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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15929958 No.15929958 [Reply] [Original]

I just sold my startup and I need financial advice from you big brain incels.
What to do?
>disclaimer: I will not have the funds for 60 days

>> No.15929966

Stop shitting up the board with these low effort larps

>> No.15929973
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All in Chainlink

>> No.15929975

I believe him, there’s some whacky characters on biz

>> No.15929979

Then you're an idiot

>> No.15929984

it's true. not gonna say too much but it was live video related technology.

anyways, I don't own any assets. please advise.

>> No.15929986
File: 67 KB, 1456x1108, 1462405497990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats op

purchase assets not liabilities
start working on the next start up

>> No.15929993

thanks anon, I will take at least a couple years off and regroup before I start something. might even fund some projects here.

how much would you allocate towards crypto?

>> No.15929998

What assets do you recommend?

>> No.15930000

You are lying. No live video related startups have been acquired any time recently

>> No.15930008

checked but it's mainly on the backend so you wouldn't be familiar at all. now please advise or gtfo of this thread nigger

>> No.15930011

how old are you and what do you want to do? family plans? own any real estate? where do you want to live?

>> No.15930023

Back pedaling already

>> No.15930028

late 20s. no clue what I wanna do, just mainly read/research + develop useful skills over the next few years. yes I want to find a 8.5+/10 blonde hair blue eye girl at least 5' 9" tall and start a dynasty. no real estate at all. I don't own shit besides a garbage car (what car should I buy?).

>where do you want to live
Either Midwest USA or Italy (I have dual citizenship)

>> No.15930041

buy a few BTC, put a million into chainlink 1.5 in the bank, and have fun with the rest

>> No.15930074
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Can't advise on anything except cryptocurrency because that's what I have the most experience with.

If you want to be "safe" like a boomer, 50/50 split BTC/ETH. Can almost guarantee you will take huge profit if you withdraw in 2021 or later. For riskier buys, I'd look to what is currently listed on Coinbase. Personally I like BAT and LINK a lot because they are relatively new tokens with huge potential. If they achieve what they're trying to accomplish, they'll not only be incredibly useful for a new business, large stacks will be priceless.


>> No.15930088

>If you want to be "safe" like a boomer, 50/50 split BTC/ETH
Would you suggest taking this route until a sufficient understanding of the entire crypto landscape is developed?

>> No.15930094

>Back pedaling
how was he backpedaling

>> No.15930139

ok, don’t buy any housing yet, seems like you have a lot of travelling to do to find QTs. step 0 is take the /fit/ pill if you haven’t already.

rent a flash bachelor pad (maybe with room for some friends if there are people you would want to live with), put 500k each into BTC/ETH/LINK. almost everything else is trash. park the rest in cash or money market funds. seek tax advice and save a large portion for tax (assuming 3M is pre-tax?)

>> No.15930141

not a LARP. you can hate all you want but still doesn't change the fact I'll have ~3 mil to invest in the near future.

>> No.15930166
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ok thanks for the advice anon. I agree that step 0 is taking the /fit/ pill. I'm also a big /k/ innawoods guy so guns and ammo may unironically be my first purchase.

>> No.15930192

>Would you suggest taking this route until a sufficient understanding of the entire crypto landscape is developed?

Yup, 100%. Or even better I'd start with a smaller amount into BTC/ETH and invest more into BTC/ETH/BAT/LINK as you begin to understand the crypto landscape better.

>> No.15930205
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DGB and hookers anon.

>> No.15930234
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Based. With that kind of money you better be buying a ghost gunner and a ton of 80% receivers with cash

>> No.15930325

Buy bonds then if a crash happen by a ton of house and rent them out land is like gold but better

>> No.15930339

can someone explain the severed heads to me in the bottom left corner of OPs pic? wtf those whores doing?

>> No.15930375
File: 1.27 MB, 1080x1080, bhibk397ejph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those whores are about to get fucked so hard by the gigachad Brennus

>> No.15930395

ok, but that doesn't explain the severed heads. that's what's most interesting about this scene. I get that this is a brothel, and dude is about to fuck....but whose god damn heads are just sitting there on the floor?!?

>> No.15930403

the virgin Romans who just got their city sacked

>> No.15930421

I'm pretty sure it's the fall of Rome so those women have been captured and they're about to meet The Barbarians

>> No.15930428

ah yeah, ok.
probably pretty awesome fucking after having just sacked a city. good times

>> No.15930538

on top of the /fit/ pill, what are some looksmaxing things one should consider? No cosmetic surgery though besides removing moles n shit.

>> No.15930575

Larp or not I don't care.

Buy a citizenship to St Kitts and Nevis, denounce whatever citizenship you currently have and buy a house in a different country (not St Kitts and Nevis).

If you do it wisely you'll get to keep the entire 3M without paying tax.

>> No.15930588

not a bad idea. how much is it 500k?

>> No.15930688

If this isn't larp congrats.
I advise that you secure this money and do not invest it. Firstly, 75% of that money should be transferred into gold kilo bars as soon as possible. You should now have 25% left in fiat which is ~750K USD. Secondly, If you don't own a house, You should buy one, Preferably one that is 150K to 200K and has a concrete foundation. Thirdly, you need to have a steel safe embedded within the floor of this concrete foundation of the house to store the gold in. Once the safe is installed, You will replace the carpet and put a big sofa or giant tv stand over the spot. Now you have secured your wealth. From the 25% of the fiat you have which is roughly ~500K to ~600K USD after buying a house, You will buy a reliable vehicle. It's time for investments. Of the fiat you have remaining, 10Kwill go into chainlink, 10K will go into BTC and 10K will go into ETH.

>> No.15930722

>park the rest in cash
>half a million dollars into a speculative market

This is terrible advice.

>> No.15930756

solid advice anon. I have european citizenship too so does that change anything? also need a new car. preferably something that I can attach a turret to so I can take out commies if need be.

>> No.15930776

I forgot to mention, The safe needs to be reinforced with rebar around the safe when pouring concrete.

>> No.15930797

I would advise you to move to america as it is the safest place to store wealth. Car wise, Toyota tacoma is a great vehicle if you want a truck. If you want a sedan, Toyota corolla/camry or honda accord/civic. A rule of thumb, Never have more than 25% of your total wealth in investments, that's why I called the anons advice terrible because that's just way too much money to invest when you only have 3 million. A more realistic number is 10-20k in each.

>> No.15930798

Based commie killer

>> No.15930804

I also wanna get into the bomb shelter/doomsday bunker game. that'll probably ~250-500k right?

>> No.15930808

Also, You do not want to keep your wealth 90% of your wealth in fiat. Gold has been used for thousands of years and has always been the standard for storing money. Romans used it, And jews today still use it to store their wealth. The richest people and jews in the world keep most of their wealth in gold silver and land.

>> No.15930829

I'm not sure on the prices, But a cheaper plan is just to get property deep in the forest/mountains of montana.

>> No.15930837

too close to yellowstone

>> No.15930865

Yea I think we are all fucked if Yellowstone explodes. I live in Montana so I just accept the fact.

>> No.15930869

>If you do it wisely you'll get to keep the entire 3M without paying tax.
That is funny. No way you can escape the taxes after the fact. Sure if they prepared better than maybe they could deflect a lot of it, but now is too late.

>> No.15930887


Well, I'm not going to tell you what to do with your money because I don't know what to do with mine. I've been a Neet for 3 years now, so I can tell you that you're probably going to have a hard time figuring out what to do with all of your free time. Good luck with your future existential crisis. I made it out of mine and learned a lot about everything.

>> No.15930902

good for you anon.
>I can tell you that you're probably going to have a hard time figuring out what to do with all of your free time
more time to shitpost on 4chan

>> No.15930904

All in chainlink, you will be a billionaire, unironically.

>> No.15930945

Buy a decent home 200-500k, Mortgage free. Invest a million into stock index funds that pay a dividend and never sell the principle and let it continue to grow. Secure the rest until you find something you want to do with it that isn't retarded. Unironically, you can afford to be a little retarded with a paid off home and a million dollars in equities.

>> No.15930960

>Buy a decent home 200-500k
Utah or Missouri. What do you think?

>> No.15930974

Utah is better than Missouri.
t. experienced

>> No.15930987

why do you say that?

>> No.15930991

All in on Softbank

Only you can bail out Sonny-san!

>> No.15930994

Buy a home in chelle it has a government is stable and safe form nukes/yellowstone

>> No.15931002

1k ETH, 50k LINK, 10 oz gold, 1k oz silver, the rest in high yield dividend stocks and rental properties.

>> No.15931020

lmao, I was thinking about getting in on the WE IPO. too bad they shelved it. great potential

>> No.15931029

Buy link and report back in a year
>Cap this

>> No.15931031
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>probably pretty awesome fucking after having just sacked a city. good times
Makes you feel nostalgic for an age you never even existed in

>> No.15931039

Fuck g**ls

>> No.15931043

Temperature and Humidity and Bugs. The people in Utah also speak with better English accents, tend to be more conscientiousness, and seemed to me to be more outwardly respectful.

Personally I would suggest looking into the Carson City area of Nevada.

>> No.15931057

It’s not a brothel u tard

>> No.15931063

Utah has mormons and mexicans.
Missouri is Missouri.
I kind of really liked lawrence Kansas.
Arizona is pretty awesome but its full of meth heads and mexicans. Flag staff was pretty freaking awesome too, and its kind of near colorado.

>> No.15931123

ok I will post here when I make the purchase. we're probably 2-3 months out

>> No.15931134

>Carson City area of Nevada
not a bad idea, i'm a fan of sports betting

>> No.15931138


This is why sex hungry men were the first to up and join an army or raiding party. Women were part of the spoils.

>> No.15931157

Carson is close enough to Reno to get your kicks. I worked with a guy who ended up in Laughlin and he likes it there, but I think it would be too hot for me further south than Carson.

>> No.15931160

I saw the acquisition of Poo in Loo Protocols on techcrunch. Good stuff Rajbinder.

>> No.15931357

Missouri is more /CivilWar2/ friendly though no?

>> No.15931368

All in physical silver

>> No.15931488

All in dividend paying stocks.

>> No.15931560

they secretly love it. all women are whores

>> No.15931566
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>you can only buy 58 kilos of gold

>> No.15931573

utterly useless

>> No.15931616


Buy 15x 200k apartments, rent them all out via an estate agent, collect the money doing nothing.

>> No.15931681

Move towards a developing country, buy property there, learn the local language and local markets, snatch their most valuable females and build a legacy.
Do you realize that in the next 30-40 years the whole fucking planet will be developed and building real fortunes might be impossible for generations?

>> No.15931720

>paper uttery useless

>> No.15931741

Some of us made something of ourselves, femcel.

>> No.15931995

Get some nice clothing.

>> No.15932108

21 BTC
10000 LINK
100 oz gold
10000 oz silver
And put the rest into real estate

Congrats, you are now recession proof.

>> No.15932139

And by real estate I mean a parking lot in a city, some condos for rent in a prominent area, or farmland with on-site Wells.

>> No.15932225

enter a profitable sector such as healthcare, telcom, cybersecurity. form an llc, gather board members from linkedin. approach banks for funding to acquire existing businesses in tyour chosen sector. if the cashflow of the business surpasses debt service, aim to acquire it, and use your existing $3 million as collateral for the loan. keep acquiring new businesses, to make your existing business even bigger. exit by either going public with an IPO, or selling the business to an even bigger business.

>> No.15932241
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not interested in metals desu. not interested in real estate in cities anyway, they're all going to shit.

farmland seems like the best option although I have zero experience whatsoever in that kinda shit. do I just need to find a waifu who is a country girl and has family who knows that shit?

>> No.15932286
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>I dream of living either southern Italy

>or the midwest US..

>> No.15932298


>> No.15932323

There's no way you're this new.

>> No.15932333
File: 10 KB, 443x228, gold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not interested in metals
Well, have fun being poor, newnigger.

>> No.15932339
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god emperor zeihan tells me when SHTF no one actually will give a shit about gold.

>gold standard

>> No.15932356

gib sauce

>> No.15932381

No. Bimetal.
Silver will surpass Gold. It probably wont' be in the next decade, but there's a slim chance.
Again, there's no way you've been around this place at all without learning these extremely obvious things.

>> No.15932392

maybe some. i'm firmly in the ammo over metals /k/ innawoods camp

>> No.15932414

Do not fall for the doom porn Fallout™ memes.
Purchase metals. Do not wait.