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File: 27 KB, 780x438, joker-phoenix-1135161-1280x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15964463 No.15964463 [Reply] [Original]

he is literally me
how do i make money out of this

>> No.15964469

He is not you retard. You're not special kys

>> No.15964484


You can start by going back you faggot

>> No.15964490

i watched the movie 8 times now and i always feel a deep mysterious connection to him. a feeling i never felt before
he is literally me

>> No.15964498

If you are a famous actor already why do you need advice from /biz/

>> No.15964500

its not about the actor, its about the character the actor plays you literal retarded subhuman.

>> No.15964502

autism is a hell of a drug

>> No.15964505

booooo this thread sucks

>> No.15964507
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Good if he is you then get some fucking guns and start going to town instead of just fantasizing about it like a larping faggot.

This next part is very important, don't just get random people you need to be a bit more methodical about your actions. High up CEOs and powerful rich people have little to no security and will cause the most chaos.

Go be what you have imagined you are in your head or BTFO.

>> No.15964509

no you are just a retard who caught on to 4chan fad and think it is cool to be a clown or you are just a retard who talks to yourself, in that case get some help.

>> No.15964512
File: 7 KB, 246x250, tumblr_ooay7g11to1v0pigno1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just apply for NEETbux

>> No.15964516


>identifying with a gestalt

He embodies the spirit of our times. Many feel the same way you do.

>> No.15964550
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Fuck off glowniggers

>> No.15964648

link to film please im not going to cinema

>> No.15964651

so you are a kike?

>> No.15964664

Problems with this movie:

1. Didn’t make him relatable enough from the start

2. Evil white Anglo man is the problem of all society when it’s really the ashkenazi globalists

3. Black people are somehow innocent peaceful bystanders to all this when they’re the ones committing all petty crime

>> No.15964665

start fucking laughing on the subway.

>> No.15964670

>how do i make money out of this
you don't, only the jew makes money out of you

>i watched the movie 8 times
here is proof

>> No.15964730

some people want to have yatch parties and build citadel after $1000 eoy
some people want to watch the world burn
some people want to make the third reich real
i just want to hunt down every single one of you "muh glow in the dark" faggots

>> No.15964782

dangerously based.

>> No.15964799

You’re not special or edgy you’re just a faggot

>> No.15964862

Lmao the worst joker ever you feel connected to?
Leto was no joker ever. That dumbass

>> No.15964963

This is easily the worst analysis I've seen. He killed his black bitch psychiatrist that wouldn't do her job. However the movie wasn't political really, it tackled themes that liberals like to pretend don't exist. Like generational decay and a man orphaned by his own country. That's why it got such a rise out of them.

>> No.15965202
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>(((hollywood))) pushes lejoker to normies
>(((media))) engages on incel mass shooter psyop
>shill campaigns on 4chan about joker and threads like this about mass shootings
>im so original I just want to watch the world burn like the character from Hollywood said he is literally me

You aint from around here are you

>> No.15965219

Think what its like to be a clown

>> No.15965250

You are subconsciously singing up for a life of humiliation

Until you get it right

> until

It's a no brainer why this film is a success

It touches a part of us no one ever thought possible. I mean EVERYONE literally

>> No.15965275
File: 764 KB, 2089x800, mossadsoy2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Upvoted and subbed do you have a blog or a twitter I can follow your insights are amazing

>> No.15965966


>> No.15965977

No he didn’t

>> No.15965995

He isn't special either. He's product of how shitty the world around him was. How fucking hamfisted does a movie have to be, Jesus.

>> No.15965998

k this mong before you kys op

>> No.15966021

You're a brainlet for looking into movies for life advice. It's a jew scam. This is what good movies make you feel like. Read this comment again. >>15964498 It may not have been as "retarded" as you thought.

>> No.15966104


>> No.15966414
File: 62 KB, 800x800, opisafag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Literally

>> No.15966452


>> No.15966461
File: 80 KB, 249x245, 1570311553785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based NEETbux poster

>> No.15966469

This movie was a huge fucking disappointment

>> No.15966944
File: 48 KB, 792x658, 5DAF744C-BC8E-4352-8925-34825F52F4DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, just because you can relate to it doesn't mean everyone else does as well.

>> No.15967006

Good luck Assange

>> No.15967022

See >>15966021
This is why movies rot your mind. It’s true, you’re not special, everyone relates. This is what movies do. They connect with you emotionally, and then they give you shit for answers, and the the Jew thanks you for your monetary contribution. Thinking anything of movies is like taking blue pills right out of Hilary Clinton’s medicine cabinet. Its a scam.

>> No.15967080 [DELETED] 

He might be Joaquin tho, your next role should be Dr. Satoshi

>> No.15967150

What the fuck? There's nothing special about having normal parents, a normal job, not having mental illnesses, and not having violent outbursts that culminate in killing your mother and your former colleagues. Saying you can relate to joker is like saying can relate to the mass murderers, of which are only small minority in society.