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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15944034 No.15944034 [Reply] [Original]

what is the best way for me to start making consistent money online,when you have zero in the bank?

i can only pray that collectively as a board you can actually help me out here and give me genuine good business advice. and not try to be ironic and just shitpost bad advice on purpose.

>> No.15944039

you need money to make money

>> No.15944047

If you have zero then faucets

>> No.15944051
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so how do i start making that initial money online to make more money? i know that you need to provide some sort of service, i know how to draw but i don't think that is really going to help me make money online consistently, so i need advice on something i can do online that will guarantee a consistent stream of income as long as i just do all the steps needed to be done.

>> No.15944053

btc faucets are really bad, you dob't get 3$ a month

>> No.15944054

check out blackhatworlds making money section, i used to use that back in 2015

>> No.15944055

Advise from a noname : look what is trendy and make a plan to take part with people who use trend to make money. I mean most of people are just dummies who consume a lot so take advantage of the situation. For example start selling things or offer service none do

>> No.15944056

i don't get it???

>> No.15944058

Keith Kalfas is my favourite tradie wagie schizophrenic motivational speaker

>> No.15944072

there are planty of sites anon where you can sell your art that's google search number 1 or 2
but if you are looking for long term i would advice drawing manga or something that you like. if i were good at drawing that would be the first thing i would pick. also remember that drawing is the one and only thing where having talent for it can't be learned

>> No.15944088

any creative work wont have consistent income and it will depend on the person. for example, not ALL artists or twitch streamers make the same amount of money, some are better
there is no way to consistently make money online, unless you start an online business
good luck with that too, you are now competing with hundreds of thousands of different online businesses and freelancers
another option is to wagecuck. no education, its mcdonalds, otherwise, go to college and work an office job in any field and make 50-60k annually.
good luck

>> No.15944092

thanks for this i'll give it a read for sure
i'll start at
"A couple beginner tips, low cost/free money making methods for beginners"

this seems good but i don't know if i want to get into landscaping but i'll use his advice and apply it to what i want to do.

well i know how to draw, but i actually want to put my drawing skills to becoming an indie game developer so i need some sort of consistent income which i can make online to support myself while i make my dream game. just becoming and artist requires a lot of groundwork set up and foundation building an audience for your work to be worth anything, so right now i just need something that can very consistently and easily make me money without me having to get a regular 9/5 and sell my time (my most valuable asset) away to some big corporation, struggling to find the time to make the video games i want to make and sell.

>> No.15944104

there has to be another way than just become a wagecuck? making money shouldn't be that hard there have been billionaires who have gone bankrupt and bounced back quickly, all i want is a consistent small income just to survive on it shouldn't be that hard right???

>> No.15944163

yeah its not that hard but first you need the money which you said you had zero
the ultimate goal is to have enough money so that it can make money for you
so what you need now is to have a way to make consistent money for some time, invest said money to make more money

>> No.15944264

it's making that first money which is the hard part for me. i know that once i have money i should invest it in assets that make you more money so i can't get taxed on my assets while they continue to make money. but it's just that initial start that i'm finding hard.

i was thinking maybe starting a kickstarter of some sort but i need a product to offer, so maybe it's worth just starting my dream game and not waiting around to get better and when things feel right for me to make it. maybe i should make a basic demo for my game and try my luck at selling my idea and product on kickstarter???

>> No.15944319

sure. you can do that.
but it does come with its risk. starting a business is always riskier than working for someone.
good luck anon

>> No.15944324


>> No.15944352

thanks anon i'll try to do my best!

>> No.15944492

sign up for VID and then get paid for posting content

>> No.15944900


>> No.15945305
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Because once they're a billionaire, they have a reputation and can borrow a shit ton if they have zero.

>> No.15945354
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>so how do i start making that initial money

>> No.15945759

>learn to code lamp stack or nodejs
>make some websites and put them on free AWS for practice
>they don't need to make money. Just not look like shit and have some content.
>start applying for remote webdev jobs. This can be full time or part time contract based work.

>> No.15946643

>suggests work for money
>doesn't know there is a way for money to work for you

>> No.15946808

find a niche

>> No.15946837

faucets are sites like thecryptofaucet.com or earncrypto.com, you get pennys

>> No.15947023

>thanks for the explanation i'll try farming a few crypto through faucets and then see if i can try increase it by selling high

>> No.15947071

Pro tip: you do need some money to make money.. one anon already said this but I feel it needs to be said again.

Start small.. get a shit job and save the fuck outta every penny... use that small amount of money you saved to invest, whether it's on BTC or whatever crypto you like..

Faucets suck ass now days. You can try and be part owner in a casino.. (wink.org) small investment of 250$ gets me 100 trx a day give or take.. it's not much but it's a start.. if you can string investments like that together it seems much more attainable..

>> No.15947076

Just wage slave for 50 years bro

>> No.15947097

even getting a shitty wagie job so i don't have to work a wagie job doesn't sound appealing i think i need to find a way get some initial money online, and then invest that money in crypto.

>> No.15947104

fuck no, it looks painful being a wage slave i would only become a wage slave if it was some job to do with making art or something fun like that.

>> No.15947120

buy fake passports online on darkweb and use the info to make coinbase accounts and do the quizzes

or do coinbase quizzes and then use that money to go from 0.01 to 1 btc via trading on bitmex

>> No.15947306

you sound very entitled zoomer. anons have given you advice yet you dont choose to follow them because it doesn't suit to your tastes. fuck outta here retard.

>> No.15947311

just buy chainlink and thank me later

>> No.15947458

Dumb poster

>> No.15947475


Get a fucking job.

>> No.15947514

This. Money will not magically fall from the sky. People have given you reasonable, practical advice.

>> No.15947526

IF you good at gaming you can sell carrying other people at competitive wages. Used to sell $20/hour carrying in wow.

If you useless you can still get some money selling maxed accounts. This shit is however worse than minwage in general unless you start botting - which again however requires some skill writing custom routines & being smart enough not to get caught.

If you want a consistent money flow not linked to labor hours you want to resell something. Digital Art Assets (since you mentioned art) does work but it's a slow process to arrive at a decent income.

>> No.15947616

Make a porn game open patron make money for free

>> No.15947695

If you can stomach it, furry porn is supposedly where the big money is.