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File: 584 KB, 1242x896, BA483096-2C36-4267-9C8D-EE4EEC07FA97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15945393 No.15945393 [Reply] [Original]


I can’t wait for crypto fad to die. Its literally either a useless scam or a tool for evil people

>> No.15945474

This is your daily reminder that OP is a fagget

>> No.15945583

OP lost all his money gambling on crypto. Thanks for the cheap coins faggot.

>> No.15945591

It was through bitcoin that gave the feds the breadcrumbs to catch those cunts.

>> No.15945595

Oh man, you're right, there was no badness of any kind before crypto!

>> No.15945606

In this case it was a tool for catching pedophiles.

>> No.15945607

This. If it was done through private transactions with fiat, it would have been harder to trace. Bitcoin is transparent and makes it EASIER to catch criminals.

>> No.15945622
File: 40 KB, 1019x640, FFF8BD51-C3EF-4BE4-A19F-6278F59FAC58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf I love buttcorn now

>> No.15945721

That means the whole "bitcoin is for evading taxes and supporting terrorists" narrative falls apart and can be uses for serious legal stuff. Bullish and working as intended.

>> No.15945745

dumbass coomers not using based untraceable monero instead, they got what they deserved

>> No.15945989

Fiat- system*

>> No.15946585
File: 61 KB, 591x1012, anon_coins_btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satoshi did warn you.

>> No.15946655

Bitcoin transactions are supposed to be transparent grandpa. It's one of the good things about Bitcoin. Please leave and have fun funding your government's discretionary fund.

>> No.15946657

I fully support bitcoin, this is the entire fucking point of it. Evil people try to stop you from using it because they are evil. Anything the government dislikes is probably extremely good in at least many ways.

>> No.15946669

money gives governments powers, without money government is useless. If everybody in hong kong protesting rn transfered all their savings to btc, what would/could they do lol.

crypto is the most revolutionary and alpha system of all time

>> No.15946687

because of bitcoin, these fuckers have been arrested, dumbass.

>> No.15946688

>Bullish and working as intended.
except it was BTC you moron shill

>> No.15946761
File: 32 KB, 720x736, 1570331390021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even easier. TFW you use the most tracable currency ever invented with a public and immutable evidence trail that will never disappear to do criminal shit LOL

>> No.15947079

> prior to bitcoin, for hundreds of years, whole $Trillion dollar crime industry ran on fiat
> no one complains about fiat
> $1 Million criminal site ran on bitcoin gets taken down
> bitcoin has billions of dollars in daily trading
> muh, bitcoin is bad

kys faggot