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15930281 No.15930281[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Manlets show up.

>> No.15930285

im 26 so I have the height of humans from decades ago
>you must be 18 or older to post

>> No.15930286

even though everyone seems taller in my pov, in my mind i feel as taller as them or even taller lmao way to cope

>> No.15930291

I could never tell if that was one of the billion trannyfaggots in gayming.

>> No.15930293

I mean long long ago.. like 18 century? when humans was like 5'7 - 5'9..

>> No.15930302

nah just flat, with hips like that you know it ain't a trap. just broad shoulders

>> No.15930326

I'm 6'1. First prove that height even matters. Protip it doesn't.

>> No.15930335

I'm 5'8" but have only ever dated women the same height or taller than me. My current gf is 5'10". When I'm single I'm a bit self-conscious about it but since I'm not single right now I kinda feel good, like I conquered my genetic deficiency by making up for it in other ways.

>> No.15930351

Found my great grandfathers paperwork (born 1893) while doing some genealogy research, he was 5ft7 and had a slight build. I'm 5ft11 and 205lbs of muscle. Feels bad knowing I could have beaten him to death with only minimal exertion.

>> No.15930401

Average height for a male in 2019 is 5'9" brainlet

>> No.15930405
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My grandfather is like 70 years old and is 5'8 Im 20yrs old and 5'9 cm. Feels so terrible...
I may kill myself someday bcuz of that.

>> No.15930416

I'm 5'9 =1,76cm and here in SA I feel terribly short.
Even the younger of 14old is my height nowadays...

>> No.15930456

Yeah, the hips threw me. Just didn't think (((mainstream))) media would put a cis female in a spotlight in 2019.

I guess the chub is for fat girl positivity..and also, muh dick.

>> No.15930487
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Always wondering why im 5'11" when my dad is 6'3". Chad Prime status was within reach...

>> No.15930489

height matters but posture is also important. honestly if you're a man below 5'8'' then there isn't much you can do. but any man 5'9'' or higher can still appear taller than they are based on posture and physique.

the height thing is overrated unless you have terrible posture and attitude.

>> No.15930512

you probably were playing too much vidya rather than playing outside and eating greens. seen the same thing happen to some people I know. their parents were taller but they aren't because they stayed inside playing vidya and eating fast food growing up.

>> No.15930555

I'm 6'0. When I was in my teens my cousin who is 5'7 was always hanging around girls and always had a girlfriend. Never realized it, But fast forward 5 years and he's gay now.

>> No.15930582

thats depressing

>> No.15930596

All tall people have is their height. Kinda sad IMO

>> No.15930662
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Possibly. My brother was a big sports-baller, but he is a hair shorter than me though. I really dont get it, on both sides I had Chad grandpas and average height grandmas. Seems like 2/3rd of men in my senpai get Chad+ height, the rest of us have to settle for average.

>> No.15930678

False. Pleanty of tall guys became tall while staying in eating fast food. Its 80-90% genetics.

>> No.15930703
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just lift, bro

>> No.15930713

5'5" 19y/o checking in. never breastfed as a child, feels bad

>> No.15930753

this is sad and depressing..

>> No.15930764

How is that a genetic deficiency?

>> No.15930767

how tall is she and them?

>> No.15930771


>> No.15930825

its more likely diet deficiency?

>> No.15930900

this is true but you can hurt your chances if you don't get regular exercise, sleep 8 hours minimum, or eat well. you may end up 5'1'1'' instead of 6'2''. also if your genetics say you will be short or just average, then you can increase your chances of more height by doing those things.

>> No.15930934

How is it a deficiency at all?

>> No.15930953
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False if women exercised regularly and ate better they would not be as tall as men. Women are on average always 5 inches shorter because of genetics.

>> No.15930967

Nope, shits genetics. My parents are both at least 4 inches shorter than me and they were both more active growing up. I sat on my ass playing vidya and eating junk food most of my childhood and im 6'3

>> No.15931081
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>> No.15931107

I would not bang her 3/10 at best.

>> No.15931114


>> No.15931118

Test fuses growth plates. Good thing you didn't exercise.

>> No.15931145

When 2080 happens and minorities take over it wont matter because we would be tall enough to be blown down by wind

>> No.15931180


lately I feel for those less endowed than myself, I know that's how everyone feels but kek i feel like it gets exponentially worse the further down

>> No.15931223

I wish I was 6'2" so badly bros...

>> No.15931237

My dad is 6'3 and im 5'7, gg

>> No.15931428


>> No.15931513

>tfw some jew psychiologist said to me that i had to lose weight when i was like 12 and that made me get into dieting very young because i was autistic and basically stunted my growth to 5'5 because of that

they always out there to get you

>> No.15931583

5'8" here and let me tell you some thing you piece of fucking shit.

I'm handsome as fuck and have a babyface that allows me to pull easy teen pussy because of it. You should see some of the tight little bodies I've fucked. I have a 7.5in dick and not a single girl I have ever banged has failed to text/call me for a bootycall late at night. I embrace any challenge I get from someone who tries to stand in my face and intimidate me with their height, because it's pathetic. Low center of gravity, fast reflexes, and ridiculous core strength will allow me to either 1) quickly take you to the ground where I will stomp your fat face or 2) out last you with endurance because your shitty, overweight frame required to ground that extra height made you more tired. I make 85k a year as an mid-level engineering manager at Ford (I'm 23 btw, they will most likely promote me to upper management within the next 2-3 years). I fuck shit up in every single sport and would destroy any of you (minus basketball where skill/talent is substituted out for height). I've been compared to Messi in my soccer style. Quick dribbling and cutting in between every opponent in front of me. I scored 95 goals throughout my high school varsity soccer career. I made the varsity football team freshman year as starting runningback but soccer and football were the same season so I couldn't dominate both.

Sports I would destroy you at in order

Endurance running
Ping Pong

I know you. Ugly is a given. Probably curly hair. Tried to grow a beard but it was patchy and you were sad for awhile about that. Struggling to find a way to validate yourself you took to reminding everyone how you're "Over 6 feet tall!", as if that was some sort of cutoff for being a man. When in reality you're just as pathetic as every other self-hating wannabe piece of shit out there, yet you have somehow convinced yourself you've won the genetic lottery.

>> No.15931633
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>> No.15931725

that doesn't make what I said false. it just means men and women are different. the same rules I listed apply for both men and women, even if the height varies between gender

>> No.15931746

Yeah, all of that may be true but the catch is that you're a subhuman manlet.

>> No.15931795
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Imagine the smell?

>> No.15931927

The white knight for your fellow /biz/ness men Manlets. Thanks anon. Owe you one.

>> No.15931957

I literally “over” compensate. I’m 5’5 and didn’t get much attention from women. Once I quit porn for extended periods of time and remained celibate my brain started freaking out and starting becoming ferociously ambitious/ competitive / risk taking / and disciplined. Now I have my own business and work nonstop from the time I get up to going to sleep. I harness this inner manlet rage to fuel me and use it to work even harder. I absolutely crush at everything I do. I get fully consumed. Now I hear so and so wants to date me. I DENY them all. I LOVE this angsty drive even more than the pleasure of sex.

>> No.15932010

What business you weak manlet larper

>> No.15932012
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ain't that bad, can live with being 170 cm tall
op is a jew btw

>> No.15932075

Honestly I’m 6’3” and I remember being 5’8”. It doesn’t feel that different. Only thing that’s changed is ... well now manlets overthink around me

>> No.15932252
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Kek, this is great.

>> No.15932259

5'5'' manlet reporting in

15k link so its ok

>> No.15932585

she's 5'10" and they're 5'9"

>> No.15932688

We don't deserve Sir, he does too much for too little.

>> No.15932795



>> No.15932863

THIS, kek

>> No.15932903

slow clap, kek

>> No.15933315

that hurted...

>> No.15933342


>> No.15933343


>> No.15933368

Based. Half man- half amazing

>> No.15933416

I bet your great grandfather could have kicked your s o y asshole into the dirt, you fucking cuck.

Even smaller men back then were tough as nails. You're nothing but a pussy.

>> No.15933461

It really, really sucks going outside. Women don't even look at you, and when they do, you get a brief look of repulsion. Men's eye's also flicker to you, sometimes in sympathy, sometimes in bemusement. At least half of the women I see are eye level with me or taller.

Seriously considering height surgery when I make it.

>> No.15933474

feels good man, 164cm manlet here

>> No.15933478


>> No.15933511

He would have destroyed you without breaking into a sweat.
People back then where tough as nails. You are a pussy millennial,the hardest thing you have ever done probably is try for your max bench press in an air-conditioned Globo -gym with you protein shaker next to you.

>> No.15933543

This, kek. Gym homos are delusional thinking they're fighters. Most of them aren't even that strong because they do high rep low weight lol. Fucking pussies.

The bigger the meathead, the harder the fall.

>> No.15933589

Everybody can throw a solid punch, the real question is, how much can you endure until you fall down?
That's why fit fags shouldn't overestimate themselves, they have an aesthetic build not a fighting one.

>> No.15933680

Wrong. A solid punch is really technical and hard to execute. But yeah the average Joe can throw his hand and put a random K.O.

Enduring hit is 50% mental / 50% physical (maybe a genetic part too).I have some fighters (they are big and good fighter) in my MMA crew can't even handle a punch in the ribs...Its so strange...Some of them already get their ribs broken while sparring. In other side some of them are fucking made in diamond. They can literally handle some full power middle kick in the ribs, of course with a hurt. But no stuff broken and keep fighting..

>> No.15933759

im 6 ft 4 but have a 5 inch cockerino feels pretty bad mane

>> No.15933841
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It is false though. There is no reason for you to believe that it'a different for women. Exercise is healthy for both men and women. If nutrition has an affect on height of men then it would also have an affect on height of women. What you don't understand is that testosterone and estrogen fuse growth plates. If men exercise and eat right they will actually end up shorter as the exercise will increase testosterone levels and halt growth at an earlier age. Height has been shown through countless studies to be 80-90% genetic. In first world counries everyone gets adequate nutrition anyway. For thousands of years men have had an average height of 5'0. Shorter men survive better in harsh environments and build muscle better as they have higher test levels. Only the past 200 or so years since society has moderized have male heights been skyrocketing. The reason is that women are choosing to mate with taller men and more people are able to survive thanks to technology. The healthiest longest living men in the world are japanese men who stand at 5'7.7. Studies have shown that shorter people live longer for every inch shorter they are. Taller men have all types of cancer, heart, and circulatory problems at higher rates. They have a harder time building muscle. They have shorter dicks on average as test grows dick size. Higher rates of balding than men of average height. Honestly the only reason that dhort men sre shamed us because of media, movies, and because womem want to be dominated and being tall is a visual form of domination. No other reason.

>> No.15933892 [DELETED] 


>> No.15933909

I'm 5'9 and have an 8.1 inch dick, 6.1 around. Women look at you and assume you have a huge cock. Women look at me and assume I have an average cock. Which is better?

>> No.15933923

im 6'9"

>> No.15934397
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absolutely decimated kekmao

>> No.15934442

A majority of sons are actually shorter than their fathers. Regression to the mean. But your mom could also be a whore.

>> No.15934443

you obviously have it better anon. when youre 6 ft 4 people think you can walk on water and have all these unrealistic expectations. they think Im good at basketball when Im completely uncoordinated and not the least bit athletic. they think Im competent at work when Im a complete fuckup. they think I have a huge cawk when Im a total cocklet. there is basically no way for me to not constantly disappoint people and the godlike image they build of me in their heads. if youre less than six feet nobody expects shit from you so you have it easy to impress and plus you have a big dick I would easily trade my height for abigger cawk.

>> No.15934451

plus I had women freely admit to me that they only had sex with me because "omg youre so tall". like Im a human person too and it would be nice to be recognized for my personality and achievements not just my lanky awkward built nomsayin. it aint easy out there for tallfags I can tell you that.

>> No.15934549
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feisty little fella

>> No.15934572

I’m 6’4” and wanna kms if that makes any of you manlets feel better

>> No.15934583

It's been proven false that working out before 18 and having high test halts growth

>> No.15934631

I'd like to see this proof. Lmao you're a bad liar. Doctors currently give tall children testosterone shots to fuse growth plates. 10% of boys in the netherlands receive a test shot at some point to halt growth because being too tall is actually bad for job prospects, health, and if you are over 6'4 driving in cars starts to becone impossible.

>> No.15934649 [DELETED] 

Here is your high test basketball super star. All manlets must bow to him.

>> No.15934661
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Here is your high test basketball super star. All manlets must bow to him.

>> No.15935306

Who is this chick?

>> No.15935401
File: 1.02 MB, 877x2078, F2403085-633D-4C89-A0FD-16748C8135C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were probably exposed to lots of xeno-estrogens growing up.

This would explain short height and if you have a small wanker could explain that as well.

>> No.15935403

wanker doesn't mean penis you retarded mutt

>> No.15935768

I'm 5'1, pretty cool with it.
Rich, white, good looking, big dick.
It's probably not making my life better, but it's fine.

>> No.15935935

Anon 2/3 of my brother in laws are sub 6' and happily married. I'm 6'2" and wake up in a foggy depression everyday
Height isn't everything man. You've likely been gifted in some other way that leaves others jealous and wanting

>> No.15935967

My question. Why do u all still play League?