t run the nodes anon, the network is decentralized and infinitely scalable. any stakeholder can profit from the system and institutionally it is both a source of income and a global guarantor of contracts, meaning those who buy in have a progressively greater stake in the system as it grows. competitors will arise but they won’t be able to capture nearly the same level of marketshare, being relegated to private network usage that will still tap into the chainlink network when issuing contracts with external parties. only pariah states and bad actors would be interested in setting up their own competing networks because they are not interested in the global financial system, and by their nature these networks would be tiny in scale compared to the main network

>> No.15986209

yeah 88billion is nothing, with that logic, that amount could go to every else shitcoin there is.

you kids think that linkchain is somehow unique, like your ancestor did few years ago with omisego or ICX or QTUM or VET.

>> No.15986221

i know that shit already, with 2-men team, i meant that big companies would make their own "better chainlink" and use their army of coders,

what hold them not doing so? why do you think that everyone suddely wants use chainlink, as today, theres no users. what would suddenly bring everyone among chain of links?

>> No.15986225


>> No.15986265

>i meant that big companies would make their own "better chainlink"

why would they invest in development when the team is already doing it for free? all big companies have to do is sit on cheap link tokens and wait for the network to expand, then reap free money from staking while enjoying the benefits of the network. the team has already figured out how link works and how to implement the network, the next real step lies with smart contract writers creating content for the infrastructure while said infrastructure continues to grow

>> No.15986279

they doesnt care the price they want it to work and have good tech.

what holds them to make even better chainlink?

big companies have the moneys to develop and they're not afraid doing so. they could spend their lunch moniues like 100M to develop better chainlink and not use some shady russian uni dropout startup's code.

>> No.15986303

I love all the retards that don't understand how LINK will easily be $1000, it makes me laugh and feel sorry for them

>> No.15986310

keep throwing stupid numbers around to justify your arguments retard.

>> No.15986389

the tech already works, if companies were to invest in something it would be network nodes, not pointless redevelopment of proprietary technology that would lead to litigation and delays of a system that will hugely decrease their margins upon implementation. yeah, companies “could have” developed something like chainlink, but they didn’t and the team did, that’s how IP works. now they can get on board the network or they can flail uselessly against it while delaying their own potential profits for no reason. all they’re really waiting for are user friendly smart contracts adapted to the chainlink system

>> No.15986514

you are yjsut passively agressive i can see why, you haven't answered any of my questions, thats just because you dont know either how link will succeed and where all the money will come from.

i hodl link my self too but im not convinced of any of this shit. just because i'm og crypto trader and i've seen those "omg dude this is future coin x" shit falling like a rock after they're being dumped.

tech doesn't work nor it isn't the best in the world, companies would already been in long time ago. still the price is rising, wonder why? its just being manipulated and only speculation / hype drives the price now. i don't say link is completely shit but i think we are years too early and price is inflated. could be wrong but definetly 1000$ or even 100$ is impossible sounding goal at the moment, theres no users... no users anon...

>> No.15986608

LINK will be top 1, because it’s not tied to crypto market, but to derivatives market. Once the staking is done and the derivative jobs are live you will see volume rise slowly until it hits 2-5 trillion daily volume and LINK price will rise to match the demand. I can see a trillion marketcap in 2 years, 10 trillion in 5 years. That would put 1 linkie at $10,000

>> No.15986626

Looks like your eating dick

>> No.15986635


>> No.15986655

Don't question it. Even on other boards link gets digits. Something bigger is at play here

>> No.15986659

Yes and derivatives is only one usecase.

>> No.15986660


>tech doesn't work
It does
>nor it isn't the best in the world,
It's literally the only one in the world and Town Crier has all the patents. No once can copy it without being sued to hell and back.

Just stay poor. I don't know why we are bothering to spoonfeed you. Retards like you deserve to die in poverty.

>> No.15986664

xrp went to 150B kek
numerous shitcoins had massive mcaps in 2017

the next bullrun will see the overall crypto mcap go into the trillions. assuming link is top 5, do the math.

>> No.15986694

christ, just let them buy if they want to. deluded fucks are never gonna change their mind even when they're begging for pennies on the street from sir gay as he walks past with their sister.

>> No.15986711

Read his replies, its your typical gay fudder trying to make his questions seem legitimate

>two man team

>> No.15986875
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I did some pretty deep thonking yesterday and conservatively came up with 30-50 usd per link per year in staking, factoring in the top 5ish industries...ignoring plenty more.

30 dollars per year per link, completely passive income. Not right off the bat but in a year or two of network establishment. That's 300-600 per link any boomer would pay for good returns. 50 is 500-1k. Considering that the staking rewards aren't even, and are skewed to the top... the arms race to buy LINK will be fun.

What few drones left at the companies using smart contracts will run the numbers, tell their bosses to dump some of the hundreds of millions they're now saving annually back into link for even more money...and it becomes a giant unstoppable snowball, rather quickly.

>> No.15986886

>two man startup is FUD
What is Google?

>> No.15986904

I ain't even broke fuckin even yet NIH GUH

>> No.15986909
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>HOW link can pump even 10x
Because people will buy it...?

>> No.15987084

you still didn't answer my question. even the tech works FOR NOW, nothing will stop the big companies make their own. why would they trust their business data to some russian startup devs. and im not poor, im also holding stainstink but you guys are literally delusional about this. your fairytale could puff in one night when some big company says they made their own.

XRP is 110% legit than chainlink. and 2017 was back then, now its totally different.

this is also that category of "if this and if that" that money could flow to any other coin aswell.

>> No.15987097
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You literally sound like crazy cult member

>> No.15987127

Lmfao same cuh whats your initial

>> No.15987179

if link hits 1000$ i will fuck a tranny

>> No.15987199
File: 119 KB, 929x1175, 1567116420720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>we just passed $2.70
Press S to spit on no-linkers


>> No.15987204

lol. enjoy your 8yo ford fiesta.

>> No.15987214

Can use my linkies to go 30% down on a house even at these prices, soon I can buy a whole house

Not that I'll ever sell, just remember that you knew about it

>> No.15987227

>Not that I'll ever sell
then you are literally throwing your money away on nothing. absolutely horrific business, no wonder you buy this utter horseshit. why not buy a coin with which you could buy a damn castle, as opposed to throwing money at... oh whatever man. knock yourself out.

>> No.15987233

fugg :DD

>> No.15987267

the business model is predicated on income from staking, so it’s not that bad of an idea to hold some honestly. though some profit-taking along the way up would be intelligent

>> No.15987287

which presumably you're NEVER SELLING, because of dubs gets and frog cartoons, right?
bunch of kids, biz was so much better 5 years ago, i think every competent person left.

>> No.15987395

>5 years ago

>> No.15987541

dumb nolinker.
take your (you)

>> No.15987950
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>> No.15988045

>I hold link as well
You faggots always fud like this. Go neck yourself.

>> No.15988059

begone newfag, you do not deserve this board

>> No.15988142

“Uni dropout”
>imagine not knowing how to do a background check

>> No.15988159
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Stop begging for spoonfeeding and just sell already if you don't believe in the project you absolute donkey.

>> No.15988345


>> No.15988374
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>> No.15988392

>2man team fud
1/10 troll

>> No.15988556

>biz was better before crypto when nobody made any money


>> No.15988591

It seems crazy today but crypto is just in its infancy. In 5 years time links current mcap will look like nothing, it will be the mcap of <100 coins on CMC.

>> No.15989059
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shtinkie linkies~

>> No.15989163

>ladies, tell me how the F link could go to 1000$

>> No.15989574
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That’s not how it works anon. I’ve got bad news, you’re not a very smart person.

>> No.15989605
File: 38 KB, 500x667, 1DEA173E-19DB-4206-AB62-8E5EFCF0F1FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i meant that big companies would make their own "better chainlink"
>this is meant for the person you’re responding to but I’m phonefagging and it’s hard.

>> No.15989624

You missed that anon's thread on how "chainlink is the dealer in the crypto futures casino" this weekend...

>> No.15989632

it can't, LINK shills just need fresh money all the time that's why they say it can

>> No.15989637

>make retard thread
>get 70 replies
congrats, OP, i guess

>> No.15989642 [DELETED] 

How about you tell me what the market cap of cisco systems or microsoft were during the december 1999 dot com bubble. Go on I'll wait. Tell me the market cap of all the top dot com bubble companies without working poroducts in dec 1999. So me how much of a retsrd you are.

>> No.15989662
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>>15986098 #
How about you tell me what the market cap of cisco systems or microsoft were during the december 1999 dot com bubble. Go on I'll wait. Tell me the market cap of all the top dot com bubble companies without working products in dec 1999. Show me how much of a retsrd you are thinking 10 billion is an even remotely insane market cap.

>> No.15989682

Lol try .5%. You neet way less money than you think to get a highly inflated price.

>> No.15989800

>retard is baffled by the concept of speculation
Stay broke poorfag

>> No.15989986
File: 492 KB, 1600x2047, 1555936258113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i hold link aswell

Sweet nulinker you all 2019 buyers are so naive and scared

>> No.15990009

There won't be any users until staking is live.
>well we invented the automobile, why isn't there anyone driving?
>why are these investors so excited about gas stations? Noone drives

>> No.15990061

Excellent analogy

>> No.15990171 [DELETED] 

>People have been riding horse drawn buggies for thousands of years. No one will ever use an automobile.

People have been communicating by raven/courier vorrespondence for thousands of years, noone will ever use a telegraph, it's far too complecated.

>> No.15990181

>People have been riding horse drawn buggies for thousands of years. No one will ever use an automobile.

>People have been communicating by raven/courier correspondence for thousands of years, noone will ever use a telegraph, it's far too complecated.

>> No.15990193

>88bn marketcap is not possible

>> No.15990248

Market cap doesn't actually mean a lot. It's just supply x price. Not how much money is circulating or has been spent. In theory if everyone stopped selling and the price instantly skyrocketed to $5,000 a coin and then 5 coins were bought then the market cap would be ridiculous, despite only $25,000 having been spent.

>> No.15990265
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>> No.15990372

Your lack of research skills in a digital era concerns me. That's why boomers have been mostly outsmarted in cryptomarkets by a bunch of millenial and zoomers. The potential of Chainlink is at plain sight yet you refuse to invest some time into it. You are not gonna make it