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15970676 No.15970676 [Reply] [Original]

Sometimes there are these great opportunities in life. Buying Quant is one of them.
With a supply of 14m, to buy Quant for $5,55 is like buying ETH for $2.
And after reading in their community I noticed that their admin Seq is so knowledgeable, and I have been doing two weeks of checking all the posts of Gilbert and Seq of the last 3 months. Took me a couple of days to gather all their writing and then check their writing styles. My conclusion: Gilbert is Seq. Maybe it’s his way to spread knowledge in the community and also spread around in other communities.
Until Seq reveals himself I will stick to this conclusion. Happy to hear the view of others.
Gilbert writing in different TG groups would of course draw attention. This is his way to spread knowledge without being held accountable.
Quant to 10bn Market Cap!

>> No.15970682

Is 1000 Quant enough to make it?

>> No.15970683

> p-please buy my bags they're getting really heavy after this dump, it's just like buying eth at $2, I promise!
It goes in all fields

>> No.15970691

By the way, what happened to the volume?

>> No.15970709

Seq is definitely Gilbert. I have noticed that too. And although I understand people being anonymous, the way Seq writes (also his articles) would be nearly impossible for someone NOT on the team or even a CO. And currently Gilbert is the only CO at Quant. (Which kind of worries me as Quant has become a one man show with some staff members now.)

>> No.15970743

This week Gilbert accidentally logged into the Quamfy Lounge as Gilbert Verdian. That got me thinking.
Maybe he had the wrong phone when he logged in.

>> No.15970761

token not needed. this shit is the biggest crypto scam since ambrosus.

>> No.15971300

Seq is just an desperate shill who is still hodling Quant Despite it going from 20 cents to $14

Greed is a bitch

If anyone was actually using quant it would have some real volume. They wouldn't be hiding the usage stats. Where is one working MApp? Is the multi chain explorer even working ye? Why did they lie about tier one exchanges, inatba, Colin and hyperledger, banks in canary wharf etc

All the original devs left

Good luck hodling this

>> No.15971575

Lies about Canary Wharf?
Enlighten me. I know about the other lies.

>> No.15971594

And how can I find more info about the multi chain explorer. How can I find if it is actually used (or not used as you claim)
They say SIA is using QNT. Can we Prove they do or don’t?

>> No.15971951

Gilbert and Seq both went on holiday at the same time

>> No.15971964

Also, look through the official channel, Seq came out of nowhere.

Not sure if Gilbert, but definitely a paid shill close to him.

>> No.15971965

Quant is unironically first biz shilled token after ETH which will be 1000$.

>> No.15972017

shoo pajeet.

>> No.15972173


You can't log in by mistake on telegram, fuckhead. You have to search the channel and join.

Gilbert always joins quamfy lounge, maybe to acknowledge the user base

>> No.15972181

buying chainlink at $2.30 is like buying bitcoin at $0.1

>> No.15972200
File: 288 KB, 1434x877, QNT-dev-portal2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15972413

Quant is a scam.

>> No.15972428

Lmao you really think a CEO of a company like Quant has time to deal with retards on TG all day?
Get your head checked and load up on some more QNT while you can.

>> No.15972503

Hi, Gilbert.