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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15985160 No.15985160 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever cried over money, /biz/?

>> No.15985170


>> No.15985174

January 2018

>> No.15985180


>> No.15985194

if you associate money with emotions, you'll NEVER make it

>> No.15985196

once as a poor student when I had to pay my dentist $2500 to make it stop

>> No.15985212

my wife just had her baby and I decided to stay and help her out. My family strongly pressured me against it.
I covered the cost of diapers and formula for her for the first year and it was very expensive. I rode the bus to save money on gas.

>> No.15985217

No, i have become completely numb to these sorts of things after having spent 2 years on this board. I also have a fair stack so that might also have something to do with it.

>> No.15985227

Yeah, once when I was in middle school and lost an envelope with $40 of birthday money. Turns out my mom found it and I got it back the next day.

But as an adult? Fuck no

>> No.15985238

lost a quarter million in crypto. didn't feel half as bad as my girlfriend breaking up with me a year prior.

>> No.15985240

I had to put down my two dogs over the span of a week. Was really hard. When i found out how much it cost to try to keep the first dog alive before killing him it hurt. When the second dog starting getting sick n I realized I wouldn't be able to try to save the second, I cried. If I had an extra 1-2k he might still be here. He was old tho wouldn't have lasted another year.

>> No.15985264

>my wife just had her baby and I decided to stay and help her out.
>My family strongly pressured me against it.
Elaborate. Is this someone else's baby or is your family anti-family?

>> No.15985269

>my wifes son
i dont think it was money you were crying over

>> No.15985274


>> No.15985279
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Have a heartfelt F, my friend.

>> No.15985285

You did the right thing. Let a sick dog pass away if he's old. That extra year would have been suffering pain for him

>> No.15985288

>my wife just had her baby

>> No.15985304

Long story short:
A guy wearing plaid shirt came up to my wife and I in McDonalds. He asked if I wanted some crypto-coins (I only knew of a bitcoin at the time). I said sure, and he said he would give me some coins if he could impregnate my wife. I went for it obviously. Still raising the kid, who turned out to be a genius anyway, and my investment is really paying off.

>> No.15985334


>> No.15985337
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>> No.15985368

Unironically yes.
When I was 18 years old I had accumulated $10k from “investing”(gambling) in the span of 2-3 months. This was a lot for an 18 year old working at an ice cream shop.
One night, in less then two hours, I got liquidated on a short position with a heavy leverage and lost every single dollar. I cried. I felt hopeless and idiotic. But I learned from it.

Looking back, I’m glad I was able to have those mistakes at a young age and learn from them. Now, I don’t value money as highly as I once did, but still take *safe* investing very seriously.

>> No.15985407

Kek based

>> No.15985422

yes, when i was 14 because of an ebay scammer

>> No.15985439

This is very tru

>> No.15985446

Holy based

>> No.15985462


>> No.15985676
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>> No.15985709
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N-no, that's ridiculous....

>> No.15985737

Yes. I'm 30 years old and can't find a fucking job.

>> No.15985744

crypto winter was rough I know that feel

>> No.15985746

I have cried over being an underpaid pajeet tier wagecuck, so kind of

>> No.15985755

call temp agencies, if you have transportation you can get your foot in the door a few places

>> No.15985857

I've been in temp agencies before, the places they send me to always turn me away because they have enough people

>> No.15985918
File: 44 KB, 540x540, yourmovebear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. About three weeks into stealing to feed myself I began to crack.

Two months in I began to consider asking family for money and for some that's another line one refuses to cross.

Still won't ever bring myself to that, and if no one ever sees you cry what does it matter? Picture me rolling through middle class now, debtless and on the way up. When you're at the bottom the top always looks insurmountable.
Fuck you anon you don't know shit. Money is lifesaving medication, day to day nourishment, the literal clothes and roof over your head. It's only when you overcome your emotions and attachment to trivial shit like smokes or fagbuck lattes that your ducks line in a row.

You anons act like jaded market-sharps but you wouldn't be here if you didn't enjoy the thrill of riding the tiger. The gut wrenching lows to watching your shitcoin +30% overnight stroking your chub.

>> No.15985944

retard alert

>> No.15985948

>stealing from stores instead of asking family for help
I did that when I was on heroin a decade ago, but for food? Wtf man

>> No.15985979

>I went for it obviously.


>> No.15985994

yup lucky, you won't turn out to be this guy


>> No.15986003

I feel like the people who do are the people who "can't understand where all the money's going omg im so poor" while they order more shit on Postmates

In this economy it's hard to see how any reasonable person is not having spare cash as even I, a minimum wagecuck, am able to save 40% of my income

>> No.15986100

Damn, I'm jelly based anon

>> No.15986150

basically happens to everyone who uses high leverage. the house always wins.

>> No.15986406

whoa how did you reach that conclusion, retard?

>> No.15986564

No. They sure want us to by the look of that article. We are happy poor. Nice fucking try. Blackpilled. Don't fuck with us.

>> No.15986577

Im broke as fuck and i never cried or want any type of socialist economy

>> No.15986594
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>> No.15986598

You're the kind of slave the elites love the most

>> No.15986622

Chinknese tier i know

>> No.15986719

Not when the Day of the Lampposts comes.

>> No.15986727


h-h-ha-haha course not

>> No.15987622

>a minimum wagecuck
How are you living off $7.25 an hour? How much do you pay in rent?

>> No.15988668
File: 21 KB, 657x527, E29E4358-895B-46F4-AF60-506095AC6996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course. I lost 5 years of waging in bad investments and then bitcoin turned into 10000 a coin when I knew about it under one dollar. im dead inside

>> No.15988748

shit I'm crying right now

>> No.15988759

>her baby

>> No.15988774

cried when link mooned

my life has been so shit for so long and I went all in on a stupid meme coin and hit the play of a lifetime

>> No.15989030

tears of joy?

>> No.15989604

Lol ebin XXD

>> No.15989613

I've cried 2 times since 2004

>> No.15989623

Yep. I bought one of the early "google homes" type objects when I was like 12. Like 100€, all my birthday money. It was called Nabaztag.

When I figured out it was totally useless and that I got scammed, I got very depressed, almost cried.

I never bought into any early adopter bullshit and never cried over money since.