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15975815 No.15975815 [Reply] [Original]

Was the last 10 years basically a lost decade?

>> No.15975857

thanks obama

>> No.15975905

obama is osama

>> No.15975912
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>> No.15975920

Thanks Obama

>> No.15975922

Yes now is the time for our redemption

>> No.15975937
File: 47 KB, 446x595, 1556440046217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're in for a wild ride
strap in boys

>> No.15976122

graduated high school
woah, where am i and what happened

>> No.15976129

>one post by OP
>Retarded Question
>9 retards give their opinion for FREE

>> No.15976150

>one post by OP
>question presented
>1 idiot aimlessly posts without realizing what other felt from the question
25 and up

>> No.15976157

>I am so smart I spend time with people I deemed to be my lesser without being able to realize the in jokes and subtly

>> No.15976169
File: 606 KB, 750x1253, 371390AB-9154-45DC-ADE8-3216F6C95CF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all died in 2012 bros..

>> No.15976180
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Have you ever seen obama, riding a lama, down by the bay!

>> No.15976186

someone has kids heh

>> No.15976189

I think it was some kind of timeline split. This world is the hell world. The other one is the world where they actually drained the swamp.

>> No.15976194

Greets 09 gradfag
I'm in the same boat
This can't be it, is this life?

>> No.15976318


>> No.15976642

No but I remember Fast and Furious

>> No.15976661

This whole decade felt like one drawn out, morose year.

>> No.15976684
File: 443 KB, 840x854, 1549830322109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2019 still falling for the exponential technological progress meme

Imagine being born 1870 and dying in 1950 in your lifetime you went from horse and buggy to automobiles, jet aircraft, nuclear power, universal plumbing and electricity, ect. Now imagine being born in 1950 and living to 2030 in your lifetime you went from shitty slow computers to fast computers with 4k screen that only really provide electronic entertainment but do nothing to really improve your life, huge diminishing returns on technology growth

It's over

>people in 1950: "dude by the year 2000 we are going to have hyper AI, flying cars, jetpacks, space colonization"
>year 2000: lmao here's a video game console and the internet for you to waste time on
>people in 2000: "dude by the year 2050 we are going to have hyper AI, flying cars, jetpacks, space colonization"
>year 2050: lmao here's a virtual reality 8k resolution video game console and a portable smartphone with internet for you to waste time on with """"AI"""" that selects what Amazon™ ads you get to see

Let's face it lads major technological growth is over now we just make minor tweaks to electronic entertainment. The tech industry has become the entertainment industry it's over "dude netflix lmao" basically sums up modern """culture"""

In summary: technology has stopped progressing(this is the entire promise of the post-WW2 neoliberal order) wealth inequality is skyrocketing, the middle class is ruined, western nations are now shitskin infested

The last decade was not lost as that implies it was stagnant, the past decade was a fucking disaster

>> No.15976720

This is because of jews (intel)

>> No.15976909
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Even though asset prices have risen due to low interest rates and QE, wages have remained stagnant, employment hasn't improved past the part time gig economy and people are still underemployed. technological advancement has also Plateaued and we are culturally stagnant. DESU it still feels like 2010/2011 the only difference is I have more savings.

>> No.15976916


Same. I still feel the same as I did when I was in highschool.

>> No.15976923

I hope I die soon.

>> No.15976929

you all just got older and there were no sudden leaps from one technology to another
the next one won't let us wait much longer anymore
that's all

>> No.15976931

more like lmao we've cured most diseases, you have no idea how advanced we'll be.

>> No.15976955

top kek

>dude just take immunosuppressants indefinitely you are now """cured"""

>> No.15976963

Technological advance hasn't stopped, it's mainly focused nowadays into biotech, materials, medicine, information technology. We are on the cusp on self-driving cars, we have AIs that can produce deepfakes, we have reusable spaceships, lab grown organs, neurally-controlled robotic limbs, etc. Also nowadays we have so much access to information and resources that a person can learn a lot if they want to (not that most people choose to.) Culturally, it's an interesting time where the nature of truth itself is being called into question with paid propaganda teams, comment bots, polarized echo chambers, etc. It's an interesting and exciting era if you have the eyes to see it.

>> No.15976982

Im stuck in 2014 lads.