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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15954129 No.15954129 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>Work as data technician for bug company
>Usually work alone but was out with another guy for this specific job
>We get paid hourly, however if we work a certain amount of hours we get paid for a full day.
>It's 10:30 pm and we got like an hr of work left. If we work until 12:30 we get paid for a full day (about 4 hrs of free pay)
>I don't openly state this to partner, instead I heavily insensate we should take our time
>Looks at me with a retarded face and tells me we should hurry up so we can go home early
>*niggah I want that free money*
>I go to the opposite side of the construction site and go as slow as possible
>It's about 11:30 now and hes done. He keeps trying to call me to find my position, I ignore them
>Eventually I answer at around 12 and tell him my position
>He comes over, I tell him he can leave if he wants but I'm gonna stay and finish of some stuff
>ff a few days we get paid for the job. I obviously get paid more
>Looks at me with the dumbest look on his face and asks why I got paid more

I literally explained to him like 4 times before that job how our pay/hours work and how we should slow down/speed up to maximise our pay. He's also dumb af and I have to baby sit him every time I work worth him. Being a wagie is literal hell.

>> No.15954133

Soz im stupid before I meant 10:30 am and "big"

>> No.15954141

I find not complaining about retarded shit and just doing your job helps me get through the day and have an actual positive outlook on life in general. You do realize that if you constantly think about how your life sucks, it actually starts to suck for real? Stop feeding negativity into your subconscious mind and think about making your present moment as great as possible while keeping your eyes open for new opportunities.

>> No.15954151

I worked with a retarded guy who would litterally spend 3 hours every shift (only once a week) masturbating furiously in the washrooms.

Boss didn't want to fire him some family friends kid or something.

>> No.15954195
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>I don't openly state this to partner, instead I heavily insensate we should take our time
I'm not sure who's the bigger retard, he for not knowing what you didn't tell him, or you for expecting him to behave in a certain way having false information (or not knowing what he should know).
Either way fuck off with your blog, wagecuck faggot.

>> No.15954238

He's a known snitch. I didn't want to openly say it because if it went south I would probably get dropped.

>> No.15954252

I guess it depends on the type of job you have. I work in high high stress environment, and if your with a partner whose crappy you gotta pick up the slack. Combine this with heavy labour and having to be switched on throughout the day, and your really pushed to your wits end. Their is literally nothing about my job i enjoy.

>> No.15954291

>be me
>stock dairy products overnight at a grocery store
>im the only one that does this
>no direct supervisors to report to, managers simply see that there are dairy products on the shelves and let me do whatever
>work my own pace, can stay late or leave early if I feel like it, can listen to music and take as many breaks as I want
Can't even eat without crops