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15935427 No.15935427 [Reply] [Original]

Name one coin providing real-world utility right now to the blockchain?
>Don't worry I'll wait

>> No.15935438
File: 544 KB, 1080x569, Cupace20190923223116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15935439


>> No.15935440

eth enables me to support deplatformed websites.

>> No.15935441

>ctrl-f link
>3 results

>> No.15935447
File: 1.01 MB, 1080x1073, Cupace20191004143437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15935460

Another project bends the knee

>> No.15935462

XRP is literally being used by MoneyGram right now to settle cross border payments and they are saving a lot of money by doing so. Regardless of whatever memery you believe regarding XRP or Ripple, this is just plain fact. XRP is the first cryptocurrency to ever be used for something by a real company. This board is usually wrong about everything.

>> No.15935483


I'm using SENT dVPN from time to time.

>> No.15935489

>XRP is the first cryptocurrency to ever be used for something by a real company.
>This board is usually wrong about everything.
But thats wrong! BTC was the first to be used by a real company. Also XRP is not cryptocurrency.
As you said, >This board is usually wrong about everything.

>> No.15935495 [DELETED] 

> xrp cuck barking about his overpriced scam coin trying to larp as a currency despite having one of the worst distributions in crypto presently
It's actually worse than link - and that's saying something because link is a full blown scam.

>> No.15935498
File: 747 KB, 1080x714, Cupace20190924224555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted a trx showing MoneyGram using xrp via USD on ramp to transfer payments. Show me a website I can use right now to transfer USD to my Mexican compadre across the border!
>Don't worry I'll wait

>> No.15935513

>Also XRP is not cryptocurrency

Imagine being this mentally retarded. Can you even read a whitepaper? XRP crypto 3.0. Bitcoin is a proof of concept. Do explain how you think XRP doesn’t use cryptographic functions to verify transactions. I’ll wait, and you will not deliver.

>> No.15935520

Is anyone trying to accumulate 32 eth for staking?

>> No.15935535

It's like only investing in Boeing and not Raytheon.

>> No.15935539

Soon it will be able to tell you the real price ($0) of ChainStink in addition to the real price of Eterium ($0), as well. Truly mindblowing technology.

>> No.15935542

Is there projects already using this data or is it just chainlink nodes spaming?

>> No.15935561

How can you be this fucking stupid? This is public news. What rock do you live under? MoneyGram and Ripple made an alliance. MoneyGram is using the XRP ledger to facilitate cross border payments right this second. This was in the news for weeks while you were F5ing LINK price prediction threads with your calculator by your side. Why do you think they started charging a dollar for payments?

You live in a bubble of cuckoldry, unrealised gains and memes.

>> No.15935581
File: 5 KB, 260x194, xxx69696969sexymanbear69696969xxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I see one of the chainlink team members I feel compelled to masturbate over them as tribute. The small, frantic pumps of the skin over the shaft of my penis reminds me that we are all in this together, and I cry out "$1000 eoy" as I feel the sweet release of nirvana outpouring from my loins. And don't you worry - I recycle my cum by gathering it up with my fingers and sucking on them carefully, making sure not to let a single iota of my expended manhood go to waste. I also think of my fellow linkmarines as I do this - and I hope some day to maybe bring some to the yacht party so that I can watch everyone sample me unknowingly from the punch bowl. Everything about this project is perfect. Sergey's well-travelled curves, Adelynn's protective chink fridge power stance, Rory's bravery in trying to provide the best life he can for his wife's son. What other team could lead the fourth industrial revolution into the stratosphere? What other man could look directly in the eyes of a Rothschild and call him a nigger but Sergey? We're all going to make it lads. We're all going to make it and I want my cum to be your reward for waiting so long.

>> No.15935596

>Imagine being this mentally retarded.
Why project? Its common among Ripplets.
Look up what the definition of cryptocurrency is tardface!
>a digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank.
> encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency
Got that from google btw. Its talking about PoW tardface.
>Can you even read a whitepaper?
Yep, & I have! Can you?
>Do explain how you think XRP doesn’t use cryptographic functions to verify transactions.
You could replace XRP with card transactions in your statement...of course it does, its just you're to dumb the know the real definition, shame
>I’ll wait, and you will not deliver.
I have delivered, sorry what you think the definition is ended up being different than reality.

Also don't be so aggressive/arrogant with things you don't understand! I kept it polite, initially, until you showed your incompetence

>> No.15935652
File: 187 KB, 760x1449, Screenshot_20191016-103427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top five at the eth gas station since June
>inb4 wallet swapping transaction

>> No.15935682

>encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency

This is the definition of a PoW cryptocurrency. Generation method being irrelevant to actual currency transmission itself. XRP is a much better cryptocurrency than Bitcoin can ever be. I hope you’re enjoying your 45 minute to several hour transaction confirmation times when people actually use it en masse. The whole point of a cryptocurrency is to solve the double spend problem. None does this better than XRP. You just went off on a tangent talking about coin generation. You need to find a solution to your baby duck syndrome. Stop using so many exclamation points you dumb rebbitor.

>> No.15935699

>This is the definition of a PoW cryptocurrency.

I didn't read further, it doen't matter what you think...you are wrong. as I've proven. just admit it tardface. You were correct about This board is usually wrong about everything. You proved that yourself, ironically

>> No.15935730


>> No.15935742

even Webster says your wrong.


It's ok to be wrong

>> No.15935792

>The whole point of a cryptocurrency is to solve the double spend problem. None does this better than XRP.
This false to the point of being retarded. XRP may be very convenient to use with fast transactions and low fees, but compared to f.ex. bitcoin it is very bad at preventing double spends and other exploits, because it isn't trustless. Every XRP node needs to keep a list of trusted validator nodes, and all an attacker needs to do to doublespend is to hack the victims node and replace that list with a bunch of zombie validators.

>> No.15936007

It doesn’t matter what you think in your bubble, Bitcuck. You’re new to cryptocurrency in general and it really shows. ‘Tardface’? Are you 6?

>some boomer dictionary trying to define things they just heard about say you’re wrong

You sure showed me pal. I can’t wait to see the next Webster Dictionary crypto event.

> and all an attacker needs to do to doublespend is to hack the victims node and replace that list with a bunch of zombie validators.

What the fuck did I just read? Do you have any idea what you’re saying here? ‘Hack’ a node? ONE node? Are you fucking retarded? Familiarise yourself with how XRP actually works you dumb cunt. How can you sit in your fart stained chair and claim that XRP isn’t trustless? With Ripple controlling only 20%~ of UNLs and the rest of the validators being all over the world? Nobody can stop a transaction on the XRPL if Ripple asked them to. Four chink miners can stop your transaction at will. You’re unaware of the fact that XRP was made by 3 guys, before Ripple even existed. XRPL would continue to function just fine if Ripple packed up shop tomorrow. There is no authority on the XRPL.

>> No.15936015


>> No.15936161

>You’re new to cryptocurrency in general and it really shows
Nope, been in since, '11. My current stack originates from '14 though
>‘Tardface’? Are you 6?
>You sure showed me pal. I can’t wait to see the next Webster Dictionary crypto event
Zoomer, Sorry you don't like reality! but its real! its the definition that's accepted & in the dictionary. Its the reason why PoW is under the CFTC. As the CFTC control cryptocurrency. I would gamble to say you've not heard of the CFTC.

He was acting all arrogant, he couldn't back it up, he was wrong (like you are) shame the XRPtards can't admit it.

>> No.15936167


>> No.15936186

theres hundreds doing that

>> No.15936334

>What the fuck did I just read? Do you have any idea what you’re saying here? ‘Hack’ a node? ONE node? Are you fucking retarded? Familiarise yourself with how XRP actually works you dumb cunt. How can you sit in your fart stained chair and claim that XRP isn’t trustless? With Ripple controlling only 20%~ of UNLs and the rest of the validators being all over the world? Nobody can stop a transaction on the XRPL if Ripple asked them to. Four chink miners can stop your transaction at will. You’re unaware of the fact that XRP was made by 3 guys, before Ripple even existed. XRPL would continue to function just fine if Ripple packed up shop tomorrow. There is no authority on the XRPL.
I said all I needed to say and you didn't refute my example. If you didn't understand it, maybe you are the one that should familiarize yourself with how XRP actually works.

>> No.15936520


He sad cryptocurency fag

>> No.15936618

Is there a way to see which projects rely on chain link price feed?

>> No.15936714 [DELETED] 

I'm scared bros. What's gonna happen?