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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1592971 No.1592971 [Reply] [Original]

>3rd world
>high school dropout
>no friends
>no family
>no talents
>no knowledge

Help me /biz/, how can I improve my life? I will be homeless soon. Prostitution nor suicide are options

>> No.1592995

Dire situations deserve dire solutions, if im in your position op (i am) just not that age I'd do something drastic to change it all around

>> No.1592996

yep. gonna have to take risks. plenty of people survive in this world without any skills or knowledge.

>> No.1592997

What country?

I'm in your exact same situation, except I'm in America and I dropped out of college (couldn't hack advanced accounting, too retarded)

>> No.1592999

No one cares about you op
so, why should you care about others? Specifically the laws that governs you.
have you ever thought about hosting illegal gambling? Mad money all you need is a place really

>> No.1593003

Tbh i would do it if i was your age, its illegal because the government don't recieve any taxes from the business but lol at the government because they certainly care about you and your predicament. Here's what you do, target men, no room here for teens or immatur. People

>> No.1593005

And have them refer only people whom they trust, remember confidentiality and secrecy here are key to your success, everyone plays the house (you) always win a cut

>> No.1593008

To make money i used to believe that you don't care about anyone or any rules/laws but now i realize thats its the opposite, you have to care about YOURSELF. Dont you want certain things? do you deserve them? I sure as hell do,

>> No.1593015


>> No.1593060


But how can I do this if I have no money?

>> No.1593091

No money, no problem invite someone you know whom you can trust over to a poker game or black jack or something

>> No.1593094

And play with money ofc, and then they would invite others but plz be careful with bringing unknown ppl into this, rinse and repeat until profit

>> No.1593098

All you need is a place anon, there's no questioning if you'll make money doing this, you would but when money starts to come in, invest into security again this business thrives on secrecy

>> No.1593099

if you ain't ready to suck dick, you ain't poor enough

>> No.1593105

Op i don't do this because im early 20's and havent screwed up so far. I dont have all the info but, if i was your age i would do it, the hardest thing to do here is to start really. Do research, take a chance, be prepared and aware of the consequences, you'll be ok man

>> No.1593107

get a shitty job so you can pay the rent ASAP

live beneath your means and save a small surplus, go dumpster diving and visit the junkyard for furniture etcetera

learn to code, just do nothing with your spare time but learning to code, talking about coding on forums, searching for a job or the following

do a bit of research into what programming languages are popular with employers

use some of your spare time to do cardio, jog half a mile every day, stay out of the sun to decrease the rate of skin aging, raise testosterone with garlic and exercises to increase skin thickness, start counting calories and avoid sugar, also do stretches so your body language is more limber, unless you get bone cancer or something you should be active until you are 70, you have 38 years

In 2 years or so you will likely have developed a marketable skill and started searching for a better job, even just being Pajeet at the tech call center can give you a leg up. Once you have a higher paying job you can devote your spare time to some other avenue for advancement by which point you will know better than me about.

>> No.1593112

The world needs ditch diggers too

>> No.1593114

This is solid advice, a different route . But good advice

>> No.1593120

Host gambling idea:
Pool Squares
This is probably one of the safest and easiest forms of
gambling. You take a game, say for instance a football
game and draw 100 boxes, 11 boxes wide and 11 boxes high
You label the Horizontal Team A and the vertical Team B
You then reserve the top row for numbers. You also reserve
the far left vertical column for numbers. Now charge people
$20 a box, they writer their name in any of the boxes.
You tell them that it's $20 per box and that there is a
single winner based on the final score of the game wins $1200.
You sell all 100 boxes and now put 10 numbers in a hat
0-9. Draw one number at a time and write one number
per box in the top row. Place all the numbers back in
the hat and do the same for the far left vertical column.
These numbers correspond to Team A and Team B. If the
final score of the game is 35-Team A and 6-Team B, you
would use the chart and always take the last digit of
each team's score and find the person who has that box.
For example find top row 5 and vertical column 6, the
person in this coordinate box wins. As long as you sell
all of the boxes for each game chart you collect $2,000
total and pay $1200 to a single winner, that leaves you
with a nice and easy profit of $800 for about a 1/2 hour
worth of work!

>> No.1593135
File: 49 KB, 400x400, 50947682940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how I felt about Calc 2. Fuck that course. Going back into it though. Going to finish this time.

>> No.1593152

Hi friend. Given that you are a 3rd worlder with Internet access, you can take advantage of your country's extremely weak currency by earning USD online and converting it.

>> No.1593171

>get a shitty job so you can pay the rent ASAP
I have been NEET all my life... tried to get a job and failed.

I tried clickworker because someone mentioned it here but it offers me nothing to do, just 1 job ever 3-4 months...

This gambling idea scares me, has anyone tried it?

>> No.1593193

>a job
baka senpai apply more until you get one

>> No.1593597

applied to many desu, no one wants me

>> No.1594074
File: 68 KB, 633x758, 1451697846731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sam anon, fucking dropped out of engineering because I couldnt do calc 2 three times. Well then I got kicked out of college because of it since I couldnt move forward and my other grades suffered becasue of depression. I am back in community now after a semesters break and will hopefully pass calc 2 and just do computer science instead.


>> No.1594132
File: 22 KB, 542x480, 1471501124581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I luckily had a great teacher in highschool for calc 2. He was a great guy. He told us stories about how he went to Vegas and counted cards to make ez money. He was a very knowledgeable man.
Now my calc 3 teacher in college... THAT FUCKING RUSSIAN. Even if she spoke English in not sure I would have learned anything. The book is your friend anon. Read that bitch and then pray for the curve. If you aren't a total autist like me, try to find some people to study with. I heard it is way better than studying alone. I've never tried it though.

>> No.1594215
File: 186 KB, 912x758, 1476816795155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neets giving other neets advice on how to be succsessful: the thread

>> No.1594220

>it's the teachers fault if I am too stupid to get a passing grade

>> No.1594234

Buy bitcoins. Hodl or trade. You will retire off the profits in a few years

>> No.1594237


It's amazing when middleclass and richfags don't understand what poor means. Have you ever had so little money that you had to choose between buying dinner or paying your bills?

>> No.1594837
File: 53 KB, 604x574, 1467025994544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>projecting so hard, KYS faggot.

I passed calc 1 with A- because my professor was fucking amazing and taught shit in detail that mattered.

All three calc 2 professors were fuckwads, my colleges calc 2 passing rate is 30%.

>> No.1595863

If he skipped dinner and bought bitcoins a few years ago, he could pay all the bills in the world

>> No.1595988

If you have a decent computer with linux, you can mine Zcash right now.
Nothing to lose, and maybe something to win.

>> No.1596205
File: 342 KB, 443x476, 1457240852442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you have a decent desktop with two titan X which are shit at mining coins.
>tfw should have bought AyyMD.

>> No.1596209

No idea.

Positive shit like walks or birdwatching or other free shit that makes you depression better is my only suggestion.

Grats on being one of the few here not considering eating a bullet daily


>> No.1596226


I'm starting to notice how blessed I am with my good math genetics. Thx mom.
Gonna take some extra math classes next year and do an algoritms minor. Because right now it's just too easy (my uni is shit).
Master gonna be in a top 100 world uni tho

>> No.1596233
File: 48 KB, 450x796, 1455518580070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good genetics
>goes to a shit university
>thinks hes good at math

k dere m80.

>> No.1596238 [DELETED] 

Try Khan Academy. I feel that the way they teach subjects is very good.

>> No.1596241


Enter the black market. You're in 3rd world, shouldn't be difficult.

>> No.1596278

create a good looking page and ponzi everybody.

>> No.1596285

Go learn something that would make you valuable. You are 32 years old and haven't learned anything?! I don't believe you.

In the meantime, go door to door with a copy of your resume and ask every business if they are hiring. You need some sort of immediate income. Every business. No exceptions. Do this right now.

>> No.1596316

Stay mad, I was fucking around in my first year.
Now that I'm serious I see that my current uni is pretty shit in math.
And luckily in my country, you can do your masters on a good uni even if you fucked around for your bachelor on a shit one.
There I will probably be average or even below average in math, but I know a lot of people in my current class won't be able to keep up.