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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 766 KB, 1528x454, akward.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15964287 No.15964287[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How can I make money fucking special need cuties?

>> No.15964316

To even get in the room with them you need to sex the mongoloids first. It’s actually you who pays for this.

>> No.15964318

Chad got there first, you won't be good enough...even for literally damaged, genetic freaks.

>> No.15964320
File: 39 KB, 236x377, 42fc5448bc731e5d30f13c5af691ab7d-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what? how do you know that? Source

>> No.15964339

this guy's face weirds me out for some reason

>> No.15964346

like he has total Chad facial genetics but I also feel like he's always about to cry and kill me at the same time

>> No.15964357
File: 30 KB, 960x960, 1571341931439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latest episode is fucking brutal. I won't even post pics or google it

>> No.15964362

This guy must get so much pussy. All of his video comment sections are full of women swooning over him. His entire channel is just him mogging retards

>> No.15964377

who is this?

>> No.15964388

Give us fucking link!

>> No.15964447
File: 549 KB, 1242x1242, profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exposed bitch at


>> No.15964475

Specials Books by Special Kids. Just took a look and he disabled comments on his videos. Bitches were fiending over them though I have no doubt they are blowing up his DMs 24/7

>> No.15964488


>> No.15964532
File: 54 KB, 642x624, punk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am gonnaaa Coooom heeee is HWaaattt
>Hoottt Blue eyed Chat Im Gonna Cooom

>> No.15964541

this guys fucking the retards

>> No.15964546

>I'm a straight dude but [gay comment]
why do they do this

>> No.15964567
File: 1.00 MB, 1012x1444, Screenshot_2019-01-20-02-18-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Faggots showing their mental disorder down other peoples throats turns them on

Nothing new under the sun.
Just like LARPing straight dudes that "love" trannies"

>> No.15964584

The guy is a 10/10 in the chad looks department, I just haven't figured his endgame yet...maybe it really just is a spiritual cleansing of some sort because he'd have zero problems getting chicks outside this realm

>> No.15964586
File: 563 KB, 644x478, oh yea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its hard to watch his videos with these freaks

>> No.15964589

The whole point of these vids is to laugh at them and at their parents crushed soul

>> No.15964595

That's sad

>> No.15964632

He's either an unironic bloomer or a sociopath

>> No.15964638

I wouldn't be able to kill myself fast enough

>> No.15964641

Wow, I can't believe that is real.

>> No.15964692

Just watched the video. This dude has a girlfriend?! What the fuck.

>> No.15964711

what are you talking about? those two are his sisters

>> No.15964765


>> No.15964771

>What are some things you do for fun?
>I hang out with my friends and sometimes my girlfriend

>> No.15964778

just kill it ffs

>> No.15964780

larping obviously

>> No.15964830

This. Lots of mentally ill people larp about having a girlfriend. I have a retarded uncle who says this bowling alley employee is his girlfriend.

>> No.15964836

Part of me says this guy is using these people to promote himself...
The other part says someone's gotta do it, as this sort of video humanizes them and makes them more acceptable to society. I'm confused.

>> No.15964952

the burnt guy is actually pretty awesome. he goes to a blind school so thats probably how he met his gf. he says he likes to make music and wants to be an interpreter.

>> No.15964986

Doesn't matter if it's both. Doing good things to benefit yourself hardly takes away from the good.

>> No.15965066

I like the channel, I think Chad is a supreme bloomer. He figured out a way to make a bit of money while doing something positive. He’s very kind to them, and this humanization of the differently abled is important for kids too see too, just not the gruesome ones.
Still, he’a doing more than most of us are for improving how society treats the disabled. Worst case scenario some roastie starts treating the disabled better because she knows her internet celeb crush chad would be dissapointed if she treated them poorly.

>> No.15965089

Based Uncle Buck

>> No.15965093

D-does it look that bad??
>no-no er nah honey I'm used to it I still see you the way as before.. I yeah

>> No.15965116

>Doing good things to benefit yourself hardly takes away from the good.

Yup. I feel like the retards here fail to understand this. Good people do things because they like the praise, and deep down believe there is some long term reward that is a net benefit for themselves or everyone else. Selflessness is a learned trait imho.

>> No.15965291

Objectively there is no thing in world you can do that you can call unselfish by your standard

>Do thing that will make you feel good
Well yeah if you think you are doing good thing it will naturally feel good, whats wrong about feeling good you moron.

He was Chad he could have choosen any path in his life yet he dedicated his life to hang around deformed people

>> No.15965309

>Selflessness is a learned trait imho
American education. Brain chemistry (oxytocin) is literally making us selfless by nature, because it increases our survival as tribal animals. It might be difficult to notice in todays america, but humans as a species has always survived through cooperation and helping each other in our tribes, not through harsh and selfish competition against each other.

>> No.15965312

>He was Chad he could have choosen any path in his life yet he dedicated his life to hang around deformed people
That's how Chads compete with each other for prestige.

>> No.15965347
File: 78 KB, 500x428, IMG-20180606-WA0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't have to compete with anyone he can literally fuck 10 girls every day you idiot.

>hurr durr if you feel good doing things thats BADDD. ORANGE MAN BADD, FEELINGS BADDD

You sound like literal NPC

>> No.15965398

I have two such cats. It's not nearly as bad yet but they're still young. They always act like they're starving and if they see food they just gulp it down like it's nothing. I really don't know what's wrong with them.

>> No.15965415

>He doesn't have to compete with anyone
People compete even when they don't have to. It's human nature. It's like sports.

>> No.15965455
File: 64 KB, 687x627, 1569621227203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats your stupid over simplifed view of world trying to Cope why you are loser by imagining that other people are constantly thinking about others and how to out compete them.

Honsetly most people just go about their lives oblivious whats going around them. He is good looking, has good career, do you honestly think he constantly thinks about others and how to "compete" with others?

Its such retarded 3rd world way of thinking, and you sound like vile person for that because you are probably projecting what you are doing but you are too much loser to be on that level as him so you must project.
You would be that kind of person who if he had money and power would do cock measuring context by buying expensive cards and branded clothes and other materialistic crap.,

People like you should be honestly put down.

>> No.15965456


Carnivores don't chew.
That's why it's called "devouring".

>> No.15965497

>trying to Cope why you are loser
>you are probably projecting what you are doing but you are too much loser
>People like you should be honestly put down.
First of all, I'm a very successful guy (good career, good family, great sex life).

You know nothing about me, yet everything you argued is based on assumptions about me. Íf there's anyone 'projecting' anything here, it's clearly you.

>> No.15965533

fast foward to a little after 5 minutes when he asks what he does for fun. this guy says he hangs out with his girlfriend. literally more socially able than biz and he doesn't even have a face.

>> No.15965537

I mean they go full frenzy when they see food. We have more cats since we have a farm and all but those 2 have normal size and eat like you would expect a cat to eat. But those 2 are really fucking fat and go full retard in the presence of food. Should I just force diet them? They can hunt on their own if they want to but I don't think they do all too much right now.

>> No.15965541

I knew you would counter that with
>I am successful
>I have great life
>I still browse chinese Image Incel board

Post your bank account with time stamp faggot

>> No.15965553

isnt that rape? I dont think retarded people can consent

>> No.15965554

>Post your bank account with time stamp faggot
Yeah, I'll totally post personal information to argue with some clearly mentally deranged anonymous 4chan user. Lmao.

>> No.15965594
File: 32 KB, 862x568, 1571108390660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I I am not gonna post it to prove it because its totally legit what I say
>I have 9 inch dick 6k in bank account 5 cars

Shut up dumb faggot, you can easly blur our personal information, just take picture of your bank statement from web site and blur name or anything personal you dumb idiot.

You probably won't because you are faggot:

>> No.15965608

I don't know anything about you and I don't care as you clearly have many loose screws, so definitely not worthy of my time. Cya

>> No.15965761

The latter

>> No.15965938
File: 801 KB, 1156x655, iLOVEmyAUTISM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you love your autism, /biz/?

>> No.15965984
File: 106 KB, 600x600, 1569699507122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even this can get a gf...

>> No.15966000
File: 122 KB, 382x437, 1559132287872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15966672

>comments disabled

>> No.15966688

this guy can make money by being a zombie for resident evil movies

>> No.15966742

>I would b-but
You got rekt son. Better luck next time

>> No.15966751

i watched the first 50 seconds of that vid and couldn't stop laughing but then i had to turn it off because it was actually sad #truestory

>> No.15966925

Get this garbage off of here. This place is for business related discussion.

>> No.15966929

This shits like a mde sketch

>> No.15967026

i still hold link for 2 years literally never sold when is my episode for this ? how can i apply.

>> No.15967034
File: 1.59 MB, 994x1251, Linkies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just have to write:
"How can I profit [insert any retarded crap from r9k" " and its valid biz board :D

>> No.15967042

You just know

>> No.15967418

>humans as a species has always survived through cooperation and helping each other in our tribes

So I guess all those millennia of war, slavery, and conquest were for selfless reasons? Humans have evolved beyond tribal behavior because we live in complex societies not small bands. People learn to be selfless because ot goes against every we're taught and witness in the world. On the macrolevel, humans are incredibly selfish, and desire for wealth and power is the driving force in human history.

>> No.15967485

do the same as the dude in those videos