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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1595968 No.1595968 [Reply] [Original]

Has your college age alcohol and weed use decreased your abilities to be a successful business man?

Did these activities decrease the speed your brain calculates and understands complex financial issues?

I'm asking this because I noticed my nerdy friend that would never go out to clubs, drink or chase girls during college is now an incredibly successful business person while I doing pretty average.

>> No.1595970

It has a lot more to do with your habits. For example while you're masturbating to and saving pictures of used up old whores he's reading/working/doing something to advance his career.

>> No.1596065

More like this.

I'm 420ing my way through life, always fucking high on something and I've been an "entrepreneur" for the past 3 years. Sometimes doing meetings high as fuck, with no pants on. Last year I made over 75k just from doing this.

It's more about habit. That guy didn't get no pussy, didn't get no fun, no experience so he has absolutely nothing of value to say. IMO It's better to have a great life, a great story to tell, have wisdom and experience so then business-wise your experience will help you see clearer. That's my two cents.

I'm a shitty entrepreneur, but at least I'm living well, have no boss, etc. I can't say I'm the next PILL BATES though.

>> No.1596138

this. I mean alcohol and weed do cause brain damage, but at a young age your brain can largely recover.

He's probably more successful because he is smarter than you.

>> No.1596166

Probably a small effect of weed in highschool, don't think it matters that much tho.

Way more important is having dicipline. Since three years I'm pretty much forced to not party because of a genetic desease. Can't take drugs anymore and I'm focussing way more on my study and carreer now.

If I didn't have this desease I would probably go to the gym and party a lot more. I would never have the dicipline to choose this life.

ye and ofcourse people who focus on improving their skills instead of partying will do better in the long run.

>> No.1596362

Absolutly. Still trying to cut back on the sauce and paying for both junior colleges i dropped out of.

I never can smoke because i have a job and the stress and randoms arent worth it. I do drink entirely too much cheap vodka and beer pretty much daily. I look like a 50 year old man with grey hair and dark circles at 30.

Being a somewhat functional alcoholic isnt terrible tho i guess. I could be a tweaker...

Was working on quitting and absolute tragedy drove me right into a vodka fueled rampage the last 6 months. Tried quitting a few times and got sick as fuck and the cold shakes. Try and taoer off i just drink less for a few days.

Descided not to stress about it and just make a conscious effort to get down to the 1 or 2 beer a day level.

Been forcing myself to be more social and have more hobbies.

Im happier. And drinking less.

Depression is the mother of all cocksuckers. But, a pot of coffee puts me into anxiety levels of autistic perportions. I can get a lot done quick and then dickoff the rest of the day.

Good luck anon.

And even retards like us can be successful investors. Just have to work hard at it while working a faggot day job.

>> No.1596370

LOL ANON YES. You are my hero. I told a multimillionaire he was a retarded faggot to his face.

Still wants to do the deal because of my brutal honestey and not give a fuck.

Said he was pissed but now realizes that if i tell him to fuckoff then i will for sure not let is get pulled around by our wieners. He said the second someone does some stupid shit i will fuck them right off. And i will. If it was on purpose. Im actually pretty forgiving but i have my own investments and a day job. Everyone not directly involved there can fuckoff back to /pol. 0 fucks given.

>> No.1596396
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> Sometimes doing meetings high as fuck, with no pants on.

> I told a multimillionaire he was a retarded faggot to his face.

Some great /biz/ quality stories here

>> No.1596463

21. Never been to college. Have a GED. Started drinking and smoking weed and using various other drugs from age 12 until just last week.

I finally quit.

I was high and drunk every day at jobs. I'm very smart, and work hard. I could keep it together for a while, but never long enough.

The fog has lifted from my brain at this point, I don't feel any less intelligent. Unfortunately I'm not sure if I've lost too much time in my under the influence haze.

I feel completely capable, though I have hardly any reference point for this.

Don't smoke weed. Don't have more than 2 beers in a week. Don't use tobacco. Don't take doctor prescribed medications.

DO meditate and exercise daily. Read books, and focus on being a leader.

>> No.1596489

>DO meditate and exercise daily. Read books, and focus on being a leader.

I smoke weed on top of this. Life's good.

>> No.1596730


>> No.1596756

/biz/ is entirely larpers anon

>> No.1596798

I currently work two part-time jobs, take a full college course-load, plus I'm also a research assistant for one of my professors.

I also get high everyday, and have been doing so since I was 15 (21 now).

>> No.1596835


Not related.

I know rich people who do drugs and rich people who do not. Same with poors.

>> No.1596961

Even if it did, why the fuck would I care. I've head great and funny moments while being drunk.. That's what life is about, especially when you're young. In college, I spent so much time partying, getting wasted and all that shit.. I don't regret any of it. What's sad is people hit their 30s and realize they haven't lived their life when they were younger and start having a midlife crisis. People seem to fall into the meme that you need to earn big money before you can have fun which is bullshit. I didn't have any less fun before I started having a proper salary.. and money can't buy back the time while I was young.

>> No.1597041

Have to agree.
I did so much dumb shit when I was younger that I'm lucky to be alive. Holy fuck it was fun, though.