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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 20 KB, 301x285, BAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15945334 No.15945334 [Reply] [Original]

>Another day, another +11% pump and then dump back down to 18¢


29 (twenty-nine) active advertising campaigns in the US. That's cool, but it probably will take a lot more to get real BAT pumps going when they buy

>> No.15945894

November 1st ALL brave wallets with funds will be withdrawable. BIG DUMP in November.

How many bags are you guys buying up?

Me? I'll be buying $1k USD @ 0.17 or below.

>> No.15946271

Yea i've been saving up for this. Probably grab another 10k bat during the sale. I'm fairly anti-crypto but from a simple investing standpoint bat is the only project that is both serving a unique need and has lots of daily customers. Fairly easy "buffet-style value investing" at work.

>> No.15946489

> 350M market cap
> 10% in UGP Reserve
> 8 million active users on Brave
> 290K Verified Publishers
> 385 Ad Campaigns To Date
> 14% Ad Click Rate (industry 2%)
> 12% of clicks last 10 Seconds or more
> That is 2.36 million clicks of 10 seconds or more
> Working on VPN0
> VPN0 will reward nodes with BAT

Imagine thinking BAT is a shitcoin.

>> No.15946512

> VPN0 will reward nodes with BAT

>> No.15946734

How often does it transfer BAT from Brave to Uphold?

>> No.15947011

lol if someone confirms that i'll go all in

>> No.15947053


>> No.15947979

Literally read their blog

>> No.15948159
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, brendan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> VPN0 will reward nodes with BAT

That would be incredibly based. I know they're focusing on advertising and privacy right now, but next step needs to be utility/implementation. For example the "BAT for paywall" use case is so blatantly obvious, yet would be so incredibly useful.

>> No.15948307

>"BAT for paywall"
well....from day 1 Brave has been setup so websites you visit receive BAT for each visit you make. So if you allocate your monthly contribution to be 20 BAT. It will be distributed to your fav sites pro-rata. So if you spend 90% of your time on 4chin and 10% of your time on grindr per month, then 4chin gets 18 BAT and grindr gets 2BAT per month.
This is the beauty of the Brave/BAT formula, there really isn't need for paywall or advertisers on sites anymore (or gookmook passes). Content providers will be compensated from viewers automatically.
Eventually even the 105 IQ and below people will come to understand this and will invest to profit. Buy BAT. Short GOOG.

>> No.15948348

It’s not going to dump pajeets, stop trying to scam everyone, it seems that’s what all non whites do.

>> No.15948363
File: 356 KB, 810x1080, C814E94D-BA61-43E8-9C3B-52F335B37DA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you get a node ?

>> No.15948400

Will probably first be offered as docker service...then eventually built directly into brave.

>> No.15948641

This seems like an obvious one that everyone is going to miss. Probably a slow trickle until the whole water main bursts open

>> No.15948736

i've personally been shilling this heavily on biz but i feel like people are ideologically opposed since it's big on reddit

more for me i guess

>> No.15948982

its not even big on reddit. Reddit is full of nano and bitcoin shills, and twitter is full of xrp shills. BAT is literally still heavily under the radar.

>> No.15949327
File: 3.52 MB, 219x320, 1571264009508.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Accumulate your asses off next time this drops, lads.

>> No.15949682
File: 2.31 MB, 1061x920, PlNCtKH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monthly, well a little longer than a month. Like a month + a week or 2. The date will pop up under the rewards tab of the browser.

>> No.15949704

>30 ad campaigns
>300000 publishers
>about 10k ads per publisher

Oof someone's got a supply side problem

>> No.15950239
File: 2.70 MB, 1347x915, weLDfWT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost the entire total supply is in circulation already, so its def going to be interesting.

>> No.15950287

This is just speculation, though, docker seems like the most likely scenario.

>> No.15951326

why do you keep posting this disgusting mutt whore?

>> No.15951571
File: 1.28 MB, 720x1280, aasseeew33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you sperging about, newfag? That GIF has been making its rounds around here. First time I've used it.

>> No.15951586

literally the comfiest old. already over 200,000 BAT market bought already by brave. Real mass adoption. It's like if Req actually was as good as they promised

>> No.15951593

How many BAT to make it?

>> No.15951605
File: 901 KB, 800x843, 1571270378067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15951620


>> No.15951709

Aight be honest /biz/... Should I install and start utilizing the Brave browser? I can earn bat by using it all day?

>> No.15951732

earn bat for ads that you dont see

>> No.15951745
File: 96 KB, 640x800, 1E123ECA-3546-4D00-B3E7-FC615FD44CFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get a maximum of 5 ads per hour. It’s not a guarantee. Some days ads pop up every few mins it seems and other days I can go hours without seeing one. There’s also a cap on the ads you can view per day. They accumulate quickly though, just go max (5 an hour). Enable brave rewards soon as you install and get that free BAT.

>> No.15951753

hmm... is it easy to rack up bat? i would like to use it as my main browser just to rack up a decent stack to sell to put into other coins. How much can you earn using brave browser and its ads in say 5hrs a day browsing?

>> No.15951759

Setting aside BAT you should be using Brave, especially on mobile. Your battery and data will thank you.

>> No.15951760

ok will do. Thank you anon. Im just trying to max my crypto earnings and this seems a good place to start. I'm sadly very very late to the crypto party
also this >>15951753

>> No.15951762

I've made like 50 bucks in BAT in about 3 months, which is pretty good.

>> No.15951771

I just put it on my mobile earlier and now installing on my desktop. Good to know it'll help my data and battery

>> No.15951782

it's going nowhere. apps have replaced http sites for most people. everyone is on iphones now using apps. they dont go to facebook.com they just use the app. they don't go to reddit.com. they just use the app. etc etc. only a niche userbase exists of tech savvy enough enthusiests that actually visit sites like this or gentoo men that are doing hacking stuff. normie cattle have litterally 0 use for this thing.

>> No.15951787

there isnt a lot of bat to go around