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15970940 No.15970940 [Reply] [Original]

so all the money I put into silver and precious metals is it likely that it will hold its value in 10 years or will it double in ten years? Furthermore, leaving your money settled down in precious metals does not risk losing other advantageous opportunities that the stock market can give?

>> No.15971122


>> No.15971460

any help?

>> No.15971974

No help?

>> No.15971981

Ok listen I'm going to type you a long post.

>> No.15972000

First... stop valuing gold/silver in terms of dollars. The dollar value of silver is irrelevant. Did silver and gold all of a sudden become valuable when America was born and the dollar was created? No. In fact it was gold and silver that gave value to the dollar so why in the fuck would you be valuing gold and silver in terms of dollars? The entire fucking point of buying silver is because the dollar is a scam and you want money and wealth when the dollar crashes.

Also...when the price of silver goes up in dollar value that is not the same as amazon stock going up in value. A silver ounce 900 years ago is still that same ounce of silver today, doesn't matter if the dollar exists or not. Gold and silver going up and down in value means the dollar is fluctuating. Proving the dollar is unstable, volatile, and a lack of store of value......

I will continue adding to this.....

>> No.15972011

>it will hold its value in 10 years

>will it double in ten years
nobody knows. gold is not an investment. it keeps true value while fiat currency loses it progressively.

>leaving your money settled down in precious metals does not risk losing other advantageous opportunities that the stock market can give?


>> No.15972020

Now... if the dollar doesn't crash or we don't have a reset then silver will maintain your wealth. Gold and silver are SAVINGS. Stocks are investments. Your stocks can go up in dollar value but if the dollar crashes and you didn't put any into gold and silver which are REAL wealth then you lose those fantasy paper profits in the market.

Now where you MAKE IT with silver is in a currency crisis/reset. Remember... for most of Human history a days wage equaled a silver piece the size of a silver dime. And even in much of the world today that's still the case. When you hear about some gook rice paddy farmer making 2$/day people in America are like Wtf? But that 2$ taken to a coin shop will purchase you a silver dime... and that's right in line with historic economic sane reality. Some asshole selling insurance making 300$/day is making the equivalent of 15 ounce of silver a day... which is completely out of whack and not in line with sane historical economic reality and is ONLY possible because of massive inflation and the dollar being the world reserve currency. This is why in Venezuela you can buy 3-4 months of food on the black market with 1 ounce of silver.

So you don't even need that much silver to make it. 1 ounce of silver for 20$ will be equal to 2 weeks worth of days wages since 14 silver dimes = 1 ounce of silver. So 500 ounces of silver will be at least 20 years worth of days wages.

>> No.15972041

So when silver goes to say 200$/ounce.... and you have 500 ounces... that's 100k. Hardly making it right? But after a currency crash we will have a deflationary collapse of all asset prices. So that 100k in silver will be like having 100k in the year 1940 or something.

And when I said 1 ounce of silver will be worth 2 weeks worth of wages.... that's what it was historically. And because of massive manipulating it might end up being 2x-5x that because there's less silver available now and billions more people on the planet.

>> No.15972052
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The stock market is a game where most of the years you end up pulling a green marble which is a positive return. Less common you pull a red marble which is a modest sized loss. This is why people play it and claim it’s the best thing to do with your fiat. Everyone has pretty much made a return over time. However, hidden in the bag of red and green marbles is a black marble. The marble so destructive that people have killed themselves the last time it was pulled. Where your return is -99%. This is why we buy gold and it’s retarded cousin silver. It will be pulled again and all your previous gains over the decades will vanish.

>> No.15972053

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, FIRST BY INFLATION, THEN BY DEFLATION, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." - Thomas Jefferson

>> No.15972113

All you want is to stay ahead of inflation, you're not going to make any money holding metals.

The dollar value is all that matters since it's what you're going to exchange it for when you have to cash out.

>> No.15972163

>All you want is to stay ahead of inflation

why biz says that silver is a x10?

If it was so it would be a bargain now

I am not too intersted in holding fiat value the same as to spot bargains

That's why my question. Biz memes silver as it would go to x 10 is this possible in a 10 year time frame?

>> No.15972246

You are a fucking idiot. I juSt typed out 3 long posts. Fucking read them retard.

You make it with silver after the currency reset. Silver 10xing in dollar terms just means the dollar is 10 times more worthless.

It's a phantom profit.

>> No.15972249

This guy actually understands reality.

>> No.15972261

Silver is a bargain. It's the most undervalued asset in planet earth. I just fucking showed you that a silver piece the size of a silver dime to be a days wage for most of Hunan history and even today in underdeveloped countries.

1 ounce of silver which costs 20$ uses to be the equivalent of 2 weeks worth of wages. So every ounce of silver you buy will be worth 2 weeks worth of wages at least post dollar collapse.

That's when you take your 100 ounces of silver and buy a mansion with it (converted to the new currency)

>> No.15972284

You stay ahead of inflation in the fist paradigm..... so if shit just slowly deteriorates and the dollar doesn't hyperinflate then yeah you just maintain your wealth...

Where you 10x your money while prices collapse by a factor of 10 and you really fucking make it is in a dollar collapse/reset.

There's an old story from Weimar Republic Germany where a hotel bell cap had like 5 ounces of gold saved up..... and when hyperinflation hit he bought the entire hotel with a measly 5 ounces of gold

>> No.15972313

Biz is teenagers larping as wealthy boomers. They'd like to buy gold bars like scrooge mcduck but they're too poor. Silver is their cope. Now you know why biz memes silver have a nice day.

>> No.15972343

Silver is even more undervalued than gold

>> No.15972364

>Biz memes silver as it would go to x 10 is this possible in a 10 year time frame?
Because they're fucking retards

>> No.15972614

''muh FIAT curreny reset''
''apocaliptic /pol tier''
This is a meme that won't happen in a 20 year time frame.
In these 20 years you will lose money (opportunity) holding into metals

>> No.15972630

Why? ONly meme answers? ''Currency reset''
lol but are you serious? ''currency reset'' won't happen from one day to onether
Again... when the dollar collpse.... but when? And will it collapse? Why should it?

>> No.15972653

>There's an old story from Weimar Republic Germany where a hotel bell cap had like 5 ounces of gold saved up..... and when hyperinflation hit he bought the entire hotel with a measly 5 ounces of gold

Again this meme... 1929 is one thing... 2019 is onether thing.
>same situation will happen again because it happened in the past
And now you have also bitcoin to obstacle PM growth

>> No.15972714

Depends how the china vs usa war goes
Telecommunications (5g) worldwide might be run by china
That will be bad for us
If that happens their might be ww3 or a dollar collapse
However we are in the process of squeezing China economy and I believe they're trying to kill it off like they did Russia
China wants to be the global superpower and currency by any costs. They enslave millions of people in concentration camps and harvest their organs. Next 10 or 20 years should be telling / exciting

>> No.15972726

Bitcoin and crypto are infinitely cloneable. PMs are literally elements on the periodic table.

>> No.15973110

I have 70 oz. of silver and no gold. I'm poor so hard to accumulate more. Will I be okay

>> No.15973140

Are you me? Literally in the same boat lol. But yeah, we'll be fine, lad. Just keep accumulating.

>> No.15973195

How often do you buy? What's your target?

>> No.15973215

You don’t understand money. The other anon was right. Gold and silver have value. Useless paper does not. People trade gold and silver for the currency of the kingdom they reside. Dollar value is irrelevant. What if they drop the dollar and replace it with the Amero or other scam fiat? You’ll only care how much of that bill you can get for your metal.

>> No.15973295

Because the historical silver to gold ratio is 16-1 because that's the ratio it comes out of the earths crust. Right now that ratio is an insane 80 to 1. Silver is the Achilles heal to the bankers and they are suppresseing it like crazy.

Go here to debtclock.org and go to the bottom right hand corner. Look what gold should be at and what silver should be at.

>> No.15973330

The worlds problem is the world is swimming in debt and all fiat currencies are in a race to the bottom.

There's a simple fix to this. Revalue gold one morning to between 20k and 50k per ounce to purge all the debt from the system.

Who knows maybe this won't happen for 15 years but it can also happen tomorrow morning. You wont have any warning. Which is why you must always have a stack. And like I said earlier in my posts.... you don't need much to make it. 200-300 ounces of silver will be plenty. You'll be ahead of 99.9% of the population.

>> No.15973340

You keep saying meme like a sooner faggot. I'm fucking telling you what's going to happen. Listen to all my posts. Your saying biz this biz said that. Your fucking listening to a bunch of vidya playing faggots who aren't even 25 years old. I just fucking typed out a novel explaining it all and all you can say is meme meme this is a meme because these niggers on biz said so.

>> No.15973342

I hear the historical ratio dredged up all the time and don’t think that it applies to the modern world of industrial mining; much silver now comes from base metal mining, not dedicated silver mines. I’m still a stacker, don’t get me wrong, but the true ratio should be closer to the ratio of the natural abundances of gold and silver in the earth’s crust corrected for the relative cost of extraction, which may well put it in the 50-80:1 range.

>> No.15973350


>> No.15973362

China sponsored to its citizens back in 2009 to start buying silver.

Plus... the East has all the gold but America has a shit ton of silver via jo Morgan.

So one day gold gets revalued to 30k/oz with an agreement in place for silver to go back to its 16/1 ratio with gold. Then you have a clean reset.

>> No.15973537

Very good post.

>> No.15973740
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A major currency reset like that implies a world war. I’m sure the belligerents (China/Iran vs. USA et al) will be happy to come to an agreement like that.

>> No.15973750
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>> No.15974184



Silver outperformed gold on a fifty year, twenty five year, and even a dozen year timespan on average.

> Gold
50yrs: 10.27%
25yrs: 6.6%
12yrs: 6.09%

> Silver
50yrs: 12.48%
25yrs: 7.88%
12yrs: 6.88%

I plan to create a spreadsheet though and check other statistics comparing the two, especially the standard rate of deviation to check volatility so don't sell your gold yet.

>> No.15974554
File: 12 KB, 238x212, Silver Boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver will bring down the beast system.

>> No.15974634

>Bitcoin and crypto are infinitely cloneable. PMs are literally elements on the periodic table.
the value of bitcoins resides in the network. You can create other shitcoins but they will not have the same degree of decentralization. It is like comparing copper and gold

>> No.15974672

>What if they drop the dollar and replace it with the Amero or other scam fiat?
and why should they do it?

>> No.15974706

>why should this ratio be restored? And why banks don't restore it NOW instead of '' muh they suppress '' meme

>> No.15974776

>There's a simple fix to this. Revalue gold one morning to between 20k and 50k per ounce to purge all the debt from the system.
why evaluate gold on 50,000 euros could
to purge all the debt from the system?

>> No.15974796

I have appreciated your posts but I wanna get an idea reading from all

>> No.15975413

>Silver outperformed gold on a fifty year, twenty five year, and even a dozen year timespan on average.
but the gains were always lower than the SP500

>> No.15975485
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>tfw have 100oz silver and 5oz of gold and just paid off credit card debt

>> No.15975534

Why even pay off debt if fiat is increasingly devalued? Why should I not take out loans now to buy assets and then repay in the future with the inflated fiat while preserving my buying power through my assets

>> No.15975561

gold and silver are fiat you dumb boomers, banks dump cash into metals as an interim strategy between stock and foreign currency movements, not as a long term hedge against reserve currency collapse. the value has literally appreciated because of inflation, in the event of an actual currency collapse (which won’t happen, geniuses) your shiny rocks go to zero because only banks and retards care about them

>> No.15975694

>because only the holders of PMs and the financial institutions that control everything care about them

That's the point, dipshit

>> No.15975698

the point is that would stop caring about them completely after a reserve currency collapse, retard

>> No.15975704

Based on what? Gold and silver have survived every single financial collapse in history because they're real money

>> No.15975716

what arbitrary bullshit is this? It’s a fucking rock, it’s always been fiat backed by the viability of the market. gold and silver are backed by USD, if that collapses say goodbye to the value of your metal

>> No.15975924
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>gold and silver are backed by USD, if that collapses say goodbye to the value of your metal

>> No.15975967

>muh artificially priced rock used as a financial instrument for currency exchange won’t crash when the thing propping up its value disappears

>> No.15976001

>muh artificially priced paper and digits used as a financial instrument for currency exchange won’t crash when the thing propping up its value disappears

>> No.15976058

Nothing a few thousand nuclear bombs can't solve.

>> No.15976065

How was it valued in the thousands of years before USD existed

>> No.15976072

well yeah goofball, the whole system would crash. still doesn’t mean anyone is going to care about buying worthless stones. the belief that gold and silver will insulate you from a reserve currency collapse is as silly as thinking one will happen at all. Recession, sure, though you’d be better off liquidating your metals to buy cheap stocks instead of holding them. Collapse, no, you’d be fucked like everyone else

>> No.15976075

Valued in labour or food.

>> No.15976086

Not like you think.

>> No.15976106

This is essentially the bet you are making by buying PMs. You are either trying to preserve wealth or you're expecting the current system to crash (it will, impossible to say when). Don't buy silver to make dollars, buy silver because it's really truly has value. People might shit on you because you're buying "rocks", but those people don't understand why those rocks are valuable. They'll say "only boomers buy rocks," and while it's true that boomers like PMs and boomers are retarded, that doesn't mean that PMs aren't truly valuable. They happened to stumble into them without really understanding their value. In short, buy PMs because they actually have value, don't buy them for dollar gains.

>> No.15976118

that’s irrelevant to its current massive overvaluation due to currency trading that would cease to exist in the event of usd collapse

>> No.15976153
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I really like morgan/peace silver dollars. I haven't been able to own any gold double eagles yet, but I love thinking about the history of the u.s. looking at those coins.
Then I get sad because of how all the past generations of u.s. politicians sold us out to a bunch of Jews. I guess if they didn't I wouldn't be here, but it still hurts.

>> No.15976167

Question. I have $10k CAD. I can buy 5oz of Gold at $2k CAD a pop. However I want to buy cheap so I also want to wait when gold drops to $1800 CAD a pop. Remember both figures are including the premiums I’d pay. Should I just buy now or wait till it drops to $1800 and save $1kCAD? I’m nervous with the future of the economy but also I don’t want to be a greater fool and have gold drop hard.

>> No.15976489


A better way to think of it is as basically insurance against the current economic system, and it clearly has problems with all the money printing and QE manipulation central banks is doing. You can put as much money as you feel comfortable but the main point is that you can't fucking time insurance but you buy it because you need it. For some reason, the few people who know about precious metals have a good population where they think they can hold other assets until there is a "time" when all the precious metal prophets says it's time to buy and you dump everything and get into them and expect everything will work fine.

That's not how it works for any market. In this case, demand will run the supply of physical bullion out for the people who are there first, which is almost never likely going to be you because the situation will demand everyone else will be going for it because everyone else needs it too the most so the point is to buy some now when there is almost no demand for it so you are not standing in a line or left out when you need to buy.

>> No.15976995

It isn't overvalued, it's undervalued

Silver has industrial use, it takes about 1 oz. silver to make a solar panel

>> No.15977001

Lost iq points reading this

>> No.15977127

That anon is a fucking brainlet and it concerns me that there are people like that browsing this board

>> No.15977233

I stack AU and AG. Listen up, if you can afford it stack gold. Silver is tied to industrial uses. So if the market slows down so does production, if production slows down all those products that use silver arent being made. Furthermore, if production slows down governments do what they can to keep industrial metals cheap to continue production at a profit. Next look at logistics and security. 1 ounce of gold is worth 80 ounces of silver. 1 ton of gold is worth 80 tonnes of silver. If a government wants to protect itself from impending crash what would be a better metal to acquire, store and secure? Do you want to make 80 trips or 1 trip? DO you want to audit something that takes a short time or a long time? Lastly, silver has been going into the wrong peoples hands for over a decade, gun totting doomers have been stacking coins, bars and collectibles-- "The ratio the ratio the ratio in the earth is 1 ounce of gold for every 12 ounces of silver!" Listen brother: Governments stack gold. Wealthy people stack gold. Listen to me gold has no other purpose than to show wealth. To secure wealth, to protect wealth. The same way in life no one gives a fuck about a guy in a thick silver chain, is the same way in life no one gives a fuck about Chile, Mexico and other shit 3rd world countries sitting on mountains of silver. GOLD GOLD GOLD. I have over 200 ounces of silver believe me, holding a bunch of 10 ounce bars is satisfying, have a 1 ounce buffalo is magical in comparison, I can board a plane with 20k in my camera bag in gold. Try doing the same with silver. you will break your back before you get to check in.

>> No.15977261

Buy an ounce every few months. See how you feel after getting your hands on a couple. I'd even recommend going with 1/4 ounces they are tiny in comparison but easier to sell privately so you don't get raped on fees.

>> No.15977292

Gods this is the most brainlet argument ever. I can clone and tweak the TCP protocol, doesn't mean anyone's going to use it

>> No.15977305

After reading every one of your posts I realized you are quite possibly the stupidest person not only on 4chan but all forums collectively. If a currency collapses like all in the past have and all of them eventually will, you can use your PM to exchange for stronger currencies you absolute moron. If USD collapses you can use your gold to exchange for a stable currency. It must be reading week or a Canadian holiday to see such stupid people commenting on things they know absolutely nothing about. Gold has been used for thousands of years as a form of currency. Fiat is just paper from the government. A pre 1960's silver quarter is worth almost 4 bucks today. A quarter could buy a gallon of gas while a 1 dollar bill which is 4 quarters today cannot even buy half a gallon.

>> No.15977405

Not on a fifty year timescale.

> S&P 500
50yrs: 8.33%
25yrs: 9.3%
12yrs: 8.1%


>> No.15977508

If USD “collapses” there won’t be a stable currency to trade for you absolute simp, really speaks volumes about your understanding of the economic system that you believe this.

Yeah, a silver quarter is “worth more” now because of inflation, we’ve already covered this. This is the sole reason to buy boomerstones, as a glorified savings account. If you’d invested that 1960s money in a stock instead you would have a lot more than 4 dollars.

>muh thousand year currency
you know we don’t live in the feudal age anymore right? and that international commerce has never existed at anywhere the scale or speed of the modern economy? the idea that precious metals have an “innate value” is a delusional fallacy, there is no difference between paper and a rock in terms of whether society agrees it has value. If silver and gold were used only for industrial purposes their spot value would be massively decreased

>> No.15977724

lol good post

>> No.15977823

But it actually isn't a bet. At worst you maintain your wealth and at best you make it like nobody's business.

When you buy gold you aren't actually buying anything. You are just trasnferrig your wealth from worthless paper or dollar denominated financial assets to a real asset/real store of value

>> No.15978206

What was once considered disposable income goes to PM's. Target's pretty ope, but there IS size/weight considerations that some people might forget about if they are holding physical themselves. You can help combat this by diversifying your locations. And riding up serious hikes to get into gold.

I honestly love silver and am only lukewarm about gold, but the size/weight thing is a clear winner for gold.

>> No.15978237

Interest on a loan outpaces inflation

>> No.15978266

It's just how I feel.

>> No.15978344

>Collapse, no, you’d be fucked like everyone else

The assumption is that a collapse isn't permanent. Societies have collapsed plenty of times in the past, and people just migrated. If the US collapses, you can just move to another country. Having silver and gold to exchange for currency is a means to preserve some of your wealth from the previous society.

The error in your thinking is that shit SHTF is a permanent condition, and that humans won't rebuild. The only way that could happen is a zombie apocalypse, alien invasion, or completely nuclear holocaust. Even after that people will still probably rebuild, and gold and silver may still hold value.

>> No.15978674

you are fucking retarded. Yeah move to another country where they are all non white where you will be killed.. great strategy fuckhead.

>> No.15978909

>Yeah move to another country where they are all non white where you will be killed..

I'm not white myself so I don't really care about that. If that's how you think then you really aren't worth talking to

>> No.15979434

This is exactly what I'm doing. I have 25k on 0% interest credit cards that I have purchased gold, silver, BTC and LINK with.

Added bonus - if the bank you hold the credit card with goes bust you may not have to pay it back at all.

>> No.15979474

>not as a long term hedge against reserve currency collapse. the value has literally appreciated because of inflation

>> No.15979495

>because only the holders of PMs and the financial institutions that control everything care about them
the banks are not a state ... they cannot elect the gold to "new currency" ... this can be done by the state.
Most likely in the case of a monetary reset (in 50 years when you will be an old man) a crypt will be chosen as a gold-backed reserve. But you will be 50 for when it happens and you will have lost all the money inflated into the stock market which will allow x10s x 100s

>> No.15979572

>insurance against the current economic system, and it clearly has problems with all the money printing and QE manipulation central banks is doing
you are right but it could take a long time for the system to crash .. and all this time central banks will continue to do QE by printing money and to inflate the stock market and you will actually lose a lot of money by keeping money in assets that produce value only in the case of apocalyptic economic disaster 1929 style

>> No.15979605


Which is why people put in exactly 0% when the economy was strong. IMO, it should be somewhere at least in the 5-10% range.

Just as a reminder, the people who escaped on Vietnam on boats needed to pay about $3000 in gold per adult, which now is worth $15000. Anywhere in between those two amounts would probably be enough gold at minimum to have for emergencies.

>> No.15980374

>Silver has industrial use
its industrial use could be replaced with other metals (graphene included when it will be economical to produce it). Furthermore, industrial use is not so much as to justify an increase in the price of silver. And you know this. Industrial use is your cope

>> No.15980758

the problem with economic collapse is that you are not sure in what time frame this can happen. So you could miss a lot of opportunities to triple your money in a 10 year time frame. Two the fact you are in gold while others experience x5 from the inflated stock market

>> No.15980785

>When you buy gold you aren't actually buying anything. You are just trasnferrig your wealth from worthless paper or dollar denominated financial assets to a real asset/real store of value

but bitcoin could steal this property from gold and if that were the case you will actually actually lose money because gold has a (better) competitor in the role of "money" because of this fact gold loses its '' market share '' due to the competition from bitcoin. The industrial uses of gold and silver do not justify the exaggerated demand that should increase prices. The rest are conspiracy theories about alleged banks that would be accumulating 'secret' silver .. the whole world ignores it but somehow only knows it

>> No.15980937

Saved your post. Good shit.

>> No.15981248

the collapse of the US economy at the moment seems really unlikely. Why should it collapse?

>> No.15981323

>He put money into shiny rock

>> No.15981337

>the collapse of the US economy at the moment seems really unlikely.

It is very unlikely, but that doesn't it can't or won't happen. If you don't want to prepare then don't, more room on the boat for me and my family.

>> No.15981468

How do you get 0% interest credit cards?

>> No.15981520

Apply for them.

>> No.15981639

if it is very unlikely as you yourself admit then you are betting on a losing horse on a dead end because your investment could yeild 4% or less.
Instead, maybe people who ride bull stock market earn x3 and x5 on average while you stay decades holding something that doesn't produce value except in the case of planetary disasters. Do you consider it an intelligent strategy?

>> No.15981669

>Instead, maybe people who ride bull stock market earn x3 and x5 on average while you stay decades holding something that doesn't produce value except in the case of planetary disasters. Do you consider it an intelligent strategy?

Why do assume that people who hold PM don't invest in other things? PM is secured wealth. I've already said it multiple times ITT that I hold both. PM is just another part of having diversified assets.

>> No.15981906
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>To be fair you sound like every other dingus out there who says Diversified assets.

Then again I hold a bunch of silver so who am I to talk. I like it,its better then spending it on shoes.

>> No.15981989

>agree with someone
>insult them in a passive-aggressive manner too


>> No.15982038

Well its just a repeated line that you hear all the time to diversify your assets but it's not really helpful or the truth of why you invested in silver in the first place. I hate hearing it as a defence.

>> No.15982076

>it's not really helpful or the truth of why you invested in silver in the first place.

But it is. I invested in silver(and soon gold) to have a safety net for my wealth, the same way people buy T-bills and bonds to secure money from the stock market. It's the same thing as buying a CD, you just get valuable metal instead of fiat.

>> No.15982228 [DELETED] 


okay i understand you think you are a hedge. But in my opinion you have overweighted your porfolio in favor of precious metals because you hope for a x10. So you stole money from a possible 10-year bull market for the stock market considering also the fact that bitcoin is a competitor. I think you overbalanced your portfolio in favor of silver. Maybe because biz memes it and you could find yourself pet 10-20 holding '' the meme '' the biz meme with everyone who maybe teases you on this board '' He fell for the silver meme '' ... the same thing as say "he fell for the no fap meme"

>> No.15982237 [DELETED] 

okay i understand you think you are a hedge. But in my opinion you have overweighted your porfolio in favor of precious metals because you hope for a x10. So you stole money from a possible 10-year bull market for the stock market considering also the fact that bitcoin is a competitor. I think you overbalanced your portfolio in favor of silver. Maybe because biz memes it and you could find yourself holding for 10-20 years '' the meme '' the biz meme with everyone who maybe shits on you on this board '' He fell for the silver meme '' ... the same thing as they say "he fell for the no fap meme"

>> No.15982265

okay i understand you think about metals as an hedge. But in my opinion you have overweighted your porfolio in favor of precious metals because you hope for a x10. So you stole money from a possible 10-year bull market for the stock market considering also the fact that bitcoin is a competitor. I think you overbalanced your portfolio in favor of silver. Maybe because biz memes it and you could find yourself holding for 10-20 years '' the meme '' the biz meme with everyone who maybe shits on you on this board '' He fell for the silver meme '' ... the same thing as they say "he fell for the no fap meme"

>> No.15982322

I didn't realize that it was possible to steal my own money. My risk tolerance is different. If you want to gamble on shitcoins then go for it. I'll do that when I feel like it.

>> No.15982965

I wanted to say ''you subtracted'' that sum that could end up in stocks
Anyway are you sure you made the right decision even conidering that economy could not collapse in the next 20 years?
For inflation you could use short term bonds

>> No.15983127

>Anyway are you sure you made the right decision even conidering that economy could not collapse in the next 20 years?

It's not just about the ECONOMY collapsing, you fool. It's also about the government and society collapsing. An unruly group of chinks, vatniks, or mudslimes could press the big red button at any given time. If SHTF, I wanna either get out of the country or be able to bunker down long enough for some semblance of society to reemerge. Then gold and silver will be extremely valuable either for sale to peope who still produce electronics or just as money.

>inb4 well that won't anytime soon
That's not the point of prepping. I said this the other day in /smg/, but until you have a safe full of guns and gold then you HAVE NOT made it yet. Your property is only yours so long as you can defend it.
Wealth provides security and safety when we have laws and law enforcement, but when STFU, your safety and security is in your own hands. I'm trying to balance a good life in society and culture in which I currently live, and a good life fornmy future generations in ANY condition or culture, not just our current societal paradigm. I bet money that plenty of people in the 1% have their own plans to GTFO should this country collapse, they just have more means to do it.

>> No.15983571

>It's not just about the ECONOMY collapsing, you fool. It's also about the government and society collapsing. An unruly group of chinks, vatniks, or mudslimes could press the big red button at any given time. If SHTF, I wanna either get out of the country or be able to bunker down long enough for some semblance of society to reemerge. Then gold and silver will be extremely valuable either for sale to peope who still produce electronics or just as money.
this history of the society that collapses under the blacks (who are less developed than us) who collapses under the Middle East or the Chinese who would drop the atomic bomb is / poltier. You bask in this thought to cope ... but an apocalyptic scenario like this is a bit of a meme.
I wouldn't want you to fall into the meme
you're depriving yourself of x5

>> No.15983614

>That's not the point of prepping. I said this the other day in /smg/, but until you have a safe full of guns and gold
this is literally meme tier
You were almost convincing me to buy your meme rocks but you fuc*ued it up when you wrote this

>> No.15983752

>who are less developed than us

Who is us? Stop assuming everyone is fucking white. You do realize that white aren't even the majority of people on the planet let alone this site? There aren't even 1 billion white people on the planet.

I honestly don't care if you buy or not. If survival in a doomsday scenario isn't a concern for you then go on about your life, and I'll go on about mine.

I'll keep stacking, saving, and prepping. You can chase all the gains you want. I'm not telling you how to live your life because you clearly don't value it enough to be concerned about a real emergency. The US isn't likely to collapse in the immediate future, but 50, 60, or even 100 years, from now? Who knows. Your preparation is also something that can be passed onto your children. A stack of guns and gold will go anywhere. Stocks don't mean anything if Wall Street is annihilated.

And again, I can still invest in Stock, Bond, and Index funds. Saving 5% of your net worth in PM is more than enough if you have a sizable worth.

>> No.15983924

>The other anon was right. Gold and silver have value. Useless paper does not. People trade gold and silver for the currency of the kingdom they reside. Dollar value is irrelevant. What if they drop the dollar and replace it with the Amero or other scam fiat?

Gold and silver are commodities so obviously they have value like all others. The thing is the dollar is the international reserve currency today not your metals and it will be for the foreseeable future.
Amero was a stupid idea pushed by think tanks in the 00's when every thought the Euro was working great... but everyone can see the disaster the Euro is today.

This is a massive fallacy. Just because something always happened doesn't mean it will again. Every time before modern technology didn't exist.

They were the reserve currency but they aren't now.

>> No.15984107 [DELETED] 

sorry if I was a little racist. I meant that ethnic minorities are less developed than whites. Maybe a random white has IQ of 80 and you have 130 IQ but on average the non-white population are less developed. The apocalyptic scenario that you describe is quite ridiculous .. from .. however it is to be considered to have something in gold. Perhaps the silver is a meme but a part of gold in the block should be there. You have more than 50% in gold isn't it?

>> No.15984136

sorry if I was a little racist. I meant that ethnic minorities are less developed than whites. Maybe a random white has IQ of 80 and you have 130 IQ but on average the non-white population are less developed. The apocalyptic scenario that you describe is quite ridiculous .. from .. however it is to be considered to have something in gold. Perhaps the silver is a meme but one should have part of gold in portfolio should be there. You have more than 50% in gold isn't it?

>> No.15984521
File: 18 KB, 293x326, tvvpEP4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit anon

>> No.15984933
File: 424 KB, 1024x953, 1571668591307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who is us? Stop assuming everyone is fucking white. You do realize that white aren't even the majority of people on the planet let alone this site? There aren't even 1 billion white people on the planet.
>Non-whites on my board.


>> No.15985038

Gold or crypto?

>> No.15985089

Both you nuggethead.

>> No.15985150


>> No.15985211
File: 66 KB, 735x903, nazis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some asshole selling insurance making 300$/day is making the equivalent of 15 ounce of silver a day... which is completely out of whack and not in line with sane historical economic reality and is ONLY possible because of massive inflation and the dollar being the world reserve currency.
Thanks dude. Came back here to say I literally bought 2 oz of gold just because of this sentence.

>> No.15985363

Why did you make this thread? did you actually wanna debate SHTF or did you have your mind made up when you posted it?

>> No.15985386

>it SHTF is a permanent condition, and that humans won't rebuild. The only way that could happen is a zombie apocalypse, alien invasion, or completely nuclear holocaust. Even after that people will still probably rebuild, and gold and silver may still hold value.
This is what the wealthy Romans did: They moved up north to Switzerland & Venice and created the banks that would dominate the world today.

>> No.15985440

that's copypasta

>> No.15985441

>the collapse of the US economy at the moment seems really unlikely
famous last words

>> No.15985449

Searched it on warosu. doesnt look like it bro

>> No.15985531

Bless your little heart

>> No.15985663
File: 3.15 MB, 2870x1626, they know why silver is so important.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and very High IQ
what crypto moonniggers wont tell you is that
>Silver is highly manipulated by futures derivatives
>it is confirmed it is manipulated
>it is confirmed banks are stacking silver
>it is confirmed banks suppress the price
>it is needed in technology: computers, cars, solar panels
>you cannot replace it with a sub par metal
>it has the highest reflectivity of any metal
>it has the highest electrical conductivity of any metal
>it has the highest thermal conductivity of any metal
Reminder that zoomers and crypto moonniggers cannot shitpost or even use computers without silver, let alone run their miners or transfer their pixels
most important reason they are desperately stacking as much as possible
>NASA telescopes saw an alien sun surrounded by solar panels harvesting its energy
>what do solar panels have/need
Reminder that the biggest moon mission ever will be in silver
Reminder that it will moon regardless of SHTF/doomsday
Reminder that it will moon regardless of financial crash
Reminder that it will moon regardless of everything because it is a dwindling finite supply with extremely high use case and is the most important commodity in the galaxy.
>why should it collapse
just a couple months ago the $ to silver ratio was $600, now its $918 and gets bigger every month

>> No.15985688
File: 275 KB, 1864x712, (((they))) are geniuses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the intelligence of the brick level IQ retard that does not own real wealth

>> No.15985778

>but bitcoin could steal this property from gold and if that were the case you will actually actually lose money because gold has a (better) competitor in the role of "money" because of this fact gold loses its '' market share '' due to the competition from bitcoin.
>The industrial uses of gold and silver do not justify the exaggerated demand that should increase prices.
>if we use more and more supply of a finite resource it will not only never run out but it will never be more valuable because it will not run out
absolute fucking state of this board
>The rest are conspiracy theories about alleged banks that would be accumulating 'secret' silver .. the whole world ignores it but somehow only knows it
>conspiracy theory
its literally admitted you fucking RETARD




>> No.15986616

mind open

>> No.15986639

>he thinks futures can change the price of the underlying asset

Retard alert

Retard alert

>> No.15986686

>Silver is highly manipulated by futures derivatives
>it is confirmed it is manipulated
>it is confirmed banks are stacking silver
>it is confirmed banks suppress the price
all this but in your mind
''confirmed''... who confirmed that to you?
>just a couple months ago the $ to silver ratio
was $600, now its $918 and gets bigger every month
what does this mean? silverNewby here

>> No.15986720

>it is needed in technology: computers, cars, solar panels

I think this is a meme because the discovery of new materials could block your path. For example, silver was used as an antibiotic some time ago ... not anymore. This to tell you that maybe they will use graphene for all these industrial purposes in 20 years and your silver would place it in your ass. Industrial uses should not be a motivation. A motivation is perhaps the meme of the suppression of the price which however is not verified

>> No.15987639
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>> No.15987786
File: 44 KB, 474x550, 1561443457703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard this so much and the reason it isn't true is because silver has a very low stock to flow ratio. The stock to flow ratio of silver is four which means that it would only take 4 years of current mining production 2 produce the world stockpile of silver. The stock to flow ratio of gold is around 62, it would take 62 years of current mining production to amass the world stockpile of gold. However, in the future, new mining methods can be discovered and the stock to flow ratio of gold can drop as the mining output could potentially increase. The paradox of rising prices of commodities is that as a commodity becomes more valuable more people try to produce it, therefore the overall supply increases and as a result the price reduces. Now, there's only one thing that will eventually have a higher stock to flow ratio than gold. It has a current stock to flow ratio of 25 and next May it'll have I stock to flow ratio that's equal to gold and in 2024 it'll be the first commodity to have a stock to flow ratio that is higher than gold. I'll let you guess what that commodity is. Don't buy precious metals. I bought 9k ounces in 2017 when I could've bought btc before the bch split. Biggest mistake of my life probably.

>> No.15987841

This whole thread just screams stupidity. Silver has been used for thousands of years as currency and gold has been the store of wealth and in currency. It is culturally en-grained within cultures and temples around the world. Yes if you hold gold/silver you will make money as it can never fail, But that's not the point of it. The point of gold/silver is to make sure your wealth is secure. 90% of the wealth jews own isn't in fiat but gold/silver/land.

>> No.15987902
File: 847 KB, 1080x1324, Screenshot_20191020-165822_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver niggers might hate hearing this but silver's time as a monetary metal ended in the 1800s. Gold replaced it and it's only gotten cheaper since then. The whole 1 oz of silver = 1 week of wages is from the fucking Roman times lol think about the primitive methods of mining that they had back then. Don't fall for the silver meme like I did. If you're gonna bitch at me, just realize the fact that I absolutely have more silver than you can ever even imagine owning. I'm trying to save you morons.

>> No.15987986

It's not the 17th century anymore homie, nobody is storing wealth in silver, anybody who was, got absolutely wrecked. Look at India and China. They had a monetary system based on silver and when all the western European nations switched to gold backed currency and started stockpiling gold only, the Chinese and Indian societies saw a 70% decrease in wealth. They never recovered. India and China used to be on par with European white nations. Then they got left behind and are paying for their silver mistake till this day. I wouldn't even buy gold. They'll start mining the bottom of the ocean eventually. And if silver explodes to 10k an ounce, they'll open more mines, hire more miners, and meet the demand till the price starts dropping. Buy fuckin bitcoin, do I have to spell it out???? Can't produce more bitcoin, and if more people start mining, the system just becomes more robust. Bitcoin is like a Hydra it can't be stopped, it will eat up the market cap of all these worthless debt based currencies

>> No.15987995

You make fair points but don’t beat yourself up or let it colour your judgment that you bought gold instead of BTC before it mooned. That’s like getting pissed off at yourself for not buying the winning lottery ticket.

>> No.15988009

n order for g and S to have any sgnyfcant value the world would have to be some sort of mad max world.

>> No.15988027

$1500/oz doesn’t constitute significant value to you?