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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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15932813 No.15932813 [Reply] [Original]

When will the education system finally collapse in on itself? Students forget the vast majority of things they "learn", have high rates of stress, and the curriculum is a garbagefire that even promotes political bullshit and literal conspiracy theories such as "the gender wage gap". All of these problems continue to get worse and they apply bandaid patches in the hope that it will keep things stable. So, how long till the reform? What do we do about all the retards who thought it was a good idea to work in the industry?

>> No.15932882
File: 739 KB, 754x600, wherepeoplelive.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you OP, your post is garbage.

You give a no requirements line of credit that goes up to 200k to every 18 year old born in the USA, and tell them they don't have to make any payments until they finish spending it all and you are going to get a massive fucking problems. Period.

Until the government stops giving out these massive fucking loans, with no restrictions, to FUCKING RETARDED CHILDREN the bubble will continue to grow.

>> No.15933723


>> No.15934524
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education is just an expensive 50K piece of paper. Your learn nothing.
College is just regurgitating propaganda and "theory". Even high school is an underfunded degenerate hell.
I accept China as our leaders, its only a matter of time. 20 years.

>> No.15934676

I don't see why people have such a bad time at middle/highschool, you need a certain basis of knowledge before you could accomplish anything on your own that doesn't involve the system.
Really, to work outside the system you hate you couldn't do anything if you didn't learn the basics. There is no likelyhood at all you'd have explored those boring subjects on your own.
Also, being social is essential from age 2 to 22 and school is a great way to force you to see every type of person instead of the ones you like.

College might be somewhat of a scam for what they give, but you do know that 90% of people would be helpless exploring any majoring in any discipline.

The system we have is not the best, but it's better than anything you no-school autists come up with.