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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15920807 No.15920807 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me /biz/, how do I become wealthy? What are some good resources? How do I maintain focus and not care about /pol/ related shit?
>Hard mode
No Crypto

>> No.15920816

Go back

>> No.15920828
File: 46 KB, 751x563, bill-mitchell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, please help me senpai!

>> No.15921312

If you don't get what he meant by this quote, then you'll never make it.

>> No.15921331

old school neetposting at its finest

>> No.15921354

Man why do all the Rotschilds, Rockerfellers, Mungers all look like rotting corpses?

>> No.15921362

The problem is the people who don't work here talk about spending money in their free time, not making more.

Today's threads:
>what car would you get when you make it
>how much crypto for this girl

>> No.15921365
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>No Crypto
Youre on the wrong board buddy. Why dont you try going over to /pol/ and ask whos responsible for the degeneration of society... then say "no jews". Crypto is unironically the wild west of investing. Could be a scam, could be 100x gains. Also there are no banks to bail you out from your mistakes either, so dont fuck up. You can get rich if you learn fast though. Godspeed. Also buy LINK.

>> No.15921372

I don't have any money to buy crypto. need to get rich first

>> No.15921374

Please fuck off back to /pol/ there’s enough of you retarded teenagers fucking up this board with your
>muh jews
Shit instead of talking about anything actually /biz/ related

>> No.15921377

Banks never bail anyone out for their mistakes. What world are you living in?

>> No.15921382

I wish to become the fusion of Adolf Hitler and George Soros. That's why i'm here on /biz/

>> No.15921388

I'm gonna start the 'GTFO Society' with the focus on kicking out non-whites from white countries

>> No.15921412

I meant like if you get overcharged fraudulently, get your id stolen, lose your debit card... shit like that. No bank to bail out your user errors.

>> No.15921418
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Get back to Pol, we are here to post Memes and make money. Not get racist.

>> No.15921421
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fuck off

>> No.15921423
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Build something people want.
Personally, I want a lovely tagged and cleaned video database of everything that Elon Musk has ever said. But that's just me.
People you can reach who also have money may want their toilets cleaned for them.

>> No.15922267

>angry at /pol/
>not at /x/
who could be behind this?

>> No.15922278

We don’t need anymore schizo posters migrating, fuck off.

>> No.15922324
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>> No.15922498
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You don’t know about the Jews?

>> No.15922675
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>> No.15922684

>no crypto
stay poor

>> No.15922687

>Doesn't know that you have to spend money to make money.
Never gonna make it.

>> No.15922694

Back into the oven Moshe

>> No.15922740
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Compounding returns.
Money makes money.

There are 2 parameters you have control over.
The rate of savings.
The rate of return.

Maximising savings is easy.
Maximising the rate of return is very hard. This is what everyone in finance is rambling about. No one can be trusted. You have to look up the ideas of portfolio optimisation and risk management.

good luck

>> No.15922757

>No Crypto
it's like you don't want to succeed anon
buy bitcoin, hold it for 10+ years

>> No.15922808

>How do I maintain focus and not care about /pol/ related shit?
this is the most important question that needs to be answered. In return I'll tell /biz/ about q anon

>> No.15922989


>> No.15923545
File: 95 KB, 620x340, rothschild-will-try-destrot-bitcoin-warns-investor-24118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I owned BTC when it was at $4-6 back in early 2012ish but never thought to hold it.

The real question is how do I gain complete financial independence from the NWO? Or is that the biggest illusion in the world?

>> No.15924539
File: 20 KB, 354x354, 0d01b6d3-7331-4e01-8b71-ae71e07da717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the human suit corrupts at an advanced rate while containing such a fel spirit. You're noticing that they look "off" because they are.

>> No.15924608

>good goy
Never gonna make it.

>> No.15924635

Short-term play crypto markets while investing in precious metals. If you have shit judgment ignore the crypto part and just invest in precious metals.

When the recession goes full swing sell gold and buy cashflow generating assets for a cheap price.

>> No.15924695

Go to /v/ then /b/ then /hc/, after that you'll be almost as degenerate as everyone here and then you'll understand that degeneracy=money.

>> No.15924726

is it a coincidence that these uber rich fags are also uber chads?

>> No.15924732

when did they cut off your balls anon

>> No.15924761

This. Like, really fucking this.

>> No.15925096

I'm not currently employed and thus I have free time to build the systems to get this for you. How much are you willing to pay?

>> No.15925395

>how do I become wealthy?
>no crypto
solve one or some or all of the Millennium Prize Problems in math

>> No.15925602

Read for a little, then stop reading, and actually make money. The quote you posted is something you should reflect on.