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15927998 No.15927998 [Reply] [Original]

I lost both my parents a few months ago. I'm their only child. They left a large amount of finances from their estate in my possession.

I live comfortably through my work, but I don't want to waste this. I have little experience in business/investing.

Basically, should I invest in crypto? Is there any other suggestion similar to make use of this money?

>> No.15928010

Yes, go all in to LINK.

>> No.15928029



>> No.15928031

Not like all in total portfolio wise, but crypto wise. It should be your only crypto besides fragments of eth for moving tokens around. Lurk more too, read warosu biz archives.
Rest of your money in bonds, some stocks but be careful we might be at a top, and a small amount of gold, maybe silver, and guns and ammo.
Start a business too.

>> No.15928039

LINK is a PnD scam OP.

>> No.15928043
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FTM at any time, it will go to Mars.

>> No.15928045

Maybe a few btc just because it’s an asset you can carry across borders in your brain, but dca into btc or you’ll get rekt.

>> No.15928059


Appreciate all the input. Of course, if there's any suggestions outside crypto they would be welcome too.

>> No.15928141

Get smart quickly! Find a class on planning for retirement. It will likely be taught by either a guy trying to sell annuities, which you don’t want or a financial planner. Don’t reveal the the actual amount of the estate before you feel out the financial planner.

I am assuming you are the executor of the estate. Hopefully you have a lawyer to help you through that process. You need to get all the assets converted to your name and depending on how much there is there might be tax implications.

The short answer is you want to be diversified.

>> No.15928160

Which country and how much? How old are you?
Sorry for your loss by the way

>> No.15928188

Amazingly concise post, good job.
All good points. Also, cash is really useful too, keep an eye on inflationary activity but if you can make it work for you as the boomers say you’ll do well with holding some cash.
I can’t stress the guns and ammo enough, it’s a cheap hedge and lots of guns go up in value especially if they are from countries that burgerland hates ie the now banned russian saigas have basically pulled a 3.5x since 2010, and they go pew pew too.

>> No.15928201

Silver. Get a shit ton of morgan/peace silver dollars and other recognizable bullion in different forms. Keep it in a safe burried in your backyard. 1000 oz is an excellent amount to have and anything over that is just extras for the grandkids. This is your last resort money, in case you somehow fuck yourself up real bad.
Also invest into your soul, seek the presence of God into your life, it is helpful for making decisions. Good luck anon.

>> No.15928212

So guns from turkey might be a decent investment right now?
Are there any good guns from turkey though? I thought most of their guns sucked, but I've never owned one, so don't quote me.

>> No.15928221

Land, gold, oil, crypto, whatever commodities you can get your hands on. When they devalue (inflate) the dollar like they want to, your cash won't be worth shit.

>> No.15928234

Be very careful about advice you get on here especially about crypto. Doing your own research is essential. A th least half if the crypto shilled here is done by Indian and Chinese scammers. That said, there are definitely some gems with great potential for some great gains. Get some ideas from here and go read the whitepapers and do some research into the dev teams and token economics involved.
Honestly though if you already live comfortably and now have a financial windfall with your parents estate you probably dont need to take the high risk involved with crypto. Invest in some real estate rentals and mutual funds. Those tend to be very safe and can give decent returns.

>> No.15928265

In crypto I look at Tezos as one of the safest investments. Huge potential with little chance of failing, and it will be around for a long time, but DYOR

>> No.15928283

Your parents are sucking cocks in hell for raising a redditspacing s*ynigger. kys.

>> No.15928313
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Based + the pill of red

>> No.15928315
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>Appreciate all the input. Of course, if there's any suggestions outside crypto they would be welcome too.

Okay, read up on chainlink.


In fact, you should read up on the bitcoin and the innovations it created, Ethereum and the innovations of smart contracts. Spend a few days doing just this.

Then buy link.

And I'm sorry for your loss.

>> No.15928348
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25% Real Estate
25% Stocks
25% Bitcoin
25% Chainlink

>> No.15928616

>How to break even during the crash.

>> No.15928663
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sorry to hear that. this is probably one of the few cases I'd think it might be bad for you to go into crypto, largely depending on how emotionally charged that money is at the moment. crypto is a fantastic class of investments, but due to its nature and relatively short track record, as well as known failure scenarios and multiple ongoing attacks against it, any given coin or token could have some black swan event where you will wake up to lose all your money. the upside also reflects this which is the good part, but my point is that you should only invest money you'd be okay with losing. the emotional weight of it being your parents' life savings is something only you know but something to seriously consider in terms of both losing it all, and how it may make you act sub-optimally in times of volatility (i.e. buying high selling low in order to avoid further losses due to the added emotional weight of the money).

>> No.15928686

Bonds and stocks are both in a bull market tho... IMO, allocate more than usual to crypto and good right now, buy bonds, and dividend paying stocks

>> No.15928720


Chad: All in LINK
Brad: 75% LINK, 25% ETH

Normal Person who doesn't want to risk suicide for riches: 25% BTC, 25% ETH, 25% LINK, 25% literally any other investment on Earth but please avoid shitcoins unless you've done a megaton of research

Omega Male: 90% LINK 10% RLC <<< I recommend this

Faggot Steve: 401k, Bitcoin

>> No.15928723

you should ensure you have a house to live in and it's in good working order, then whatever cash is left over I'd take half of it into crypto with 75% of that in btc, the other 25% in riskier assets

>> No.15928750

Crypto was a 2010-2017 fad. Look somewhere else.

Fucking bagholders I swear