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15973395 No.15973395 [Reply] [Original]

How to long water?

>> No.15973431

Maybe they should stop polluting their own waterways with sewage and toxic industrial runoff

>> No.15973443

Why does everybody want to go to Europe?
Holy fuck! There are so many other countries on the way from India to Europe, why not go there?

>> No.15973446

I feel bad for eurobros

>> No.15973453

The European water belongs to all mankind. You can't long water because Indians will make it a public free good. Water is sacred and cannot be commercialized or possessed. Europeans will have to give their water to us

>> No.15973497

Europe is so cucked and fucked

>> No.15973542

as usual, buy chainlink. all these poo in the loos will have to use a smart contract to get 1 drop of water per day

>> No.15973572

When do you eurofags plan to grow some balls?

>> No.15973591

hint on this; michael burry the autist only invests in water now. make of that what you will.

>> No.15973601

You’re gonna need a bigger bait

>> No.15973666


If you Indians shit in someone considered sacred, I don't want to know what you do to ordinary things in the world lmao

>we just eat a bunch of laxatives and shit runny diarrhea on institutions and values that we don't find sacred lol

>> No.15973675

This. When they finally do I think there’s going to be worse genocide than hitler

>> No.15973682

buy it

>> No.15973693

The best way is to invest in water companies. There are a number of water company etf's out there that cover the whole sector.

>> No.15973706
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>> No.15973967

Enjoy having legions of pajeets shitting in your waterways, yuropoors.

>> No.15973978

water and gamestop stores

>> No.15973992

More opportunity in those countries.

>> No.15974026

Fuck off were full. It's not like Europe has taken in from every other place so far. Again, fuck off. We're full

>> No.15974033

why don't they just stop pooping in their water supply

>> No.15974141

sirs pls give watre..... sirs please do the needful and give me a street to shit in.......

>> No.15974215

Same fren

>> No.15974229


Buy a water based portfolio with shitcoins


>> No.15974235

old habits are hard to.... must poop in other waters now. There are no breaks on this pooping

>> No.15974300

>One post by OP
>Retarded one line question
>24 no brain retards get baited into replying and discussing
At this point even a ledditor has more mental capacities than the cancer replying to this kind of thread

>> No.15974339

lol just buy water in bottles

>> No.15974371
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>> No.15974377
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>> No.15974386
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>> No.15974399

Germany is dried up too. But we can join the trail...i heard the us has plenty of water for all of us eurasians

>> No.15974401

the pajeet was specifically designed by Kali as a biological machine to convert European H2O into poo. This prophecy cannot be changed and must be fulfilled for the lifecycle of our world to reach its next incarnation: pooplanet.

>> No.15974430

yeah there’s a big ocean in between us for you to drink you euro pence quid fag

>> No.15974462

Stupid fuck long water stocks they're all beating the s and p rn

>> No.15974487

I don't think pajeets can drink our water if they have a bullet in their head.

>> No.15974505
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>tfw British
>tfw we're an island
>tfw Brexit

Indians go home!

>> No.15974509

They can't drink our water if we shit in it first

>> No.15974525

>euro pence quid fag
Really inventive, Jamarcus.

>> No.15974531


>> No.15974539

The Kalergi Plan.

>> No.15974555

Shit it's been a minute since I browsed /biz/ but this was eye opening....



>> No.15974561
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>> No.15974562

How to short Europe?

They're fucked

>> No.15974893

long ammos and shitskins body hitting the floor

>> No.15974917

the problem is oumping up the groundwater faster than it can be replenished, leading to ground compaction and thereafter the ground is unable to store water ever again. california has the same problem

>> No.15974922

Yep, just as soon as those traitor Remainiac faggots stop throwing spanners in the machinery. By 2050 we will be looking at the burning carcass of europe and collectively thanking our fucking lucky stars we got out.

>> No.15974925

Because Europe allows is and the Europeans are cucks.

Countries like Russia have more land, resources and a decent standard of living, but no one wants to go there, because Russians won't give you a penny and will probably fuck you up for being a smelly street shitter.

>> No.15974933

What? He's right. Imagine taking time out of your day to write a genuine reply to that shit OP

>> No.15974946

because no other country is stupid enough. how the fuck is india out of water? they live at the foot of the himalayas, cant they eat the snow?

>> No.15975047
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Is the Fallout timeline real life?

>> No.15975077

Totally wrong outdated information
He's done interviews since The Big Short came out you know

>> No.15975092

Because they can. White cucks welcome them with open arms, give them free welfare, schlorships and affirmative action. The white mans country is paradise for shitskins as shitskins are preferred over whites. Whites don’t care what is best for themselves. They don’t want a future for white children. They want a future of a muttfied slave race to serve god’s chosen until the end of time. White people have a severe cuckhold fetish and get off on the idea of bending over backwards for their Jewish overlords.

>> No.15975108

Why don't they make use of the ocean.

>> No.15975150

they rely on groundwater which is just about gone. they have overpumped it. it is not hard to remove groundwater faster than it is replaced