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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 67 KB, 1200x800, bezos_laughing.0.1467738465.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15966804 No.15966804 [Reply] [Original]

There is no way to start a business in this day and age is there?

>> No.15966818

If you provide value, there is always opportunity

>> No.15967051
File: 749 KB, 808x853, 095C9FB1-3BD6-4286-9C6E-20310C9F1381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m sitting here with over 100,000 dollars in crypto ready to take profit and start a business but after hours of research on this shabbos board I have literally ZERO viable ideas
It seems like there’s no way to make fucking money anymore besides crypto change my mind and gibe some solid ideas you useless stinking pathetic goyim I need ideas

>> No.15967210
File: 414 KB, 639x423, 3654757547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there a pic of jeff bezos?

Anyway, if this incel can do it, you can do it.

>> No.15967364

What industries do you have in depth knowledge of? Oh wait... none of them? That's fucking why you retards. Get off your computer and start working in the actual world and you'll see business opportunities every day. I started a business 4 months ago with my crypto gains and it's making 17k a week and I keep getting more ideas. I have about 20 solid ideas now. And I'm not going to share any of them with you.

>> No.15967371

This but without the onions-tier passive aggression

>> No.15967372

come on anon, we are all frens. Give us some ideas

>> No.15967417

Lol what a loser, I make 50k a day from my business I started 3 days ago with the 600k link I sold at 5.10

Man, you're no where as cool as me. Keeping my larp a secret too btw

>> No.15967454
File: 73 KB, 600x749, 1569161546919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real answer: just be a nigger or woman. Preferably both. Transgender, Democrat, any socially acceptable mental illness really.

Black tranny woman pulls in a couple mill a year off grants and tax cuts. You don't even have to be profitable, or even close to it. Just incorporate up and start printing.

>> No.15967585

he seemed cooler before
after pic is a little angry overcompensating manlet

>> No.15967708

Yea? Well I make 1 million dollars a day running my very own dick sucking business!!! You will never have as much money or freedom as me!!!

>> No.15967729

real talk for the average person, you're better off with crypto and waiting for the next bullrun. you will see far greater returns than starting a business.

businesses are a meme unless you have a multitude of factors including drive, a great idea, and a bit of luck; even then it may not work it

>> No.15967777

This is pretty much exactly what goes through my head when anons try to brag about shit they obviously don't have.

>> No.15968686

Fucking nice

>> No.15968693

Heheh nice get,
And me too!

>> No.15968694

>NAZ as in nazarov
Is KEK trying to tell us something here?

>> No.15968764
File: 220 KB, 1582x1561, todayssales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah well here's my sales for today fags. I'm probably the only one with an actual business here. lol.

>> No.15968774

>Buy LLC
>Now Own a business
>Advertise products or service until you get a call
What's so tough?

>> No.15968786

Thanks for posting anon.
What does your business do?

>> No.15968921

1. Go to https://feinternational.com/buy-a-website/
2. Explore offers (evergreen businesses will have higher multiples) with acceptable profit multiple
3. Prefer SaaS businesses.
4. Create a LLC
5. Grow the business / add-value
6. Sell at higher valuation.
7. Dump the profit to tax-free municipal bond.
8. Repeat

Fast Lane to Millionaire.

>> No.15969001

I have 3 businesses and I’m 30. I started all of them on my own, established my first when I was 26. One earns residual of $10k / month & growing. The other is sales based, and I net about $80k / month in sales (My net(take home) Average profit margin is 40% - products vary). The third is new and has done $3 million in sales in its first two months. I have 8 employees, 2 are salary $40k / year, the rest are commission based.
I probably work 10 hours a week.

No, I won’t tell you what they are. Come up with your own idea or stick to shit coins.

>> No.15969044

You won’t because you are lying

>> No.15969057


>> No.15969175

>What does your business do?
It makes money.

I just come here to bully all the weak minded posts and the general lazy, hopeless attitude on here. Maybe one day it'll be a respectable place. Point is, there's a lot of money to be made out there, the boomers have created a really inefficient world in a lot of fields and you can find better solutions, but no one on the internet is going to spoonfeed their ideas to you. If someone's selling you on how to do some business, it's probably a scam or else why wouldn't they just keep it to themselves and grow their business with less competition?

>I did a few HOURS of research and I have literally ZERO viable ideas.

When you actually get out of your house and work in person in a field, if you don't have a low IQ you can just plainly see how it can be done better. Also when you start your first business when you contract other businesses you can also see that they're also dumb inefficient boomers and you can totally fuck up their industry as well.

>> No.15969203
File: 61 KB, 688x169, 1561580682158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr look at my bank account
Pic related is MY account bro. You aint shit.

>> No.15969247
File: 22 KB, 662x478, 1562798886153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea. You forgot to brag about all the fuck ups and liabilities and missed nights of sleep, you're probably bald and fat on top of it all.
Pic related is you in 10 years, tranny son included.

>> No.15969692

>Yea. You forgot to brag about all the fuck ups and liabilities and missed nights of sleep, you're probably bald and fat on top of it all.

Yeah I bet you have the luxury of not having to fuck up or lose any nights of sleep because you don't have the balls to try anything.

>Pic related is you in 10 years, tranny son included.

And you'll still be isolated in your room alone, no memories, no life experience, no skills, personality completely atrophied, replaced by thoughtforms and memes you picked up because your only sense of community will be a increasingly bizzare image board. Holy shit you'll be so fucked up lmao.

>> No.15969737

>buy a house
>rent it
that was tough

>> No.15969758
File: 258 KB, 804x743, 1566071170987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the worst. Faggots like >>15967364 screech at us like their single mothers screeched at them while they were growing up.

>> No.15969768


Check out that series, lots of faggots with faggot ideas you can steal.

>> No.15969818

Open up a machine shop and if you got the skills you'll never run out of work.

>> No.15969828

Now's a great time. I got a 27k one year interest free credit card to start mine. It got bumped up to 40k in 3 months.

>> No.15969911

It's true, the only other people starting from nothing and making crypto tier gains are just reselling shit on amazon or ebay