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15932532 No.15932532 [Reply] [Original]

Coming to a city near you very soon for only $200 per sq/ft.

>> No.15932544
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>> No.15932554

Sorry for CNN link... meant to paste this:

>> No.15932637

The wagie cagie is real!

>> No.15932699

How do these people have sex?
There's zero privacy.

>> No.15932707

Literally auschwitz

>> No.15932712


Plenty of sex hotels, but really, they aren't having sex.

>> No.15932713

only multi millionaire 10/10 chads are having sex these days

hypergamy singularity is upon us

>> No.15932741
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>This is what minimalists want

>> No.15932815
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>populations in third world countries are booming
>dirty pajeets and homeless ricers are getting laid and you basement dwelling incels cant

>> No.15932875

They get assigned a girlfriend. It's one of the perks of communism.

>> No.15932942

You think you could tip these co-living cucks off to the authorities for fire code violations? I doubt these soi francisco startups double checked max occupancy limits, they always act first and deal with regulations later.

>> No.15932950
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>How do these people have sex?
They don't, urban leftists are the true incels.

>> No.15933061
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work camps like the ones in Fort McMurry dont look so bad now

>> No.15933077

Hong Kong is shit and nowhere representative of China.
This is deliberate misinformation designed to bait morons.

>> No.15933080

unironically comfy

>> No.15933097

those guys are literally living in a cage like animal, absolutely disgusting

>> No.15933127

Can't wait to live in an actual cage for only $1200/month
The future the boomers and X-es created for us looks amazing

>> No.15933144
File: 89 KB, 768x512, B071AC13-6496-4A07-A078-D94120505255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USA leading the way in free housing....

>> No.15933149

>gets stabbed while sleeping by some fucking subhuman because of a grudge
Amazing, truly amazing. I'd actually take the cage in OP's pic, I just hope some retard doesn't pour gasoline on me and set me on fire in the middle of the night because I looked at him the wrong way.

>> No.15933162
File: 134 KB, 840x565, E6FF016C-A4AD-4B50-A251-1832F7211E14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free housing right downtown LA, how will China ever compete

>> No.15933174
File: 76 KB, 900x376, CD19BE0E-66B1-4FC7-9CA5-2B6108CDC339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Land of the Free...

>> No.15933197

Fucking Christ.
Every time we have a fucking thread you people come out of the woodwork talking about Meh China VS America, right out of the Chinese government shill rulebook.

I know it's hard to understand in you little Chinese brain, but we can talk about problems without the dick measuring contest. Government shill.

>> No.15933202

Butthurt hurt a little?

>> No.15933210

The funny thing is everytime the HK SAR Govt tries to demolish these 'bird cage' colonial apartments and build public housing apartments
(Like Singapore & Shenzhen), these Fucking Hong-ky alligator tear race traitor shit-heap liberals protest it every. single. time.

>> No.15933218

Yeah, a little.
I'm just tired of having to see the same conversations all across fucking 4chan.

It makes me absolutely hate China. You guys just can't let things go.
You can let Americans come and go, but you have to bring a dick measuring contest into everything. It's tiresome.

>> No.15933227

>OP posts /pol/-tier plebbit race bait Chink hate thread
>Anon complains about Thread being filled with Chinks
Don't post race b8 then

>> No.15933233

Who did?
I didn't.
But you keep bumping this shit.

>> No.15933254

Holy shit, it's Somalia.

>> No.15933259

Well, it sure as hell ain't me.
But yet I see these bait threads every single fucking day

>> No.15933262

Only a few more posts and your social score will be high enough for you to be allowed to use public transportation, Chong.

>> No.15933270

stay mutthurt amerigoblin

>> No.15933274

Unironically supporting Kleros and Chainlink is supporting HK by proxy. Sell now if you are a mainlander.

>> No.15933284

Imagine getting so butthurt that you feel the need to shitpost whenever someone says your trigger words

>> No.15933293
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>> No.15933296 [DELETED] 

You seem a bit upset.
Do you need to eat some dog or something to feel better?

>> No.15933768

What does "happiness" have to do with the amount of sex you retard? Or in what way can a hypothetical person that doesn't give a shit about sex be "sexually happy"? Or an empathetic person be happy in a selfish world? Or imagine thinking that "leftist" as the internet (and western world) displays them have anything to do with actual leftism today. Imagine actually using retarded and overly simplistic and generalizing meme charts like this one and thinking it doesn't show your complete lack of a brain. You're probably also one of those faggots who look at "best country in the world" rankings and then think vague concepts such as "cultural openness" are indeed representative of a country being "better".

>> No.15933769
File: 1.56 MB, 1500x844, 2_h0j6ce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing beats the comfort of sewer pipe living...
eat bugs!

>> No.15933777

The french bourgeois revolution is gonna look like a joke in hindsight

>> No.15933802


>> No.15933820

Imagine being this mad over a statistic

>> No.15933821

thats an old picture.
China has a growing middle class.

>> No.15933855

Doesn't look too bad, must be quite durable, just need to make you don't roll over.

>> No.15933890

It's palette wood so probably full of chemicals, nice!

>> No.15933900
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>> No.15933949

Wtf, I love communism now!

>> No.15933964

Something's smelling pretty ripe
Comin' from that sewer pipe!
It's poopoo! Poopoo!

>> No.15933998

they dont. they dont put any curtain to prevent people from fucking

>> No.15934010

these camps are pretty comfy. when you come home from hard work you're tired and want to save money it's a good option

>> No.15934035

V. for very or veering?

>> No.15934081

This is the children of wealthy parents.

Go read The coddling of the American Mind by Haidt. Wealthy parents are creating emotionally crippled adults.

>> No.15934149

You know, if they put little doors on these things and soundproofed them it wouldn't be that bad.

I wouldn't pay anything over 250 a month including facilities for one, but if I could have my own privacy and live a minimalist lifestyle while working or going to school this would be great.

>> No.15934160
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I lived in a garage once in Australia. I put down some rugs, had a double bed, chest of draws with an old crt tv and xbox360. It wasn't perfectly clean but it wasn't bad either.

My living expenses were about $600-700 a month depending upon how much I went out but I took home about $3800 which meant I could save $3kAUD+ a month. I did this for about 14 months then used the money to travel the world for a few years.

It can make good sense to live this way for a while if you can save up a bunch of money. A lot of Eastern Europeans in the UK work as much as possible, overcrowd a house or live in dorms with bunkbeds so they can save money. Some of them tell me after x years they can afford to buy a house for cash back home. I'd be a lot better off if I didn't have to pay my mortgage.

>> No.15934211

You've never been to China, have you

>> No.15934249

have you?

>> No.15934252

Why would I say one way or the other?
I'm not doxxing myself.

>> No.15934332

>I lived in a garage once in Australia.
Based garage dweller.
Australian Real Estate is very overprice 'muh plan' is to stack USD then buy Oz Real Estate at a 50% discount.

You living in Oz now?

>> No.15934356

I work on cargo ships at sea and my bunk room is 100 times nicer than this.

>> No.15934368

Looks like India

>> No.15934396

Nope, I'm a BritBong and back in the UK. I was just in Stralia for 2 years on a working holiday visa on my 7 year around the world trip. Also lived and worked in Germany, Canada and China for a year each then the 2 years traveling that I just mentioned. I still had about £18k when I came back to the UK and started my career. Highly recommend traveling when you're young to anyone, it's not too hard to start your career late if you're not a whiny low energy shithead.

>> No.15934419

>Highly recommend traveling when you're young to anyone, it's not too hard to start your career late if you're not a whiny low energy shithead.
Solid advice

>> No.15934876

The infrastructure itself pleads for mercy.

>> No.15934975

You make it sound like sex is something the average person gets regularly

Room for another in that bubble of yours?

>> No.15935848

>250 bucks a month for living in army barracks
>sharing shitters with other dozens of people
>no space of your own other than the bed you sleep on
>probably no room for your own spare clothes or no way to secure it from other subhumans in the commune
not even if they were the ones paying me.
at least with the concrete tube thing you get a proper space you can call your own, with your own bathroom, drawers, probably a cooking stove of your own, a nice secure lock to keep niggers outside.

>> No.15936251

so basically live in a hostel and pay for an apartment. These guys are geniuses. How does one get a permit to build such an establishment?

>> No.15936321

1989 tiananmen square

>> No.15936340


What a fucking scam. My mom suggested this to me thinking it was cute.

>> No.15936395


Wow! Capitalism sure brainwashed you. It's LA, you dolt.


>> No.15937152

>literally pulling shit out of own ass

>> No.15937320

I thought chinks were smart.
Obviously I know those are LA. I'm not a burger, I know the USA is devolving (has devolved?) into a third world shithole.
That also doesn't negate that China is largely and to a larger degree a shithole.
I'm sure living with money in both is just fine though. Maybe even better with money in China as long as you toe the party line.
I'm just trying to push your social credit score down a bit for reading no no words.

>> No.15937397

You think they fap while being there?

>> No.15937412

That literally looks like my current bedroom.

>> No.15937440

Shut up, ding. Try even mentioning HK in China and you'll wish you were in a Hongkonese cage.

>> No.15937451

Why would anyone want their house to have an ugly gay ass bar?

>> No.15937459


>> No.15937572
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reminder to short zillow

>> No.15937639
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Comfy if there is good food available. Surmont 2 was great.

>> No.15937716

At least in Japan you get free drinks and reading material with your cuckcubicle


>> No.15938181


>What about china? It's a shit hole!

Deterring your argument from poor class in the US to poor class in China does nothing for you. It's easy to talk. It's hard to do the action.

>> No.15938244


Plus, also, you have no solutions to the problem. Quit being a greedy dragon and get to work on fixing this government. Don't like how things are ran? Join politics and run for state senate.

>> No.15938571
File: 1.02 MB, 500x240, There is no war.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homeless in LA versus poor in china
as far as homeless in China well heh
There are no homeless in China