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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 164 KB, 978x652, amazon-worker-lay-on-warehouse-floor-for-20-minutes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15968110 No.15968110 [Reply] [Original]

>Amazon workers ‘forced to go back to work’ after fellow employee dies on shift
Back to work wagie

>> No.15968125


>> No.15968140

People die everyday dude not really a big deal snowflake

>> No.15968159

this is nothing new, my family has worked at auto plants and if someone dies or has a heart attack on the line they'll call for emergency responders. get them out of the way and fire the line back up

business is business, not sure what you expect. It would be awful to work next to someone on a line and they die but they're losing millions and millions of dollars every minute it's not operating

>> No.15968168

This.These people are free to quit, anytime.

>> No.15968180

all the niggers should have been whipped for stopping in the first place.

>> No.15968184

yeah they're all free to quit and starve instead. Such magnificent freedom they enjoy.

>> No.15968186

when you dont stand up for yourself, its easier for someone to walk all over you

>> No.15968190

watched a guy have his arm twisted up like a noodle and ripped out of its socket on a cnc turning center once
20 min after the ambulance took him and his arm away we hosed the blood out and finished the setup he was working on
parts were running 30 min later

>> No.15968192

Unemployment benefits

>> No.15968198

There are plenty of well paying jobs in central Ohio, so yes, he could have quit amazon and found a new equal paying or higher paying job within a week, without any college.

>> No.15968201

what are they supposed to get a paid day off because someone died?
what fantasy land do you live in?

>> No.15968203

some people can perform surgery and have no issue, some certainly should never try

>> No.15968204

no, they're supposed to take better medical care of their employers you shit for brains.

>> No.15968210


>> No.15968215
File: 620 KB, 1024x957, 1571094911094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and mutts make fun of chinese factory incidents kek. they're just as bad.

>> No.15968217 [DELETED] 


>> No.15968219

If that was true all our problems would be solved. Unfortunately if they quit we give them free money.

>> No.15968232
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>> No.15968245
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WHAT THE FUCK?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????



>> No.15968282

Meanwhile this journalist would throw a bitchfit if something she ordered didn't get to her house on time.

>> No.15968288


>> No.15968307
File: 184 KB, 483x470, 1562277495605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are we delusional?

>> No.15968361

Welcome to the real world goyim. Money doesn’t stop for one replaceable burger

>> No.15968370

I work there too and that's indeed how it works, if something happens to a person on the line they stop the production line, remove them and start the production line again while they wait for the ambulance.

Happens regularly, especially in summer when it gets really hot inside, some of them never return.

>> No.15968406
File: 2.87 MB, 320x240, 1438539534984.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amp posting

>> No.15968483

oh sorry they don't have nap time and adult swaddling rooms

>> No.15968485

Literally no one cares. Just get my personal back massager here in 2 days goy.

>> No.15968740

this stupid scam is turning you linkies schizo. There is nothing impressive about seeing one of the most used English words of the last couple decades of the internet age all over the place.

>> No.15968748

Doesn't work if you quit.

t. tried to get it three times, company always in the wrong. Never worked.

>> No.15968848


What if you just don't work or deliberately perform poorly until they fire you?

>> No.15968865

God you're so clueless. There used to be a time when employers cared for the wellbeing of their workers but now that spirit is lost entirely. Just don't complain when people will have had enough and there's nobody to deliver your dragon dildos anymore.

>> No.15968946

Cavemen-Serfdom-industrial revolution-Henry Ford-modern time.
We are in an unprecedented golden age you fag.

>> No.15968981

>Doesn't get it.

If a motherfucking nuke hits [insert_american_city]:

1) Disaster recovery plans will kick in for non mom and pop businesses and business will carry on
WHILE the US military completely annihilates the enemy completely.

Nobody cares about your feelings.

>> No.15969254

Whites don't get unemployment, I fucking dare you to slack off at work, get fired, then walk into the unemployment office

The death stares your white ass will get will make you turn the fuck around and move back in with mommy and if they don't, the rejection letters will

>> No.15969515

>allowing disapproving negroes to block you from the money you rightfully deserve
stop thinking like a dumb goy. you're unemployed now so you have plenty of time harass the state until you get your checks.

and don't walk in there like a schlub when you own the fucking place and the monkies "working" there

>> No.15969600

ur retarded you don't have to go to any office you just call. I've gotten it before and so have others I know. You're gonna be calling for reparations next