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File: 251 KB, 1534x2046, IMG_20191018_000435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15955886 No.15955886[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Don't you niggers understand that the thought of getting a wholesome Asian qt is what caused the 2017 bull run? It's no coincidence that this entire bear market is linked with the disgusting amount of stupid white future roasties being posted. You can literally go up to any college girl and give her max $300 to fuck. Bring back the qt Asians and the bullrun will start.

>> No.15955892

The meme of the first bullrun was "this girl isnt Asian" so I agree

>> No.15955901
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>> No.15955916
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Report all non Asian qt posts from hear on out. I'm sick of seeing white whores plague this board.

>> No.15955942

A literal 4/10

>> No.15955950

Have sex, incel

>> No.15955979

>some naked bitch
>not some high iq investor chick
bunch of morons

>> No.15956036
File: 50 KB, 673x1024, 1568731071640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but asians are ugly and for pedos. they will never have blue eyes like whites aryan princess,.
chinks u just jealous to white race

>> No.15956056
File: 300 KB, 1280x1712, VzGZ7bG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based thread.

God put asian qts on the Earth for us white men. We must do God's will and come inside as many as we can.

>> No.15956064

what a load of sickening chink whores and i say this as someone with an asian girlfriend (due to being too beta to get a white roastie)

>> No.15956081
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>hasn't had a mile of dick 4/10

>> No.15956161
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>roastie culture
pick one

>> No.15956335
File: 172 KB, 1067x1600, Iiniku Ushijima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15956423

anime is white ppl.
japenese never will have huge eyes snd blue or green

>> No.15956473

Please sauce?

>> No.15956491


Anime is japanese unless clearly white (big nose etc)

Wish I had my comparison image here

Why would Japs want to draw shitty piggu

>> No.15956584

I’ve seen hotter Asians at rub & tugs. Would much rather have a blonde bimbo. They’re much more fun to fuck.

>> No.15956597
File: 369 KB, 1280x757, W8VGVXJXiNM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

attack titan very Japanese characters...
blonde guys and blue eyed same like girls.
because they wish to be white

>> No.15956705
File: 382 KB, 1337x1337, imadeit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is a serious warning.

I dare you. NEVER EVER visit Southeast Asia or Thailand! Its the biggest and most corrupt shithole in the universe.
Even india looks like Disney Land compared to SEA
I am financialy ruined. There are many "Ladys" working with Mafia Cops who plant drugs on you and try to extort horrendous amounts of money.
It happend to me. I lost almost 100.000 USD and i know many people who share the same fate like me.
Better stay in USA or Europe where everything is safe.

>> No.15956724

Ukraine is Russia
now post the english one you slavaboo faggot

>> No.15956774

That’s what you get incel boomer for lusting over chinks

>> No.15956780

I don’t doubt it
So what’s your story

>> No.15956805

im russian guy, murrica

>> No.15956834

Translate the runes to human compressible language

>> No.15956863

>tfw want a japanese wife but don't want to incur the hate of nip men

>> No.15956880

I just want an Asian girl to suck my dick and let me fuck her ass just once in my life.

>> No.15956907
File: 43 KB, 296x401, 8DC68C6C-5058-48D4-BE72-56E966F77C90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Titan is about ethnic germans

>> No.15956909

urself translate

>> No.15956921

thats why it best anime keek
Japanese love germans and their culture

>> No.15957090

luckily i know some russian so i can understand most of this

desu this is true. not sure how many of you faggots have lived in asian countries. but if you think anime has to do ANYTHING resembling asian fucked up body proportions you're beyond redemption

i tend to forget that most anons here are hamburgers used to fat roasties so a slim chick gets their peepee hard just because she's slim.

most asian women have bodies shaped like men - flat asses, small tits with dark brown nipples and short legs compared to their torso. the they're not hairy thing is a meme - good luck looking at the nape of the neck of a japanese chick. bushes i have never mind, they can be sexy.

the worst of all is how fucking clingy and ultra materialistic they can get. if you thought white roasties are willing to trade up socially, japs and koreans especially take this to another level. some south east asians are different.

i recommend anyone to live there if possible. first 1-2 years it's fun and bangfest and then you understand how retarded and fugly they actually are.

>> No.15957148

100% this, was stationed in japan for a year and I can confirm. They usually fuck for shit too. Ive had better fucks with any other race than asians.

>> No.15957150

also i dare you faggots to look at even a 7/10 asian chick while she hasn't put her eyelid glue to get from single do double eyelid and put on a pair of these: https://www.amazon.co.jp/s?k=%E3%82%A2%E3%83%8D%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%82%B9%E3%82%B8%E3%83%A3%E3%83%91%E3%83%B3&ref=bl_dp_s_web_0

they dont even have fucking lashes ffs. like, close to zero.

>> No.15957166

good to see another sane person, anon. the hafus (mixed, hapas whatever) can be pretty cool though if you don't meet one of the stuck up ones.

desu that's the reason why after 5 years here i'm going through the latinas and eastern yuros/slavs. easy mode considering jap men are scared as fuck from them and most western basedbois here are yellow fever retards.

life's good.

>> No.15957195
File: 13 KB, 720x568, BB6E834F-98F9-48DD-B26B-BE8C180F1E87.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the worst of all is how fucking clingy and ultra materialistic they can get. if you thought white roasties are willing to trade up socially, japs and koreans especially take this to another level.

This is exceptionally true for both Chinese and Japanese women. They are obsessed with status and materialism to a degree that’s nearly unheard of among white women.

You won’t believe me, but you’ll find out.

I could not appreciate white women until I experienced the checkbox-ticking sociopathy of Asian women first-hand.

Again: I know you won’t believe me. You go and date Asian women for a couple of years and then tell me I’m wrong.

>> No.15957328

Can they at least suck dick good enough, and will they let me fuck their flat ass?

>> No.15957388

honestly, it makes me happy to see some based anons in this thread. yeah, chinese are the worst, even though they fuck a bit better. at least even the village girls (nong daughters) that come to japan learn to shave their fucking armpits and legs...

refer to what anon above said - they are usually pretty bad. starfishing is a national sport, they call it maguro (tuna) here. extremely passive, anal is a huge no-no for most of them, you have to teach them how to do a proper blowjob too.

desu id give them some leeway as japanese men expect them to be passive. also the typical way a jap dude fucks from what they told me is like a non-stop jackhammer, so a lot of chicks are used to only endure it (as they say, gaman) instead of enjoy it. can easily see why they starfish and are meh about the whole thing.

the sex frequency drop off after marriage here is REAL tho. like, way, way worse than the west. 90% of the gaijin ive seen here are the most miserable bunch of fuckers because they got a hot asian babe that turned into a whiny bitch after marriage.

>> No.15957403
File: 283 KB, 1132x1653, IMG_20191018_085846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15957637

thx for the redpill anon

>> No.15957653

What's your take on Korean women?

>> No.15957713

i have been in thailand, some of them are fat and most ugly

>> No.15957752

How about, stop posting whores at all?

>> No.15957765

>90% of the gaijin ive seen here are the most miserable bunch of fuckers because they got a hot asian babe that turned into a whiny bitch after marriage.
That's because they're beta faggots to begin with and if they were back in America it'd be the same story (except their wife would now weigh 250lbs). Not really applicable if you're not a punk-ass bitch to begin with, desu.

>> No.15957769

god SEA "women" are fucking hideous

>> No.15957817

I went to Bali and the only Asian women that were attractive there were the tourists.

>> No.15957825

you're welcome, anon. not all of them are like this, of course. but a lot of people think it's all cuteness and whatever

i had one korean ex but thankfully she wasnt very typical as koreans are ridiculously self-centered and even more retarded when it comes to appearance/money. i liked that she was quite direct and said everything she thought, unlike the passive aggressiveness you usually get with japanese chicks.

havent been in thailand and i dont like thai chicks ive seen here. whats up with the fucking braces too, lol?
i was mainly talking about vietnamese for example. there are a lot of nice vietnamese girls here, obviously middle income families etc.

as a whole south east asian have slightly bigger eyes naturally.

that's also a factor, no doubt about it anon. but the lure here is real - a lot of the women here can be ridiculously sneaky. it's a part of the whole communication and cultural behavior here. it's all so double-faced. the typical western is easy to fall prey to that - including me during my first 2 years here.

thats why you see so many retards on youtube thinking they're hot shit because the japs complimented them or laughed at their antics. japanese girls laugh a lot when they're nervous and uncomfortable - they wont scowl at you or shit. however, this doesnt mean that they dont think youre a total retard.

it's easy to get the wrong impression here and base a whole lifestyle (marriage or whatever) around it.

>> No.15957827

white sluts> asians

>> No.15957875

I've only ever had exposure to Asians from Bali Indians if you count them from my school and from when I went to India, and the Vietnamese girls we have here in Houston. The coolest Asians I have met so far are the Vietnamese, they are more relaxed but some do care about appearance and money but not as much as the other Asians I have met.

>> No.15957883

For fucking yes, but I wouldn't want to bring a white slut around my family.

>> No.15957884
File: 467 KB, 1395x1313, truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


u mad ?

>> No.15957924
File: 913 KB, 828x852, 1569449022441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noo, u mad. race more important than hapas. that what told to us grandpa Adolf Hitler

>> No.15957954
File: 156 KB, 828x1026, JsdcRxUZUlQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blue eyes are hot

>> No.15957974
File: 79 KB, 640x640, 10457894_1450551798532232_4398616181337828769_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they look snobby and she looks like a man

>> No.15957982

i have the exact same experiences. both viet chicks and dudes have been great here. they also throw nice parties and are very open-minded. viet food is also pretty great.

>> No.15958001

ITT: superficial retards acting based on their primitive brainwashing, not unlike women, judging others based on their faggy tastes. You all probably shave your legs and have blue eye contact lenses to appear blue eyed, disgusting stupid ugly fat faggots.

>> No.15958029
File: 102 KB, 675x637, 1570927493697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same shit i can to find about asian girls kek

>> No.15958064


>> No.15958094
File: 16 KB, 500x322, 1483910355876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.15958141

You forgot to add yourself to that list, frogfag

>> No.15958144
File: 292 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20191002_103439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. roasties

>> No.15958186

i prefer white girls myself (only ever fucked white girls)

but to say anime is white is a weeaboo fantasy

>> No.15958200

Eating Asian ass is great. They have the cutest butt holes

>> No.15958225

White females wish they had Browner/ tanner skin cuz or Jew nigger propagandaZ Meanwhile asians worship white skin. It’s interesting to see how things play out with whites and Asians

>> No.15958286
File: 194 KB, 600x977, a14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they why they paint themself tall, huge eyes, tiny nose like they are white ?

>> No.15958397

Ok proud boys fuck Asians. So what? This cartoon is hateful

>> No.15958416

but true... u call white sluts race traitors but ure the same shit like them.
dont forget women more dumber than man, stupid

>> No.15958498

You can call me a race traitor if you want but most of you faggots wouldnt even conaider me white anyway

>> No.15958555

I wouldn't. You cant even spell properly

>> No.15958568

it starting make sense.

>> No.15958609
File: 207 KB, 800x867, 76567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15958629

What does Asian ass taste like since they have a different diet?

>> No.15958630

I'm into this

>> No.15958651

have you tasted onions source before?

>> No.15958698

No, is it delightful?

>> No.15958699

cant even type s o y...fucking 4chan

>> No.15958709

Onions sauce is ok, but I wouldn't want to taste that while eating ass.

>> No.15958735

I can only speak of nip ass. Tastes like skin. Nip toilet tech is akin to US stealth fighter tech.

>> No.15958784

Not really true
There are LOTS if qts
And i like that they are into more geeky stuff but not because it is trend but they really enjoy it. Went to arcades on dates quiete often

>> No.15959091


>They usually fuck for shit too. Ive had better fucks with any other race than asians.
Not true at all, they just dont like to fuck you

>> No.15959455

Today OP was not a faggot.

>> No.15959461

Asian girls are for low T faggots

>> No.15959487

Kys newfag

>> No.15959507


>> No.15959742
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>> No.15960160


>> No.15960311

its true, i dont know how demoralized of a faggot you have to be to prefer them over white women. like sure, the west is absolutely lost as far as female behavior goes but to suggest gooks are better than whites is just fucking lol
>t. hohol

>> No.15960387
File: 87 KB, 1080x1334, 1545797667573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ewww, Gook goblins are for betas and autists only.

>> No.15960399

>ew black

>> No.15960675
File: 289 KB, 1000x1500, 1566273312217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least post a good looking asian

>> No.15960741

Is there anywhere in the world you could pay someone who looks like this for sex? Anywhere?

It doesn't have to be cheap. I would take a flight and pay her thousands of dollars.

>> No.15960763

>that cringe black sun edit in the back

>> No.15961111

Am I the only Asian man that is repulsed by the sexual objectification of our women perpetuated by lonely white men who can't get their own women

>> No.15961121

No sauce on this yet? you guys suck ass. (Inb4 lurk moar)

>> No.15961137
File: 17 KB, 112x112, russmoVom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugly pig-faced woman

>> No.15961164

it's just that most of us think our women are all thots and fantasize about good asian "traditional" women but south korea is already as bad as the western world and to be honest we're just trying to coom to more pixels of degenerated females.

>> No.15961428

“German culture” kekekkee
They haven’t produced any art or science worth a damn in decades.

Du hast mesh

>> No.15961446

Yeah no shit bro. You think anyone likes another race cartoonishly objectifing their women?

>> No.15961519

then they visit germany most and listen german compositors ?

>> No.15961528

white becoming really good at self victimizing. Want gibs next?

>> No.15961784

Why do you care about the opinions of lonely white men who can't get their own women, especially over any other pathetic demographic?

>> No.15962056

how are they "your" women? Most 4chan betas are invisible to women

>> No.15962105
File: 38 KB, 640x960, IMG_20191018_085536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not objectifying qt Asians. They are just superior to western whores. Every nip qt I've known have great personalities and are hilarious. I also think nip girls have higher standards too, which is good because I know they haven't taken a mile of cock. Show me a pic of a nip with the thousand cock stare. I've never seen it.

>> No.15962116

whites have the most desirable genes and beauty features. i wonder what will happen down the line where they're on the brink of extinction and the masses of brown/yellow people have no more white people to breed off of.

>> No.15962119

This....fuck white women...the only good ones are the ones who save themselves for marriage....which are VERY rare...only BETA KEKS like white roastie whores. Real men love feminine asians.

>> No.15962123
File: 34 KB, 640x420, 1524840713702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15962129

Absolutely based and red pilled

>> No.15962132
File: 96 KB, 640x799, 51BEA7E8-4895-47AD-B2F7-17146AE478F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgusting, asian monkeys are fucking barf tier
Imagine racemixing with that thing
White women are far superior

>> No.15962141


No, all you Asian men cucks think this way. Get over it man not our fault most white women suck and are feminazi bitches I can get laid by a white roastie on any given night out doesnt kean i want to date one.

>> No.15962145

I have a brown Asian gf she is a waitress she makes 45k a year with her tips

She sucks my dick
Cool cleans
Takes care of me when I am sick

We pay half of everything I don't support her at all

Sex whenever I want it
Blowjobs whenever i want it

Y'all are missing out i still fuck girls on the side she knows but puts up with it.

I'm an asshole but she can't leave.

Sooner or later we will break up tho I'm getting tires of seeing hr fucking face but for the past 5 years it has been great

>> No.15962148

She has an effing heart tatoo on her finger. Are you kidding me? Only a RETARD would want to breed with this instagram thot whore. You are a KEK.

>> No.15962156
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, ExoticFruit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else like me where you see a half naked girl and you immediately get hard and have to jerk off?
inb4 coomer

>> No.15962198
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>> No.15962204
File: 15 KB, 677x351, 1493973265621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does every single Asian girl have terrible bangs?

>> No.15962217
File: 8 KB, 318x158, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15962219

>brown eyes
>dyed hair
>earlobes connected to ears
>Big upper lip
>long forehead
>Whore tattoo

Yea this isn't white

>> No.15962224
File: 65 KB, 1592x668, 1507216867965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15962234
File: 63 KB, 640x640, 7FA23E93-8E27-4E5A-A3C0-7247CEC4717C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one meaningless tattoo
>yes goy, racemix! Tattoo’s will stain your lineage, here come and breed with this seamonkey, she is tight asf!

>> No.15962241

Blue eyes are ugly. Why would I care about traits I don't like

>> No.15962250
File: 63 KB, 640x640, 436A6F55-C8A0-4545-AEFF-FE5BCE6C8F51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shes not white goyim! No way not even close! Here just take this overbiting gookess instead, white women are the worst!

>> No.15962252

You realize this board has id's and I never said race mixing with an asian was ok either. Your efforts of trying to make me look like a jew just makes you look like an even bigger jew.

>> No.15962253

based. fuck whitoids

>> No.15962260
File: 110 KB, 640x640, 087B356B-A098-4C56-8656-E01CF83B3B98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this white woman is not white! How dare you call me a jew for lying about race! You are the real jew!

>> No.15962279

She's not full anglo, her earlobes are connected and her eyes are brown and her hair is not naturally blonde. These are jewish genes.

>> No.15962280
File: 555 KB, 480x270, 1564666935645.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this autism

>> No.15962283


>> No.15962318

Stop trying to force this stupid meme. No self-respecting white man is attracted to these disgusting insects.

>> No.15962330

Gookoids are hot but fuck having kids with one, im not going to father some hapa mongrel bastards

>> No.15962342
File: 1.23 MB, 1366x768, 43d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15962345

because u have eyes of shit

>> No.15962371

I bet you want on that /fit/ trip didn’t you

>> No.15962413

>t. roastie newfag

>> No.15962544

Imagine how insecure you have to be to shit on Asian women because they are completely unattainable for you. They're more attractive, smarter, and morally superior to white 'women' (whores), and they trigger angry incels to the point where they draw angry cartoons.

Are Asian women the most based women in the world? 9/10 angry incels disagree.

>> No.15962563

>still thinking of sex in 2019 CE

>> No.15962582

>$300 for college white girl
Haha fuck off, go do it then. You can buy 30 bugs for that though

>> No.15962609

found the asian

>> No.15962628

300 is the max. I once gave a 20 yo college soccer player a $8 bottle of wine and $50 to fuck. College whores are so 'empowered' now days!

>> No.15962660

Think about this. $58 to fuck some retards future wife. Another one, a 20 yo blonde $100 for a fuck and she let me film it. Can't wait for the day these sluts announce an engagement on social media, because I'll share my stories with the families.

>> No.15962664

except the are independent, empowered woman that will bare no children.

>> No.15962673

Obvious larp, it's easier to smash girls for free than trying to offer them money.

>> No.15962689

Not a larp. What's easier: suffer conversation with a girl for hours OR offer money after 5 minutes of flirting? I'm 30, have my shit together and am not bad looking at all. Enjoy my sloppy seconds, kid and or eurocuck

>> No.15962691

Spent my vacation in Tokyo and now I can't go back to white women
Too bad that you have to speak Japanese or otherwise most aren't interested

>> No.15962705
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>> No.15962805

Fuck off newfag
biz has always been about asian women and making money

>> No.15962896

So many newfags ITT we will never bull again

>> No.15963111

What a niggerish thing to say. nigger

>> No.15963114

fuuuuuuck look at those milkies. More more more more more

>> No.15963123

LMAO that is fucked up

>> No.15963130

eew. She looks like justin beiber
literal tranny

>> No.15963227
File: 153 KB, 853x1280, IMG_20190929_055550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15963241

This thread is fucking retarded. Asian women are worse roasties than any other race.
They just treat white betas ok because the know they're inferior and that's the best they can do.
t. Normal White Guy living in Asia for work.
Everyone should date and love their own race. If you don't want a western roastie, date a younger girl from a small town or village and marry her after you made it.

>> No.15963248

Whats up with all the short legged punch face girls, they are gross

>> No.15963252

>Everyone should date and love their own race

>> No.15963257

>Has to put his gay as response in quotation marks because he knows it's wrong
Ok selfhating beta. I'm glad you won't be in the white gene pool.

>> No.15963269

bullshit that would kill sex tourism. many foreigners try to deal drugs because they are addicts or poor fucks and they get caught like you.

>> No.15963295

>Ok selfhating beta.
>m-muh white
Back to /pol/.

>> No.15963298

Fuck off you fucking beta faggot. Not a single straight male that has lived in asia would say somethinf like that. Or maybe you prefer ladyboys

>> No.15963304

Japanese ladyboys are top tier

>> No.15963307
File: 100 KB, 634x405, whiteanglos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eewww she's not 100% anglo
Here are some 100% white anglo women for you faggot

>> No.15963321
File: 2.24 MB, 3120x4160, 15714819475701628062083998176331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys. You know you're going to anyways
I'm in SEA right now faggot. Stay mad that your beta ass has to settle fir shit quality pig faced bitched because you're too beta

>> No.15963339

>deformed hand
>can't even close his fingers
Not surprised

>> No.15963350

>hurr your hand looks funny because you're drunk when taking a picture.
>y-you're the beta
I'm fluent in 5 Asian languages but since I don't have mommy or daddy issues I don't hate mynown race or racemix.

Top lel fampai livestream your suicide.

>> No.15963357
File: 72 KB, 590x463, 686570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These women aren't anglo full white, Britain has been race mixing with Jews for the last 1000 years. Women on the left has connected earlobes to the head which is a jewish gene trait. Fat woman also has the same thing and brown hair, I would guess she also has brown eyes and brown eyebrows. Anglo women are blonde/brown hair with blue/green eyes.

>> No.15963554

>I'm in SEA right now faggot. Stay mad that your beta ass has to settle fir shit quality pig faced bitched because you're too beta
Far more alpha than you, you fucking faggot. And who said anything about SEA, I'm talking about god tier chinese and nips.

>> No.15963609
File: 20 KB, 593x517, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm more alpha than you
>I think Chinese are God tier
You literally can't talk without saying retarded shit

>> No.15963636
File: 413 KB, 700x883, Hillary Clinton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't stand you jap posters. first of all they edit their photos. whites girls too but not as much, meanwhile japs all do it, every single last one of them (fight me fagget)

but mainly if you decide to look up porn of whatever whore is posted you get this pixly garbage censored shit, i still don't understand how the japanese porn industry can make any money with the heavy censorship

third if you do watch jap porn you have to mute the sound because they all do these weird and fake sounding moans, always the same fucking thing (yadaaaa). and sidenote every guy always wear the same white underwear every single time, i guess it's illegal to have variation in that department as well

>> No.15963639
File: 1.32 MB, 640x800, 1567960624962.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15963930

The difference between a white piggu whore and a Japanese qt are much more than looks. If you're basing Japanese women just from porn you're retarded and likely a roastie. Get out of here ugly white slut!

>> No.15964003
File: 119 KB, 824x979, jap30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously their pretend-to-be-a-child mindset and recognition that male does not equal female is good qualities but these images are not posted with those things in mind. otherwise normal (common) japanese girls like pic related would be posted. yes she is 30 in the photo. it's a rare unedited photo of a japanse woman because it was taken in canada

>> No.15964037

Why are all of you insecure faggots arguing over the morals and ethics of the OP? The fact is if she is not Asian we are not in a bull market. If this idea eludes you, you are a complete newfag and are not going to make it and should kys immediately.

>> No.15964087

lol women are pure cringe, look at that facial expression. They make my dick feel good though.

>> No.15964161
File: 59 KB, 624x434, yrOmyHR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to the rice fields, Ting Ping

>> No.15964260

> 2017, finally replaced long term white nagging bitch gf with 10y younger qt azn
> my shitcoins start mooning violently
> take out enough to be fine for the rest of my life
> azn qt turns out to be real wife material
> get married earlier this year
> tfw living the meme and its the best thing ever

thinking of making some hapas in near future for maximum honks and flex on miserable onions fags with their roasties. OP is 100% right

>> No.15964315 [DELETED] 
File: 276 KB, 1242x2208, image3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exposed bitch at


>> No.15964448


>> No.15964454

Haha I bet ur ex is seething lmaooo

>> No.15964460
File: 392 KB, 1538x2048, IMG_20191019_062951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15964493 [DELETED] 

Exposed bitch at


>> No.15964511

Not even once

>> No.15964736

AAAAAAA all my linkies are gone

>> No.15964760

You are already mixed, mutt

>> No.15964835

This kills the modern low test white male

>> No.15964858

I've spent a lot of time in Japan and with my own eyes can tell you that their race is one of the better looking races on earth. This is my opinion of course, but I don't think I've seen an ugly Japanese woman in person. At least not ugly as American women can get.

>> No.15964914

Nah Japanese girls can’t fuck unless they’re hookers

>> No.15964927

Yeah, we said she’s white, not Anglo

>> No.15964957

Jap women seriously are so fucking boring though.

>> No.15964993
File: 148 KB, 239x368, gilbert merchant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when the yellow fever side posts asian girls they poast only the hot pale-skin ones with perfect tits and nice symmetric cute face. then they bitch about white roasties by posting the most ragged and blown-the-fuck-out ones. it's classic nig-tier cherry picking. don't be a nig. be a man of sound statistical inference. there are some hot girls of every race, azn, latina, european, even black. the trick is to never marry any one of them :)

>> No.15965344
File: 1.13 MB, 951x1109, 1533949228965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White women are way too masculine to be anime

>> No.15965353

Based and redpilled

>> No.15965360
File: 123 KB, 1024x499, 1565275467614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>huge eyes the size of tennis balls
>literal non existent noses

you're a retard

>> No.15965369

...you sound like a raging douchebag or you met people you couldn't communicate with because nip girls are funny as hell and lol at only jap hookers can fuck well. You have no clue, kid.

>> No.15965372
File: 141 KB, 922x1024, polpoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true. When normalfags invade and start posting white roasties, you know this board has gone to shit and we're in a bear market. This boards foundation was built on making money and asian women.

>> No.15965374


>> No.15965400

>Women on the left has connected earlobes to the head which is a jewish gene trait.

you're literally retarded.

>> No.15965463


>> No.15965661
File: 80 KB, 689x993, c39a4be56ba24f05de182a39fcdeae7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real men go for latinas or white, period.
>ching chang chong me love you baby! Me so horny!
Lmao no thanks, not interested. Not now not later

>> No.15965865

They make lots of money
It just that their porn is more focused on fetishes and humiliation
You would be more disgusted without censure bc of a brown color of their tits/ vagina anyway
They make these sounds cause they are literally being rap9ed by yakuza

Btw this promiscuity caused fukushima reactor meltdown

>> No.15965961

ANON, thanks so much for this pic, I was searching cool to practice Digital Painting, that picture it's great!

>> No.15965969

If you have other pics like that, asian or japanese in an traditional japanese house style + sexy lingery, pls send!

>> No.15966064

Asians are materialistic as fuck its literally all about money and status to them.

Latinas are the real redpill (you just have to find a non goblin)
They treat their men as god intended them to.
Extremely loyal and family oriented very passionate and sexy.

Plus your chad castizo kids will dominate all the cuck basedboys and hapa Elliots.

>> No.15966079
File: 43 KB, 960x960, 1568339806422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15966086

slav women are best women prove me wrong beta faggots

>> No.15966123

How would I when you are correct?

>> No.15966212

My brother is with a latina, small goblina with very high pitch. Sometimes making drama for nothing.

I curse them both.

>> No.15966214

If you go outside and actually interact with the world you will noticed that Mexicans have a very traditional culture, the men are really manly and the women are very feminine, they have "machismo" culture where the men are expected to be MEN; be the boss, work, provide, get shit done.
This has been completely lost to the white western world, I'm white myself but there's a lot of Mexicans where I live and I love people watching. tons of the white men are either straight up beta s*yboys or even old boomers who literally do everything their wives tell them.
The pure Indio ones are usually straight 80 iq brain dead , but the mestizos and castizos are sometimes extremely based due to that conquestador blood.

I'm trying to learn spanish and get a Latina wife, just way more based and wholesome family pilled.
White women are WAAAAAAY more degenerate.

>> No.15966222
File: 81 KB, 1091x749, dubusana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and aznpilled.
my portfolio:
100% chainlink
my love:
100% dahyun

>> No.15966234
File: 249 KB, 892x1200, D5FPAO0XsAA9_CJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringe and gaypilled.
really bavarian trad women are always asian
asian = aryan

>> No.15966242

My Latina is high iq INTJ, no drama, we make Fun of vapid normies all day long they're fun to watch.
Would be nice to have a white qt but good luck going through 99% trash especially if you want a virgin.
I literally see like 12 year olds wearing chokers slut clothes etc - they're moms are turning them into fellow roasties and the dads are too busy in their c*ck cage watching porn like a good little paypig cu*k.

>> No.15966348

Yes but your kid would look like Paquito.

Look, actually I am dating a Polish girl, she is nice, it wasn't so hard to get her. I think ppl who turn their back on their own women are losers.

Sorry anon, not trying to be mean. Life it's a fight.

>> No.15966513

yeeeesh imagine coping this hard
i literally got sad for you dude

>> No.15966543

Its different in america tho , its literally 30 or 40% mexican population now, impossible to reverse at this point. In places like Cali and Texas there is a huuuuge amounts of white and Latin couples. So it wont be all that bad, I don't think its a bad mix unlike hapas. Hapas are messed up because theyre dads are always huge soicucks and the moms are gold diggers fresh off the boat, no worthwhile latinas would ever wanna be with a soibeta male, and the Latino men with white women are usually hard working manly dudes who are present for their kids. So the kids end up pretty well adjusted.
But ya who knows.

Is your polish lady a virgin before you met?
I couldnt marry a non virgin its just fucking gross to me and goes against the lord.

>> No.15966669
File: 470 KB, 1080x1440, 009_Francersca_Dellera_cover_New_Mag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the thing is by race mixing you will make little paquitos, Maria and Jose.

I think every human should breed within it's gen pool or with very low tolerance.

To be honest even Slavic it's a little bit too much for me (I am Spanish, not I single moorish drop, I checked).

So at the end I think I might settle down with a Spanish or Italian woman.

I love diversity, I want to see a world full of different kind of people, not all mixed rats.

>> No.15966690
File: 34 KB, 640x443, 1570908281197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me on the left

>> No.15966993

>materialistic as fuck its literally all about money and status to them

That's a common trait among many people. Hispanics are the same. They first came to the Americas to find gold.

>> No.15967032

All these shitposts and no sauce on the OP yet.


>> No.15967222

I totally understand you dude, the thing is "race mixing" has been going on since biblical times , moses took an Ethiopian wife, the Israelites were msrrying to the egyptians etc, I dont find anything wrong with small scale race mixing, a bunch of the current races are a mix of two or more ancient races which lived in close proximity etc. It starts to become a problem when its large scale intentional genocide of all races - what that Nazi purity spiralists don't understand is that whites are just on the top of the list for the Satanists , next they will try to destroy the asians, then the south americans, its not just an attack on whites its to ALL diversity. Read : Brave New World.
They want 1% genetically engineered "gods" and 99% subservient slave peasants basically.

I don't judge by skin color I judge by character. Yes there are racial patterns and stereotypes.
I walk with Christ so I believe all of current humanity is descended from noahs 3 sons, ham shem and japeth from these 3 there are the 3 major "races" caucasoid, mongoloid and negroid.
And all are one body in Christ.
I would rather have a traditional Christian black girl then some degenerate hedonistic athiest white woman who's taken 200 cocks.

Also if you're wife was not a virgin, and another man ever came inside her your kids will have that mans dna including "niggers" . look up telegony and microchimarism
Nazi larpers do not have the Truth.

>> No.15967385

You know those chink women likely had jaw surgery, right? Cool cherry picking.

>> No.15967460
File: 483 KB, 648x434, Screen Shot 10-12-19 at 01.16 PM 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15967759

yeah yeah white goy.
dream asian will suck u, beta cant to find a white girl and dreaming about asians

>> No.15967775

those girls are japs and no they didn't.

>> No.15967840

>not I single moorish drop, I checked).
The only people that give a shite about this are the people it affects most. Have fun Manvinder.

>> No.15967854
File: 133 KB, 960x720, 330876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15967895

imagine trying to lie on your back with a toilet like that