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File: 136 KB, 1152x2048, speedmeister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15938059 No.15938059 [Reply] [Original]

post your watches. if you have a rolex, most likely you're not into horology but just want people to know about how much disposable income you had

>> No.15938183
File: 83 KB, 333x500, 258BFDD2-CA1D-4B3D-933B-EC028431EF4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive got 150$ Police brand black watch. Only one I ever use. Ive got 10 other. Moat expencive around 1000$. Almost never use that one.

If I could afford a rolex, Im unsure if Id use it as I dont like the look of it.

>> No.15938196

>if you have a rolex you're most likely not into horology

>> No.15938213

if you have an omega, most likely you're not into chrematistics

>> No.15938222

Imagine using anything else than your smartphone to check what time is it.

>> No.15938225
File: 31 KB, 576x576, 5692f201c65b019de04a31e9b3c79f3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the fuck out of here, normie

>> No.15938257
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>> No.15938271
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>> No.15938273
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this is my most /biz/-relevant watch.
it was made by poo-covered hands, worn on a poo-covered wrist, and I eventually paid about the ATH price of link for it.
I mostly wear my F-91W.

>> No.15938275

kys zoomer

>> No.15938289

>17 Jews
fuck, the holocost was real wadn't it?

>> No.15938408
File: 259 KB, 1152x1152, 1551701930213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also just so happen to own a holocausting tool tangentially related to this thread
god knows how many jews are trapped inside it

>> No.15938417

This is the only decent looking watch in this entire thread. Some of you people posting should be ashamed of your total lack of taste.

>> No.15938444


>> No.15938471

i'm using my phone, imagine wasting money on a watch instead of accumulating and investing young and retiring early while everybody is still doing the rat race at 70 years old

>> No.15938514

No, not for normies. Okay, if you're into horology, maybe a select few; a Daytona of some sort, a deep sea challenge, the Pepsi gmt master or a maybe cellini because it doesn't scream Rolex. Most people get the first day date they can afford as long as it has a fluted bezel so it's recognizable.

It's not about what time it is you retard. It's about the mechanical ingenuity and a meticulously precise work of art in many cases

>> No.15938787

>what time is it?
>uhhh uhhh uhh

>> No.15938799

the only point of wearing watches is for picking up chicks when youre ugly

>> No.15939083


>> No.15939723
File: 1.64 MB, 3648x1824, IMG_20190926_115744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek at these poorfags ITT

>> No.15939777

I literally know who you are lmao
Are your initials SK?

>> No.15939800
File: 162 KB, 900x825, classic_watches_datejust_41_black_dial_0001_1200x1100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cheapest one is unironically the best-looking one. But who cares, I can barely pay the rent, and I only keep like €2k in crypto.

Get a Datejust, mate.

>> No.15939845

>unironically the best-looking on
Those are some butt ugly watches for sure

>> No.15939890

I commend your collection for the sheer monetary value, but taste wise, I have to say id get other things for the money. maybe even pool the money it took for a few of those pieces together and get a really nice one. like a vacheron or something

>> No.15939907
File: 186 KB, 470x470, 1570644546978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what an INCEL

>> No.15939925

Not exactly what I'd wear. If I'd want a tough watch I'd get a Fortis B-42 Marinemaster, (my wrist is too small for that though). A diver to show off? Probably an Omega. A comfy flieger? Stowa Klassik.

>> No.15939957

ozzy approves

>> No.15940104

its way too basic

>> No.15940117

The words you're looking for are "clean aesthetic".

>> No.15940130

>too basic
What is a dress watch, Alex
Fucking sperg

>> No.15940192

>what is taste

no, sorry. want a dress watch from rolex, go for a cellini. want clean aesthetic, grand Seiko easily, or a vacheron constantin

>> No.15940225

>Your opinion is wrong
Daily reminder that nobody could actually give two fucks about what you wear on your wrist. Just as long as you like the way it looks, who cares. I think all those watches you listed are great, but there is nothing wrong with Datejusts.

>> No.15940236

fluted bezel>smooth bezel or you're just a smooth brain. day date is one of the best looking formal watches there is. I own a submariner, does this make not a fan of horology? you're just generalising to generalise.

>> No.15940247

jesus christ man

>> No.15940255

okay, I can agree with that. being into horology its all about how a watch makes you feel. if you truly like it and it brings you joy, go for it. whatever the fuck it is. it doesn't really matter. my gripe is people who aren't into watches too much, just buy rolex bc it shows how much money you have. just like similar how "car guys" probably wouldn't buy a modern day lambo as their first sports car if they came into a lot of money. its more of a flex piece to show how "rich" you are. a more refined enthusiast would probably go for something more classy, actually worth it

>> No.15940264
File: 3.40 MB, 3492x4656, IMG_20190813_164602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao more dollars than sense. All those are trash bar the seadweller only due to resale value
Hublot, really?

>> No.15940270

your underage autism is showing.

>> No.15940283

>talking about resale with a vancheron on

>> No.15940300

lol, say what you may. it cannot cover up your bad taste. more likely than not, you were subconsciously programmed to like rolex through indoctrination. lol most of them are machine made, you can get hand made zaratsu polish via grand Seiko for a fraction of the price of rolex. its more about the aura a rolex exudes other than what you truly get

>> No.15940315
File: 2.62 MB, 2979x2476, EC0ACFFA-470F-4577-B9F0-02DA44A92845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seiko master race

>> No.15940321

Or maybe people appreciate the history of the watch and the brand and getting rock solid movements? not everything is about people wanting to show wealth most people don't give a single fuck about watches you fucking zoomer retar. not everything has to be hipster pieces "I BOUGHT IT BECAUSE OF THE MOVEMENT" autism.

>> No.15940331

I get it. I don't understand why people buy iced out watches, but more power to them. It doesn't take away any enjoyment I get from owning watches. Saying that all Rolex owners are basically just rich normies is pretty damning and sweepingly generalized seeing as there are so many different models and styles to choose from. What turns people off from this hobby (much like any hobby) is other people thumbing their nose at each other in some sort of air of superiority. You see this a lot with people buying their first Seiko 5 to get into automatic watches. Everyone gets up on their high horse to shit on people who hadn't even had a chance to dig deeper into horology. It's why I don't even bother going on the watch threads on /fa/ or any other forum.

>> No.15940342
File: 91 KB, 1080x1178, IMG_20190721_142142_885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's not gaming the vintage market
I paid less than 2k usd for the vc
Anyway buying retail is for schmucks. Imo the whole modern watch industry is more or less a joke bar a few manufacturers and independents
Watches are made large for people to flash on insta

>> No.15940352

Had two in black got one in green now

Great watch.

>> No.15940370

rolex was the "first" for a few things, and the first to make a luxury watch a status symbol to an extent. that bitch who swam the English channel with a newly waterproofed rolex on her neck, a lot of things made it a first. now they take advantage of the name sake and put out good watches, they are not shit, im not saying that, but for the equivalent money you can get much finer attention to detail and more intricate movements

>> No.15940372

Women have no fucks to give for watches, stupid.

>> No.15940374

Wow, I unironically thought only fags and emts still wore watches.

>> No.15940395

Grande complication pocket watches made of precious metals were a thing two hundred years ago, there has always been some luxury to it
Not denying rolex isn't the king in the mainstream mindset though

>> No.15940417
File: 121 KB, 810x1080, lmaooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always buy the expensive pieces used nice price for the VC
that is literally irrelevant to a lot of buyers and most people who have rollies don't just buy it as a status symbol as you're trying to claim. yes there are a lot but to say thats the only reason people do is so outlandishly wrong and to say that theres only a few that are "worthy" is flat out retarded. watches in of their own are luxury items or for fashion so if you want to put that designation on rolex might as well say fuck it and do the entire industry. you're a faux watch nerd and it irks me.
collection for ref

>> No.15940464

Nice. I think people spend too much time on forums developing opinions based purely on abstract details. Go to an authorized dealer and actually hold one of these in your hands. Try it on. Take a look with your own eyes instead of pouring over photos like OP. You'd be surprised how quickly people's sentiment changes.

>> No.15940494

lol, preach. if certain rolex have high demand, its great as an investment watch but honestly the for the money you get from others is worth it. admit, you buy watches to impress. you care what others think. the likes of glashutte, JLC, GS, lange, IWC, breguet, blancpain, I can go on. Rolex is not bad, but its like the lambo of watches when a more refined aston is other brands where its worth the money like patek
if you genuinely like the rolex go for it, imho it is not up to par with the quality of other makers for the price. its more of the name brand

>> No.15940548

This. Its the truth, People buy rollies to flex on plebs the same normies who rock supreme and gucci get it to flex hard cause normies dont kno shit and Rolex = rich

>> No.15940563

ITT: nouveau riche normalfags who need to get the fuck off my board

>> No.15940596

I'm not saying I like Rolex more than any other brand. All I'm saying is
1. There is no point in trying to convince someone else that they have bad taste, or that they're wrong for liking a certain brand/style/etc.
2. There is a huge difference between specs on paper and having the watch in person
I'm not trying to be rude, but you sound like you're underage. You talk about how people shouldn't buy watches to show off but make a thread encouraging people to do just that, and shoot people down on top of that. You're attempting to act like you have superior taste instead of trying to see what makes any individual piece unique. You're so dogmatic in your beliefs that you can't accept someone else liking something you don't. For most of us, we'll never own the true high end watches, so debating on which is best is a moot point. Honestly, what was the point of this thread? Were you hoping to circlejerk with people that like what you like, or were you just trying to argue?

>> No.15940648

I understand what you say, and being into watches I have said multiple times do what brings you joy. Get what you enjoy and makes you happy. I iterated that, so the fact you're so incredibly butthurt makes me think it's probably shaken up your world. Maybe what you're experiencing is a horological redpill, you can fight and call me whatever you want, it doesn't change the nature of reality and what time pieces we own. Yes, the watch in person is what matters most, than doesn't mean I can't give my opinion in relation as to what matters most to me, when said watches are in my hands. Relax man, no worries. Take it easy, I'm just saying the maximum value for your buck is found - for me - in many other brands other than Rolex. Do you

>> No.15940673

>>There is no point in trying to convince someone else that they have bad taste
Why not? Watches seem particularly plagued by this. Microbrand design is hamfisted by people who like watches but know fuck all about design, why some things work and others don't. Having four fonts on a face, some of which clash with others while thinking it looks good is just poor taste.

People that froth over luxury watches also do shit like make sure their belt matches their shoes - which someone told them to do, yet don't want to listen when they are told their watch is a fugly mess?

Lets be realistic - it is a choice but it goes deeper. Big money is dropped on these things by people who don't have taste and need to be told that their shoes should match their belt. Its not so much that the watch is ugly it is that the persons taste is poor and they do not wish to admit this over a large dollar value item. It says something about the person if they pick these hideous timepieces. It is a reflection of their taste but when they are not given guidance.. well we can see the outcome.

At least with cars there are not so many permutations so you can't end up with train wrecks like >>15939723

>> No.15941023
File: 61 KB, 805x555, IMG_002482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15941228

4chan has the worst and ugliest fuckign taste in watches i've ever seen jesus christ

>> No.15941285


>> No.15941470

Looks like the watch a respectable black man wears

>> No.15941504
File: 2.48 MB, 4032x3024, 421343E2-3851-4718-887B-260DA48D428B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this before.

Mont Blanc 1858

>> No.15941505

>Police written on watch
i don't think so

>> No.15941519

watches are just jewelry. buy a bracelet or something if you want to wear jewelry.

>> No.15941648

stop buying shitters

>> No.15941657

Is no-one going to post the watches with fat/old/weirdly-shaped hands?

>> No.15941675

nice big bang!

>> No.15941709

These are reps, I can tell by the poor SEL finish on the Rolex watches. That said good, I like reps too.

>> No.15941832

if thats your tell you're pretty retarded though, he could just wear them and be scratching them

>> No.15942004

I'm talking about the SEL gap nigger.

>> No.15942076
File: 120 KB, 600x500, b42cce0fe33ff69b39d3fc2867bb0532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol @ all these pleb tier watches. The only watch I want is the Grand Seiko Snowflake. People who are truly into horology know how elegant this watch really is. The buttery smooth glide of the spring drive dial is unmatched and can't be faked like Rolexes

>> No.15942196
File: 171 KB, 1200x1050, yacht-master2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stainless steel CHADmaster 2

Based taste in Rolex with some shitters thrown in the mix. Dump the non-Rolex to buy a Daytona.

>> No.15942377
File: 36 KB, 500x500, 500_500_productGfx_c0b31d8b17044e5dd9178a325f47f4ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love my watch.

>> No.15942404

All counterfeit, except for the $200 Tissot

>> No.15942447
File: 493 KB, 870x900, Screen Shot 2019-10-16 at 9.51.23 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought one of these bad boys because i needed sapphire crystal and kept scratching my watches

>> No.15942556
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>> No.15942619

>if you have a rolex, most likely you're not into horology but just want people to know about how much disposable income you had

This is a fucking retarded take. Rolex makes outstanding watches. Almost every design they make is a classic. They have insane heritage and their watches are beautiful. You're getting in house movements, pristine materials and excellent designs. They're frankly affordable for their quality level.

My Rolex Explorer is probably the best field watch in the world. Suck my dick you fucking pleb

>> No.15942671
File: 7 KB, 198x254, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My watch list - YMMV

Seiko Divers Automatic
Squale Onda Laguna
Panerai Luminor Marina
Longines Legend Diver
Sinn UX GSG9
Rolex Yachtmaster (not Ii)
Corum Admirals Cup Tides

Bulova Lunar Pilot
Omega Speedmaster Pro
Seagull 1963
Ulysse Nardin Marine Chrono
Tag Heuer Monaco
Tag Heuer Carrera 36
Zenith El Primero Defy 21

Hamitlon Khaki X-Patrol
Breitling Navitimer World
Bell and Ross Aviation GMT
Glysine Airman 44 Horizon
Tudor Black Bay GMT
Stowa Flieger Baumuster B
IWC Big Pilot Vintage

Hamilton Khaki Field
Rolex Explorer
Raketa Polar
Bertucci A-4T Illuminated
Weiss Field
Damasko DA34
IWC Ignenieur

Seiko Brights SDGM001
Tissot Ballade Automatic
Grand Seiko SBGR311
Omega Seamaster Aqua Terra
Oris Artelier Calibre 113
Rolex Air King 5500

Timex Fairfield
Fredrique Constant Slimeline
Jaeger-LeCoultre MUT Moon
Rolex Datejust 16233
Cartier Tank
Omega Seamaster De Ville
Junghans Max Bill Chrono

Casio W217H
Casio A158
Casio Databank DBC-611
Casio Worldtime AE1200
Casio G-Shock 5600
Casio G-Shock G-Steel
Casio G-Shock FM 5000

Nomos Club Campus
Seiko Alpinist
Xeric Halograph II Automatic
Eone The Bradley
Casio Minimalist
Hamilton Ventura
Mondaine Stop2Go

>> No.15942683

i hope you're some chad prop trader that has his watches set to different time zones so you know when markets open around the world

>> No.15942694

a rolex is nothing more than a status symbol you cumbrain

>> No.15942715
File: 434 KB, 480x835, 66240-3431-55_front_copie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does no one ever talk about complications like the tourbillon or carrousel?
Pic related.

>> No.15942725

I will order a rep Cartier Santos with a white dial soon. Reasoning: the watch is can look dressy as well as sporty depending on the bracelet used, the reps are pretty good and fitted with a reliable movement and there is a mechanism that makes it easy to change bracelets.
I'll have 2 custom leather straps made to replace the rep one and I'll be set.
Then I'll be able to change from my stainless steel bracelet to the leather bands to match my outfit.

>> No.15942733

Because it sucks compared to a $10 quartz. If you like movements go for this >>15942076

>> No.15942748
File: 896 KB, 2048x1152, 20191012_092059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my egard. egard is the incel shitlord watch company. they made this ad in response to the pozzed gillette razors commercial:

>> No.15942773
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>> No.15942818


>> No.15943082
File: 482 KB, 1537x1600, Moritz-Grossmann-Benu-Power-Reserve-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15943125
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This will be my /made it/ timepiece, need at least 4-5 million before I purchase it.
Right now I'm just wearing a cheap 2k Aquaracer by TAG Heuer. For whatever reason, all the women I know love the fucking Aquaracer. I would rather have something better - but whatever.

>> No.15943156

chloe moritz? gross, man!

>> No.15943198

I got me an Apple Watch

Tells me how fast my heart is beating, when to feed the meeter, and if I’ve been sitting for too long it reminds me to get my ass up and walk around, maybe do some air squats or pushups.

Sometimes it reminds me to breathe.

>> No.15943226

That is hideous. Yacht master. Really

>> No.15943227
File: 303 KB, 2100x1400, A-Lange-Sohne-Datograph-Pertual-White-Gold-Grey-Dial-Review-9 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You haven't truly made it until you can afford a Lange

>> No.15943260

you wont impress bar skanks with that though. only nerdy white guys recognize the brand

>> No.15943987

I'd buy this for myself desu, if you are buying a piece to impress thots go for a fake rolex and that'll do just fine

>> No.15944001

>buying a watch to impress bar skanks

>> No.15944011

t. Coombrain retard

>> No.15944035

who wants to impress bar skanks? just do an inspect element on a screenshot of your bankbalance
t. element inspector

>> No.15944160
File: 86 KB, 640x640, 66638003_2403783273021966_4577086979261053317_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favourite brand. I have 243 and 049.

I own a pre-ceramic rolex sub and a new omega PO but Panerai is just different.

>> No.15944202

should i buy Casio Men's G-SHOCK, they look fresh

>> No.15944212
File: 272 KB, 1500x998, Blancpain-fifty-fathoms-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15944242

While it looks nice why do they insist on using 8-9 fonts on a watch. Its ridiculous and detracts immensely. In any other industry you would get laughed at for doing this. At least they could have used the bezel font for the water resistance rating as well as Swiss made.

>> No.15944258
File: 407 KB, 1024x765, Pilot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know dude. I love the aesthetic of it. Blancpain is one of, if not THE oldest watch houses in Switzerland.

>> No.15944382

This. Right. Here.
Durable. One of a kind tech.
Love child of mechanical and electrical energy. No battery.

>> No.15944479

Neck yourself if you think this looks good.
Oversized, lugs overhanging lmao. He's also wearing it on his hand like showy faggots do
It's called a wrist watch not a hand watch

>> No.15944502

I just use my phone, having a watch is just another thing I need to maintain and replace when it breaks. Time, energy, and money, all spent on something to make me look the tiniest bit nicer when out with normalfags

>> No.15944508
File: 136 KB, 860x925, MB-F-HM6-Watch-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k man. Enjoy this one then.

>> No.15944582
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It's not my thing but hey, at least it's something creative

>> No.15944591
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Absolutely fucking based, the amount of compliments I get on my watch... fucking lol. Bitches love it, it's a timeless classic and looks effortlessly cool. Spenny $ watches are fucking try hard shite, major autism desu.

F-91W or gtfo

>> No.15944683


nice watch anon, it takes away from the fat hand

>> No.15944738
File: 233 KB, 1024x768, home_image.4586488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice one Lange fren. I'd like to get at least a Richard Lange Boutique, if I don't make it into a Datograph with Salmon dial territory.

>> No.15944871

Seiko is master race
Very nice
Quite comprehensive but the busted down Rolex is shit
Beautiful complication
Incredibly nice watches
I also love panerai, the 8 day is my favorite
It looks awesome idc about the different fonts

>> No.15945120

You specifically like clashing fonts? ok.