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1593936 No.1593936 [Reply] [Original]

What are good stocks to invest in when (yes, when) Trump wins?

>> No.1593958

Buy gold. It grew massively after Brexit.

>> No.1593963

Sell US bonds
Short the dollar
Buy gold

>> No.1593975

he won't win, democrats have the population spooked into believing republicans are racist sexist homophobes and republicans are inept at deflecting this, with trump they are now intentionally marching in the opposite direction they should be going in

>> No.1593976

Dude he is not winning.

But if he did, us based energy companies and us based construction supply industries like steel.

>> No.1593983

trump can win because the only vote that matters is the white vote. He just needs to get whites to rally behind him and he's guaranteed to win.

>> No.1593998

Gold, gold, gold.

>> No.1594003

Energy and american manufacturing

>> No.1594005

gaudy furniture and decoration supply

>> No.1594022

typical delusional, weirdly racist trumptard.

i cant wait to see the ass pain and damage control after the election . you're making the election so much more fun, keep it up.

>> No.1594030

literally sell everything tomorrow

you're about to get royally fucked (regardless of which candidate wins)

>> No.1594038

White liberals, white women and minorities outnumber white men as a whole. White men vote more often, but these other groups are seeing Trump everywhere and there will probably be a greater turnout than Obama's 2nd election. On the other hand many Republicans are distancing themselves from Trump.


>> No.1594047

Are you black or something?

>> No.1594049

The economy is about to crash no matter who wins. If by some miracle he does win despite the bribed delegates in play and fake ballots already found, it'll crash. It's been artificially propped up for over a year, and was meant to crash.

Either way, short the US market. Then when it's bottomed out (the dip), buy the shit out of it. After that, dollar cost average for about 7 years.

More like Soros has rigged the election. If they screw it up and Trump wins, Clinton and the entire fucking thing will crash when the FBI gets enough cover from the Trump administration to take down half of Washington for corruption.

No, it's not about the letters. It's about the Clinton Foundation and the pay-to-play scheme, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. Washington is corrupt to the very highest levels.

Good goy. Sell the future of your children and country out to the globalists, but don't complain you realize what you've done - remember: you chose this future.

>> No.1594056


he didn't just choose it, he advocated for it to an anonymous board and most likely his facebook 'friends'. it wasn't enough for him to just vote for his own demise, he needed desperately to convince others he was doing the right thing because maybe if he could convince them he could convince himself.

>> No.1594124

Well, if you think he's going to win, you better place that bet before nov 9th

>> No.1594136

If you are sure he'll win you can get 5 to 1 odds on it. So there's your investment.

>> No.1594140

Pull all of your money out of the stock market ASAP

Instant 20%+ gains

>> No.1594145

You should buy into it the minute he gets elected.

The market will bounce back shortly, enjoy your quick buck.

>> No.1594150

But which stocks? There are thousands.

>> No.1594181

>buying gold
>shorting currency

good God u ppl are fucking retarded, stop poisoning op 's mind with ur nonsensical drivel

Rental Income
Dividends on stocks/ETFs
CD or Money Markets
Buying a storage building, car wash, or other low maintenance business.

oh and learn how to Google before you invest though, nigger.

>> No.1594203


be honest, how many of these things have you successfully done?

>> No.1594209


us fucking d

>> No.1594212

Build Wall stocks:

Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. (JEC)
Granite Construction, Inc. (GVA)
Fluor Corp (FLR)
KBR, Inc. (KBR)
Cemex (CX),
Vulcan Materials (VMC)
Martin Marietta (MLM)

>> No.1594217
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>Cemex (CX)

>> No.1594319


>> No.1594357

This guys on point. This year's rally has been a ransom--vote Hillary or we pull the plug. Well Hillary probably can't win...especially with the loss of Huma and God knows what dead man switch she hit on the way out. Don't catch a falling knife I guess. Whatever happens post election, it's gonna be hard to time the bottom

>> No.1594359

>will probably be a greater turnout than Obama's 2nd election

>> No.1594360


>> No.1594361

i for one hope it slams to the ground
if i could do 2008 over again i'd make so much fucking money

well, i wouldn't be posting here for example.

>> No.1594370
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>> No.1594377
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>> No.1594385
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off the technicals

i swear

>> No.1594410


>> No.1594415

>The economy is about to crash no matter who wins.
Is it a good idea to invest in Bitcoins?

>> No.1594416

Betting odds are 5-1. Don't invest in any stocks, just place bets, you'll have a much higher return than any stock will give. 400% increase overnight.

>> No.1594418

no, memecoin has no future... only useful for buying drugs on darknet

>> No.1595509

Nice list, opened a position in cxw thanks to you, up almost 10% on it today. Also holding Ford, but I am down slightly on the year.

>> No.1595529

>Implying POTUS can increase tariffs.

>> No.1595571

Gold my nigga.

>> No.1595873

BAE has atomic contracts; our nuclear is very behind and he will pay them to fix it.

LMT and Northrop are a good synergy to add

>> No.1596869

Dump all foreign stocks. Buy anything American. He'll make America great again!

>> No.1596880

lol. real answers right here. Everyone knows we're fucking if (yes, if) The Donald wins

>> No.1596886

>The economy is about to crash no matter who wins
ignore anyone who has matter-of-fact knowledge of the future.

>> No.1597466

LGF, The Donald could afford the whole thing with the change he keeps in his piggy bank at current prices.

>> No.1597467

When bond yields are at 0.000000001% doesn't that mean there's enough money afloat to short the VIX into oblivion?

>> No.1597497

anything based in commodities

also if you wait until the morning after election day you are late